Thank You

Fate works

I sincerely apologise for all the lack of updates. Visualshock and I were really busy so please bear with us! Here's a quick update! -DarkAngel

Donghae’s POV

“I’m not good enough for you.” Soobin said. I looked at her in disbelief. Did she just say what I think she said? I should be the one who is not worthy of her. She was bitting her bottom lips, looking down, not looking at me.

“You like me?” I asked once again, to confirm that my ears are not playing tricks on me.

“It’s just… Yes I like you, but I don’t think it’ll work out between us. It’s not that I don’t have confidence in you, but rather, I don’t trust myself to be able to make you happy and love you enough.” I said. This is hard, awkward and embarrassing. 

“Having you as mine makes me happy and I’m prepared to love you more than you love me.” I said, knowing this is all true. I heard her gasp as she look at me in shock.

“I… It’s nott fair to you Donghae. You should find someone who would love you and cherish you.” She said, ooking everywhere but my eyes which were strictly trained to her.

“Isn’t this what all relationships were about? Giving and taking? I trust you and myself.t this will work. Even if it does, I will make it work.” I said and took her hands. They were clasped very tightly on her lap and when I took it, I realized her hands were shaking.


“Please trust me.” I said. She looked at me straight in my eyes, searching for something. The moment of silence between us was so intense I could feel smoke emitting out from us.

“ok” She said softly which is barely audible. I looked t her in disbelief for a moment before I practically flew out of bed and pull her up and hugging her while twirling her around.

End of Donghae’s POV

Soobin’s POV

When Donghae set me down, I never felt lighter. I felt like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulder. Donghae’s eyes were sparkling with happiness and he held tightly on my hand my knuckles with his thumb.

“You ok?” I asked him since he fainted recently and he practically lifted me off my feet.

“I never felt better.” He smiled softly at me and his eyes, it was filled with love.

“Lie down and rest.” I said and he did as told even though his hands never let go of mine for even a moment.

“I won’t go. You can let go of my hand.” I said, trying to pry them off, but they got tighter.

“Let me hold your hand.” He said softly. His grip is warm and firm I let him hold on because I didn’t want to lose this warmth.

With my hand reach out with his, I read my notes with one hand and watch him sleep. Within minutes, he dozed off. His chest rose steadily as he slept soundly through the night. The nurse came in at around 3am to check up on him. When she saw me, she smiled at me gently. At least she didn’t shoot daggers at me with her eyes.

“Do you need a blanket?” She asked me and I nodded my head. She got me one as I draped it across my legs which were freezing.

“Are you cold?” I heard  voice which caused me to jolt in shock. I looked at Donghae who had his eyes on me.

“I’m fine. G back to sleep. I’ll be here.” I reassured him as he smile and fell back asleep.

When I woke up the next day, The blanket was pulled up till my chin as I saw Donghae looking at me while sitting up on his bed. I realized I had fell asleep while reading my books.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked him as I sat up, letting the blanket drop onto my knees. I saw out hands still linked together.

“Not that long.” He said as he let go of my hand slightly.

“You can let go if your hands are tired.” He shook his head but I can feel his arms giving way.

“How about this?” I said as I held his hand with my other hand and he let go of my hand, resting his left hand which was gripping mine. I couldn’t feel my hands when he let them go, however, I didn’t want him to feel upset so I hid my uncomfortableness from him. He smiled softy at me and I felt my heart beat so much faster than before.

“Do you have to go to school today?” He asked as he ate his breakfast which was delivered not too long ago.

“It’s fine. I asked Haemin to take notes for me.” I said

“Why don’t you go to class? I’ll be fine here alone.” Donghae said. I looked at him, not knowing if he was saying to be polite or did he really want me to go to school.

“Are you sure? I Don’t really have to attend it if I don’t want to.” I said.

“ Why don’t you go home and rest? You look really tired.” Donghae said as he place his hands on my cheeks.

“I’m ok.” I said as I placed my hand above his.

After his constant persuasion, I left and went home to rest. I didn’t feel tired at first but when I was on the bus home, I felt the weight of the world crashing down on my body. I guess I did look tired but I didn’t realise or even think about myself to care.

When I got home, I didn’t think about anything else but flopped straight onto my bed and fell into a coma which I regret not setting an alarm for.

When I woke up, the sky was dark. When I look out into the streets, there were barely people or cars around. What time was it? I couldn’t be out for that long. Could I? I look at the clock and got the shock of my life. It was 2am. I looked at my phone to find dozens of calls and messages, mostly from Donghae.

