I can't believe this.

Why what happens.

Jong Hyun

The line went dead.

“Yah!” I yelled.

Why is she so… ugh… exactly like her brother – my yeobo. Then, my yeobo entered the room, tired. I should be tired, considering that I spent so much money on shoes and desserts I didn’t get to taste. I sighed.

“So, when did you and my sister get together again?” he asked.

“YAH, how did you know?” I yelled at him.

“Yeobo, I saw you and her at the cineplex when I was shopping with Nic-” I cut him off.

“When are you going to tell Nicole you like her?” I changed the subject.

“YAH! I don’t like her in that way,” he said.

“Oh, sure you don’t,” I smirked.

Things were silent then. Suddenly, Key grabbed the collar of my jacket. He stared into my eyes, his were filled with tears of anger. Did I upset him that much?

“H-hey, yeobo. I was just joking,” I stuttered.

“Don’t you hurt my little sister, you hear that?” he spoke.

“I won’t,” I sighed.

“You better,” he smiled and wiped the tears.

“So, you want to tell me why your sister has weird up and down mood swings? It frightens me terribly,” I asked him.

“If it frightens you terribly, why don’t you break up with her?” he folded his arms.

“Yah, I’m not leaving her, ever,” I hissed.

“Then, do what you do best,” Key chuckled.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Write a song about her,” Key walked out of the room.

“Ah, right,” I grabbed a pen and lay on my bed as I thought of the tune.

Why is your, why is your
Mood down, oh why, oh why
Why is your, why is your mood up, oh why

Neowae neowae downiya gibooni
Owae owae cheok.hamyeon cheok
Neowae neowae upiya gibooni owae

Your p.o.v

“I knew you weren’t really at your mom’s house, anyways,” Min Ho chuckled on the phone.

“Ah, sorry Min Ho,” I apologised like the 20thtime?

Yes, I knew he was really smart enough to figure out that… I turned my head to see Krystal still sleeping. I thought she had full schedule today. I guess I was wrong. She was really happy yesterday, I wondered how Min Ho treated her…

“So, will you hang out with me for real now?” he laughed.

“Min Ho, you know I’m back with Jong Hyun right?” I muttered.

“Yeah, I do,” he said like a pro, knowing he was hurt.

“What if I hurt you? You pretend to be tough, but I know deep inside you’re just a little lost flame,” I mumbled.

“I am not just a flame, I’m flaming charisma, haven’t you heard? Girls die for my gazes,” he scoffed on the phone.

“Yeah, girls - not me!” I laughed.

“Oops! I forgot, you’re not a girl. In this world, there are – females, males and Eun Hye,” he was such a badass.

“YAH! You dimwit,” I yelled on the phone.

Then, I saw Krystal toss and turn in her bed. Oops? A little too loud. I walked out of the room, continuing the conversation outside. I sat on the sofa as I watched the rest do their usual stuff in the apartment. Which was nothing much… Victoria wasn’t home, probably at her WGM shooting.

“So, when can we hang out?” he said again.

“Well, I need to ask Jong Hyun, he might get jealous and hit on some other random celebrity,” I muttered.

“If he loves you, he wouldn’t,” Min Ho laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” I suddenly coughed.

“Are you okay?” he spoke quickly.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ve been feeling weird these few days, must’ve been the weather,” I chuckled.

“So, meet you in 10 minutes?” he spoke on the phone.

“Yah, you live so far away,” I rolled my eyes.

“Nope, I’m outside the fx apartment, waiting for you,” WHAT? HE KNOWS WHERE I LIVE?

“H-how did you know?!” I yelled.

“Krystal told me after she took my bribe,” he chuckled.

“What in the world did you bribe her?” I narrowed my eyes outside the window where I saw him chuckling to himself.

“Oh nothing. Anyways, pali! It’s getting cold out here,” he scolded me.

“Alright alright,” I laughed as I hung up the phone to get myself ready.

I wore warm clothes. Then, I coughed again. I coughed badly this time. My head hurt so badly that I had to squad down. After sighing, I stood up and combed my hair and wore my scarf before exiting the room where I left Krystal sleeping.

“Victoria umma, Sulli-ssi, Amber-ssi, Luna-ssi, I’ll be going out. Help me tell Krystal I’ll be back soon,” I smiled before heading out.


