Min Ho.

Why what happens.

Suddenly, the beeping of your heartbeat starts to decrease…

“We’re losing her!”

“Her blood pressure is too low,”

“She’s losing too much blood,”

Everything starts to fuss around. Everything is not right. The world starts to spin. You start to hear laughter of the boys. You saw blood everywhere. You saw Key’s pained and agony face. You wanted to tell him it’s all alright. Then, you saw Taemin crying. You felt so hurt and you wanted to hug him. You wanted to tell him not to cry because you felt like crying. You saw Min Ho’s fury and you saw how he was so hurt. You wanted to hug him so badly and you wanted to tell him that no matter what happened you’ll be okay. Then, you saw Onew. He was crying his heart out, uncontrollably. What was happening?! You tried to get up but your head hurt.

The walls started to crumble. Then one by one all the boys disappeared, leaving only darkness.

“What went wrong?”

“What’s happening!?”

“Someone let me in there!”



Then, you wake up drenched in your own sweat.

Min Ho p.o.v

I sneaked into the hospital without being caught at night because I wanted to bring Eun Hye to a place where the scenery’s best at night.

“Eun Hye, you asleep?” I knocked on the door.

I saw Eun Hye crying on the bed, burying her head in between her knees. Immediately, I ran into the room and embraced her in my arms. She cried into my chest. I tried to comfort her.

“I thought… I thought… I died,” Eun Hye sobbed.

I hushed her quietly as she continued to sob and shiver in my arms.

“Please… Please… don’t leave me,” she mumbled.

“I won’t, Eun Hye. It’s only a nightmare,” I kissed her hair.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

“W-what are you doing here?” she asked me.

“I was going to sneak you out to go have some fun time with me,” I chuckled.

“Yah,” she rubbed her eyes again.

I chuckled as I hugged her again.

“Since, you’re not well. I’ll accompany you while you sleep, alright?” I smiled at her.

She nodded her head as she let go of me. I slowly supported her head onto the pillow where she timidly looked at me, worried I’ll go away. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

“Min Ho,” she said my name making my heart beat pound.


“You should cut your hair,” she touched the strands of my long hair.

It was a ring ding dong concept. I guess she doesn’t like it. I chuckled.

“Why should I?” I shook my head.

“Because your hair only brings out your manly side, I want to see your handsome face,” Eun Hye smiled.

“Eun Hye, I think you’re really unwell,” I chuckled as I tucked her into bed.

Just when I started to back away from the bed to go to the other side to sit on a chair, she quickly grabbed my hand. I assured her slowly as I got on the other side of the bed.

“I’m not going anywhere, Eun Hye,” I smiled.

“I’m scared,” she mumbled.

“Yah, if 2 years ago you told me you’re scared, I probably laughed my off,” I quietly.

She laughed quietly and her side to face me. She stared out the window quietly. I caressed her hair quietly.

“Will you accept my feelings?” I asked quietly.

“Min Ho…” she trailed on.

Quickly, I took out my phone and plug earpiece into her ears.

“What is this?” she asked me as she coughed a little.

“Listen… listen to the lyrics of the song…” I mumbled.

“Did you write it?” she asked me.

“I wrote it for you,” I smiled at her.

The man you were waiting for, that’s me
I’m ready to steal your heart
If you want me, then say so, it’s now time
I need you in order to make that possible
Look at me roughly, my appearance is like boom
Now I’m gonna hold onto you for sure
The glare I’m giving out is like toxic
Everything rolls down, one by one

Get it – SHINee.


Your p.o.v

The words to his song were a little confident… too confident. I smirked at this. He smirked back.

“You’re that confident that you would… get me?” I found the two last words difficult to say.

“What’s wrong Eun Hye? Afraid you’ll fall for me?” he breathed against my face.

“You wish,” I scoffed.

He kissed my nose and laughed. I flushed so badly and looked away.

“That’s not how you should treat a patient! Especially one who’s just been through a nightmare and one who’s going to go through a surgery… in less than 1 and a half days…” I mumbled.

He held my hand in his. I was so weak. My head hurt so badly. They said that it was like a 50% I won’t make it through the surgery and there was a 50% that I would survive. Even if I did survive, if my condition was not stable, I might go in coma or worst… I sighed. I wanted to take this risk. I rather take this risk than stay here to die with brain tumor in my head. Unknowingly, Min Ho wiped something wet off my cheeks.

“Everything is going to be fine,” Min Ho whispered.

“How will you know?” I frowned.

“I know cause I’m an ace, now go to sleep,” he smiled and kissed my forehead.

“Do you know you’ll be dead if Jong Hyun finds you kissing me freely?” I said to him.

“Yes. That’s why I don’t kiss you infront of him,” he grinned.

“Plus, I never kissed your lips. I’m saving it for later,” he rubbed my lips with his thumb sending shivers down my spine.

He sat down and waited for me to sleep. I tried blinking and getting sleep. Then, I sighed. The only way I would sleep on days like these would be… when I sneaked into Key’s room to sleep with him. Does Min Ho mind? I shake that thought off my mind immediately.

“Why are you so red?” he teased me.

“Ah?” I covered my cheeks.

“Well?” he looked at me.

“When I had nightmares… that’s when I was a kid… I would sneak into Key’s room to sleep with him. He’ll always sleep with me and hug me to sleep, humming to me my favorite song. I mean, it’s silly but it always helped me to sleep at night. I’m not saying that I want you to lie next to me to make me fall asl-”

Min Ho pushed me to the side of the bed and lay next to me. I froze.

“What? Turn the other side,” he laughed.

“Hmm,” I did that immediately without saying anything else.

Then, he placed his arm over my waist and hugged me tightly. Automatically, there was silence; nothing but breathing from the both of us.

“What was the favorite song he used to sing?” Min Ho asked quietly.

“The three bears song,” I blushed.

“Mwoh?” he chuckled.

Komsaemariga hanjibaeitseo
Once, there were three bears

appagom eommagom aegigom
Appa bear, eomma bear, baby bear


appagomeun ddungddunghae
Appa bear was fat

eommagomeun nalsshinhae
Eomma bear was slim


aegigomeun neomu kwiyeowo
Baby bear was too cute


히쭉히쭉 잘한
hijjuk hijjuk jalhalda
*shrugshrug you’re doing well!

I laughed.

“Well? Aren’t you sleeping?” Min Ho chuckled.

“Key changed the lyrics… since well… Appa wasn’t around…” I trailed on.

“Oh… how did he change it?” Min Ho hugged me tighter.

“Shall I sing it for you?” I giggled.

“Please do,” Min Ho chuckled.

Once there were three bears
umma bear, kibum bear, eunhye bear
umma bear was slim
kibum bear was too handsome to be true
eunhye bear was too cute
go to sleep, go to sleep, eunhye bear.

“Mwoh? Too handsome to be true?” Min Ho laughed.

“It always cheered me up and made me sleep,” I pouted.

“Araso,” Min Ho whispered and sang me that song softly like a lalluby.

Before I knew it, I was sleeping already. Peacefully in his arms…

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^