Happiness, Dream and Love (part I)


“You found Yoobin’s father?”

I heard my umma said it with loud, Im working now. she opened the door, i saw taeyeon calming my mother.

“Taeyeon, you can leave me alone, close the door please.” I command to taeyeon.

My umma sitting and sigh.

“Finally i found him Mom,”

“And you’re not telling umma? I hear it from Changmin.”

“that kid—i know he will said that to umma.” I grumbled.

“You can’t hide it from me anymore. three years is enough for your secret. You must marry him.”

“Marry? We can’t umma.”

“Why? you’re stubborn Jaejoong,”

“Umma... he was married with someone.”


I pouted my lips.


So cruel... my umma ask me to get married with another man. Huh~ i can’t... she told me to go to ads dating if i can’t find a boyfriend. But my umma is right, I and love. I never get love... long time no kiss, long time no hug, and long time no T__T oh poor me.But it doesn’t mean if nobody had a crush with me, while in America so many man wants marry me and proposed me. but i rejected it, I don’t know why... i enjoying my life as single parent. Im single but my heart is taken haha remember something?


My pencil just broken, break my daydreaming. My coffee become cold now.

I laid my head on the table... thinking something...


Yeah finally i come here. He means everything for me.... i cant lie

if I still waiting for him...

Jung YunHo... My child’s father.

But I can’t go. We have a rules, if I visited his house we will never meet again. But i tried go out from my car. I remember if there’s coffee shop nearby. Yeah~ maybe i can go there first.

I buy a bitter coffee and sat near the window. I can saw yunho’s house from here... I read the newspaper, maybe it’s too late reading newspaper at midnight like that.but...

What’s Sasaeng fans?

Yack! What are they doing? They following her idols for along day? Collect the blood of me**? Installing cctv? Haish they’re crazy! And disgusting!

But... installing a CCTV? C-C-T-V ? Hidden camera?

Ah no no! it’s a crime, I just stalking him and his wife. That’s enough.

Mwo? Stalking? T__T Am I a sasaeng fans? Am I crazy? Am I disgusting? Oh I need a beer now. not coffee or tea, but beer T^T


“You looks unwell Jaejoong.” Yoochun asked me. He playing with my child now. junsu cooking.

I walked out, looking for sunshine. People tell me if sunshine is good for bone. Ok i have a problem with my bone, lastnight after I cried at the coffee shop, I go to pub, drunk and dance until i fell, oh my back bone. T^T look how pathetic I am now.

“Hey. What’s the problem?” yoochun pats me.

“I can’t moved...”


“Let’s talk seriously... i can’t moved from him.”

“you’re talking about what?”

“My heart...”

“= =a until when? If you can’t, Why you leave him at past?”

“Because i have yoobin... and i want make his dream come true.if that day i told him if i get pregnant... maybe he can’t be an architect, and i can’t be a designer.”

“that’s the reason?”

“did he know?”

“I told him if I went to america for to be a designer...”

“You can tell him about the truth...your reason.”

“i can’t.... because im too late... he’s married now.”

“ok fine, move on.”

“I can’t yoochun..” Im tearing again now.

“he already find his happiness, and you’re just a past for him.”

“a past?”

“for man, past is just a past... after they find another love they will forget their past.”


Flash back~

I read the instruction from testpack. If appear ‘sign’ here it means it turns out be positive.... yes, I take a pregnancy test.

And the result is.... POSITIVE


I threw it and unbelieve.  But If I look at past, it will be true if Im pregnant now, I did .

Oh my Jung yunho, do you know if our sweet memory will be a bitter memory soon?

After washed my face and keep the pregnancy test i come to downstair.

“What’s that mom?” I look at umma who bring something.

“Jaejoong, there’s some letters for you.” Umma said to me if she received some letters from a postman in early morning.

“i think it’s from university, i look the pamflete.”

“ah~ this is an invitation.”

“Omo~ this is...” My umma covered .

“Umma! I’ll go to America!”

Umma hugged me she’s proud with me.... oh I accepted by famous university at New York. Luckily, my dream comes true.

“when you will go there?”

“wait...” I read the letter, for a minutes.. “Umma I’ll go the day after tomorrow.”

“What??the day after tomorrow?? Why  so sudden?”

“But I have prepared it all, so umma don’t worry... I was called Yoochun and he will help me a lot there”

“Umma will help too, prepared your food.”


I don’t know what I must to feel, Happy or not? My dream is come true and i have a baby in my tummy.

 is it a miracle?

 I met him. but He still work. I wait him until he finished his work, I drink a tea. Why tea? I know if i drink a beer it will harm my baby. oh why i really care with my pregnancy? And why i don’t have a thoughts if i must abort it? Because umma give me a birth... and im very thanksful to umma ...what if umma don’t give me a birth... maybe i can’t look a beautiful world, i can’t look a beautiful flower blooming, i can’t meet appa, i can’t do anything i want.... and... i can’t meet him... I look at him, he waving his hand and give me a sweet smile.


