4 guys - one girl.

Why what happens.

Your p.o.v

I got up from bed as I stretched my arms to see Jong Hyun sitting on a chair next to my bed, as he rested his head on my study desk. I sighed. Why is he here? He must’ve hypnotized umma or something. Foolish guy, I muttered. I checked my phone to see 3 new messages. One from Onew, one from Taemin and the last one was from… Min Ho?

From Onew.

Yaa~ Eun Hye, I’ll be fetching you from your house with Taemin so you won’t have to go to school alone JI’ll be there with umma after her grocery shopping at busan around 9.00 then we’ll walk to school~ Umnma bought chicken!

From Taemin.

Eun Hye, annyeong~ ^^ Onew asked me to come with him to fetch you later in the morning. Hehe, I hope you’re fine now, I can lend you my shoulder to cry if you’re still sad. Eun Hye, have enough rest, chingu~ I guess I’ll meet you soon~~ Kekeke annyeong~~!

From FreakshowakaMinHo.

YA. We still have not done the biology test, and your notes are with me. Come get it in school from me, or I’ll throw them away and probably beat you in the upcoming biology test – pabo. Uhh ya. Take care.

I threw my phone aside. Min Ho is such a freak. I hate him so badly I can murder him if I had the license. I ran my fingers through my hair irritated. Then, I felt Jong Hyun woke up. He rubbed his eyes like a baby and looked at me. He touched my forehead.

“Are you still sick?” he asked worriedly.

“I was never sick. What are you doing here?” I muttered as I slapped his hand away.

“Don’t you remember yesterday? You collapsed after the big fight we had…” he trailed away the last part.

“Oh?” I thought hard.

“You could at least say ‘komawo’,” he muttered.

“I remember,” I thought.


“GO AWAY!” I screamed as Jong Hyun pushed the door to enter the house.

Umma was away with Taemin and Onew, leaving only me at home. I didn’t mind but I opened the door for a wrong person. No one wonder they say; never open the door to strangers. He shut the door with his leg and pinned me to the wall. I wasn’t crying, I wasn’t sad. I wasn’t pissed, I wasn’t angry. But, I was… heartbroken-ed.

“Listen to me,” he pleaded with his eyes.

“Say what you have to say,” I sighed in defeat.

“I’m sorry, okay? That girl – she’s just a , and she lured me in,” Jong Hyun spoke carefully as he held my shoulders.

 “You shouldn’t have been lured then, if you know you’re being lured,” I muttered.

“You know, you’re the only girl I love,” Jong Hyun looked into my eyes.

“Jong Hyun! Your hands were in her pants and on her , dammit!” I yelled in his face.

“She forced me to finger her, and she lured me in – I wanted to stop but she kept pulling me in,” Jong Hyun reasoned.

“Finger her? Shouldn’t you want to that, she wouldn’t ask to be . You’re such a bad liar,” I hissed through my breath, struggling to get out of his grip.

“Look, I’m really sorry and I don’t want things to end with you – I really really love you, Eun Hye,” Jong Hyun said sincerely with tears in his eyes.

“I’ll th-” I wanted to tell him I’ll think about it before I -out.

The next thing I knew, I hit the floor hard.


“I’m really sorry,” Jong Hyun pouted as he looked down at his feet.

“J-jong Hyun, I’m sorry but I need time too,” I muttered as I looked away and pulled my blanket over me.

“Are you still my girlfriend then? I mean, I’ll do anything to be yours,” Jong Hyun said as she caressed my cheek on the blanket.

“I-I,” I wanted to cry so badly.

“Eun Hye, do you like someone else now?” his voice was hurt.

“Please leave me alone,” I muttered under the sheets.

“I’m so s-” he wanted to say.

“I heard you loud and clear, now leave me,” I said icily.

I heard his footsteps walked further as I cried under the sheets. I didn’t how long I stayed under the sheets. But I heard the door open and I heard laughter and umma’s voice.

“Eun Hye! We’re here,” I heard Onew’s voice.

Immediately, I wiped my tears and smiled.

