

“It is valentine’s day, but why the dominant colour is red?” ask Jaejoong while he sat on the seat that Junsu prepared to him.

Today Jaejoong visit Junsu’s restaurant with Yoobin. He took the opportunity while Yoochun has a bussiness with his grandmother out of country for a view days. If Yoochun beside Jaejoong, he will forbid him to go anywhere without him because of Jaejoong’s heavy pregnancy, and it’s very hard for Jaesu to meet, junsu unallowed Jaejoong bring Yoochun come to his place. He don’t want meet again with his ex.

“It’s china restaurant. And i like red anyway.” Said Junsu while he offered the menu’s books. “I have some new recipes from umma.”

“Thank You,” jaejoong took the book from Junsu and flipped it.

“Is it okay for you, wondering like this with that bumps?” ask Junsu while pointed his finger to Jaejoong’s belly.

“It’s okay...”

“When your baby will came out?”

“Came out??” ask Jaejoong confusely.

“Ah, Im sorry. When you giving him birth? He will be my first nephew, Im happy.”


“W-Whatt?? Today?! And now you’re not come to hospital but come to my place.”

“Calm yourself... it just prediction, I don’t feel anything.”

“Listen Jae, I heard it from some friends... the second pregnancy is not same with first pregnancy, You’ll lessing your contraction... like my friend, she even gave birth in the restroom because she doesn’t feel the contraction before.”

Jaejoong drink a glass of water, “Don’t worry Junsu, and bring the grilled duck infront of me.” Jaejoong grinned, and not long Junsu’s waiter come and write Jaejoong’s offer into the notes.


The four teen girls greet Junsu and pats his back from behind.

Junsu turned his body back,

“Oh, hey!” Junsu hugged them one by one and allow them sitting on the seat-table not far from Jaejoong.

“Are you busy?” ask one of them while glanced to Jaejoong.

“No, not really... When the fanmeet will held? Can you wait for me? I need a time for wrapping my present for him.”

“Aww so sweet! It must be for Mickey Oppa. What is that, Oppa?” ask her.

“it’s secret. Haha, eh.. enjoy your meal here. It’s free.”

The four girls look each other then giggling.

Junsu back to Jaejoong’s table, a plate of grilled duck served on the table.

“Jaejoong hyung,Yoobin ah~ enjoy your meal. I will be back, i must wrap a gift now.” said Junsu in hurry.

“No problem.” Said Jaejoong.


Junsu’s parents.

“Yeobo... What is this?” ask Mr.Kim to his wife, he show the new of Junsu’s photograph.

“Our son.” Ask Junsu’s mom while she dried her hair.

“Omo, I can’t believe it. is he back to normal and will giving us grandchild?” Junsu’s dad saw the new pict of Junsu, in that pict Junsu looks manly than before.

“when our lovely son abnormal huh? Your sentences makes me a sense.” Said Junsu’s Mom then turn off her hairdryer.

“Don’t said if he broke up with that guy! What a shame!”

“Hubby, Im not deaf.”

“Yeobo! I told you about it before! Im never admit their relationship until now because I knew it won’t be longer... gay’s relationship is just for fun! But now is too late.” Ask him then sit beside Junsu’s Mom.

“Don’t judge their relationship, they have some reasons why they broke up.”

“H-how can you said it so easy?!!”

“Why not? It’s not their fate.”

“Im not talking about it!!”

“So, what are you talking, my dear hubby?”

“Yeobo!! Seriously Im getting mad now! That Park messing my life!”

“Park? You mean Park Yoochun?”

“Who else!!? He makes our son blinded by love and dressed up like a girl! Don’t you know how i feels after knew it?”

“Yeah, you got your heart attack.” Said Junsu’s Mom and sip her coffee.

“Yeobo! I almost die! And now what ? they broke up.”

“What a strange... don’t you really hate their relationship huh? but why your reaction like told me if you don’t accept if they broke up. Are you sure hubby?” Junsu’s Mom rub her husband’s back, calming him.

“No... I never admit it, Im happy with Junsu’s new appereance and the most Im happy bacause they broke up..”

“so? What the matter? What makes you angry?”

“Im dissappointed.”


“My friend’s daughter knew if Junsu gay and dressed up like a girl... It’s too late to make sure them if our son is straight.”

Junsu’s mom give his husband a massage. “don’t worry... Let’s wait the next, what will Junsu does to us.”

“I hope he can marry a girl and give us grandchild.”

“why you’re so hurry? I don’t want to be grandmother... Im still young.”


“Hmm? Looks... you adding some wrinkled at your face because you can’t enjoying your life.” Junsu’s mom touch his husband lovingly.

“wh-what are you doing, topping me like that?”

“Junsu isn’t home.” Junsu’s mom grinned and pushed his husband onto the bed. “Stop talking about grandchild while I can giving you another kids.”

“Y-Yeobo! We’re too old having children!”

“But not for .”


Jaejoong finish his food, then he wipe away Yoobin’s mouth. Junsu still chatting with those girls.

“Oppa! We leaving now, and let’s meet in the venue.” Said one of them.

“Okay, see you later.”