“Finished your work... I will wait you. Look, there’s a new customer.” I pointed a couple who just come. He smiled, my hair and leaving me.

He’s a hard worker....workaholic~ in early morning he send a newspaper and milk, in the noon he washed car, he’s not a college student, but he really interested in something about building, house, woody, and he also has a dream... to be an architect.

I told him if he can make his dream come true... while he only graduates from senior highschool but he can take an architect-exam which was held once a year. There are three levels of exam, a week ago, he take the first exam. And he’s very nervous wait the result.

I stirring my straw... my stomach react, I runs to the toilet. Ugh~ it comes again. Wanna throw up...

I washed my mouth on the wastafel, yunho come.... bring a clean equipment. He released his gloves and wash his hand.

“yeah~ finally i finished.”

“you looks happy. Why?”

“secret. You’ll knows later.”

I flipped my long hair and smiling,

“yak!~ don’t do that...” he look at me.

“why?” I flipped my hair too.

“You looks beautiful.”

Ah~ damn... he makes m faces turn into red and my heart beat so fast.

“don’t said that... we’re not a lover now. we had broke up last week.”

“huuuh~ don’t say that! I still love you!” he pinched my red cheeks, he pouted his lips co cute.

“let’s go. There’s only two of us, im afraid if you will do something ‘danger’ “

“something danger?”

“like a week ago.”

BLUSH~~~ They two blushed...


I wrapped my arms tightly arround his waist, now we ride a motorcycle. That night looks beautiful, on the sky there’s many stars. Yunho grabbed my hand and smiled.

He parked the motorcycle near the river. He asked me to go to the near Han’s river. Now we walked~

Suddenly he holding my hand.

“don’t... “ i released my hand from him.

“why??” he grabbed my hand and get closer to me, he not grabbed my hand anymore, but hugging me.

“Yak! Don’t do that!” i tried released his hug, but i can’t... he hugged me with all his power.

“let me be like this for a while...”

“But people look at us...”

“I don’t care,... You make me comfort.” He whisper to me.

“why so sudden?”

“I don’t know... just need you, need your hug until you say ‘chukkae’ for me.”


“I passed the exam...”

“you passed the exam?” I don’t know why suddenly my tear flowing down.

“Yes... and Im very happy.” He hugged me tight... until i can’t breathe..


“gomawo yo! I can’t wait until I take the next exam.gomawo Jaejoongie gomawo yo...”

“ne... I... I accepted at university that i want too...”

“Really??!” he released the embraced and wipe my tears.

“Yes... I will flight to America the day after tomorrow.”

“But why you’re crying?”

“Im... Im crying for happiness...”

“Oh... our dream really come true, “ He hugged me tight again.

Im crying! Like my heart can’t beat anymore... there’s some painful too.


I initially hide the pregnancy from everyone, and tackle the problem myselves

And I won’t make him loose the dream....

End of flashback



“ah... hey dear...” I wake up from my sleep.

I touched my forehead. I get fever.

“Are you Ok Jaejoong?” Yoochun touched my forehead.

“I don’t know... my body feels unwell and i can’t moved, my body so weak.”

“You must go to the hospital.”

“I don’t want yoochun....ah let me go.”

It’s a damn sick! My body is very unwell, i want to throw up, i loose my appetite, and a headache make me crazy. Is very damn hurt! When i stepped first step, my body can’t hold it.... im going to faint.

Yoochun hugged my body.

“what’s up?” Junsu just come and bring groceries.

“Jaejoong sick.”

“Mwoooo? Sick? He sick??” Junsu threw the groceries and grabbed Jaejoong hands. “Yoochun! Prepared the car! Yoobin, follow uncle yoochun.


“I don’t waaaaant! Get out from me! hyaaaaa!” Junsu pats my shoulder.

“Hyung! ashamed with yoobin! don’t cry like a baby!”

The doctor will give me injection.

“Junsu i beg you. Please make the doctor and the nurses leave me now. huwwaaaa.”

Junsu bow to the doctor and the nurses. “don’t pay attention to him, and continue your work...”

Junsu leave me and slammed the door.

“Gyaaaaaaa!” yeah...a syringe pain.


“it was typhus...” the doctor said to yoochun and junsu.

“aish~ “ Junsu bite his lips. Worried with jaejoong.

“does he ate well?”

“He ate three times for a day.” Yoochun answered it.

“ah, that was Ok. Hmm maybe he stressed with his work?”

“Im not sure, but he always happy when he doing his work.” Junsu answered.

“but that’s Ok.... that’s not danger, but he must take a rest for along day, and he must eat well, avoid spicy food and soured food... and don’t make him stress.Ok? I’ll give him a permitt letter.” The doctor said.

“I think he don’t need it doctor, he work at his own boutique.”

The doctor stopped his write and smiled. “Ok...”

Yoochun and Junsu walking out from doctor’s room. They will go to Jaejoong’s room.

Oh what a beautiful scene.... Yoobin feeding me with porridge. Now I can eat. My stomach still unwell, but my little daughter ask me to eat, and i can’t refused her.

