
Fate works

*Haemin’s POV*

After his whirlwind visit to my house, I was left feeling empty and even depressed. Why does Myeolchi oppa seem so eager to get away from me? Was I that horrible a being? And what did he mean by ‘just pretend that never happened’? How could I pretend when I finally felt alive after feeling dead for a whole week? When he embraced, I felt so overwhelmed with my feelings for him and my heart was racing. Now, I’m left all alone and he’s not even going to take responsibility for it.

For 17 hours, yes I’ve been looking at my phone; I’ve been waiting for a message or some sort. But it never came. I kept trying to brainwash myself into thinking that it was because he was busy. I tried to forget how despite him being busy last time, he would still find the time to send a quick text as a reply or to let me know that he would reply later when he was free. But now, there was nothing.

For 17 hours, I just lay in bed, waiting and wishing that my phone will light up though when it did, I was left disappointed when it wasn’t the person I had been waiting for. When the clock struck 11pm, I decided to give up and went to wash up. Sighing as I brushed my teeth, I looked into mirror. That’s right. I wasn’t pretty. That was it. Maybe I should have gotten plastic surgery all those years ago. I dragged my feet into bed and all I could do was cry myself to sleep. When I went to class the next day with Soobin, I tried to hide my unhappiness by being unusually hyper. Once she brought up Myeolchi oppa as a topic, I quickly changed it so we could talk about Donghae instead. I guess she was pretty troubled herself with Donghae to notice my unusual behavior. But I was thankful for that. I didn’t want to break down in the middle of nowhere over my silly crush over an idol. Ha, I could even laugh at myself. Why was I harbouring feelings for a celebrity? My feelings are never going to be returned.

After school, I lay in bed again, mourning over the incident the day before. I was about to throw my phone into the drawer to lock it up so that I wouldn’t keep checking it when my heart did a flip on its own accord.On the screen with a photo of Myeolchi oppa and I as the wallpaper, it read, “1 missed call from Myeolchi Oppa”. I was about to start cheering when the phone came alive again. I stared at it, unable to hide the nervousness I felt. He was finally calling. Was he going to apologise?

“Hello?”I answered, trying to steady my voice.

He didn’t have to know that I had been crying.

“Erm, hey, are you free this evening? The boys want you and Soobin to join us for dinner,”he said really quickly.

He was as if he couldn’t wait to hang up on me. And he was calling me because the boys asked him to. My heart sank.

“Er, I’ve a report to hand up tomorrow,”I lied.

“Oh, er, is it possible to rush it in the afternoon? And you don’t have to stay too long after eating so you can continue with it. I mean, you still gotta eat dinner, right?”he said.

“I don’t think I can rush it out like that,”I insisted.

With the way things are for us, I didn’t feel like seeing him. It would cause my heart to shatter and I desperately needed to keep it intact.

“But…Leeteuk hyung would kill me if I fail to invite you,”he hesitated.

“So, the reason that you want me there is so that you wouldn’t be killed by your leader?”was what I said before I could stop myself.

There was silence over at the other line and I heard him take a deep breath.

“No…no. Wait, Haemin, this is going all wrong. Just ignore whatever I said,”he said.

“Do you really think it’s that easy to forget whatever you said? Lee Hyukjae, you may be an idol but you need to have the sense to remember that words spoken can’t be taken back and you need to take responsibility for it,”I was fuming mad by now.

First, he was asking me to pretend that he didn’t come all the way to my house to hug me. Now, he was asking me to forget whatever he said?

“I’m sorry, Haemin. I just…I just wasn’t thinking straight. Please calm down. I…I was lying, alright. I’m the one that wants you at the dinner. I’ve missed you during your one week trip and…I want to catch up with you,”he admitted.

All his words and actions were contradicting himself. What exactly am I to you, Lee Hyukjae? Am I just a friend to you? It seems like it with your words.

“Will you forgive me and grace us with your presence? I’ll be your chauffeur for the dinner,”he offered.

With that, my resolve broke. My feelings for him was too strong and I didn’t like being angry with him. Moreover, I really wanted to see him even if it would cause my heart to break. I wasn’t going to like the fact he treats me like a friend but I still wanted to be near him.

