She hates her.

Why what happens.

Key p.o.v

If I were an irritating and arrogant girl, where would I stay? I asked myself as I drew circles on the paper. On the moon? In a car? No.. she doesn’t even have her driving license… What if she does? Oh shut up, she doesn’t. Not before me, she doesn’t. I wonder if she had her dinner? Can she cook for herself? The last time we had a ramen cooking competition, she won because her ramen had soup. I rolled my eyes. YAH! Eun Hye, you’re seriously going to be the death of me.

I crushed the paper and threw it into the bin.

Your p.o.v

“Annyeonghasaeyo, is anyone in?” I knocked on the door.

Then, a familiar looking girl opened the door. I smiled brightly.

“EUN HYE!! YOU’RE BACK IN SEOUL!” Sulli screamed as she hugged me tightly.

I laughed as I hugged her back.

“Where have you been staying?” she asked.

“I’ve been hotel-hopping from one hotel to another,” I giggled.

“Come on in!” she pulled my luggage into the house.

I walked into her nice apartment where I saw other people surprised to see me.. I bowed politely. There were 4 of them. They smiled at me and waved.

“Hello, I’m Victoria,” the pretty one said.

“I’m Krystal,” the cool one said.

“I’m Amber,” said the boyish looking one.

“I’m Luna,” said the other one.

“Annyeonghasaeyo. I’m Eun Hye… Sulli’s friend,” I said.

Immediately, after saying that I saw Krystal face emotion changed. She looked away and folded her arms, arrogantly. I looked down, did I cause some unhappiness?

“She’ll be staying with us!” Sulli cheered.

“Doesn’t she have her own home to stay in?” Krystal said.

I looked down in guilt by that comment. I caused people trouble just because I wanted to avoid my own family so I could avoid SHINee… I felt bad. I looked up at Krystal smiling. In some weird ways, I found Krystal really familiar as though I met her before. I sighed.

“I’m sorry if I am a burden, I’ll leave then,” I made my way to the door.

“YAH! Nonsense~” I felt an arm grab me from behind.

I turned behind to find a friendly figure pulling me away from the door.

“Oh?” I gasped.

“Victoria umma, I’ll go get Eun Hye’s things into the room with Sulli,” Luna smiled as she skipped to the door.

I smiled at Victoria and looked up at Krystal who tore her gaze from me sharply. What was her problem? I know I’m being a pest in her apartment… but still… I sighed as Amber slung her arm over my shoulder and dragged me into the room. I felt welcomed and a little hated... you know what I mean… I never had sisters, they made me feel warm. Well, except Krystal… I smiled as Victoria left the room to make dinner. My stomach grumbled. I placed a hand over my stomach embarrassed.

“When was the last time you ate?” Amber asked.

“Oh, uhm… This morning?” I tried remembering.

“You haven’t had anything for… let me count… more than 12 hours! That’s not good! We have to get you something to eat!” Sulli pulled me out of the room.

Key p.o.v

“This is killing me…” I groaned in my sleep.

I stared at my phone. Still expecting a call from Eun Hye. DAMN IT EUN HYE, WON’T YOU STOP MAKING ME SO WORRIED?! I ruffled my hair agitatedly. Oh wait, you probably don’t get what I mean by waiting for a call from her… So this happened just now after practice…


“Stupid, pabo, grahh, *more grumbling*~~~ arhhhhghh,” I grumbled as I walked into the next store to try release my stress.

What am I doing? I’m shopping to release my worry for Eun Hye. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.

“HEY BABYY~~~” Nicole sang.

“Oh? Hey baby!” I responded as I hugged her.

“Haha, what are you doing hereee~?” she sang as she looked at the sunglasses on display.

“What do you think I’m doing? I’m shopping,” I scoffed.

“Yah, your sister still missing?” she knocked my head.

“Ouch. Yeah… I’m really worried,” I pouted on purpose.

“Give her time, if she really knows that you’ll go all crazy, worrying for her, maybe that’s why she isn’t calling,” Nicole smiled.

“Uhm, yeah. Probably that’s why,” I muttered.

“Give her time, she’ll call soon,” she patted my back in encouragement.

“Hmm,” I said.

“YAH! Those hats are on sale!” she screamed.

“Where?! Where?! WHAT ELSE ARE YOU WAITING FOR BABE?!” I ran to the hats.

“ME FIRST! I found them first! I want the pink one! Nooooooooo~~~~” Nicole whined.


Alright… So, I went shopping for hats in the end. It was on sale. I sighed as I sat on my bed and groaned in distress again. I’m her brother! Why isn’t she calling me?! This is so annoying. She even changed her number, I couldn’t contact her. I need a drink.

I got up from my bed to see Min Ho smiling to himself on the laptop. I shook my head and walked nearer to him. He saw me and quickly closed the window and started surfing for something else.

“Yah, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Ohh, nothing. I was just… Hyung, do we have any schedule tomorrow night at 8?” Min Ho changed the subject.

