c'est la vie



Jaejin, Jaejoong and Yunho's son. He was born 20130215 with weight 3,1 kg and height 52cm


Jaejoong was in Recovery room now, his mother accompany him she doesn’t stop receive a congratulation call from family and Jaejoong’s friends. Meanwhile, Junsu and Yunho deal with administration.

“It’s so weird.” Said Junsu.

“What?” yunho still waiting the administration.

“It should be Jung, but it’s written Kim.”

“There’s no commitment between us.”

“Poor you two, ahh that’s why i hate having children.” Junsu stand up, then leaving Yunho. “What would you drink? A cup of coffee will makes you better.”


“Omo! Should I?? Don’t you forget if Iam a male? I can’t produce a milk!” Jaejoong pulled the blanket and cover his chest.

“Don’t worry Jaejoong sshi, You be able to continue to nurse your baby at the with the help of formula or donated milk.” Explain the nurse.

“Can you tell me, what is that?” Jaejoong glanced to the something that nurse bring.

“it’s SNS (supplemental nursing system) usually uses to a medical condition that causes mother to have a low milk supply.”

“but what the hell? Why don’t bring him a bottle, like my previous child.” Yelled Jaejoong.

“ feeding definitely provides many health benefits to mother and child, We will help you applied this, so don’t worry.”

“Is it formula right? just give him a bottle and take away that things from me.” said Jaejoong stubborn.

“Jaejoong sshi, there’s many benefits from feeding. It can protect baby from illness . But in your case, you can’t produce a milk so your baby may have higher risk of disease. First, he don’t get a colostrum, This milk is very rich in nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby. Second, milk is easier to digest than formula. The proteins in formula are made from cow’s milk and it takes time for babies’ stomachs to adjust to digesting them. Third, The cells, hormones, and antibodies in milk protect babies from illness. And remember... you can not giving that to your baby, that’s why we offer SNS to make physical contact between you and baby.”

“Physical contact?” ask Jaejoong confusely.

“Physical contact is important to newborns. It can help your baby feel more secure, warm, and comforted. Mothers can benefit from this closeness, as well. feeding requires a mother to take some quiet relaxed time to bond. The skin-to-skin contact can boost the mother’s oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is a hormone that calm the mother.” The nurse keep persuade Jaejoong.

“You just need taped the tube on your s, and let him to it. Your baby is baby formula and may have risk of illness because he don’t consume -milk, Poor him if he also don’t get the physical contact too. don’t you understand?” Umma agree with the doctor and the nurse.

“It will be awkward Ummaaa...” whine Jaejoong.

“Supplemental nursers, are a perfect alternative to bottles for mothers that have some supply and are seeking to maximize their own production.” The nurse keep struggle.

“Huft... yeah, Ok ok... tell me how it works.” Finally Jaejoong accept it.

The nurse smiled, “Supplemental feeders work by a bottle hung around the mother's neck. Two tubes are often taped to her s so that the ends reach her s. The tubes are very small and soft and unnoticed by the baby. When the baby takes the and areola into his mouth, he also takes the tube.“

“I understand.” Jaejoong read the instruction and changed his postion from laid then sit, he let the nurse applied that SNS into his body.

A view minutes... Jaejoong ready to giving his baby ‘feeding’

“Omo. My little Jaejin... come to Mommy, baby.” excited Jaejoong after the nurse give his baby to him.

“What i must do?” ask jaejoong again.

“Just do that like a mother feeding her baby, Jae... Let him your s, like that.” Umma give a gestured to Jaejoong.

“L-Like this??”

Jaejoong Massage his moobs with downward and inward to deliver milk into the Jaejin's mouth.

“you doing well, Jaejoong sshi.”

“Aigo... it’s hurt and ticklish a bit.” Jaejoong can’t believe this.

Umma chuckled heard it from Jaejoong.

“How many times i feeding him?”

“every two or three hours, wake him even he is sleepy.”

“What??!” yelled Jaejoong.

Suddenly Jaejoong’s phone is ringing.

“It’s Changmin, umma. Pick and says if Im busy.” Jaejoong know who called him, because he give the different ringtones in every people. Love in the ice for Changmin.

Cm : “Yoboseyo!! Hyung i watch your Line update! He’s so handsome like me.”

Umma pressed the loudspeaker’s button.

Umma : “Aigoo... it’s me Changmin. Your hyung still feeding his baby.”

Cm :”What?? - what??”

Jaejoong : “Yak! umma don’t tell him!”

Cm : “I already heard it Hahahaha!”

Jaejoong : “Stop mocking me! Btw how are you there? Is it okay?”

Cm : “Snow everywhere even it’s february. And i completely with Campus registration, and next week i’ll have exam.”

