
Why what happens.

Your p.o.v

“I wrote it for you…”

“I love you…”

“Eun Hye neomu yeppo~”

“Eun Hye! Let’s go shopping!”

“Eun Hye! Your chemistry book!”

“I wrote it for you!”

“Those are not your friends, they’re hurting you!”

“Go away!”

Suddenly, everything went away and I couldn’t see SHINee’s faces anymore. I heard a familiar voice calling out to me.

“Eun Hye-ah, my baby, come here,”

“W-what are you doing?”

“You said you love me,”

“Stop it,”

“Eun Hye-ah,” I heard Jong Hyun’s voice.

“Eun Hye,” whose voice was this?

Oh, I recognize him now. It’s you. That bastard who told me that everything was going to be okay. That … who… almost… me. Why can’t I remember you before? Then, I opened my eyes. He appeared before me. His eyes widened when he saw me looking at him, fearfully.

“Lee. Ki. Kwang?”


Ki kwang p.o.v

Oh . She woke up. I was about to leave when she opened her eyes. I widened my eyes in shock.

“Lee. Ki. Kwang?” she spoke fearfully.

I was a monster in her eyes. I admit it. I was a fool years ago when I played around with her feelings. I even made the biggest mistake of my life when I was drunk. I almost her, according to what people tell me. The only thing I could remember was that her diva brother throwing me punches and kicking me out of the house.

She stared at me, still in shock.

“E-eun Hye, I’m back,” I said three foolish words which made her scream.


Then, a nurse came into the room. Quickly, I fled the place. She was so terrified of me. I thought I had given her everything. I’m so sorry, Eun Hye. I walked quickly out of the hospital, scared that I’ll be followed. Then, I received a call. I picked it up.


“Yo, Kikwang. Where you at?” Yoseob happily spoke at the other line.

“Oh, I-uh met up with an old friend,” I stuttered.

“Huh? Okay! We’re heading over to the dance room for practice, you coming?” he asked.

“I’ll be there,” I said that and hung up.

I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. For long how more need I live with this guilt and regret? I only want my Eun Hye back.


Your p.o.v


Immediately, he ran out of the room when a nurse came into the room to attend to me. She tried to keep me calm as the beeping of the monitor became wild. That was when my head started to hurt and everything started to blur again. My breathing became hard. Then, it went pitch black.


Key p.o.v

“, I feel uneasy,” Onew grumbled and cursed.

“Me too, hyung. Damnit,” Taemin spoke.

“Yah, Taemin. No cursing,” I turned my head to the backseat.

I hate to admit it but yes, I do feel it too. I feel as though she’s in danger. Right now, we’re on our way for… hold on. Where are we going now? I turned to Jong Hyun who happens to be thinking the same thing as I am. Now, how do we do that? I smirked.

“Hyung, where are we going now?” Jong Hyun asked our manager.

“Oh? Yeah… where are we going now?” he scratched his head.

Min Ho rolled his eyes.

“If our schedule ended, can we go visit Eun Hye?” Min Ho asked.

“Aren’t you guys tired? You have to wake up early tomorrow at 7 for practice,” our manager informed us.

“We don’t mind, hyung. Can you please us bring us to the hospital? I have a bad feeling,” Onew said quickly.

“Araso, araso,” our manager made a U-turn and drove towards the hospital.

“Hyung, what if something bad happens to Eun Hye?” Taemin asked me.

“Taemin, d-don’t say that,” I hushed Taemin.

What happened to my sister? Why do I feel so uneasy?


No one’s p.o.v

“Her heart rate is decreasing,” the nurse panicked as she pressed the emergency button to call the other nurses.

“What happened?” the doctor came in immediately.

“She screamed and I saw someone flee the room,” the nurse informed quickly as she injected something into Eun Hye’s arm.

The beeping of the monitor started to beep slower at a dangerous rate.

“We’re losing her!”

Just then, SHINee were at the door.

“What happened to my sister?!” Key yelled.

“Sir, there are other patients. Please keep your volume down. We have to you out of here, we have the situation under control,” a nurse tried to keep them out.

“What happened to Eun Hye?!” Jong Hyun was in shock.

“EUN HYE!” Onew was scared out of his wits.

“Let me in there, now!” Min Ho growled

“Guys, come on; listen to the nurse,” the manager tried to get them out.

“NOOOOO!” Taemin cried.

“Please, sir,” more nurses came to keep them out of the room.

A nightmare Eun Hye once had is coming true… Will she die this time?


SHINee sat in the hospital corridor… again. This time, they were devastated; even more than before. Jong Hyun kept his face buried in his knees. Min Ho was pacing around, uncontrollably. Key was gone, probably trying to find a nurse to get some news. Onew was talking to his manager about tomorrow schedule to try finding a slot to free them so they can visit Eun Hye, trying to distract himself from breaking down. Too late, Onew burst out crying as well. Taemin whose eyes were red and swollen went to his hyung and hugged him. Instead of comforting each other, Taemin couldn’t help but cry as well.

“God… please…. God, not now… Please let Eun Hye live,” Onew begged.

Jong Hyun was shaking inside. He was mad and upset. He wanted to burst out crying as well like Onew but he knew he had to be strong. He kept praying and praying as he cried in his knees. He kept muttering words of prayer as he cried and thought of Eun Hye patiently.

Min Ho kept pacing around. He knew that he couldn’t sit down because if he did, he’ll end up breaking down as well. He watched his hyungs and maknae breaking down. He didn’t want to break down as well. He kept holding back his tears.

Over an hour have gone by, there was still no news. Key was back, he was miserable and his eyes were swollen. Automatically, he hugged Onew and Taemin who were sobbing.

