
Fate works


Soobin’s POV

“Is your leg ok?” Haemin asked al too anxiously, accidentally hitting my leg. I winced, causing Haemin to stand up in shock and Donghae called the Doctor. It was not that a big deal.

“I’m fine. It’s just a touch. I’m not made of glass.” I said.

The 3 of them kept me company till it was quite late and I told them to go home since I have to tell my parents about it. Even though I know they’ll kill me. After much persuasion, I made Haemin and Eunhyuk leave, but not the stubborn Lee Donghae.

“I’ll stay till your parents come.” He said.

“Donghae, you have work to do. I’m really fine. Nothing will happen to me when the nurse button is a push away in this room full of facilities.” I said, trying to make him go home, but it was pointless.

When I called Omma, she was shocked and said that she will come with Appa immediately. However, when I hung up the call, I see Donghae already fast asleep on the couch. I see a spare blanket on the foot of the couch, I bend down and took it before getting off the bed, walking with only one leg and covered him before he gets cold. When I got back to the bed, I browsed through the internet while waiting for Omma to come.

“Soobin ah.” Omma said when she opened the door. She was quite shock at the interior of the room.

“This….” She pointed around and Appa came in, shocked as well.

I explained to them everything as Donghae was still fast asleep. I left out the part where Donghae made me fall and she said he’s a nice person and that she would go home and bring some stuff for me tomorrow morning and cook me my favourite abalone porridge. When they left, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up close to 10am in the morning. My room was totally emtpty and the couch had been vacant. I guess Donghae has something else better to do. However, something on my bedside table caught my attention. There’s a note.

‘Soobin, I thought you might get bored during your stay so I left my ipad here so that you have some entertainment. I’ll be back after my schedule. Rest well and don’t move about. –Donghae’

I look at it and realized it’s really an ipad. I plugged in the ear piece and played the music. Most of them were the songs from SM artists. He specially made a folder for FX songs. However, I don’t know why, but I kind of want to hear his voice. I scrolled through his songs and found the song I was looking for.

Omma came short after bringing me some of my stuff and talking to me. It has been such a long time since Omma and I had been able to have such a heart to heart talk. She even teased me saying that she wants Donghae to be her son in law.

“Are you feeling better?” the nurse asked when she came to check up on me to send me my lunch. I nodded my head.

After lunch, Omma went off to do her own things and said that she will come again tomorrow. I started playing the song again on the ipad and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the room was dark. I must have been sleeping for a long time. The nurse came and check on me and delivered my dinner before she left me to do her own things. The song was still on repeat and I felt as if it was for me. I didn’t realize I was smiling till I saw the door opening.

“You look really happy.” Donghae said before all the color on my face drained. I turned off the song, hoping to not get caught repeating that song for the past say 10 hours?

“You’re acting suspiciously. Did you do something illegal on my ipad?” He said, arching his eyebrows, giving me the suspicious look.

“I’m not. It’s just rude to listen to music while talking to somebody.” I tried to make up some excuse. He shrugged and took the seat on the sofa. I don’t know why must he come everyday. But my injury is not really all his fault. I was distracted.

The atmosphere around us from the lively and joking mood turned serious or more tense.

“Donghae.” I called out and he turned towards me.

“Yeah?” He said, his eyes turning from his magazine to me.

“Actually you don’t have to come here everyday to accompany me.” I said. The expression on his face fell as he heard what I said.

“It’s my fault you were hurt and you’re here alone and immobile, I would be guility all my life if something happened to you.” He said.

“Donghae, you spent so much on this grade A ward and it’s not totallty your fault to begin with. I have responsibility too. Don’t make me unabe to face you when I recover. I already feel guilty when I see you now.”  I said.

“Even if it’s not totally my fault, I stil have responsibility.” He said as he sat down on the chair beside my bed. I came to realize this argument will have no end. So I stopped.

“Fine. You win.” I said and he smiled before going back to the couch to read his magazine. He really likes being the couch master so much. Why don’t he want to sleep at the comfort of his own bed and want to sleep on this cold hard couch?

The room was totally silent. I was doing my own things while Donghae was doing his own things. However, suddenly, the sound of a book dropping on the floor broke the silence. I looked up to find Donghae once again fast asleep on the couch and his magazine dropped onto the floor. He must be really tired. I once again covered him with the spare blanket in case he catched a cold.