Jaejoong : “You seems happy.”

Cm : “Yeah, there’s many korean too.”

Jaejoong : “Make a friend with all people.”

Cm : “I’ll. Btw how’s my nephew?? You give a name Jaejin right? Is it JAEJoong changmIN? hahaha.”

Jaejoong : “Pabbo. Ofcourse he healthy, has big eyes, sharpen nose, thick eyebrow, and perfect skin. Just like me. Haha.”

Cm : “Really? And how about Jung? I think they have similar eyelids.”

Jaejoong : “I don’t know, but im proud he’s so really similar with me than that Jung.”

Cm : “Aigo... ah is he accompany you?”

Jaejoong : “Yes. He give me more power btw you call him, do you?”

Cm : “No, I just call Yoochun hyung but he don’t receive my calls.”

Jaejoong :”ah~ that park still in japan now. But it’s okay... I heard he will build his corporate no wonder he busy now.”

Cm : “Yeah... he do his best for you and children hyung.”

Jaejoong : “I know... he will be good father.”

Cm : “Okay, btw this dorm has curfew.”

Jaejoong : “Oh, Im forget we have differrent time.”

Cm : “Midnight here, Okay See you hyung, Umma, Appa, yoobin, Jaejin and be healthy.”

Umma shut the phone, Jaejin still eating with his half-eyes.

“He’s sleepy Umma.”


Junsu come to Jaejoong’s room after finished the administration.

“He’s sleeping.” Said Jaejoong’s umma while helped Jaejoong released the SNS.

Jaejoong carefully placed his baby beside him. Yoobin come closer and caressing Jaejin.

“Take away your hands, dear. Little brother sleeping now.” sshing Jaejoong to Yoobin.

“I want to touch him mommy.”

“You can, but not now.”

“Yoobin ah, come here honey.” Junsu grab yoobin’s hand.

“Andwae Junsu aunt, he’s my brother. but mommy don’t allow me to touch him.”

“Prepare her go to school, Junsu.”

“Huh? go to school? I closed my restaurant because i celebrate my newborn nephew, why she’s not? She can skip her school for celebrate it.”

“She also looks tired and haven’t breakfast.” Added Junsu and caressing Yoobin’s hair.

“I don’t like she skip her school, but i’ll allow her for this time. You’re right, she looks tired.”

“btw I’ll go home first. My mommy doesn’t stop call me and keep asking how’s his grandchild’s condition.” Said junsu.

“Take yoobin with you, she need take a bath and rest. Let Suyeon* aunt take care her while umma and me stay here.”

*Junsu’s mother

Junsu nodded, “Okay... i’ll be back with mommy, btw she cook pospartum recovery meal for you now.”

“thank you Junsu.”

“Yoobin ah... you can go with Junsu aunt.”

The door open now, Yunho come inside.

“where are you honey?” ask yunho.

“junsu will take her go home with him, she need a rest.” Said Jaejoong.

“But no one in your house except Appa, right?” ask Yunho.

“Junsu’s mother will take care her.. so don’t worry.”

“Oh, i know. it’s better than she go with Park, he’s not appear btw.”

“yeah stop mentioning that jerk, and it’s very good for us right?” said junsu pats Yunho’s back and leaving. “I’ll be back at noon, take a rest now jaejoong hyung... im sure our family and friends will come to visit you today. It will be busy congratulation’s day! Have a nice day~ cmon, Yoobin.”


Yunho help jaejoong change his position, then take a look to his little boy.

“You give ‘Jaejin’ as his name?” ask yunho.

“Yes... is it cute?”

Yunho touch Jaejin’s mouth, he open his mouth when sleeping.

“he has same habbit with me.” Yunho smiled.

“But he similar with me.” protest Jaejoong.

“Not really... his eyelids is mine.” Yunho still touching the part of his baby’s face.

“hey... don’t touch him intens, he sleeping.” Warn jaejoong, but it can’t stop Yunho.

“I’ll go after take a look him. My daughter is sick now, so please give me a chance.” Yunho become sad now, Umma saw him from behind and know how Yunho’s feels now.

“What happen with yeEun??” ask jaejoong worried.

“she got fever lastnight... im leaving her until now, so I must go back.”

“Im sorry to hear that...”

“I believe that park will take care you.” yunho said in a pain.

“and Jung Inna will cheer you... she always by your side.”

“Hey you two, it’s a great day because my grandson birth in this wolrd~ please don’t make a such drama here. Yunho, you can visit jaejin anytime.” Said Umma, break the silent between them.

“Im sorry, Umma... but... i think it’s better way to keep secret if Im his biologic father.”

