
Why what happens.

Your p.o.v

“Alright, we’re going to randomly choose partners for your biology assignments. So, 20 of you put your hand in this weird looking box and get a paper with your partner’s name on it. The other 20 pray and hope you get someone good,” Miss. Kim told us.

“Miss. Kim, what happens if we get chosen by a person who we absolutely cannot work with?” Min Ho raised his hand.

“Then, make it work,” she grinned evilly.

I reached in for a name. My heart was beating so fast. I quickly picked one and hid the paper under my palm. I didn’t want to see the name. I saw the girls around me pouting so badly. I looked at Min Ho. He was looking back at me, grinning, folding his arms. I rolled my eyes at him as I turned to look at my paper.
















The paper was written in Capital letters – CHOI MIN HO.

My eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. I mean, if it’s Chemistry or Math, I don’t mind. But we’re talking about Biology. And we’re studying the human body. Everyone was silent because probably they didn’t like their partners except for one or two.

“Alright, people say out your partners’ name so your partners can seat next to you during the lesson,” Miss. Kim leaned against her desk.

“Cha Jae K-kyung…” said a boy.

“Lee Hanna…” said another boy.

It was my turn; I gulped once before staring back at the paper. my life.

“Well? Eun Hye, it’s your turn....” Miss. Kim tapped her fingers impatiently.

“C-choi M-min Ho,” I coughed.

“What?!” the girls screamed in class.

“WHAT? who?” Min Ho turned around.

“CHOI MIN HO,” I yelled unhappily.

“WHAT?! I’m going to do the biology assignment with that freak show?” he yelled.


“That’s enough!” Miss Kim screamed.

I frowned and looked in front refusing to turn to Min Ho.

“Min Ho and Eun Hye meet me after class,” Miss Kim said sternly.

We exited Biology class together after everyone else has gone. Miss Kim lectured us about being mature. The childish one was him not me! We walked silently down the hallway. Min Ho was not looking at me. Says who am I even looking at him? The worst part about the assignment is that we were assigned to do the reproductive organs. How they function. YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW. I growled unhappily. But I’m not going to let this affect my grades. Although we’re working together, we’ll be judged based on our individual reports. I smiled at that thought.

“So, when are we starting?” I asked.

“What about we go for lunch before we work on it tonight at my place?” he smiled seductively.

“Get your thoughts straight. Although we’re going to do this assignment together, the report is judged individually, ,” I hit his head.

“My thoughts are straight alright, I’m on to you,” he chuckled as he placed his arm around my neck bringing me closer to him.

“I have a boyfriend, you dimwit,” I elbowed his ribcage.

“Damn it! Ouch,” he cringed away.

“That’s what you get for messing with a girl who’s already taken,” I laughed.

“Taken? You mean, you refusing to make out with him? You telling him you don’t want him to touch you?” He laughed.


How in the world did he know? He must’ve seen us when we were under the tree. Oh freak. I stopped walking. He stared at me strangely; the erted way. He walked towards me. I backed away until my back hit the wall. Oh . School ended. That means everyone’s gone. I wanted to slip away but he slammed his palm on the side of my face hitting the concrete wall, cornering me. Then, he grabbed my wrist and pinned against the wall.

“Now, I know how to do 2 things easily,” he chuckled as he moved closer to my face.

“Oh yeah? What? How to be a freak? And how to get your face destroyed by Eun Hye the great?” I yelled in his face.

“No no no, firstly, how to get you to fall for me and secondly, to win you in everything,” he leaned closer, our lips almost meeting.

I turned away.

“I will never fall for you, freak. You better let me go, or I’ll scream,” I warned him.

“Go ahead, . There’s no one else except you and me,” he hissed.

“JONG HYUN! ONEW! OPPA! SOMEONE HELP ME! EEEEEE-” I screamed until I cut off by his forceful kiss.

I tried to struggle out of his grip. He pressed his body against me. My heart raced faster. I knew there was no way out of this. The only way was to somehow trick him into thinking I want to make out with him. Although I didn’t like him touching me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him back to push him away from me. Then, once he was so engrossed in the make out session, I aimed for his balls and kicked it hard.

“OW! What the !” he held his crotch as he knelt on the floor.

