
Fate works


Soobin’s POV

After spending $100 in SPAO, we walking around the mall looking for clothes for her date. We walked into practically ever stores there is before we got everything. When I mean everything, I only mean a top, a bottom and shoes. I looked at my watch and realized it was already 8pm, no wonder I was feeling so hungry.

“I forgot about accessories!” She exclaimed and walked into the nearest accessories shop. I sat down at the chair which is provided as she tried on all sorts of bangles and bracelets. She came to me every few minutes with different bracelets and necklaces, asking me to pick out one.

“This totally goes with your outfit. There’s no need for extreme accessories. You might make yourself look retarded.” I said when she finally decided on a necklace.

“OK!” She exclaimed before she skipped to the counter and paid up.

“Let’s go for dinner! I’ll treat.” Haemin said before dragging me to a random place which I have no idea where for Dinner. I was really starving. I practically ate 2 portions all by myself.

“Now I’m all set for the date.” Haemin said with a grin which never left her face fr the entire day.

“You say as if you already got selected.” I said as I stirred my smoothie.

“You said you’ll pray for me.” She exclaimed, pointing a finger at me.

“Even if I do, it is not a 100% thing that you’ll be selected.” I said with a sigh and she was depressed a little, but in no time, she was all hyped up again, totally forgetting what I had just said before.

In no time, a week passed and believe me, this week was a horrible one. Every single day, Haemin would be talking about what she’s going to say to which every member when they go on a date. She’s literally living in her own world for the whole week. She couldn’t sleep the night before because she was too nervous to think she said she can feel that she’s going win.

That morning, I woke up at my usual time. I didn’t have work today since I had been working off my past week and the manager told me to take a day off. After doing my usual routine in the mornings, I flopped down on the couch, with a bowl in my hand, munching on my breakfast while watching the television. When I was halfway done with my breakfast, someone pressed the doorbell really really impatiently. Without opening the door, I already guessed who it was.

“I WON!” He exclaimed in my face once I opened the door.

“Good for you. Who did you get?” I asked, walking back to my unfinished bowl of cereal.

“I got Eunhyuk! Even though he’s not my top bias, but second is good too!” She was literally jumping around my living room, clutching that piece of paper against her chest.

That day, she went on about what she and Eunhyuk are going to do. But isn’t he who’s going to call her? I heard he’s shy with girls. I think Haemin might have to end up doing all the talking. It was then when her phone rang and it’s an unknown number.

“IT’S HIM!” She exclaimed and stared at the screen for 3 seconds, clearing and tiding her hair before she picked up the call. I could only shake my head at her. Throughout the call, she was blushing like no tomorrow.

“It’s ok. I’ll see you tomorrow at 11am then. Bye bye.” She said and hang up before she screamed, causing me to get a shock and getting deaf.

“I have to go home and prepare. I have to look my best.” She said before rushing out of my room. Even before I was able to stand up, she rushed back into my room.

“SOOBIN! I NEED YOUR HELP” She exclaimed and oh boy, this doesn’t sound good.

“What?” I said, clearly knowing I won’t be let off the hook.

“Help me prepare a lunch box. PLEASE!” She said, swinging my hand back and forth.

“ ok! Ok! What do you want me to make?” I asked before heading down to the kitchen.

“Anything. But there must definitely be strawberry and anchovies inside!” She beamed and I nodded my head.

“ok. Now you can go home and prepare. I’ll bring it over tonight.” I said and she nodded before running off.

Throughout the afternoon, I was in the kitchen making the food. I made 2 different boxes, one Korean style and one western style. One box of Kimbap with anchovies at the side, while a box of sandwiches with Strawberry as the fruit desert. When I was done, it was close to 6pm. I cleaned up the kitchen before Omma came back.

“Made it for your boyfriend?” Omma asked me as she saw the food.

“No. I don’t have one. It’s for Haemin. She’s going on a date with her idol from Super Junior.” I said as I washed the dishes.