I promised him to go back to the hospital in the evening. However, looking at the time now, I don’t think I should disturb his rest. I decided to send him a message instead. After composing a very nice apology message I headed to the shower. I need to catch up on all the work I’ve been missing out on. I will have the time of my life.

When I stepped out of the shows, I heard the faint buzzing of my phone, indicating I have an incoming call. I ran towards it as fast as I can before the line gets disconnected.


“Oh thank goodness. You got me worried sick.” It was Donghae.

“I’m sorry. My phone was on silent and I totally slept through everything.”

“You were tired. But when I didn’t hear from you I had thought something happened.”

“It’s late now. You should rest. I’ll go visit you after school tomorrow.” I said.

“Ok. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I said and we hung up.

Sitting on my desk, I flipped open my books and started studying. The words were like flooding my eyes. However, in order to catch up on my work, I have to pull myself through this ordeal.

After School, the guys asked to hang out, but knowing I have to visit Donghae, Haemin helped to come up with excuses so we could leave.

“You go on. I need to go somewhere else.” Haemin said and I left without saying another word. The whole time on my journey to the hospital, I couldn't sit still and I would roll my eyes every time the bus stops at a stop or when we meet a red light. It feels like time is going against me.

When I finally got the the correct building and the correct floor, I walked as slowly as I could and tried to make myself look more presentable. The nurse came out of Donghae's room with his lunch tray on her hands and the food looked totally untouched. When she saw me, she just shook her head.

“Let me try?” I said and she passed it to me with a sigh before walking off to do her duties. I walked to the door and knock gently twice. There was no sound coming from inside and I knocked again. After the third try, I opened the door and a pillow landed on me feet.

“I told you... “ He turned to look at me before the heavy breathing slimmered down and he relaxed.

“You... I Though...” He stuttered, looking every where.

“So this is how you behave like in front of others.” I said as I put his food tray on the table.

“No! It's not! It's just I...” He tried to look for some words to explain himself but I just laughed.

“Why don't you eat? How do you expect to leave this place if you don't eat?” I said.

“The food is horrible. It has no taste and I crave for other things.” He whined like a little boy.

After numerous attempts, I finally persuaded him to finish his food till there is not a single rice left on his food tray. A knock came and in poked the head of the nurse and she smiled when she saw the food being cleared.

“Next time, I think you have to be here at his every meal.” She laughed before she left us alone.

“You see. You act just like a little boy. You may have just lost a fan. Maybe the nurse is your fan but seeing how you behave, she changed to someone more manly like Siwon.” I said

“So you think I'm not manly like Siwon?” He said looking offended.

“You're seriously too serious. Can't you take a joke?” I laughed before he relaxed a little.

“I really want to leave the hospital. It's so boring.” He said

“Then eat the meals given to you. “ I said

I stayed with him for a little while before he fell asleep after taking his medication. When he fell asleep, I went to the couch by the window to do a little bit of studying. However, without realizing, I fell asleep. When I woke up, the room was dark, meaning I must have slept for a long time. I looked at the bed to see Donghae still fast asleep. Looking at my watch, it was close to 8pm soon.

When I stepped out into the corridor, I saw the nurse walking towards me with Donghae’s food.

“He need to take his medication soon.” She said.

“Pass it to me. I’ll handle it.” I said and she smile with appreciation before bustling away towards her next patient,

When I got back into the room, I placed the food tray on the table before waking Donghae up gently. He shifted slight but didn’t seem to be waking up soon. However, after multiple attempts, he finally woke up. All Drowsy and still in his half asleep mode, his hair was in a mess as he rubbed his eyes like a little child.

“Time for dinner.” I said and he just nodded his head, hoping to go back to sleep soon. Without almost no persuasion at all, Donghae ate his meal quietly and his medicine before going back to sleep.

“I’m going home. Text me if you need anything.” I said before he fell asleep.

“Let me get Manager Hyung to bring you home.” He said.

“It’s alright, I can go home on my own. They must be busy with their schedules.” I said.

“Text me when you get home safely.” He said.

“I will. But you might be asleep by then. Go back to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow or something.” I said and left the room.

Suddenly, I felt my body being really light, like a huge burden off my shoulders. I guess I had too high of an expectation of myself and almost missed out on one of my good things in life. Thank you Donghae, for giving me the simple happiness in life.

End of Soobin’s POV 


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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^