
Fate works

Soobin’s POV


Finally Haemin and Eunhyuk got back together. I was really worried for a moment that Haemin and Eunhyuk might have been over just like that. I would be really guilty as well since their fight mainly started because of my own foolishness about my feelings.


“What are you thinking about?” Donghae asked me, jolting me out of my thoughts.


“It’s nothing much. Just glad that Haemin and Eunhyuk got back together.” I said as we sat on the car, on the way back to their dorm. Most of the boys were dead exhausted after practicing for many days and nights. Donghae was not able to participate in this performance due to his absence.


“I’m glad too. Eunhyuk was practically looking like a walking dead for the past few days.” Donghae added.


“I guess it was all because of me huh.” I said, trying to advert my gaze from Donghae’s, knowing he definitely have something to say about this.


‘Soobin ah… It’s not your fault. It’s that ’s fault.” Donghae said, trying to make me feel better. Everyone was trying to make me not feel guilty about Eunhyuk and Haemin’s fight, but I know it was my fault. No matter what they say, I know it’s because I choose to be blind to my surroundings and how I choose to lie to myself.


“Let’s not talk about this alright?” I said, not wanting to bring any attention towards our direction.


“We’ll talk about this another time alright? We’re bound to have to.” Donghae said with a serious expression. I nodded my head and placed my head on his shoulder. If only I hadn’t been so foolish and so immature about my feelings.


The next morning, I was on my way to school without Haemin since she doesn’t have this class with me. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize I almost crossed the road when the light for pedestrians was red. I was pulled back by a strong force which knocked me out of my trance. I had thought I would fall flat on my face, but rather, I fell on something soft. Or to be more exact, someone.


My eyes were squeezed shut. When I opened them one side after another, I realized it was Joong ki.


“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” He asked as I got off him in a mere second. He was groaning in pain when he sat up.


“I’m sorry. Are you alright?” I asked, seeing him look like he was in pain.


“I’m fine. I’m a man after all. I won’t break by falling on the pavement. So what were you thinking about that you almost killed yourself?” He said as he dust his shirt sleeves.


“It was nothing. I guess I’m just out of it today.” I said as we waited for the light to turn green.


The both of us made small talk while we walked to school. However, as he’s Mr. popular, every one was looking at us when we walked into school. Girls shooting daggers, whispering to each other, guys pointing and so many actions which just make me plain uncomfortable.


“I think I should go. I don’t want people talking.” I said and left before he had a chance to say something or pull me back.


What’s happening to my life recently? Just months ago, I could go anywhere I want to go without attracting such attention from people. If I’m walking in with Donghae today and not Joongki, I bet the effect is 100 times worse. I don’t think I should think about it, or else I’ll end up hurting people’s feelings.


Classes passed by quickly. I guess it was due to the fact that I wasn’t paying attention to a single word the lecturer was saying. I’m really out of it. During lunch, I sat at one of the table outside the school cafeteria. The guys know where to find me since it’s our usual spot.


I heard a bang on the table and saw a group of three girls standing there with the tray on the table. I shall guess here comes trouble.


“Can I help you?” I asked, trying to be as dumb as I can. I really don’t have the mood to pick a fight or anything, especially picking a fight.


“Why were you with Joongki Oppa?” She girl in the middle said. I guess she must be their “leader” then.


“We met on the way to school.”


“Why is My oppa talking to you? How did you know him? I’ve never seen you before!” She was practically going to scream at me


“Can’t a guy talk to his friend? I have never seen you around either. I think your Oppa has the right to talk to anyone he sees fit.”


“Why you!... “


“Stop it Jesscia.” There was a voice and behind Jessica, I saw the main lead of this conversation.


“Oppa!” Her angry face changed an entire 360 degrees into a full bloom smile. I can just throw up right there and then. What a fake.

“What were you trying to do?” Joongki’s  face didn’t have a smile at all. It’s an expression I have never seen before and I would never want him to talk to me with that expression.


“I was just…” Before she was able to finish her sentence, Joongki stopped her.


“Don’t bother her Jesscia. She’s my friend. If you do anything to her, don’t blame me for the consequences you have to bear later. Now go.” Joongki said, all calm and serious. I could feel the goose bumps crawling up my spine.


The 3 of them scrambled away in fear. When they were out of sight, Joongki turned around and his Expression wasn’t the one from before.


“Are you alright?” He asked as he took a seat. I nodded my head and looked around, only to find we’re once again in the middle of attention. Upon seeing me noticing them, everyone turned back to their every day business.