“See You Oppa!”

After they leaving, Junsu back to Jaejoong but the pretty man looks difficult to move because of heavy pregnancy.

“Omo, Jaejoong are you Okay?”

“Im Okay... by the way... who’s that girls? And why they wear the same color of t-shirt?”

“Ah... they my new friends.”

“huh? Your friends?”

“Today I’ll attend JYJ’s Fanmeeting with them.”

“JYJ? Who are they?”

“an idol.” Said Junsu shortly then clean the table.

“Are You a fanboy??” ask Jaejoong widen his eyes.

“I love their songs... why not?”

“Did you attend their concert?”

“Ofcourse! I member of their fansclub btw.”

“I know... but it really surprising me... You’re a fanboy now.”

“Their song telling me to be strong, that’s why i falling with them.”

“Don’t said if you listen their song when you broke up...with.... Yoochun.” Said Jaejoong carefully.

“Ah, that’s not the reason. I lenjoying my life now, I felt so youth.”

“You feels young because you make a friend with a teens, haha how old are they?”

“shut Up... hem... 22Y.o is older.”

Jaejoong can’t stop smiling and Junsu pats him, shy.

“I can’t imagine you bring those official lightsticks, shout and scream like a crazy fans.”

“Yak, don’t imagine it.” Junsu pats jaejoong’s back again.


“Grandma... Im worried to the death now, Can I leaving now?” Yoochun try persuade his grandmother for leaving.

“Finished it first.”

“Grandma... pleaese, Jaejoong need me now.”

“Believe me he’s save now.”

“As prediction he will giving birth today, and I can’t contact him because of damn signal here.”

“Yoochun ah.. you must finished it to be a good father, don’t you dislike when that Jung giving his money to your future children? You come here for working and get money, do you understand?” said Yoochun’s grandmother then leaving the engineer room while yoochun still stay there, checking some missing file.



“Yeeun ah... Look, your father bought us a bouquet of roses.” Inna greet his husband then show the beautiful flowers to her baby. “Thanks you Yunho.” said her also.

“I saw a little girl sell it, i pity her.” said yunho while caressing his baby’s soft hair.

“Oh, really? You should invite her to have dinner with us, Im sure she haven’t eat.”

“No... It will makes me sad, because I’ll miss my daughter, Yoobin.”

Inna just giving his husband a sigh, she must be patience with Yunho. “I prepared dinner and steamy water, go to bath while I warming the food.”

Yunho giving his bag to Inna and go to the bathroom.



“Umma...” Jaejoong awakening his sleeping mother from behind. Mr.kim is not there, he stay at Jaejoong’s grandma house.

“Hmh... is it you, Jaejoong?”

“Yes, it’s me”

“What’s the problem?”

“Im bleeding, but I don’t feel contraction.”

Umma turn on the lamp and saw what Jaejoong show to her, a flecks of blood on a piece of tissue.

“Omo! Call a taxi!” umma wear her glasses, turn on the lamp and make a call taxi.

“Agh... now the contraction come...” jaejoong stunned with his same position.

Umma back to Jaejoong with carrying Yoobin. “I try call Yoochun but it can’t connect! Where’s he now??!”

“I don’t know.. maybe He’s working. Call Junsu Umma.”

“O-Ok, you manage your breathe and i bring those bag in the terrace.”


“Ughh... It hurt Umma...”

“Manage your breathe, You can do it.”

Yoobin sitting on the front, beside the driver but she always look at his Mommy with her blinked cute eyes.

“He’s so big.. Omo it feels like he wanna come out from my a**”

“Hey! It won’t be happen. Stay calm and stop talking a nonsense.”

“Look... he will come out, he kick me impatiently! Awww.”

“Manage your breath pabbo!”

“Im not Pabbo Umma, but I’ll giving a birth!”

“yes but stop talking and focussed with breathing!!”

“I can’t... he’s so big and he will exploding my !”

“Jaejoong!! Yoobin listen you!!”


Junsu open his garage and prepare to go with his lamborghini but he stunned for a while, with his phone. He confused to call who. He put his cellphone on the pocket and ready to go.

“damn! I promised myself don’t call him anymore!” Junsu erased yoochun’s phone number and back to search Yunho’s number.

“Ahh!! Stupidd... Yunho unlisted.” Junsu back to confuse.

“Changmin! changmin!” he pressed the number of Changmin.

“Yoboseyo?” ask changmin in the crowded.

“Changmin ah! It’s junsu hyung! jaejoong hyung Labor now, can you come to the hospital now?”

“what hyung? I can’t hear you, im in the train now from campus.”

“Campus? Omo Im forgett Changmin in the America now.” junsu pats his head give up.

“Hyung? what the problem?? Clear your voice and I’ll listen you.” said changmin after he found the seat in the train.

“It’s midnight and Jaejoong hyung has Labor now.”

“what?? Ahh what i must do? Ready to call Yoochun hyung or Yunho hyung?”

“Im confused... who must i call? Yoochun is my ex and I can’t call him.”

“You need me to call him, hyung?” Changmin make a sure.

“Yeah, you can.”