“Uh, I don’t think so. Wae? You going out with Krystal huh?” I .

“Yah, hyung. I told you, I don’t like her,” he gave me the shut-the-hell-up face.

“Fine fine, I was just joking. She likes you though. You should give Eun Hye up and go for her. Even though Krystal knows you like my sister, she still likes you,” I said.

“She knows she’s your sister?!” he raised his voice a little.

“Uh yeah. What issues?” Min Ho clarified.

“Well, according to Krystal who is always jealous of Eun Hye… Eun Hye always gets whatever she wants which got Krystal really irritated,” I explained.

“That’s pretty lame,” Min Ho looked away.

“Hm, yeah. I suppose,” I trailed away and walked to the kitchen to get water.

Jong Hyun p.o.v

I ignored what time it was. The last time I checked it was 1a.m since I left the SME building. Yeah, I’m terrified I’ll get caught by fans but I need alone time people. I sighed as I walked pass the stores by the streets alone. I missed her smile. I missed her constant giggles. I yearned for her comforts she’ll shower me with whenever I’m upset. I missed hugging her and having her in my arms, just like that. I missed Eun Hye.

I missed her so badly that I even hallucinate her auditioning for SME. I pulled my hoodie over my head and looked down as I muttered the lyrics I wrote for ‘Jojo’.

Look, just look at that look
She’s almost like me, saying how it’s easy to forget
I don’t want to believe it

(Oh ah) A restless night
I’m so sick of my head hurting
I get on my knees,
Hit my chest, and even if I cry,
Can something that can’t be done be done?

Without me knowing, a tear fell from my eye and landed on the concrete ground. I whispered her name one more time.

“Eun Hye,  I wrote it for you…”

I took in a deep breath and exhale some of my misery away slowly. With my hands deep in my pockets, I remembered the first time I confessed to Eun Hye…


She’s over there! Some guy named Onew was with her, walking with her out of class. I rolled my eyes as I stood at the side, waiting for Onew to walk away, knowing he has chemistry class now. I folded my arms and waited.

“Bye Eun Hye! See you at dinner!” he yelled as he ran for class.

“Bye Onew!” she smiled.

Then, her eyes met mine and I saw her blush and look away. I chuckled as I walked slowly towards her. I mimicked the steps she took as she took out her ipod to listen, and then she turned around to look at me.

I quickly pretended to rub my neck as I looked at the sky. Ouch my eyes, the sun is so blinding! Damn it. Then, I looked down and saw her walking away. Here’s my chance.

“Hm, Eun Hye!” I called her name.

She stopped walking and turned to face me.

“Uh. Hm. Yes?” she stuttered nervously.

“I know that… we don’t really talk a lot or even gone out once… but well… I was wondering if you would accept my feelings.” I held her hand that was dangling from the side, wanting me to intertwine my fingers with.

She looked up at me, her face shining so brightly.

“Hmm, Jong Hyun-ssi. I-I… to tell you the truth… I like you too,” she covered quickly.

Immediately, I chuckled and rubbed my neck. We stood like that for quite a while. Eun Hye was blushing so much.

“So… will you be my girlfriend?” I asked her.



My phone buzzed in my pants, making me snap out of the flashback. Caller ID: Key Yeobo. I grumbled as I picked it up.

“Yah, what do you want?” I said on the phone.

“Do you know what time is it?!” he yelled on the phone.

“Yeah… I know…” I muttered.

“We have a performance tomorrow,” he said again.

“Alright, I’ll be home soon,” I lied.

“You better hurry, I’m getting bored by myself,” he joked.

“Araso yeobo,” I chuckled before hanging up.

Your p.o.v

“Oh! Komawo-ah Sulli-ssi,” I thanked as she brought the steamed fish onto the table.

“It’s okay,” she smiled.

So, Sulli has always been my close friend since middle school but she hardly talks to me because we got into different schools when we got into high school.

“Komawo, Victoria-ssi, Amber-ssi, Luna-ssi, Krystal-ssi,” I said politely.

“Call me victoria umma,” she smiled.

I nodded my head before eating my rice.

“Oh! Sulli told us you’re close to SHINee?” Luna said almost making me spit my food out.

“Oh… Oh, yeah, I guess,” I eyed Sulli, particularly remembering that I told her I didn’t anyone to know.

I wonder if they know that Key is my br-

“And your brother is Key-ssi?” Amber said.

Oh great.

“Oh, yeah…” I trailed my answers.

“You’re close to Min Ho too?” Krystal spoke out after a long time, not in a friendly way but in an i-don’t-like-you tone.

“Hmm, we’re arch enemies?” I tried livening the mood.

“Don’t worry about her, she’s a little grumpy when she found out that someone’s been closer than her to Min Ho oppa,” Sulli poked Krystal’s cheek making her flinch away.