“Have faith, she’ll be alright,” Key tried to reason carefully.

Then, the doctor came out.


No one’s p.o.v

“Kim Eun Hye…” the doctor announced.

Everyone turned their swollen and desperate faces towards the doctor as they stood quickly. SHINee’s manager came forward immediately as well.

“She’s in a very unstable condition now,” she went on.

“What exactly happen?” Min Ho asked.

“Someone visited her right after the surgery. It went successfully. However, when she woke up she screamed. It must’ve been someone she didn’t like or someone who reminded her of a past tragedy,” the doctor explained.

“Who was it?” Key asked worriedly.

“We do not know who, but the nurse said he was buff and tall, he also had piercing on his ears,” she nodded her head.

Key’s eyes widened as he exchanged gazes with Onew who nodded back. Onew then looked over at Taemin who was shaking in fear as well.

“How long will she be in this condition?” Jong Hyun asked.

“We do not know for sure, but we cannot allow any more visitors until she is stable. We will inform you as soon as possible. As for now, I suggest you guys go home and rest. Any news, we will contact you,” the doctor informed us.

“Yeh, kamsahamnida,” Onew bowed.

Taemin broke down on his knees and buried his face in his hands. He started to sob uncontrollably. Taemin knew what happened to Eun Hye years back. He was so afraid that he would come back and hurt Eun Hye and like what happened years ago – Taemin couldn’t protect Eun Hye.

“T-taemin-ah, it’s going to be alright,” Jong Hyun started to comfort him.

“Taemin, let’s go home,” Min Ho tried to comfort him.

Everyone started to comfort each other as they knew what Eun Hye would have wanted. She wouldn’t want them to sad and devastated over her. They just wished this could all end as fast as possible.


Your p.o.v

“Kikwang, w-what happened to you?” I smelled alcohol in the air.

“Eun Hye-ah, I feel so great,” Kikwang mumbled as he pinned me on the bed.

“Kikwang, let go. It hurts,” I wiggled my wrists free.

“Anni, it won’t hurt,” he smirked as he starting to kiss my cheek.

“Kikwang, you’re scaring me. Shiro. Let go,” I started to feel uneasy.

“Eun hye, didn’t you say you loved me?” kikwang spoke angrily and he grabbed his blouse and tore it.

“STOP!! STOP IT!!” I screamed.

I heard running up the stairs and immediately, the door flung over revealing my brother.

“YAH! Igeo bwoh?!” Key yelled and pulled Kikwang off him.

He punched kikwang in his stomach so many times before taking the fight out of my room.


“J-jonghyun, what’s wrong?” I stuttered.

“Eun Hye-ah, do you know my feelings for you?” he said smiling weirdly, which kind of scared me, as he caressed my cheek with his other hand.

“Of course, that’s why I’m your girlfriend,” I said as I tried to wiggle my hand free.

“Eun Hye, If I said I love you, will you show me that you love me back?” his face leaned in closer to me

“Of course. Don’t be silly, you know I love you too,” I smiled nervously.

Then, he leaned and kissed my lips softly. Then, just as I was about to pull away, his arms went around me and pulled me closer to me, tightening his grip around me. His kiss got deeper and fiercer. I knew the relationship was going to reach to this extend. Maybe, we’ve been dating long enough so I kissed him back. He obviously liked it because he hugged my tighter. Then, his hand travelled down to my thigh. As he kissed me, he pushed me down and his hand travelled under my jacket. He caressed my stomach and his hand begins to climb higher. I broke the kiss to breathe. His forehead was against mine; breathing heavily. He was on top of me. Is he going to me?


“Eun Hye, say that you love me,” Jong Hyun closed his eyes as he breathed heavily.

“I lov-“ I was about to finish my sentence when his hand travelled to my chest.

“Eun Hye, I love you,” He said.

“Stop it!” I screamed as I got up and turned away from him.

I hid my face. My tears were clouding my eyes. I haven’t been this scared ever since that incident. Yes, that time when my previous boyfriend tried to me in my own house. Thank goodness Key oppa, heard me screaming from the room. I wiped my tears away. Then, I felt his arms around me from the back. His head was on my shoulder and his breath was against my neck.

“Eun Hye, I won’t hurt you like that person,” he whispered into my ear.

“J-jong Hyun, I’m scared. Please don’t touch me until I’m ready,” I said as my I buried my face in my knees.


I loved Kikwang. Back then, I would’ve given my life to him. He helped me a lot ever since Appa died. He betrayed my trust. Now… I love Jong Hyun. Right now, I will give him my life if I have to. However… will he betray me as well?

How long more need I suffer this phobia? Then, I felt someone hold my hand. I heard voices of comfort around me.

“Eun Hye, please don’t leave me,” I heard Key’s sobbing through the walls of my mind.

“Eun Hye… I promise… I promise I’ll take of you well,” I heard Jong Hyun crying and praying.

“I’ll protect you no matter what, just please… open your eyes,” I heard Min Ho begging me.

“Eun Hye, please… do it for me… Do it for your best friend, I’ll continue to be your best friend, nothing more. I won’t be selfish… Please… open your eyes,” I heard Onew crying.

“Eun Hye… I miss your smile; I don’t mind not being your boyfriend. Just stay alive, please. Do it for umma, appa, lee umma and appa, Onew hyung, Jong Hyun hyung, Key hyung, Min ho hyung. It’s okay if you don’t do it for me… just open your eyes, it’s too early to leave us,” I heard Taemin sobbing.

I tried to move my body but nothing seem to respond to my efforts and tries. I tried again. Then, I cried and broke down. I didn’t want to leave anyone. I tried to move my hand… suddenly, I felt something warm on my hand. I tried moving my fingers.




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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^