my crush.

Why what happens.

Min Ho’s p.o.v

Damn it. Why Min Ho? Stop looking at her legs. Aren’t you going to go by the saying: Girls are like a breeze, they come and go – never fall them, make them for you. I hate this girl, I freaking hate Eun Hye. Actually, I’ve never hated her. I sighed as I turned away.

I’ve liked her since Preschool when we were running around the playground. She used to beat me in everything. All the girls liked me but she didn’t. That’s why I liked her, it’s because she doesn’t like me. Then, I became obsessed with her. I tried to be a cool guy and started hitting on her, but she wouldn’t see through me. She saw me as her rival. I challenges her in studies, gym class – everything! I did all of that so I could be close to her. She did piss me off a few times, when she blew me off. That triggered my wild side, but I didn’t regret pinning her against the wall. She was so hot when she looks pissed.

She has a freaking boyfriend now. The best thing is that, her boyfriend happens to be my best bud. He warned me to not touch her, but heck. Who cares? I saw her whimper when Jong Hyun tried to make out with her. She was hot and fragile at the same time, but she was rough when she was making out with me in the corridor, before she kicked me in the nuts. It hurt a lot.

Now, back to the point – why am I being nice to her? I figured, if being a bad guy isn’t working on her, I’ll be the good guy now and let Jong Hyun be the bad one.

“Eun Hye, let’s meet up after school to do research in the library,” I asked her confidently once more.

“Hmm, sure – sounds great. I’ll tell Jong Hyun,” she nodded her head before resting it on her palm.

“Doing anything after school with him?” I asked curiously.

“We were supposed to go to his house to study,” she said bluntly as she fished out her phone.

“Have you studied with him before?” I asked again; Jong Hyun doesn’t do study group.

“Nope, but he says he’s good in chemistry and math – so he said he’ll tutor me,” she nodded again.

“How would you know he’s good?” I asked again.

“Why are you asking so many questions? Why am I even answering you? Ugh,” she grunted as she turned away from me.

“I was just curious,” I lied.

Firstly, Jong Hyun does don’t ‘tutoring’. Yes, he’s a straight-A student but he studies alone in his room. The last time, which happened to be a year ago, he brought a girl home for ‘tutoring’, there were disturbing moans from his room which made me cringe in disgust. How do I even know? Let’s just say we stay in the same giant mansion. Our fathers are business partners so they merged her mansions together. I have no idea why the heck they did that. It made no sense to merge houses.

Secondly, I don’t want anyone to make Eun Hye lose her ity before marriage. I know, I may be an , but I know the basic rules and stuff. I make out with girls for fun, Jong Hyun go into them for fun. It’s wrong but there’s nothing I can do. Another thing about Jong Hyun is that, he chooses his ‘victims’. He doesn’t go for ordinary es who drool over him. Maybe if he’s really down and desperate, he’ll bang them but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Jong Hyun targeting someone.

Then, the bell rang and Eun Hye turned to face me. My phone rang. Caller ID: Taemin.

“Well, let’s meet after lunch at the library?” she asked as she gathered her books.

“Yeah, great. Meet you there,” I said as I answered my phone.

She turned away and ran out the door.

“Hello, Taemin – what do you want?” I said on the phone.

“Hyung, can we have lunch together? I need to talk to someone so badly about what I’m going through,” Taemin spoke sadly.

“Taem, didn’t I tell you that you’ll get bashed up by people if they see you talking to me?” I reminded him.

“I don’t care – it’s serious,” he said quietly.

“Alright, we’ll have lunch together – meet you at the cafeteria then,” I hung up the phone.

Taemin p.o.v

I tossed my bag of sweets into my bag and slung it over my shoulders as I walked out of English class. The girls smiled at me and waved. I smiled back humbly as I walked away quickly before they stalk me and ask me to sleep with them. I don’t bang girls freely. I only bang the one I love. The one I’ve been loving but not able to bang is – Eun Hye. She was the prettiest, the cutest, the hottest and the smartest girl in school. I know her ever since I was born into this world.

Apparently, now umma is talking about Jong Hyun as her son-in-law. Maybe, I’ve not been able to confess my feelings to her but I still love her. I hate it when this happens. Not even sweets can . I walked to the cafeteria and saw Min Ho sitting at the far end table with his food. I went to the counter and grabbed some food which looked edible as I walked towards the counter to pay for them before towards Min Ho glumly.

“Yah, what’s wrong?” Min Ho said as he bit his apple.

“Stupid crush,” I mumbled.

“You still like that foolish girl, who was that again? RIGHT you don’t want to tell me her name,” Min Ho grinned.

“I can’t seem to bring myself to like anyone else, hyung,” I looked up at him only to find Eun Hye and her boyfriend sitting a few tables behind Min Ho.

I looked away and bit my apple. Min Ho raised his eyebrows as he turned to look where I had looked recently. He sighed and shook his head.

“I don’t see anyone, Taem. Find yourself another girl, I can recommend many,” Min Ho flashed a smile at me.

“I don’t want a , hyung. I want a beautiful soul. I want her,” I announced.

“Who the heck is her?” Min Ho slurped his soda.

“She is special. Hey, since you’re like the charismatic king in school, can you teach me a trick or two on how to tackle a girl?” I beamed in excitement.

“I don’t know Taem, you need to be born with it,” he placed a hand under his chin and posed candidly.

Then, I heard squeals from behind my back and giggling. I turned behind to see a sea of girls sitting at the tables behind me. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

“Teach me,” I pouted.

“Why don’t you confess to her?” Min Ho messed up my hair on purpose.

“I will… Soon, but will you teach me?” I sighed.

“Araso, my boy, next time. I got biology assignment with a ,” Min Ho patted my head.

“Who’s the ?” I asked.

“A freakshow named Eun Hye, you’ll not like her,” Min Ho rolled his eyes as he grabbed his things and headed out of the cafeteria.

What. The. Hell. EUN HYE?! She’s his biology partner? He is one lucky person. I guess he’ll learn more things about her. He called her a , that means he hates her and won’t sleep with her right? Ah, he won’t. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw two girls smiling down at me.

“A-nnyeong, are you Taemin, the guy from our class?” one of the girls asked shyly.

“Hmm, yupp I am. You’re Hana and you’re Ji Hae, right?” I smiled as I tried to hide my annoyance.

“O-oh? Yes, you know us? T-that’s great,” Ji Hae looked down shyly.

So, this is how you feel if someone is shyly talking to you. It’s annoying. Alright, time to go off.

“Alright, nice meeting you. I need to go off for dance practice, see you classmates,” I winked as I walked away from them quickly

I sighed as I walked towards the dance room.



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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^