“Oh, mianhe Krystal-ssi. However, I do not have any feelings for Min Ho-ssi, and I will never have any feelings for the SHINee members,” I cleared the air.

“CHINCA?! Means that Onew is mine?” Luna screamed happily.

“Hmm?” I widened my eyes.

“Luna unnie has a big big crush on Onew sunbae, she went bonkers when they sang the duet together,” Sulli said while munching on chicken.

“Oh! Onew has been my best friend ever since we were still in diapers, he’s really nice,” I said.

With that, I heard Krystal scoff after taking she took a sip of her drink. I kept quiet and ate my rice silently. Luna looked at Krystal and shook her head.

“You’re so lucky! I heard that Jong Hyun sunbae used to be your boyfriend,” Amber waggled her brows at me.

I almost choked on my food. Quickly, I drank my water.

“Oh… I guess so? It’s really a long time ago,” I smiled at her.

“Eh? Well, at least you guys were… you know what I mean,” Amber waggled her brows again, making me blush.

“How do you guys know so much about me?” I pouted.

“Sulli’s been really close to Taemin sunbae lately,” Luna said loudly.

“YEAH! Like real close,” Amber responded.

“Yah, UNNIE! Stop it!” Sulli tried to shut them up.

That was so like Taemin. This made me laugh a little. I smiled and continued eating.

“So… where will I sleeping tonight?” I asked.

“Well… You’ll be sleeping with Krystal in her room,” Victoria said.

“MWOH?!” Krystal stood up.

“You’re the only one with a spare bed,” Victoria tried to calm her down.

“Oh whatever,” she left the table and slammed the bedroom door.

Was I really hated by her? I sighed.

“Please don’t mind her, she’s really petty these days,” Victoria smiled at me.

“It’s alright, Victoria… umma,” I smiled.


(sleeping time)

“Hm, Krystal-ssi, is it okay if I come in?” I knocked on the door.

“Let me do it for you,” Amber opened the door.

“YAH!” Krystal shouted.

“Good night, Krystal. Good night Eun Hye, see you tomorrow morning. Oh and remember Krystal, we have a rehearsal tomorrow,” Amber closed the door leaving me alone with Krystal in the room.

“Hmm-” I was cut off by her.

“Forget it, we’re not talking,” she snapped and turned away from me.

“I don’t even know you nor have I even talked to you before coming here. Shouldn’t I at least know why you hate me so much?” I asked.

“You want to know so much, pretty girl?” she turned around and pushed my shoulder making me take a step back.

“Krystal, can you calm down?” I tried saying.

She stopped and took a deep breath. Finally, she nodded her head and turned to me. Smiling this time. Okay?... Bipolar much?

“I guess, you don’t remember me?” she folded her arms.

“Hmm, no?” I cocked my head to the side.

“YAH! I’m your Key oppa’s friend!” she yelled.

“Oh? I don’t call my brother – ‘oppa’. Hmm, I thought the only friends he had was… the SHINee boys?” I said.

“Well, your oppa and I went US together to study, with Nicole unnie, remember her?” she asked again.

“Hmm, oh! Nicole unnie. The one in KARA right?” I nodded my head excitedly.

“Hm, yeah… So, right good night,” she jumped on her bed and slept.

She still hasn’t answered why she was so angry and hated me so much… I sighed before crawling on my bed to sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day…

Krystal p.o.v

Maybe, I was a little hard on her. I mean, she was only a child then…


“Yah! Don’t disturb her!” I heard his voice from where I was on the swing.

I ran as fast as I could to see what was happening. Then, I saw him hitting 3 boys on the ground. Then, I saw a girl who was frozen, staring at him with her hands covering . He stood up and hugged her. She struggled free from his hug and hit his arm weakly.

“Why did you hit my friends?!” she pouted.

“They’re not your friends! They were hurting you and making you cry,” he said.

“YAH! Choi Min Ho! Don’t think you can choose who my friends are!” the girl ran away making him chase her.

They ran somewhere under a tree far away from the playground where we were at. I followed them eagerly. I looked back to make sure Jessica unnie wouldn’t see me. My little feet brought me nearer to them. There, I saw the girl crying and I saw Min Ho sitting in front of her comforting her.

“Eun Hye, please don’t cry. I only tried to protect you from those bad people,” he tried comforting her.

Instantly, rage filled up my body and I felt hatred towards that girl who stole Min Ho away from me. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get Min Ho to talk to me or even look at me. No matter how I dress up prettily and more attractive than Eun Hye as the years pass by and we grew older, he wouldn’t even look at me.

Because of Eun Hye, Min Ho became a player too. He kept asking girls out for lunch. Hoping that maybe he’ll ask me, he never did. No matter how many girls he asked out, his eyes were always on one girl – Kim Eun Hye.

Therefore, Kim Eun Hye – you’re my rival.


She doesn’t even know she made me that angry. She even broke his heart when she became Jong Hyun’s girlfriend.


I truly hated her...

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^