
Fate works

Soobin’s POV

“So…” Donghae said, breaking the silence. I looked at him and he was looking elsewhere, eyes unfocused. I waited for him to say something but there was nothing till I think about 5 minutes later.

“So… when does your classes start?” He asked.

“Um… next week I guess since class has already started and I’m missing them because of my leg.” I said, not sure why was he asking about this or was he just trying to break the silence.

“Why don’t you go to school?” he asked.

“Omma’s worried.” I said, swinging my leg back and forth, ensuring it doesn’t touch the floor.

“Why don’t I send you to and from school? This way you won’t have to be walking too much other than in school.”

“Donghae, I don’t want to trouble you anymore. I’m not worth you doing so much for me.” I said, looking at the floor.

“You are worth it.” He said and that gave me a shock.

“You are worth it because… because without you I feel empty. I… I like you.” He said and I looked at him. He was ooking down, biting his lips.

Donghae likes me? From the beginning, I didn’t like him as an idol, I tried to avoid them whenever they appear at the place where I work. I have never treated him nicely and even though I can tell Haemin and Eunhyuk are kind of trying to set us up, but he’s an idol and I’m just… a normal average girl.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have bombed this on you. If it brings you discomfort then I’ll keep a distance.” He said, looking at me in a very sad way.

“I’m tired I’m going to go home. You don’t have to send me. You must be tired.” I said and tried to stand but my leg gave way and I fell on him.

“I won’t have the heart to let you go home alone. I’ll send you back. My car is at your place anyway.” He said as he helped me up on my feet. I guess that miss step really made my leg hurt as I could tel I was leaning against him.

The entire walk back to my place was silent. He ensured I got into my house before he left. When I got into my room, I couldn’t help but peek out of the window to see if he was there. He stood by his car, looking down and not moving at al. What was he doing? After looking for a while more, he took in a deep breath before opening the door of his car. He then turned around to look at my window, directly at me. I was shock and turned around, hoping he didn’t realize I was peeking at him.

After a minute, I heard the start of the car engine and he left. I don’t know why but I felt bad to have rejected him, not really reject since I never really told him no. but I guess he kind of got my hint. I just don’t think I like him. Maybe it’s just cause he took care of me and was around me most of the time that I start to have a sense of being dependent on him. But I guess after a few days it might be better.

For the next few days, Donghae had never turned up. Whenever the doorbell rang, I would look out of the window, hoping it’s him, but it’s always the delivery man or Omma’s friend. When the week was over, I had to go back to school. My leg became better and I don’t really need any support to walk however I still have to walk with a slight limp and walk super slowly.

“Soobin!” Haemin exclaimed the moment I opened my door. That girl is forever energetic.

“Morning.” I said.

“Appa told me that we can take the car to school till you get better.” She said as we made our way to a black Mercedes.

“Your Appa don’t have to do that. I can just take the public transport.” I said as she made me go into the car.

“Like I will let that happen. You will take hours to go to school with the rate you walk.” She said.

Haemin and I then got to school in a jiffy and everyone welcomed me back to school. I felt like I haven’t been in school for a long long time. The guys were nice as they know the condition of my leg, they would always buy the food back for me so that I don’t need to keep moving about.

When school ended, Haemin and I decided that maybe we should take a walk rather than take the car, so she told her driver to drive the car back.

“So what have you been doing these days?” I asked her since she was still on her phone frenzy with Eunhyuk.

“oh the usual.”She said.

“How are you and Eunhyuk going?” I asked and she looked at me, with her cheeks a little tinged with red.

“What do you mean going?” She asked.

“Oh you know. Did you guys hang out and stuff.” I said.

“How about you and Donghae? He took care of you the whole time.” She rebuked.

“I haven’t seen him after the day I was discharged.” I said, not realizing I had actually sounded down.

“Someone seem sad…” Haemin joked. Why am I sad? I shouldn’t be sad. He’s just a friend someone who took care of me because he’s kind-hearted and… ok I should stop this.

Haemin kept prying information out of me, like what we talked about and what happened during the time I was in the hospital. When I finally reached home, I was glad since Haemin like to maneuver the questions to the point where you just can’t kind  answer to her question.

There was no one at home as usual as Omma recently have been more bus with her business. Appa had recently been entertaining his clients from Taiwan so it’s usual that you never see him for days as he leaves early in the morning and return late at night. I flopped myself down onto the couch, trying to make myself more relaxed and release some tension, but my phone rang suddenly, causing me to jolt in shock. Without looking at who it was, thinking that it was Haemin, I picked up my phone. Haemin had always like to pursue to the end of things.

“You’re not done about asking your questions about Donghae?” I said, closing my eyes, putting my arm ontop of my eyes.