“Okay, I’ll be there if Soobin goes. So get Donghae to call her,”I said, in an attempt to save my dignity.

“Awesome!!! You’re the best, Haemin!”he cheered.

“And one last thing, I…I lied as well. I don’t have a report so I can make my way there myself,”I admitted.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll be there at 6pm,”he said into the phone.                                                                               

“I don’t want to trouble you…,”but he cut me off.

“Fetching my favourite girl ain’t no trouble at all,”

“What? Fa…favourite girl?”I raised an eyebrow, blushing a little.

“Er…yeah! You’re my best female friend, Haemin! I always enjoy hanging out with you!”he chuckled.


Friend, huh? I get it now.

*End of Haemin’s POV*

*Eunhyuk’s POV*

At 5.50pm sharp, I pulled up at Haemin’s driveway, waiting for her to come. After the phone call with her, I was even more sure of my feelings for her. I couldn’t hide it any longer. The more I tried to hide, the more damage I was doing to our friendship. Hence, I wanted to make it all up to her tonight. I came out of the driveway and waited around for her. I was going to bring her somewhere else first before making our way to the restaurant to meet the boys.

When I heard the door close, I looked up to find Haemin in a pullover, jeans, a cap and canvas sneakers. She walked towards me without looking at me.

“Hey,”I greeted with a big smile.

“Hey,”she replied in a softer voice.

“Hungry?”I asked.

She shook her head before walking towards the car. I hurried after her so that I could open it for her. She glance at me a little as she got in. She was quieter than usual, and I honestly have no idea why. Pushing that thought aside, I got in the car myself and began driving. All the while, she looked out the window and didn’t say a word. But her phone beeped about ten minutes into the drive and she began texting. Unknowingly, I was gripping the steering wheel tighter and glanced at her at every opportunity to find her smiling at her phone sometimes. Who was it that could make her smile so easily? My jaw tightened in anger but I tried to keep it in. I had a terrible time after I let my anger get the better of me a few days ago. I didn’t want a repeat of that.

When I stopped the car, Haemin looked up from her phone to look around.

“Where are we?”she asked.

“I’m getting a present for you. So, let’s go off and choose it, shall we?”I smiled, reaching out for her hand.

Immediately, Haemin flinched and retracted her hand and I felt as if my heart got stabbed. Does she not like me? Her eyes darted left and right, refusing to look at me. I tried my best to push the disappointment back as I got out of the car. She followed behind me as we walked towards the back of the nursery where there were different flowers in the room.

“What kind of flowers do you like?”I asked.

“Erm…, white lilies,”she mumbled.

After I got a reply though, her eyes got wider as she looked at the large array of flowers. With no words spoken, she started walking. I just walked behind her silently. Haemin would stop a little longer at some flowers to look, or she would even reach out to touch them and I would take a few stalks from the ones she had touched. By the time we made one round, we were back at the counter.

“Hello, could you help me wrap these up prettily?”I said, hoping that the lady wouldn’t recognize me.

I had picked this nursery because it’s so secluded and I knew of some celebrities who bought their flowers from here for their dates.

“Certainly. Just take a seat over there,”she smiled as she pointed towards a bench.

“Sorry but could I have a cup of warm tea for the lady? I will pay for it,”I asked.

“Of course and it’ll be on the house, sir,”she smiled before walking away.

I turned back to see Haemin staring at a photo of tulips in Amsterdam. When the lady came back the tea, I brought it over to Haemin who took it without any words.

“Hey, are you alright?”I asked.

“Yeah, I’m alright, why?”

And she forced a smile. Before I could speak, I was interrupted by the lady who brought over the bouquet of flowers. Though there was a whole mixture of different flowers, the lady wrapped it up with white paper and Haemin’s smile suddenly didn’t seem so forced anymore. And that made me smile.

“Thank you,”

Quiet moments with Haemin are rare and in this moment, I finally saw how beautiful she actually looked.