“Kiss me again and I’ll have Jong Hyun break your jaw,” I walked away.

“As if Jong Hyun was that faithful to you,” he still had energy to talk back.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the school. I pulled up my hoodie as I started humming some random tune to keep me busy. Just as I was about to exit the school I found Onew outside the school gate. He was waiting for someone, by the looks of it.

“Onew! What’re you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be home? Umma will be worried,” I surprised him.

“I was waiting for you!” he messed up my hair.

“Oh yes, thank you your highness for your patience,” I thanked him sarcastically.

We walked home together as we walked down the streets. Then, I saw someone who looked quite familiar. I stopped walking to get a closer look at him. He reminded me of… Jong Hyun? He was with another girl, in a café, obviously flirting. I shrugged off the uneasy feeling. It can’t be possible; Jong Hyun has vocal lessons now. Then, Onew turned back to walked back to walk towards me. He looked where I was looking and his eyes widened. He probably thought the same thing I’m thinking.

“I don’t think it is,” I started.

“YES IT IS!” he said excitedly.

“What?” I was puzzled; why was he excited over seeing Jong Hyun with some random girl, flirting?

“Oh my god! Eun Hye, you’re such a pabo! It is! It is the famous chicken store that sells the most mouth-watering fried chicken in the world!” he grinned as he pulled me into the shop.

“You go in, I need to get home. Ki bum is coming home tonight, I don’t want to miss him on the first night he stays home, it’s been two years,” I pulled my hand away.

“Whatever you say,” he said as he skipped into the chicken shop.

I walked home still uneasy about my feelings. What if what Min Ho said about him not being faithful is true? He’s the most understanding person I’ve ever known. I mean, I’m in love with him. I’m faithful to him, shouldn’t he do the same? I shrugged off the uneasy feeling and entered my apartment. I placed my shoes neatly on the shoe rack as I went to my room.

“Eun Hye! Your brother’s here, come see him,” my mother yelled from the kitchen.

“Ki bummie!” I ran out of the room to the kitchen.

“Eun Hye! You’re so pretty and hot now!” he hugged me and twirled me around so many times.

“Kim Bum, I told you – the way your describe me is not how a brother should describe his sister,” I hit him on the back as soon as he put me down.

“What can I do? I’m the almighty key, I can’t help but say the truth,” he laughed as he messed up my brother.

“Whatever. You and your silly nickname – “Key”. Didn’t I tell you it sounds weird? Imagine how someone screams your name from a far? KEY~~~~~~” I tried to annoy him.

“No one screams for communication anymore, we use a phone now. What century do you live in, dongsaeng?” he hit my head playfully.

“Ugh! You always have something to answer me…” I hit his arm angrily.

“It’s not my fault that you’re still so slow and dumb after 2 years,” he laughed as he leaned against the kitchen wall.

“Will you two continue to catch up later and go outside to set up the table for dinner?” umma nagged at us.

“We’ll do it, umma!” I heard two voices singing from the living room.

Ki Bum and I popped our heads from the kitchen to see who it was. Ah, it’s not other than Onew and his dongsaeng, Taemin. They helped to bring the food on the table. The minute Onew and Taemin saw Ki Bum, they’re eyeballs bulged out and they tackled him. The almighty Key fell hard on the sofa. I laughed so badly that I was on the floor.

“Key hyung! Key hyung!” Taemin cheered happily as he hugged his so-called older brother.

“Dongsaeng! Are you well now? Ah! Did you know that without you around for 2 years, I couldn’t solve so many problems like how to choose my own clothes from a store?” Onew laughed as he hit Ki Bum so hard.

“Why?” Ki Bum laughed as he sat up.

“Because you’re key! Get it? You’re the key to my problems!” Onew laughed proudly.

Everyone was silent. Taemin, who was previously busy hugging Key, stared at Onew with a expressionless face. I stopped laughing and gave Onew a what-in-the-world-was-that face. Onew kept his comical face, his eyes fixed on the three of us. Then, Ki Bum shook his head.

“Whatever he does, it’s Onew condition~ You’re still the same old person.” Ki Bum sang as he hugged Onew tightly.

