
Fate works

“How did you apologise to her?”was all I could say after a moment of silence.

“What?”Myeolchi oppa asked.

“What did you say to Soobin when you apologise to her?”I repeated myself.

Myeolchi oppa took in a deep breath and told me in detail how the conversation between Soobin and him went. As I listened to his every word, I felt the suppressed anger rise up again.

“You call that an apology?!”I was in disbelief at what he had told me and couldn’t help the outburst.

“I mean…, I was in a hurry because I wanted to chase after you…,”

“Save the explanation! I can’t believe that you merely apologised to her just so you could pacify me,”I shook my head and stood up immediately.

“Wait, Haemin, please don’t go!”he grabbed my hand.

“I think we need a break,”I turned around to face him.

“A what…? Are you asking for a break up?”he asked, his eyes all wide in shock.

“No? Maybe? I don’t know. I just need some time apart from you for now,”I replied.

“Is it because of what happened today? There’s just too many things going on and I couldn’t handle my emotions well…,”

“It’s not just because of the events that happened today. But it did lead me to rethink about our relationship. I’m not sure if I’m really up to it. I mean, I do like you a lot. I love you, even. But realistically speaking, I can’t handle the waiting part. I can’t be waiting for you all the time and the fact that you can’t be with me every time I need you. What I need from a relationship is more than what you can give me, Myeolchi oppa. I’m sorry for telling you this now. It’s my fault. I didn’t look into this aspect when I said yes to you…,”

“Wait wait, is this a break up?”Myeolchi oppa wasn’t really listening any more at this point.

“I don’t know. I just need some time to think about it…,”I answered truthfully.

“What happens after you think it through and you realise that you can’t do this?”his voice was lower than before.

There was silence in the park for I couldn’t answer his question. I knew that he knows the answer to that question, deep down inside.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re doing this to me! We’ve been together for barely a month or so and you’re talking about breaking up?! Why are you being so irresponsible? What does that make me, huh?”he asked in anger.

I could understand his anger since it was my fault. I really should have thought it through rather than be in my fantasy world all the time, assuming that dating a celebrity is easy. I didn’t know I would be so emotionally invested in it. It is my first time, after all.

“You can’t leave me, Haemin. I’m being very serious here,”I could hear his voice trembling as he spoke.

“I love you, Myeolchi oppa. I love you a lot. But sometimes, love just ain’t enough,”I sighed.

Just as he was about to speak, Myeolchi oppa’s phone rang and he let out a low growl when he saw the lighted up screen. He took a few steps away from me to answer it and I could hear his frustration through the way he spoke.

“What? Now? Urgh, alright,”he ran his fingers through his hair, obviously frustrated at whoever was calling him.

After hanging up, Myeolchi oppa looked different from what I was used to. He had a dark expression painted on his face.

“My manager just called to say that I need to replace Shindong on his radio show. I need to go now. I’ll call you when  I’m done,”was all he said.

“No, I need time to think. I’ll call when I’m done thinking,”I answered.

“Kim Haemin! You…urgh, just do what you deem fit. I need to go,”was his last words before he made his way to his car.

Without turning back to look at me, he got into his car and drove off without giving me a second glance. Sighing, I went back to sit on the bench. I forced my tears back in and reassured myself that what I was doing was correct. I needed to rethink about our relationship. I just couldn’t keep up with the loneliness and the endless waiting. As I sat there, I didn’t know how much time has passed till I heard the sounds of plastic wheels on the concrete pavement. I turned to see two guys playing on a skateboard and as they neared me, they took a look at me. Both of them were dressed similarly with a cap covering their faces but the funny thing was that they were both wearing sunglasses even though it’s so late at night.

“Erm, excuse me, miss! Are you okay?”one of the guys who was wearing a black cap asked.

I nodded my head.

“Are you not feeling well?”he asked again.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you,”I replied.

Seeing as how I didn’t really want to answer them, they continued on their way, still playing on their skateboards. I was left on the bench all by myself again. As I continued thinking of what happened, my eyes started to water and before I know it, the tears were spilling out. I tried to wipe it all away as quickly as possible so that the guys who will have to come back the same way wouldn’t think there was something wrong with me. However, it was too late. They were back before I know it but this time round, they weren’t on their skateboards.

“Miss, are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?”the same guy asked.

“No, I’m really fine,”I insisted.

“Here,”the other guy who was wearing a floral cap finally spoke up and I looked to see that he had offered me hot chocolate from the coffee house nearby.

Just as I was about to reject him, he reached out to grab my hand, pushing the cup into my hand.

“Take it,”

“Thanks,”my heart warmed at the kindness of these strangers.

“Boy problems, huh?”the guy who offered me the cup smirked.

Instead of being defensive around these two strangers, I felt a sense of warmness around them and I nodded my head to acknowledge his question.

“Drink the hot chocolate, take a taxi back home, have a hot shower and just sleep it off. It’s late and you shouldn’t be here all by yourself. Boy problems can wait,”the guy who gave me the hot chocolate had a hint of a small smile.

“Do you need us to call a taxi for you?”the black cap guy asked.

“Oh no, it’s okay. I’ll do it myself. Please go on ahead with what you’re doing. I don’t want to trouble you anymore,”I stood up to bow.

“We’ll wait till you get a taxi,”the floral cap guy replied.

Seeing as how they aren’t budging, I quickly called for one and I waited while drinking the hot chocolate they gave. The two guys didn’t try to dig up whatever boy trouble I had and left me alone. When the taxi finally pulled up, the floral cap guy stood up along with me and opened the door for me.

“Thank you so much for the drink! I really appreciate your kindness. My name is Kim Haemin. What about yours?”I smiled.

“It’s no problem at all. And erm…, we won’t be seeing each other ever again so….,”the black cap guy spoke but was cut off by the floral cap guy.

“His name is Sun. I’m Dragon,”was all he said before gesturing for me to go into the taxi.

I was just about to ask them for their real names when Dragon closed the door and the next thing I knew, the taxi was already pulling away from the park and I never got to see how the kind strangers look like nor know their real name. 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol ..it's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas ..love how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go ..so looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^