“Yunho, I was promised my self to tell him if you’re the real father.” Jaejoong in high tone.

“Im thought about it... but i knew if it will make him and yoobin in sorrow.” Sad yunho.

“Are you thinking about your own family now?” ask umma.

“yes, umma... I can’t be like this forever.”

Jaejoong almost crying, like he lose other half.

“Ah... forget it, Im talking nonsense in a great day. Im sorry baby.” Yunho back to caressing Jaejin. “I like his name... Jaejin, and he looks strong. He will protect you and yoobin.”

Someone get rush to the hospital,

“Where’s the recovery room of pregnant woman?” ask him in hurry.


“Can I kiss him before I go?” request Yunho.

Jaejin slowly open his eyes.

“Oh... my hero... he open his eyes for the first time.” Yunho can’t stop cupped his son.

“R-really? I want to take a look!” Jaejoong impatiently and pulled yunho’s t-shirt.

Yunjae look at their son happily, Yunho also kissed Jaejoong forehead...not long after yoochun come.

“Jae-!” shout him.

Yunho released from Jaejoong and take his son in arms.

Yoochun hugged Jaejoong tight, “Congratulation baby,” then kissed jaejoong’s temples.

“Thank you... “ replied jaejoong short.

“Where’s my prince?”

“Behind you... with Yunho.”

Yoochun stand up, he wanna take a look his step son.

“wait for a second... I just wanna hugging him like this.”

“But, Im-“

Yoochun stop his sentence after Jaejoong pulled his hand.


“Grandmommy~ how to turn off the shower?” yoobin asked to Junsu’s mom.

“wait me granny, Grandmommy still busy. You can play with duck-rubber first.”

“It’s cold grandmommy!!~” whined yoobin.

“Omo... can you wait for me longer? Or call Junsu uncle first.”

“Junsu aunt is not heree, hiks.” Yoobin wanna crying.

“Yeobo! How can you leaving a child like this, you can make her catch a cold.”

“then, help her dried her body and dressing her prettily.” Command Junsu’s mom to her husband.

“Aigo...” he touch his forehead and lift yoobin from the bathtube.

“Where’s her cloth?”

“In the bedroom, new clothes and don’t forget wear the socks because the weather still cold.” Said junsu’s mom still busy with her cook.

“there’s also found powder, baby oil and cologne. Which one that i must choosed?” ask junsu’s dad confuse.

“Applied it all! First powder, baby oil then cologne on her skin and cloth!”

“Aigo... so difficult.”

“Im home!” said junsu after he comeback from minimarket.

“agh.. so lucky! Junsu ya! Help appa now!”

“Huh? help what? not usually.”

“Help me dressed her.” said Junsu’s dad confusely.

“-___- where’s Mommy?’ ask junsu.

“She cooking and I don’t know what I must to do?”

“Granpaaa Im cold~~!” whined yoobin.

“haish~ being gay is the right choice for me.”

“What are you saying huh??”

“Look! how bad couple treat a child like that~ I shouldn’t giving you grandchild soon.”



Yunho giving jaejin to yoochun.

“Im leaving now, take care jaejoong and children for our better life.” said yunho in a bitter smile.

“Oh.. Jaejin ah you looks so cute >,< Okay don’t worry, i’ll take care them.” Said yoochun with his happiness.

“Jaejoong, take care. My mother in law will visit at afternoon. And now you better take a rest.” Said yunho smiled and caressing jaejoong’s hair.

Jaejoong enjoying every touches of Yunho, his heart still tremble even there’s yoochun beside him.

“Our life will better after this...trust me. I believe you can grant my whises.” Yunho say an advice for Jaejoong.

“Please be happy.” Added yunho.

“You too... please be happy, for our child sake.”

“I promised..”

Yunho facing Yoochun and offer his hand to shake hand, Yoochun receive it.

“Thanks for help me raising my children. Please be a good father...”

“okay, they will be happy with me Yunho. and im sorry for the last day. Is your nose Okay? I hit you hard on it.”

Yunho smiled, “Im strong, your punch doesn’t take an effect for me.”

“Yeah, if you’re not strong how can you have him and his nuna.” Mocked Yoochun while glanced to jaejin.

“Yeah... I created them just by one shoot. And you should learn from me.”

The both of man laughed hard, while jaejoong face become redden now.


Yunho bow to Umma and ready to go.


Wtf~ i just can’t control my self, who said i like my story? But the plost must go on until reach yunjae be together soon T^T the next story will be heartbreaking! Prepare ur self and don’t too much complain abt jaechun bla bla bla it's just a process, u know!

*if founds any comments i’ll be happy and fast to cont’ it. :P

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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.