“God! It’s been almost 2 years since I heard that tune and I’m not old,” Onew shrugged his shoulders as he smiled.

We laughed together as Onew reasoned with us why he isn’t as old as we thought. I just nodded my head amused as Taemin made funny faces when we mocked Onew. In the end, Onew sighed and pretended to sob.

“Dinner! Don’t make me pull you here,” umma called from the dining table.

“Yes umma!” 4 of us answered as we walked towards the table.


“Umma, can you pass me fried chicken?” Ki Bum asked.

“It’s mine!” Onew cried.

“Since when?” Ki Bum grinned as he took a large portion of chicken.

I ate my rice quietly as I thought of the biology assignment that I had to do. That’s when I thought of Min Ho and his… forceful… make out scene with me. I shook my head as I tried to concentrate on eating. Then, I looked up at saw Taemin looking at me. When, I met his gaze, he quickly flushed away eating. Ki Bum laughed hard that he almost choked on the food. Umma shot him a look which made him stop laughing as he drank his water to swallow the food.

“Ah, Taemin! So you still have that little crush on my little sister?” Key waggled his brows.

“Well... I-I… You know, Key hyung – eating and talking at the same time is bad,” Taemin avoided the question as he stuffed the food into his mouth.

“He still does. Every night, he’ll be talking to his giant bear – ‘Eun Hye looked so pretty today, I wonder when I can finally confess to her…’” Onew joked as he ate his chicken.

“Hyung!” Taemin flushed.

I kind of blushed too. Taemin had a crush on me since… forever? Taemin has always been a good friend, shy and humble. He always helped me indirectly. He’s always giving me chocolates on white day all the time. It’s kind of sweet of him. He went into depression once he found out I was dating the school’s coolest guy – Jong Hyun. He didn’t avoid me though; he kept on being my friend. Only change was that, he kept shooting jealous glances at Jong Hyun each time we’re together. That pissed Jong Hyun off sometimes.

“She has a boyfriend, hyung. I respect that,” Taemin flashed a smile at me which made me blush a little.

“Boyfriend, you mean that nice Jong Hyun guy that always helps you with homework?” my umma smiled at me.

“Ne~” I said.

“You’re still with that idiot?” Ki Bum fumed.

“He’s not that bad,” I lied.

“I know him way better than you do,” Ki Bum smirked as he ate his food.

“But- he-“ I wanted to answer back.

“Now, now, you just met your brother after 2 years – it’ll be sad that you would want to fight on the first night,” umma said gently.

“Yeah, umma is right,” Onew didn’t smile.

He just looked at Ki Bum, as if they were talking by eyes. I rolled my eyes. Once dinner was over, I heard my phone ring.

Hello hello nareudaero yonggil naessoya~ Hello hello jamshi yeagi hallaeyo~

I ran to my room and jumped on the bed to answer my phone. The caller ID; Jong Hyun.

“Yobosaeyo?” I answered.

“Hey,” replied the sweet voice.

“Oh, Jong Hyun,” I blushed.

“Sorry I didn’t get to meet up with you after school today,” he started.

“Oh, it’s alright. I mean – I’m sure you have plenty of work to be done,” I said as I lay on my bed.

“Uh yeah, I did,” Jong Hyun said uncomfortably.

“Jjongie, is everything alright?” I asked questioningly.

“Yupp, it’s perfect. You’re perfect – did Onew tell you anything?” he asked.

“Hmm, no? Is he supposed to?” I wondered.

“I was just asking… well… good night hotness, I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow,” he spoke on the phone in a low voice.

“Hmm, alright, good night jjong~” I said.

“Eun Hye,” he called out my name.


“I love you,” he said.

“Oh,” that was all I could say.

“Well?” he expected an answer.

“Hmm, I love you... too,” I stumbled my words before hanging up.

I didn't mean I said... why didn't I?



OKAY. Not much. but please comment and subcribe.


Which combination do you prefer? :D REASONS!

1. MinHo, Jjong, Onew.

2. Minho, Jjong, Taemin.

3. Jjong, Taemin, Onew.

4. Taemin, MinHo, Onew.

(Sorry, but Key is Eun hye's brother ^^) UNLESS you're talking about !

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^