“Junsu, i want this one.”


“a child.”

Junsu smacked Yoochun head. “marry me first.”

Yoobin and I laughed look at pabbo couple infront of us.


I want to play with my ipad. but my left hand can’t move a lot because there’s infuse. Im bored. Huh. Then I turn on the television.

“Hyuuung!” a cheerful voices come.

Oh my dongsaeng, umma and appa come.

“Oh poor my beloved son....” umma hugged me.

Changmin take some fruits and food on the table. My appa sitting beside me.

“what happen to you?” umma take my right hand and hold it.

“Yesterday i fainted because of my low blod pressure, Yoochun and Junsu bring me here. they really help me.”

“and what’s the result hyung? it’s not a second pregnant right?” Changmin ask me with his horrible asking.

“yak! What are you saying dongsaeng?!!” i throw a pillow to him.

“yeah~ it doesn’t mean you can’t get the second pregnant, you met with yoobin’s father right?” Changmin really make me gezzzz.

“hey hey... why you two always has a fight? Umma tired.” Umma take the pillow from changmin. And now he took my ipad, playing it at the corner.

“I got typhus Mom...” finally i can answered my mom ask.

“How can? You’re not eat regularly?”

“Im eating mom... so don’t worry...”

“ah maybe you tired, become a single parent is really hard, ahh even i lived with husband, Im tired take care of you both...”

“ehemm” my appa cleared his throat.

“that’s not true...umma, and look, you make appa guilty”

“i don’t care him, he’s very workaholic.huh, and look you lost your weight.  Where’s your chubby cheeks?” Im really happy have Umma like her, he really taking care her child very much...

“Don’t said that umma... appa working hard for our life, for our happiness... and i can eat much to make my cheeks back to chubby.” ^ ^

“aish... why you’re so nice dear?”

“I can be nice because of umma.... umma thank you. You’re really taking care of me...” I hugged my umma.

“yak! Appa~ are they poisoned by drama?” changmin pats my appa shoulder.


“Changmin ah!”


Yoochun taking care Yoobin at home, Junsu replaced me as owner at my salon, umma and appa just go home. And now i only have my dongsaeng here.

“I want drink milk.”


“Yak! Stop playing game and buy me a milk!!”

“Can you relpace it with a water? there’s a water on the table.”

Changmin lazily laid on the sofa and can’t moved from playing a game.

“Changmin ah!! buy me a milk!” I throw a pillow to him, but it’s successfully make Changmin stand up.

“I think you get your seond pregnant now. Look you command me like you craving now!”

I make my tongue out, bwee “buy me a banana’s milk.”

“aish--- OK !”


Changmin went out to buy me a milk.


Changmin POV

“Aaargh that kid. Why he always bother me while i play a game? Huh.” I searching a drink-machine, but i can’t see it anywhere. Ah maybe at waiting room. Aishhh! That’s on the first floor.

“He really make me inconvenience.”

“Yay~ finally i found it! “ I runs and inserted the coin.

The milk now come out and I took it.

“yes got it.” I turned my body but...


I crushed with someone and make my milk fall.

“Im sorry... “ He bow to me , took my milk and give it to me.

“Ah... no problem...it’s not your fault but---“

Is he a man who met me last week? Ah! he’s my hyung’s boyfriend!

“Yunho hyung?” Oh i still remember his name.


“Do you remember me? we had meet at amusement park last day! Im jaejoong’s dongsaeng, Kim Changmin” I lend my hand.

We shake a hand~ and he said  “Yes... i remember, but what are you doing here?”

“ah~ i think you know if my hyung sick, And you will visit him? he’s at room’s 502. I buy him a milk.”

“I—I don’t know... how’s he?” he inserted a coin and choose coffee.

“He really pabbo, he loves hardwork, but he don’t take care of his body.... until he get a typhus.”

He drink his coffee.

“Will you meet him now?” i asked him.

“I can’t...”

“are you busy? Or you have another bussiness here?”

“Yes, im busy... but i’ll visit him soon.so don’t worry...and Im leaving now...”


“ah.. ok.” I nodded and back to my hyung’s room.maybe he got angry now.

End of Changmin POV


Jaejoong POV

“Im waiting you for a long time huh!” I pouted my lips.

“ne... ne... here is it. don’t grumbled.” Changmin threw the milk to me.

I plugged the straw and it.


Changmin back to playing game. Ahh he really lazy.


“what?” i wiped the rest of milk at my mouth.

“i meet him, your boyfriend.”

“mwo? My boyfriend? Who?”

“Yunho hyung. we meet when i buy a milk.”

“huh?? Really? What’s he doing here?”

“i asked him , i think he came here going to visit you, but he doesn’t answered me.”

“Yunho? in hospital? Is he sick?”

“he looks well. Maybe his mother sick?”

“his mother passed away a year ago.”

“or his appa? His brother/sister?”

“His appa left him since he unborn, and he has no siblings.”

“wow~ you really knows him. ehem..” Changmin look at me.

“are you teasing me?”




Yunho in hospital? but For what?

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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.