“I’m fine. I guess your girlfriend will have a hard time with her.” I tried to lighten up the mood. It worked since he broke out into a full fledge laughter.


“So how’s your friend?” He asked and I know who he’s talking about. It definitely wasn’t about Haemin.


“He’s fine. He’s just stressed.” I said. I don’t know if I should ask him if he knows him. Maybe it’s not such a good idea. If Joongki is smart enough, he’ll figure out on his own. However, I don’t think he’ll tell other people about it. I trust him enough for it.


“I’m quite curious though if you don’t mind me asking. How did you know him?” He asked. Oh there goes me wanting to not mention who he was.


“Nothing can escape you huh. It’s a long story, Like a really long one.” I said. I guess he sensed my reluctance to talk about it, he dropped the subject.


“Soobin!” Haemin appeared and sat down beside me. However, she wasn’t speaking as she was gawking at Joongki in broad daylight. She has a boyfriend for goodness sake. If Eunhyuk sees her like this, he’d flip.


“I need to go for class. I’ll see you around!” He stood up and left us. I guess he really wanted to know what was my relationship with Donghae about. He’s a nice person and I believe I can tell him this entire story one day. I’ll have to find time to tell him without letting Donghae getting all jealous.


“It seems like Joongki is with you often recently.” Haemin said as she was typing away on her phone.


“We’re friends. Friends can hang out. Just like you and I.” I said and placed my arms round her shoulder as she tried shrugging it off.


“If you were not in a situation with Donghae, I would have pushed you to date Joongki right now. He’s such a nice guy and it seems like he has a little something towards you.” Haemin said.


“Stop it Haemin. You don’t want to make things worse than it was before. You’ll like the fact I’m with Donghae.” I said and she just smiled. We’re 2 best friends dating 2 other best friends. I guess it’s nice .


When school ended, Haemin and I left school together since we had our last class together. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw a message from the one and only.


‘I’ll pick you up from school –Hae’


“Who’s that from?” Haemin asked, trying to peek into my phone when she herself was typing crazily on her phone.


“The person who has the same status that you’re sending your message to.” I said.


“Oh. Then I’ll have to disappoint you. I have a date.” Haemin said


“No worries. I have one too.” I said and she literally lighted up. I guess she’s happy that her cold friend is dating someone after being stupid for a long time. When we got to the school gate, parked at the side of the street were 2 cars. Students were all gawking at the cars. How in the hell am I going to board it without getting attention that I was already getting?


I heard whispers here and there. I also spotted the 3 girls from lunch ‘I wonder who are those in the car. I don’t mind dating those rich boys.’ I literally rolled my eyes at them. How materialistic they are. No wonder artists are in fear of dating normal people.


“We have to make a run for it.” Haemin whispered into my ear. She’s aiming for the white car while I’m aiming for the black car. Oh boy, this is sure the tiest day.


“On the count of 3…. 1 …. 2….3!” She whispered before we made a run for it.  When I got into the car, I took a deep breathe. I didn’t know I was holding it in all this while.


“Woah. Hello to you too.” Donghae said with a smile. I was so stressed the entire day from all the attention I’ve got. However when I see that smile he’s giving me, I feel that all this stress is worth it. As long as I love him and he loves me, all is worth it.


“Hey. What’s wrong?” He asked me with a worried look on his face. I guess I was out of it for a long time.


“It’s nothing. It’s good to see you. You caught me off guard with that text. I thought you were busy?” I asked him.


“I thought I could take sometime to see you. Since Eunhyuk knows when Haemin’s leaving school and he said you’re normally with her. So I thought I could use some time off too.” He said as he pulled out from the side of the street.


I looked out from the window to see the girls trying to look in but not being able to see anything since his windows are heavily tinted. I was so engrossed in the people outside, I did not realize the things in the car.


“Here.” He said which snapped me out from my daze. He was holding a cup of coffee for me. He really takes good care of me. Whenever something happens, he’ll always try to take the problems all on himself, making me feel better. He buys food when he knows I’m hungry, get me coffee because he knows I drink it quite often.


“Manager Hyung helped me get a private room at a restaurant. We’re gonna use it with Hyuk though. I don’t think you’d mind right?” He said as he has his eyes fixed on the road.


“It’s fine. We hang out a lot anyways. Just treat it as a double date.” I said.


He’s always more aware of my feels than his own. Sometime I’m just afraid I’d hurt him without him realizing or even worst, without me myself realizing and end up hurting both of us to an unfixable situation… 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^