“Questions about me?” I heard the make voice from the other side of the phone and sat straight up and brought the phone to see that I wasn’t dreaming. I wasn’t. It’s really him.

“D-Donghae, i-is there something you need?” I asked. I’m glad this was a phone call or he’ll see my face flushing a deep shade of red.

“I was calling to wonder if you’d like to join us for dinner.” He said.


“The band and I. Haemin’s coming too.” He added the last part quickly since I guess saying that Haemin would go would increase the chances of me going.

“She is? She didn’t tell me or say anything.” I said.

“She asked Hyuk to ask me to ask you to come.” He explained awkwardly. That little bratty friend of mine. I’ll give her a piece of my mind when I see her.

“I… I-I don’t know.” I said.

“Why don’t I call you at around 4pm before my photoshoot then you let me know your answer? If you have an answer earlier, drop me a text.” He said and then I heard some background noise.

“I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” He said.

“Alright. Bye.” I said and hung up.

Should I go? I have no reason to not go and I have no reason to go either. If I go, Haemin will be with Eunhyuk all the time, which leaves me alone. The guys are a friends so they know each other so it’ll be awkward for me to be there won’t it? Anyway, Omma might want me home for dinner. Then I’ll have an excuse to not go! However, I made my decisions too quickly and my joy faded as quickly as it came.

‘Soobin-ah, Omma won’t be home for dinner today. Something cropped up in the office. Have Dinner with Haemin or your friends ok? Don’t stay up to wait, I won’t be home early. Love. – Omma’

There goes my escaping. I guess Haemin didn’t call me as she know she’ll get it from me if she does call. I decided to put it behind me for a while as I do some work and clean my room. The next moment I know, my phone rang. And it was Donghae. Why was he calling me so soon?  When I looked att he clock, it was already 4:15pm.

“Hello.” I said

“Erm…” He and his awkwardness. I decided to be stupid and make him unawkward.

“Tell me why I should go.” I said.

“Because Haemin is going….” He said.


“Because they guys asked you along.”

“And?” I don’t even know what did I want him to say. I had actually wanted to just make him less tense and less awkward. Even though we’re quite awkward now, I don’t want us to be awkward. I never liked awkward situations.

“Because I want you to go.” He said and that make it really awkward. We were silent for a few minutes. The only sound that can be heard is our breathing. It suddenly came to me that he was supposed to go for a photo shoot after my answer. I hope he can have a good photo shoot and it won’t be affected because of me, because Haemin decided to make me guilty by telling me things just now.


“I heard from Myeolchi Oppa that Donghae has been out of focus these days. He seem to always be thinking of something or perhaps… a special someone?” Haemin looked at me in a way like she was having 100 neon lighted fingers pointing in my direction.

End of Flashback.

I look in a deep breath before I gave him my answer.

“Ok, I’ll go.” I said.

“I’ll pick you up at 7:30pm at your door. I have to go. I’ll see you then?”

“Ok. Bye.” I said and hung up. When I agreed, he sounded like he had a smile pinned on his face. Why do I think this will be such a wrong choice?

End of Soobin’s POV

Donghae’s POV

At 1pm, I received a text from hyuk,

‘For the gathering tonight, Teukkie hyung told ask to ask Haemin and Soobin along. Haemin said she’s going and asked you to ask Soobin along. Don’t forget! – Hyuk’

What am I suppose to do? Why can’t Haemin ask her? When I tried calling Hyuk, his phone was turned off. That idiot. I paced around my room for sometime, looked into the mirror and took a deep breath before calling her. I had never been so nervous in my life.

When I hung up, I felt a little down since she was hesistant on coming even though Haemin is coming. Maybe I shouldn’t have confessed to her that night. I must have given her a lot of pressure. When I finally got my sane self back, I went to prepare for my photo shoot.

At 4:15pm, I realize my hands couldn’t stop shaking when I wanted to call her.

“Hello.” She said

“Erm…” I didn’t expect her to pick up the phone so quickly. 

“Tell me why I should go.” She said. What am I suppose to tell her? Oh no.

“Because Haemin is going….” I said.

“And?” I hope she’ll stop at this.

“Because they guys asked you along.”

“And?” I don’t even know what to tell her anymore. I can’t come up with anymore other excuses.

“Because I want you to go.” I said and it became really awkward. We were silent for a few minutes.

When I heard Soobin taking in a deep breathe, I braced myself for the worst. I shouldt’t have said that.

 “Ok, I’ll go.” She said. Did I hear wrongly?

“I’ll pick you up at 7:30pm at your door. I have to go. I’ll see you then?”

“Ok. Bye.” And she hung up. She’s going because I want her there with me. Does this mean she might have some feelings for me too?

End of Donghae’s POV


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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^