“Oh. He would definitely like her. She’s such a sweet and bubbly girl.” Omma said before she went to her room and rest.

After I was done cleaning the kitchen, I took the 2 boxes and went to Haemin’s house which is across the street. I pressed the doorbell and she opened the door in a flash. Before I was able to say anything, she dragged me to her room. When I saw her room, I could really faint. It was strewn all over with clothes.

“I thought you bought a set just for the date?” I asked her before placing down the lunch box on her dressing table, picking up her clothes and put it back on the hangers.

“I want to try all to see which one is the best. I guess the one we bought is the best.” She said as I facepalmed myself. She looked at the lunch box and kept thanking me.

“Keep it in the fridge.” I said before continuing picking up all her clothes. She came back from the kitchen and picked up her clothes as well. I left her house before her room was spick and spam.

“Have a good date.” I said before waving her goodbye, going home to sleep.

End of Soobin’s POV

Eunhyuk’s POV

I woke up early to prepare for my so called date with the fan. Actually all of us were getting ready because we were given today free to do this date. I just hope the fan was not super crazy. I got into my car and drove to the girl’s house. Since she told me yesterday. She seemed like a nice girl on the phone. I hope she’s as nice as she sounds.

Looking at the clock, I’ll make it just in time. I got into my car and drove to her place. Why do I feel so nervous? Oh right, I was shy with girls. I think today might be a really horrible day and I might make the fan who might be my top bias hate me when the date is over.

When I reached the stated destination, I took in a deep breath before I stepped out of my car. I looked at the house to see that it was really simple and elegant. I was about to walk towards the main gate when it opened and I got the shock of my life.

She stared at me blinking a few times with a shocked expression before she closed her gate behind her.

“Hi.” She said shyly.

“Hi.” I greeted her back the same way, having an awkward tension between us. This is not good.

End of Eunhyuk’s POV

Soobin’s POV

I wonder how did Haemin’s date go. I sat in my room, lazying around before I remembered about Haemin’s Pictures during Super Show. She passed me her memory card the other day and I totally forgot about it. I started browsing through the pictures which I took and were really satisified with most of it. It was as if Donghae was standing in front of me being a model for me. Most of the pictures were clearly taken. I stopped at one particular picture where Donghae was looking directly at the camera. From which angle does he and Amber look alike? I went through the pictures a few times t see him from different angles and trust me, none of them look like Amber!

When I was done, it was barely even 3pm and I already have nothing to do. I bet Haemin is having her time of her life. I can totally imagine Eunhyuk sitting there being all shy while she talk away.

I then decided to go downstairs to try to bake something since I was so bored. I always see the cakes in the café so beautiful and taste so delicious. How I wish I can make cakes like that too. I took out one of Omma’s recipe books and started to look through all the ingredients to see if our house have all of it. In the end, I decided to make a cake called the Dark Knight. It’s a chocolate sponge cake covered in a thick layer of dark chocolate fudge and topped with chopped hazelnut.

I guess cake baking is so not my forte. When I was done, it was close to 8pm and the kitchen was in a mess. I’m glad Omma wasn’t home yet and Appa was working Overtime. When I waited for the cake to be done, I cleaned up the kitchen and it is tiring. Cleaning off the fudge off the kitchen counter, mopping and sweeping the floor. I guess I would never want to bake again.

When it was finally done, it looked nothing like the picture. I took a bit and it tasted alright. However, it looks like it’s in a mess. Just in time, Omma came back.

“Is that cake?” She asked me as she put down her bag.

“It looks like a failure but it tastes alright.” I said before passing her the fork and she took a bite.

“Looks like you didn’t work in a café for nothing.” She said before walking out of the kitchen.

“Don’t forget to have dinner. I bought food back.” I heard her voice as she walked up the steps.

I kept the cake in the fridge before going to have dinner. I wonder is Haemin home already. I’m kind of interested what happened during their date. I really can’t imagine it in my head. If I do, I’ll just burst out laughing.

Speaking of the devil, my phone rang…

End of Soobin’s POV


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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^