Key p.o.v

“Umma, how is she?” I asked umma concerned.

“She doesn’t remember at all,” Umma sighed.

“We can’t just tell her,” I mumbled.

“We have to soon, it’s about time we have to bring her for a regular check-up,” Umma said.

“How have you been getting her for a check-up?” I asked.

“I’ve been draining blood from her when she’s sleeping and I’ll send it over to the Lee’s where they will send it to their lab,” Umma said.

“You mean the Lee’s know about her?” I asked suspiciously.

“Only Mr. and Mrs. Lee; Taemin and Jinki doesn’t know anything about her condition,” Umma clarified with me.

“Ah, I feel so bad for hiding from her about her own condition,” I frowned.

Umma drank the tea she served me. Oh, right. So why did she call me here?

“So, Umma – why did you call me over?” I asked after sipping the tea.

“I just received the result from the recent test on her blood,” she placed the cup of tea down.

“What is it?” Sensing something is wrong, I placed a hand over my umma’s shoulder.

She shed a tear which flowed down her left cheek as she wiped it with her scarf. She handed me the blood test result. It showed that it was positive that she was diagnosed with – Heart Cancer. I stared at the paper, reading it all over again and again.

“          We advise that the patient is to be brought to the hospital for immediate treatment although we cannot guarantee a full recovery……”

“          Kim Eun Hye…… positive for diagnose with cancer……”

THEY CAN’T PROVE IF SHE HAS A CANCER BY BLOOD TEST! I started to freak out. I shoved the paper on the table and looked at my Umma who was holding back her tears. Immediately, I went over to her and hugged her from behind. She started sobbing and crying afterwards as she held my hand.

“Umma, don’t cry. She’s going to be fine – You can’t decide whether or not a person has cancer based on blood tests, we have to bring her for a proper check-up,” I tried to be strong, holding on to Umma.

“We can’t tell your friends,” Umma sobbed.

“Yes, Umma. I’ll go talk to her, why don’t you set a date and text me the date,” I smiled at Umma.

I brought Umma to her room and let her rest on her bed as I went out of the room and closed the door behind me. Then, I leaned against the wall and ran my fingers through my hair. Then, something wet fell and streamed down my cheeks. I fell on my knees as I tried to control my tears. My sister… and she don’t even know.

I started to mutter word that came into my head; the words that explained my feelings right now.

I can handle this much pain and suffering…
이런아픔, 고통쯤견딜있는걸요
Eereon apeum, gotongjjeum gyeondil su itneungeolyo…


Min Ho p.o.v

Eun Hye laughed at my dry jokes. It was nice having her around me although I know she’s taken by my hyung. Oh whatever man, I can date her whenever I want. I stared at her face when she explained to me about her life in New York; the food she ate, the climate there, the friends she made. She even told me about her life now and how she doesn’t have a job to sustain herself. I smiled. Then, suddenly she cringed in pain when she held her head.

“Eun Hye, are you seriously okay? It’s fine if you don’t want to hang today,” I rubbed her back.

“Nah, it’s just the weather. I’ll be fine,” she smiled.

I smiled back as she walked in front of me. I ran after her and hugged her from the back, making her scream and laugh at the same time. She ran away as I chased her around the playground we used to play when we were little. Where we were? We were far away from Seoul back in our hometown near the school we were enrolled in when we were still young. She hid under the slide as I pretended to look for her.

“Yah! I’m here dimwit!” she laughed.

“I knew that!” I tackled her and threw her over my shoulder.

“Yahhh!! Put me down!” she laughed and hit my back.

“Nice massage, I know what job you should get – a masseuse,” I laughed.

“Yah, not funny! Put me down! Yahhhhh~~~” she kicked her legs in the air like a kid.

I gave up and placed her down. She panted as she continued to hit me on the arm. I cringed in pain as I ran away from her. She laughed. Then, we sat down at the side. She placed her hands in mine as we watched the sun set behind the trees. I smiled as I saw her playfully poking my knee with a finger.

“We better get home now, Key will be angry,” I spoke.

“You’re afraid of Key too?” she teased me.

“Yah, I’m not scared. He’s my hyung. I need to respect him,” I hit her head.

“Alright Chinguu,” she laughed as she ran in front of me into the van we came here by.


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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^