
Fate works


Soobin’s POV

Backstage, When Eunhyuk called Haemin to take a seat beside him, I knew there was something going on between them. Eunhyuk was smiling too brightly at her while she was all shy around him. Don’t tell me….

Anyway, Donghae asked me to take a seat beside him which was a much bigger problem for me now. Haemin had liked Donghae for God knows how long and yet he’s talking to me more than her. It’s awkward since I can’t be fighting with my friend over this right?

“I’m glad you could make it.” He said as he smiled at me.

“I almost backed out.” I said and I could see a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

“Why?” He asked.

“AS I said, I’m really not a fan. Seeing how someone might be out there longing for a ticket, I feel like I’m wasting it. But what’s done is done. I can’t back out now.” I said and he nodded. But he was still disappointed.

We sat there in silence awkwardly. It was till Leeteuk came and greeted me, talking to me randomly. He introduced me in more detail to each member and actually all of them are very nice. I’ve come to be friends with Ryeowook who is so cute. He is so cliché and what’s more, he is a great cook.

“Alright guys! It’s about to start. Sorry ladies, We’ll see you after the fanmeet?” Leeteuk addressed us as we nodded. We’ve been in here for too long a time anyway.

When we got to our seat, Haemin was excited as usual. However, what shocked me the most was that this time, she was not that excited about Donghae, but more excited at Eunhyuk. It was like her eyes were glowing and I think they had some secret agreement because he did a heart shape with his hands, causing the crowd to go wild, but I know who it was really for.

This is actually the first time I’m paying attention to their event rather than snapping pictures. I got to understand each member through this Fan Meet. However, something happened during this fan meet which gave me a shock.

“I’m really thankful to my Father who allowed me to walk this path. If it wasn’t for him, maybe I won’t have met such nice friends. Even though he left early, but…. I know at least I fulfill his wish before he left…” His last few words were spoken with whispers before he was pulled into a group hug by all s.

The crowd was silent and many fans shed silent tears, letting Donghae know it’s alright. He did his father proud. I can’t believe behind his cheerful front was such a sad story. To add it all off, I made him so disappointed with what I said just now. He must be feeling miserable right now.

I looked at Haemin, but she was not that emotional today. When the meeting came to an end, many fans were reluctant to leave, sitting on their seats and admiring the place and the pictures they took. I guess this is the life of a fan.

“Miss, Would you come with me?” It was the security guard again.

Haemin and I followed him backstage to Super Junior’s rest area. Inside, they were all exhausted.

“Hey! The pretty ladies are back!” Leeteuk said. How this man can talk.

I saw Eunhyuk practically light up when he saw Haemin. Before we were being noticed, he looked like as if he was dead. He waved and Haemin went over to him. Ryeowook came over and talked to me, but what’s on my mind was not the conversation we’re having but where is Donghae?

“Has anyone seen Donghae?” Kyuhyun asked. But everyone shook their head. He isn’t here?

“Do you know where’s the washroom?” I asked Ryeowook and he gave me the directions.

Before reaching the toilet, I had to pass by the emergency fire staircase and I saw someone sitting on the steps when I walked pass. Being curious, I stopped and tried to figure out who it was. His head was between his hands, not allowing me to recongise who it was. However, when his head was in view, I know it’s Donghae. I went and took a seat beside him. He turned to look at me slowly but I can see his expression was full of hurt.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hi.” He replied. He tried to compose himself but there is huge difference and I can tell.

“Did you enjoy the Fan meeting?” He tried to smile but all it came out as was a forced smile.

“You don’t have to act in front of me. Even though we’re not very close, but it’s bad to hide when you’re suffering.” I answered. His smile dropped and he was staring intently at me.

“I’m fine.” He tried to smile once again.

“Ok. Fine then. If you’re really fine, you won’t be sitting here, burying your head in your hands and what’s more, I don’t even have to be here.” I said and stood up, wanting to leave, but he held onto my wrist.

“I’m sorry.” He apologised.

“Why are you apologizing?” I tried not to sound irritated.

“You’re right. I’m not fine. It’s just… I don’t want to burden anyone with my feelings. The members know how I feel after we talk about my Father. They always give me time to stand up again. I never approach for help from anyone about this. It’s just not me.” He said as I sat back down.

“If you want to talk, I can be you’re listening ear.” I placed my hand on his shoulder. As he looked up at me, smiling.

He pulled me into a hug which lasted for quite long. I wanted to pull him away, but I can feel him shivering and then I heard quiet sobs. He must really miss his Father a lot. After going through so much, he finally accomplished what his Father had always dream of.

“It’s alright Donghae, It’s alright.” I his back gently as he just cried and cried for what I think was 10 minutes before he pulled away. His face was stained with Tears and his eyes were red.

“Feeling better?” I asked and he nodded, just like a little boy.

“The members must be worried about you. Let’s go back.” I said as I passed him some tissue. He wiped away his tears and took in a deep breath before we went back to their rest area.

“Yah! We were all looking for you!” Kyuhyun exclaimed as we walked through the door. However, when Donghae lifted up his head, Kyuhyun stopped what he was saying and it caught the attention of the whole room. Ryeowook then came over and gave Donghae a hug then Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Shindong, Kangin, Yesung and Heechul. Even though no words were exchanged, you can see the deep bond between them, telling Donghae to stay strong.

I looked at Haemin who gave me a thumbs up. I had thought she would be mad at me, but I guess there’s something or should I say someone who’s more important in her heart right now… 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^