“Eun Hye-ah, can I come in?” I heard Taemin knock on the door.

“Hmm, sure,” my morning voice croaked.

“You sound like a frog,” Taemin laughed.

“Eun Hye, are you okay? Where did Key go?” Onew asked me.

“Key is out again,” I said.

“Go wash up, we can go to school together,” Taemin clapped his hands.

“We spend time with you as much as we can before we g-” Taemin nudged Onew’s stomach and gave him a stern look.

“Oh right, get changed!” Onew walked out of the room.

“Where are you going? Are you leaving?” I asked Taemin cautiously.

“No, we’re not, how can I ever leave you? Go get changed, we’ll be waiting,” Taemin pat my head before walking out.

Quickly, I rushed to the toilet as I ran past Taemin who I heard chuckle a little. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and ran back to the room. I wore my over sized shirt and my skinnies as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail before rushing out to wear my adidas skate shoes.

“I’m ready, ka ja!” I smiled.

“That was fast,” Taemin chuckled.

“I’ll stay with umma, she needs help,” Onew pouted as he walked to the kitchen.

“Umm? You’re leaving me alone with Eun Hye?” Taemin panicked.

I laughed a little and linked my arm with Taemin. I saw him blush as he wore his shoes. We walked slowly down the streets to school. Then, a group of pretty girls walked passed us. They were in pretty dresses and ballet shoes with beautiful accessories. They were obviously rich people. I pouted as I folded my arms. He realized me and looked at what I’m wearing as he smiled widely.

“Do you want to know why I like you?” he blushed as he said that.

“Hmm?” I looked at him.

“It’s because you’re not like those girls,” he pointed at the girls that passed us.

“Oh,” I smiled.

“Hmm, I’m going to miss this…” he mumbled softly but I heard it clearly.

“Taemin, are you going somewhere?” I stopped and asked him.

“Anio, wae?” he smiled forcefully.

I could see it was fake.

“Ya… you’re my bestfriend. I should know,” I held his hand.

“I’m Eun Hye’s best friend now?” he smiled.

“You’re my best friend since you helped me yesterday,” I smiled back.

He smiled and swung my linked hands back and forth as we continued walking. He laughed slightly like a child. I couldn’t help but smile at him. Suddenly, he began to walk slower and the smile on his face faded.

“We’re passed the audition, and we’ll be living together nearer to the talent agency – Smentertainment,” he said slowly, glumly.

“You’ll be moving away?” my face fell.

“Onew hyung, Jong Hyun hyung, Key hyung, Min Ho hyung and me,” he looked at me in the eyes.

“W-when?” I choked out my words.

“Probably in 3 days, the agency currently needs groups so we’re in,” Taemin continued.

“Ah,” my eyes filled up with tears.

“Eun Hye-ah!” Taemin bend down a little to see my face clearly.

“Oh-h? Taemin-ah, I’m fine, I wish you luck,” I smiled through my tears.

“Eun Hye-ah, can I hug y-you?” he said awkwardly.

I burst out into laughter at his cuteness and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. I felt his heartbeat really fast which made me laugh slightly. Then, he sang a line which made me smile.

“Eun Hye neomu yeppo~” he laughed.

“What happens if that really becomes a song?” I looked at him, pulling away from him.

“Then, you know it’s written for you,” he smiled.

We walked to school together.

Key p.o.v

Onew hyung was pulling me back to school despite my cries. I thought I could escape so I went to Seoul for a small shopping spree.

“Mwoh?! Small shopping spree? Look at how many bags you brought home!” Umma pinched my ear.

“Ah! Umma, I’m sorry sorry sorry sorry!” I pleaded as she pinched my ear harder.

“Now, get your in school – I don’t want to receive any more complaints about you,” she pushed me towards the door.

“Umma, have you heard the news? Our dance team passed the audition for SMentertainment,” Onew smiled as he held her hand.

“Waa~ Chinca? Oh, I’m so proud of you!” Umma rubbed his head.

“Umma! I’m part of the dance team too!” I whined.

