Dinner Date With The Anchovy

Fate works


Haemin’s POV

I heard a car pulling up on the driveway and I immediately ran towards the main door to open it. Standing right in front was Eunhyuk of Super Junior, glowing in perfection.

“Hi,”I greeted shyly.

I immediately regretted for he could have been offended by me being all informally.

“Hi,”he greeted back informally in an equally shy manner.

He just stood there, not knowing what to do while I found it so amusing and cute.

“Do you still remember me?”I asked.

“Of…course. Honestly, I didn’t expect the Kim Haemin on the paper to be you since there could be many people of the same name,”Eunhyuk scratched the back of his head.

“Shall we go now?”I grinned.

He nodded and stepped aside for me to pass through. Being a total gentleman, he walked behind me down the driveway and opened the car door for me. As I got in, I surveyed his car and found it really neat and tidy. He got in next to me and cleared his throat as he started the engine.

“Here’s a little something for you. My best friend, Park Soobin made it. Do you remember her? The pretty photographer!”I smiled.

“Ah…yes, I do. Thank you so much,”he bowed a little in his seat as he took the lunchbox from me.

He smiled at it for a moment before asking me to hold it for him. He started driving and I couldn’t help but feel giddy with excitement.

“Excuse me, but how do you want me to address you?”I asked.

“Erm, what do you want to call me?”he turned a little to look at me.

“How about…I call you myeolchi oppa?”I giggled.

In turn, he showed a gummy smile.

“I’m fine with it. You’re the queen today,”he smiled as he parked the car.

“Where are we?”I asked as I looked out the window.

“It’s a nice Japanese restaurant. Do you like Japanese?”he asked as he got out of the car.

“I LOVE JAPANESE,”I exclaimed enthusiastically as he opened my car door for me.

“That’s good,”he chuckled as we walked into the restaurant together.

Turns out, he had made a reservation just for us and I felt like I could faint from the happiness that I was feeling.

“Oh, by the way, Donghae loves this place too,”he turned around to wink at me.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Oh my, I must come here often,”I cheered as I sat down at the table.

Eunhyuk just looked at me, all amused by my antics.

“I’m sorry for being so excited about him. You’re good too but it’s just that he’s my first bias!”I explained.

“I understand. Are you disappointed that you got me instead?”he asked as he looked at the menu.

“No! Any Super Junior member will do, seriously! This is really the best day of my life!”I shook my head, unable to comprehend how lucky I had been.

“Er, Haemin, are you still schooling?”he asked after ordering for the both of us.

“Yes. But it’s the holiday period now so I’m just doing part-time at a coffee house. It’s the one near your dorm! Come and visit often!”I smiled.

“Sure! So Soobin is still schooling as well?”he asked.

“Yes! We’re in the same university. It’s our last year, by the way! We’ve known each other since elementary school! I’m so lucky to be with her every year. Or I’ll be so lonely. Well, I wouldn’t suffer too much since I’m rather talkative but Soobin might feel scared. Wait no, actually she wouldn’t. She’s very independent. Unlike me. I really need her around,”I grinned.

“I see,”he nodded his head as the food came.

“Myeolchi oppa, is it true that Donghae oppa likes girls with long hair and a nice forehead?”I asked.

“Well, yes. Why?”he asked.

“Should I clip up my fringe then? But my forehead’s a little short so it would look ugly. What am I going to do?”I sighed.

“You’re fine just the way you are,”Eunhyuk quickly reassured me.

“Really? I wish I had a forehead like Soobin’s!”I sighed again.

“Well…yeah, her forehead is sort of the right length,”he agreed.

“What about you then? What kind of girls do you like? Maybe I can introduce someone to you!”I grinned.

At that moment, he coughed and choked on his noodles.

“Are you okay? Or did you get too excited? Aigoo,”I joked as I took out a tissue from my bag.

“I’m fine. Er, I like girls with long hair too…with fair skin and big eyes,”he said.

“Why does everybody like girls with long hair?! You all are the reason why people like me grow our hair out. I hate having long hair,”I shook my head.

“But you look….alright with your long hair,”Eunhyuk mumbled.

“But I’m still jealous of Soobin. Her long hair just suits her! It’s like she’s meant to have long and curly hair,”I shook my head at the injustice.

“True,”he nodded his head in agreement.

And I looked at him. He was deep in thought as if picturing Soobin in his head.

“Myeolchi oppa! Do you like Soobin?”I asked.

“What?”he widened his eyes.

“Then, why are you so affected by whatever I say about her? You do like her, right?”I teased.

“No, what are you talking about?”Eunhyuk looked back into his bowl and ate his food.

“You can be honest with me, you know! I can hook you up with her. But on one condition!”I said firmly.

He stopped eating to look at me.

“That is if you hook me up with Donghae oppa!”I grinned.

“I’m telling you that I don’t like her so we can’t make this deal,”he said.

“Come on, myeolchi oppa! Admit it!”I protested.

So, this went on during lunch and he wouldn’t stop laughing at how persistent I was. We watched a movie and went walking around the park before heading for dinner. All the while, throughout the date, we had talked as if we had known each other for the longest time ever (well, actually, that is my forte. Talking to strangers easily) And all this while, I kept pestering him about Soobin which he found unbelievable.

“Alright, alright. I get it. You’re just shy. It’s okay. You can always text me to tell me. My phone is always beside me 24/7,”I smiled as he pulled up at my house.

“And I’m telling you that she isn’t the person I like for the 178th time,”he laughed.

“So, you do have someone that you like, huh? Who is it? SNSD’s Hyoyeon?”I asked.

“Just go home,”he shook his head with a smile on his face.

“Fine. I’ll go home. But since I have your number, I’m going to pester you everyday about it,”I joked.

“I’ll just don’t reply. I’m busy with my schedules anyway,”he shrugged.

There was silence as I realized that my date with him had come to an end. I had enjoyed myself thoroughly and I hoped that we have become friends through this date. I didn’t want it to be just a one-off thing and felt rather disappointed.

“Haemin, are you okay?”he asked softly.

“Myeolchi oppa, are we friends?”I asked timidly.

“Of course, we are. Why would you even think otherwise?”he asked, bewildered.

“Cause you said you wouldn’t reply my messages and I thought that you only treated me as a winner of a contest and not someone more than just that,”I replied.

“I was just playing with you. I promise you that I’ll always reply your messages even if I’m busy, alright? Don’t think about it too much and we’ll hang out again with Donghae next time,”he smiled.

“Really? We’re really friends?”I asked.

“Yes, promise,”he stuck out his pinky.


But he insisted on coming out to send me all the way to my door. Although we bowed several times to bade farewell, I know he could tell that I didn’t want it to end. With that, he kept reassuring me that we were still going to be as what we have been today. Close friends. 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol ..it's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas ..love how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go ..so looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^