
Why what happens.

Your p.o.v

“Actress Shin Se Kyung and SHINee member Kim Jong Hyun have been spotted going home together last night! Are they in a relationship?...........” the newsPaparazzi reporter went on and on.

“This can’t be happening,” I took in a deep breath.

The members weren’t home today because they’re busy promoting their new song. Then my phone vibrated. Caller ID: Kim Jong Hyun. I didn’t want to pick up the phone. I sighed and looked away. Then, my phone rang non-stop again. I refused to pick it up. I knew this would happen. I knew Jong Hyun wouldn’t stay a good boy forever. I sighed.

Jong Hyun p.o.v

“Actress Shin Se Kyung and SHINee member Kim Jong Hyun have been spotted going home together last night! Are they in a relationship?...........” the blood reporter said on the news.

Oh damn it, I’m dead. I wasn’t really dating her! It was just going out. Se Kyung is older than me by a few months… She’s still a noona. Eun Hye won’t pick up the phone. Onew and Min Ho are looking at me furiously. Taemin and Key are giving me the you’re-so-dead expressions.

Oh damn lucifer.


I opened the door quickly and walked in to find Eun Hye’s phone on the coffee table and the TV was switched on. Immediately, I ran into Eun Hye’s room to find her under the blanket. I walked in slowly, clutching my fists slowly.

“Eun Hye-ah…” I called out.

“Go away,” she muttered.

“Eun Hye-ah, it’s not what you think it is,” I tried explaining.

She threw the blanket off her and sat up. Her eyes were red and swollen, she looked as though she’d been crying non-stop.

“THEN WHAT IS IT JJONG?! Was it what I thought it was when I found you in the library?” she yelled.

“No! It’s nothing like that! I never even kissed her!” I defended myself.

“You had your arms AROUND her!” she yelled.

The picture the paparazzi took had helping Se Kyung with her jacket. It looked as though I was hugging her. Se Kyung complained to me that it was cold so I helped.

“Now you have nothing to say?” she glared miserably at me.

I took a step towards her.

“Don’t. Come. Any. Closer,” she muttered.

“Eun Hye, I promised that I wouldn’t cheat on you anymore,” I tried again.

“You broke that promise… NOW GET OUT BEFORE I RUN AWAY FROM HERE AND YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME AGAIN,” she threw a pillow at me.

“Eun Hye… please,” I tried begging.

“No,” a tear rolled down her swollen face.

I walked out of the room. The 4 members were there, shocked and surprised. Instantly, I broke down and covered my face. I really… I really… didn’t do anything. I felt Onew’s hand on my back, trying to comfort me.

“What happened?” Key asked.

“We weren’t dating, we are just… hanging out… I… can’t…. I can’t take this anymore,” my sobs finally turned into more crying.

“Hyung, let her calm down and then you can try convincing her later,” Min Ho spoke.

I nodded my head. Then, my phone rang. I cleared my throat and wiped my face before answering the call.



Jong Hyun p.o.v

“Yoboseyo?” I tried answering without a tinge of sadness in my voice.

“Jong Hyun, this is your manager, please come out in 10 minutes to discuss some matters with Se Kyung in the company building.

“Neh,” I hung up the phone and went to the toilet to wash my face.

“What happened? Who called?” Key asked.

“Manager hyung… There’s going to be some discussion about the issue,” I said while drying my face.

“Do you want me to follow?” Key asked.

“Don’t be silly, go comfort your sister for me. I know I hurt her. Help me comfort her, I’m scared she’ll disappear again,” I mumbled.

Key nodded and went away.


“Are you two dating?”

“No,” I spoke.

“Yes,” Se Kyung said.

I stared at Se kyung with my eyes wide.

“No, we’re not,” I said again.

“Yes, we are,” Se Kyung linked her arms with me.

I glared at her and tore my arm away.

“Regardless, whether you two are dating or not, we have to make it official that you ARE dating because it’ll affect our rating views if we tell them you guys are not dating… We have to keep the topic hot, so it’ll promote both sides. Shin Se Kyung as an actress, and Kim Jong Hyun as a SHINee member,” the CEO said again.

“For how long?” Se Kyung asked

“For as long as the rumour keeps us hot, which I predict is going to be long,” he spoke.

“But-” I tried refusing but the CEO cut me off.

“No buts, this is an order,” he said.

Se Kyung nodded her head happily. I sighed and nodded.

“We’ll send the report to your company tomorrow, so be prepared for the reactions from your fans,” he spoke to Se Kyung.


“Why are you doing this to me?” I spoke irritated to Se Kyung.

“Jjongie, why must you always hide your feelings? I know you like me too. You even said I’m your ideal type, besides even if you pretend, our relationship is going to benefit us,” she spoke sweetly with her cunning and sinful voice.

“It DOESN’T benefit me. In fact, IT MAKES IT WORST,” I yelled.

“You have no choice. You are going to be with me, and learn to love me like I love you,” Se Kyung carressed my cheek.

“Don’t. Touch. Me,” I slapped her hand away.

“Are you doing this because of that Eun Hye girl?” Se kyung hissed.

“I love her,” I stated flatly

“Not anymore, now you’re with me,” Se Kyung smiled.


“Plan what?” she acted innocently.


“Yes,” she nodded her head.

“WHY?” I grabbed her by her shoulders.

“Because that’s the only way I’ll get you to look at me, instead of her,” she spoke fiercely now.

After taking a deep breath, I let go of my grip on her shoulders.

“You should know… that this ‘relationship’ of ours is FAKE,” I said before walking away.


NOTE: I do not hate Se Kyung! In fact, I kinda envy your beauty haha~ HAPPY THEY'RE NOT TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE ANYMORE :D (I'm so mean... NOOOO! I'm not. I'm just being human.) So yeah!

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Chapter 1: This story was the first story I read in Asianfanfic, and I am so happy because of this. This is also my first time commenting. I want to thank you for being awesome, as well as giving your efforts in this story. I hope you will do some squeal! =)
Chapter 1: Re-reading this fic again. <3
~Oh my gosh!I recently read this story and I fell in love immediately. It is extremely well thought out. I really liked your whole idea behind this. I felt like your reasons behind the creation of each song made a lot of sense. It also made me wonder if it could happen. I literally read this in one day because I could not stop ^.^
Chapter 7: i know this is late cuz i reak i 2013 but this's so interesting
Chapter 62: Please make a squeal! I really love this fanfic^^
please write a sequel! it's so awesome! ^^
deanny #7
I'll be writing the squeal soon but not soooo sooon because i'm busy with exams! Hope you understand!
deanny #8
Thanks for your lovely comments <3<3
new reader here!! ^^