“Ya! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could’ve saved up money from buying too much groceries because I thought you moved in permanently!” Umma scolded.

“Umma! I’m your son!” I cried frustrated.

“Umma, I’ll be going to school with Key now,” Onew gave her the smiley eye which made me ‘pfft’ in disgust.

“Umma, I’ll be  moving away for work. Your first-born going away~ Leaving you alone with your daughter~” I trailed off as I went to the door.

“Stop being melodramatic,” Umma said as she cut vegetables.

“Key! Kaja!” Onew yelled from the door.

“Coming hyung!” I called.

As we walked, I thought of Eun Hye. How is she going to handle this? Breaking up with that , her brothers moving away, I bet she’s happy Min Ho’s moving too. Oh! Ah right! Being in this agency or whatever did still allow us to go to school. So maybe, we’ll still meet in school. Then, I saw Min Ho and Jong Hyun’s van drive past us. We’re of lower cast than them. I rolled my eyes as I fixed my fringe.

“What’re you think about?” Onew placed his hands in his pockets.

“Hmm, Eun Hye,” I muttered.

“What’s wrong with her?” Onew asked worriedly.

“Hey hyung, you still have that crazy crush on her?” I gasped.

“Yah! You better not tell anyone. Because of that crazy secret, I’ve been earning myself free kisses on the cheek from her,” Onew grinned.

“Yah! Hyung! Don’t take advantage of my sister,” I hit his arm.

“I’m not, I love chicken more,” he grinned.

“It’s strange, both brothers having a crush on the same girl – that’s so ironic,” I teased.

“Yah, shut up. I care for her, alright? Ever since your Appa died, I think I should protect her as a brother,” he made his dramatic speech.

“What does that make me?” I glowered.

“A useless brother,” he said nonchalantly.

“It takes one useless person to know another useless person,” I back fired him.

“How are we going to convey the news to Eun Hye? She has just gone through her first break up after a rough period,” Onew sighed.

“We’ll still meet her, she’s strong she’ll be okay,” I said proudly as we continued walking to school.

Min Ho p.o.v

I didn’t know we’ll make it, I’m really happy. Appa was proud of me, umma was worried. He didn’t even come back last night after that major screw up with Eun Hye. I felt sorry for her – I heard she almost got by her first boyfriend before she met Jong Hyun. Damn you, Jong Hyun. Why must you make her vulnerable and sad? If you were not related or close, I would’ve made you cry and bled worse than the boys I beat up on the playground for hurting Eun Hye.

I went downstairs to drink my morning juice as I spin the basketball on my finger. I saw Jong Hyun at the dining table, all down and glum. He had obviously taken a bath, noticing his wet hair and stuff. I  rolled my eyes as I sat at the table.

“Yah, hyung. Have you told appa about the news?” I asked him as I drank the juice.

“Oh, yeah. I told him,” he said bluntly.

Then, there was silence.

“Should I let her go?” Jong Hyun asked for my opinion.

Woah, steady there. He never asks me for opinions! What in the world did Eun Hye do to him? I wanted to tell him – DUH! You have to let her go so she can come crawling to me, and we’ll be the perfect couple of the world. On the other hand, I wanted to say – No hyung, you shouldn’t let go of an awesome and pretty girl like Eun Hye. She isn’t one to come by twice in your life. Instead of saying what I thought, I sighed.

“Do what you think you should do, hyung,” I mumbled as I stood up and ahead towards the door.

“We got three days before we move in with the rest,” Jong Hyun caught up with me to the van.

“Three days? Oh yeah… Biology test due in 2 days,” I said.

“What has that got to do with anything?” he rolled his eyes.

Everything. The biology test is the only thing that linked me with Eun Hye. I’ll spend my days with her wisely before I leave. Maybe, we’ll continue schooling there once we move. I don’t want to spend my days away from her, it’ll drive me insane. Seoul is pretty far away.

We got into the van and drove off to school.



:D Hey guys :D I guess you probably know where this leads to :D

There'll be some scenes soon ~ But it'll be far far far away ~~~~~~ PLEASE COMMENT :D

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^