“You’re very welcome,”I smiled back, heading off to pay.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet again and she was seated in between me and Soobin during dinner. Despite my effort in trying to strike up a conversation, she either talked to Soobin or used her phone. She was really different from the Haemin that I knew. And I remembered the day that I left her at her house after the hugging incident. The way she looked so hurt by my actions and I could kick myself for being so stupid. Obviously, she would be hurt by what I did…wait, does that mean…that she like me as well? I turned to look at her, trying to figure her out. Slowly, I reached out to hold her hand and she froze immediately since she wasn’t expecting it. She blinked a few times before trying to slide her hand out but I held it even tighter. At that moment, I got what I was looking for, a blush slowly crept up her face. Satisfied, I let go of her hand, grinning ear to ear.

“Come on! Let’s go grab a drink! The night is still young!”Heechul shouted towards the whole table after we were done for dinner.

“I think the girls have to go,”I quickly said, I didn’t want Haemin to be drinking.

“Come on! You girls will go, right? Please! Pretty please!”Heechul had actually pouted with his puppy eyes and Soobin burst out laughing.

“I’ll go!”Haemin spoke up.

I frowned and wanted to ask her to take back her words when everybody stood up and filed out of the restaurant. Before I could even get a word with her, some of my members were shouting about wanting to take my car. My members could be the most annoying people on earth. They knew my feelings for Haemin yet they forced her into the van with Heechul, Leeteuk and Soobin. When we got into my car, I was met with more teasing when they found the bouquet of flowers I bought for Haemin.

“YOU BOUGHT FLOWERS FOR HAEMIN?”Sungmin asked, cheering.

“Wow, how romantic!”Shindong teased.

This went on for the whole trip towards the bar. When I reached, I quickly got out and Donghae pulled up his car at the driveway a few minutes later. The rest of the members headed in while we waited for the van. When they finally arrived, I got a glimpse of Haemin when she came down from the van. We locked eyes and I saw her jaw tighten as she quickly looked away. During the drinking session at the bar, Heechul kept challenging her with more soju.

“Hyung, please stop. Her mum would be unhappy seeing her like that,”I groaned.

“Really? Because it seems like her tolerance for alcohol is rather high,”Heechul raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

And he was right. Though she didn’t look like the type who would drink, she was a pretty good drinker. After about two hours of fun at the bar, Haemin could still walk straight and I was amazed at how well she could drink. When we could finally go home, we sat in the car in silence again. Once we reached her house, Haemin had wanted to get out when I held onto her hand again. She tried to pull away again but I held onto it tighter.

“Why do you keep holding onto my hand?”she was blinking furiously by then.

“You know, I can’t sleep all night and I can’t think all day. I’m so glad you’re back. Please don’t go on anymore volunteer trips,”I said selfishly.

“You’re so selfish, you know that? You’re allowed to go overseas while I’m not allowed to go anywhere? Wouldn’t I suffer the same as you? Who do you think you are? What do you take me for?”she had muttered but I heard it.

I was finally able to read her. Those forced smiles…

“What do you think I treat you as?”I asked.

That caused her to be taken aback.

“Er….a close friend?”she guessed.

“So, the reason why you always seem so forceful with your smiles whenever I show my concern for you was because you thought I treated you like a close friend?”I asked.

“What do you mean ‘thought’? Aren’t we? Didn’t you say I’m your best female friend?”Haemin asked.

“Stupid. You are the stupidest girl I’ve ever met,”I shook my head in disbelief.

“Excuse me?!”her eyes widened at the shock.

I couldn’t believe how she couldn’t take my hints. All this while that I’ve been hinting to her that she is the girl I like, yet she thought I was showing concern for her as a friend, a fan who won the dating contest. No wonder she seemed so upset every time.

“How am I stupid, Lee Hyukjae?!”she hissed at me, with anger in her tone.

I didn’t answer. I just reached forward, grabbing her cheeks towards me before planting my lips on hers. I heard a faint gasp as she took in a sharp intake of oxygen. Deciding to ignore how stiff she is, I worked on kissing her. I needed to let her know how much I love her. When I couldn’t stand holding onto my breath any longer, I let go of her and her cheeks were flushed pink. She stared at me with her wide eyes as she panted.

“Silly girl, you’re the one that I like,”

*End of Eunhyuk’s POV*

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^