She is diagnosed with... what?!

Why what happens.

Onew p.o.v

“Hang in there,” I spoke to her.

I was carrying a lifeless corpse. I didn’t even know if she was still alive. While Min Ho and Jong Hyun were still fighting back there, I couldn’t just let Eun Hye suffer in pain. I don’t think I can let go of this little angel anymore. I thought if I could divert my feelings for Eun Hye towards Luna – it’ll all be good. But it’s not working.

I kept Eun Hye in my arms as I ran towards Manager hyung’s van. He was in there, sleeping. I bang the door of the van.

“Hyung! Open up! We need to rush to hospital fast!” I yelled.

Manager hyung quickly opened the door and the others scattered into the van. I saw Key’s guilty face. He obviously knew something. Was this something to do with the blood samples that Umma and Appa always sent to our lab? I kept Eun Hye in my arms. She wasn’t even moving. I was so scared.

Soon, we reached the hospital. Taemin opened the door wide and I ran out with Eun Hye in my arms. Everyone was staring at us. Some had their mouths covered, some had their jaws hung. I didn’t care. I ran towards the entrance.

A nurse approached me and assisted me. The other nurses took her away from me while one stayed back to ask me questions. The others were still in shock. Taemin was trying to get pass the nurse to follow Eun Hye. He failed.

“I don’t know what happened,” I spoke worriedly.

“Are any of you guys a family member or a guardian?” the nurse asked me.

“I am,” Key stepped forward.

“Please follow me, I advise the rest of you to wait here,” she nodded as she walked away and brought Key with her.

What is happening to my little angel? Is she alright? Jong Hyun and Min Ho had stressed looks on their faces. I shook my head, very disappointed in them. I thought if I stopped caring and liking Eun Hye, I could leave her in the arms of these guys; but see what happens? They start fighting just as soon as she was in pain. Taemin came back to me in tears, probably scared and worried.

“Hyung, what will happen to Eun Hye?” Taemin asked worriedly.

“I don’t know, Tae. The only one who knows apparently is Key,” I mumbled.

I rubbed Taemin’s back to comfort him as I kept my eyes on the other two who were still arguing.

“What the hell happened hyung?!” Min Ho yelled.

“I didn’t see what happened, she suddenly screamed in pain!” Jong Hyun retorted back.

“YAH! Shouldn’t you be keeping your eyes on her? YOU’RE HER BOYFRIEND, YOU !” Min Ho raised his fist to punch.

“WHAT IS IT WITH YOU?!” Jong Hyun dodged his attack.

Immediately, I stood up and went in between the both of them.

“Stop it, guys. We’re in a public place with no disguises,” I stopped the both of them in a low voice.

Everyone was looking. Thank god, nobody recognized us. I sat down next to Taemin who had his face buried in his hands. Jong Hyun sat next to me while Min Ho sat at the extreme opposite next to Taemin. I shook my head as I tried to find a way to calm myself from breaking down…

Key p.o.v

“Mr. Kim, we are very aware of your sister’s condition. Are you aware of what she’s diagnosed with?” the doctor spoke to me.

“Cancer?” I spoke.

“Not cancer, are you not aware of her current condition?” the doctor raised an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head. I looked at my sister who was going through a cat-scan. How can I not know what she’s going through?

“We have informed your mother about her condition,” the doctor told me again.

“My mother knows about her condition?” I clarified.

“Yes, she knows. Didn’t she tell you?” the doctor checked with me.

“W-what is she diagnosed with?” I asked hesitantly.

“I’m sorry to tell you this but we have found tumor on your sister’s brain – probably linked to her childhood accident many years back,” the doctor spoke.

“What-t? Brain tumor?” I tried to absorb this horrifying piece of news.

“We can offer ways to cure this but it won’t be a 100% guarantee cure,” the doctor looked through her files.

“I will go with any offer you have… J-just save my sister,” I tried to hold my tears back.

“Alright Mr. Kim. I advise that she stays in the hospital until she’s stable,” the doctor said.

“Doctor, what does a patient have to go through when having brain tumor?” I wanted to know what pain she’s going through.

“She’ll have constant painful headaches but we’ll issue painkillers for that. Her vision will be blurred often too. We will have to put her through therapy after a surgery,” she said.

“Alright, doctor,” I muttered.

“We’ll inform you her room number and until then, please wait outside,” the doctor said.

I nodded my head as I went out of the room.

Jong hyun p.o.v

I glared at Min Ho who was obviously pissed with me. Onew and Taemin were stressed and all worked-up. I was so worried for Eun Hye. What happened to her? I ran my fingers through my hair. Then, I saw Key exit the room. He had a really sullen look on his face. What happened to Eun Hye? Is she fine? Is she hurt? I was going crazy.

I stood up and walked towards Key. Immediately, Key hugged me. This isn’t good. Something obviously happened. I patted his back. The others walked towards us.

“Key hyung, what happened?” Taemin asked; his eyes red and swollen.

“Let’s have coffee and I’ll tell you then,” Key withdraw his arms away from me and wiped his tears.

Min Ho stared at me, pissed. Alright, I get it! You have a thing for her and I stole her away from you! What’s your problem? I rolled my eyes and followed the rest. Then, I sighed. Maybe, he’s right. I should’ve kept my eyes on her. I was busy laughing at Onew then. I exhaled a deep breath.


“WHAT?” Min Ho exclaimed.

“Are you freaking serious?!” I yelled.

“Hyung, I can’t believe this,” Taemin sobbed.

“Eun H-hye has b-brain t-tumor-r?” Onew stuttered horrified.

Key nodded his head, holding back his tears. I broke down and buried my face in my hands.

“She doesn’t even know,” Key spoke emotionless again.

“What do you mean by she doesn’t?” Min Ho asked.

“She doesn’t. It happened when she was still a kid,” Key mumbled.

“What happened then? How come I didn’t know?” Onew spoke, clenching his fist.

Key told us about the story…


They were merciless; those boys. They wanted to play with Eun Hye but Eun Hye was still vulnerable and little then. She didn’t know anything.

“Yah! Eun Hye watch out!” one of those boys yelled.

They pushed her down the slide. She didn’t slide down, she tumbled down head first. They laughed and giggled among each other. Eun Hye would always cry but she never failed to end up playing with them and calling them her ‘friends’. I was disgusted when she still called them her friends.

One day when they were playing again – they had a baseball bat now. I was watching from afar with Umma. Then, suddenly, one of those boys flung their bat and ‘accidentally’ hit her head. She fell on her face. She didn’t cry, she was holding her tears back.

“Yah! Don’t disturb her!” a tall boy for his age came running back.

He hit them on the ground badly. Eun Hye just stood there, covering . I salute that boy. That boy was Choi Min Ho…

“Why did you hit my friends?!” she pouted.

“They’re not your friends! They were hurting you and making you cry,” he said.

“YAH! Choi Min Ho! Don’t think you can choose who my friends are!” the girl ran away making him chase her.

They ran off somewhere, I didn’t bother to follow…


Min Ho saved her back then. He used to beat up those bastards who bullied her. No wonder he blasted in my face when he thought I hurt her and didn’t keep my eyes on her. I sighed.

“I remember,” Min Ho mumbled.

“What we can do now is wish for the best and hope she wakes up peacefully,” Onew said quietly.

We nodded out heads as we cupped out warm cups of coffee…

Alright :B I have revealed enough! Please comment! <: I wanna know what you're thinking.. oooo.

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^