In the middle of the night, I stirred slightly and heard a voice saying ‘ If only I have the courage to tell you how I feel.’ Then I felt a light peck on my forehead before the sound of footsteps drew futher and further away and the sound of the door closing.

I opened my eyes and pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, but I was not. I looked at the couch and Donghae was no longer there. I looked at the time on the ipad and it’s said to be 5am. He leaves so early everyday? He will be exhausted in days.

However, something caught my attention. This is a different ipad. Then I remembered when he came in he was holding something on his hand. Oh no I didn’t change the song. He must be laughing at me right now.

When I unlocked the Ipad, I saw a note on the back ground.

‘No matter what, I’ll be there for you. No matter when, I’ll be by your side. In times like this, I want to be the one you rely on.’

When I read it, I smiled. I didn’t know Donghae was such a romantic person. He must want to say this to his dream girl.

Everyday, Donghae would come at night to accompany me and he’d leave before I woke up. For the entire week, it was the same. By the last day, he looked totally exhausted.

“Donghae, go home. I’ll be fine.” I said.

“Just one more day.” He said, yawning.

“Look at how tired you are. Don’t make me more guility than I already am.” I said.

“I’ll rest. Don’t worry about me.” He said with a smile before going to the couch and in less than a minute he fell asleep. I really don’t understand what’s going through that thick skull of his. But I’m thankful that today will be the last time he’s doing this and he can finally rest well.

The next morning, when I woke up, Donghae was still fast asleep on the couch. Did he oversleep? I tried calling him but he didn’t answer. I got off the bed and shook him he stirred slightly before realizing what was happening. He sat up suddenly, causing me to stand straight too fast and I fell backwards. Donghae pulled my hand and instead of falling flat on my but, I was sitting on his lap. How much worst can this get?

He cleared his throat before carrying me to my bed and we stayed ike this in awkward silence till I remember why had this happened in the first place.

“Don’t you have to go to work?” I ask him.

“I took a day off.” He said.

“You shoud rest on your day off.”

“I took the day off so that I can bring you home from the hospital. I overheard your parents talking the other day and I offered to bring you home and they agreed.” He explained.

Close to 12pm, the nurse came in and said that I can leave the hospital once I complete the form. Donghae went and came back in less than 5 minutes. There were many things he didn’t know how to fill in so he brought the form back.

On the ride back home, I could see Donghae’s expression from the side mirror. He looked so serious when he was driving.

“Are you hungry? After eating hospital food for so many days you must be craving for something.” He said sudden, causing me to get shock since I felt as if I was caught staring at him unobviously.

“I want soybean paste soup and friend chicken.”I said overly excited suddenly causing him to laugh and I could feel my face heating up. I shouldn’t trouble him anymore.

“I think I should go home.” I said. I didn’t want to bother him anymore.

“I’ll get you the food for tae away so you can eat at home. How’s that?” He said.

“We can just cal for take-outs.” I said.

“Oh. Right.” It was his turn to blush and I admit he looks quite cute when he blushes.

When I was about to step out of the car when I reached home, Donghae suddeny kneeled in front of me and carried me bridal style.

“Donghae! I’m fine. Put me down.” I said, trying to avert the looks from people around us.

“I think we argued about this a thousand times.” He said.

“You can’t carry me anywhere I go.” I said since once he leaves, I don’t even know when we will meet again and it made me sad suddenly.

He set me down on the sofa and called for delivery while I flipped through the channels restlessly before settling on a drama. He returned shortly after and sat down beside me. We sat in silence as I watched the drama. When it got thrilling, I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I looked and found Donghae asleep. He must be really tired from all these couch sleeping for the past week.

I reached out for his jacket behind me and covered him with it. He should rest as much as he can today as he’s resting. I pushed his hair away from his face to see him sleeping so peacefully. This man is kind and gentle. Never have I met someone who would give his everything to help another.

I didn’t know how long we sat there, but the doorbell broke the moment. When it rang, Donghae sat up immediately and went to take the delivery. When he came back with the food, his eyes were close to closing.

“Why don’t you go home and rest, I will be fine.” I said.

“ I don’t feel safe leaving you here alone.” He said and I felt a warm presence on my hand. I looked down to find Donghae’s hand on mine as he kneeled by my leg.

“Let me stay?” 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^