“Okay, i’ll shut our conversation and call him.” said changmin in hurry.


“hem, what hyung?”

“Should i call Yunho? He’s the father of baby.”

“Erhh... Make sure Yoochun hyung not there first.”

“Oh I remember! Yoochun outside of seoul now, so im sure he can’t accompany jaejoong now.”

“then call Yunho hyung now!” shout Changmin, ignores some people who look at him.

“And will you call Yoochun?”

“I-I’ll think about it, Ahh make sure Yunho hyung come first!”

“Because we yunhoism right?”

“Molla hyung!”


Yunho still awake with his paper assigment now, he look at the clock. 00:17 am. He strecth his body then released his glasses, not long his phone vibrated.


“yunho hyung it’s me Kim Junsu, do you remember me?”

“Hum, Yes ofcourse. What’s wrong Junsu?”

“Jaejoong hyung on the way to the hospital now, he will giving birth!”

“Oh really? I-I will come!! Where’s the destination?”

“XXX Hospital!”

“Thank You Junsu. I’ll be there!”

Yunho grab the car’s key but he put it again, he can’t drive.

“Wife! Can You help me?” Yunho get rushed to Inna’s bedroom, but he find his wife calming his baby.

“She’s crying alot and i can’t handle it.” worried Inna.

“Omo, what happen with Yeeun?”

“She got temperature.”

Yunho grab Yeeun hands and felt something strange inside it. Yunho open the hands and shocked after know it.

“Wife? Is it chicken pox?” Yunho show Inna a fluid filled blister develops from her baby’s skins.

“Oh My God! That disease attack me when I was a kid, and it really painful! And now it happen with our baby???Oh no, I can’t breathe.”

“It will spreads all arround her skins!” yunho open his baby’s cloth and found some skin rash on her back.

“I never got that ill, so i might infected.”

“then... what we can do?” panicked Inna.

“You can drive, took the car while i preparing Yeeun checked up bag.”



“Can you see infront of you?”

“Ahh.. No. Doctor, it’s blurry.” Jaejoong inside the surgery room, Mrs Kim can’t accompany him because the nurse unallow her.

“It’s blurry?”  

 “Aarghh... why you so slow it really hurtt! Pulled out the baby or It can ripped my lower body!”

“Patient, if you scream, then you weaken your strenght.” Said the nurse, calming Jaejoong.

“Where’s the doctor?! Why so slow? I can’t bear my pain! Aaargghhh!” Scream Jaejoong.

“It’s male pregnancy, w-we can’t do anything until the doctor come. Now please take a big breath”




“Aaaaghhh I got an epidural, but IT’S NOT GETTING ANY BETTER!! It really hurt!” “Call Dr. Seo now!!”

“Keep calm sir, she still has surgery.”

Jaejoong bite his lips and moved left to the right. “Ugh... “


“keep calm husband” Inna look at his husband who carried her baby beside her, she also looks worried.

“Can you drive fast?”

Inna noticed Yunho’s shaking hands then grab it.

“Stop shaking and take a breath.”

“o-okay... but can you drive fast honey? Jaejoong give a birth now.”

Inna keep silent for a while.

“Yes, ofcourse.” She looks jealous.



“Aunt, do you hear it? Jaejoong hyung screaming so loud, it’s different when he gave birth to Yoobin.”

“I don’t know... but I hope he’s fine.”

“And Yunho hasn’t come yet,”

“How about Yoochun?”

“I told Changmin to call him, but i think he’s busy now.”

“Aish, how can he’s not accompany Jaejoong.”

Junsu make an ignored expression.


“Can I go to the Obgyn, wife?” ask yunho after the doctor examine his baby.

“S-sure... and i’ll come to visit.”

“No! erh... I mean, our Yeeun has an ill.”

“I know... then... Im waiting you.”

“Im sorry, “ Yunho kissed Inna’s forehead then leaving.


“Aaaaagh... doctor, Do you think you can give me meditation?” ask jaejoong to one of doctor.

The doctor sighed, Jaejoong looks uncontrolled.


“Yunho hyung!!” scream Junsu and Umma.

Yunho in hurry come, “Can I come inside?”

“Is anyone inside?” ask Yunho, make sure if Yoochun there or not.

“No, and i think Jaejoong need someone to accompany him. He don’t stop screaming like a hell.” Junsu closed his ears after heard Jaejoong screaming again.

“Oh My God, I heard it.” Yunho come inside to the Labor departement.

Jae : “AAAaaaaaghh!”

Nurse : “It’s from Labor departement, Could we get an epidural now?” Jaejoong screaming, and the nurse still calling via phone about epidural.

Nurse : “Oh, You’re busy?.”

Jae : “Nurseee what are you saying? Ouchh my ... I can’t hold it, My baby is coming!”

Nurse : “It’s just that the patient is unusually weak againts pain.”

Nurse : “I think he has small pelvis.”

Nurse still hold via phone, “yes, we would have c-section already, we needed it.”

“Aaaaaaaaaw...!” Jaejoong still scream in pain.

Yunho come inside the room, and calming Jaejoong.

“Yunho ah! It really hurt!! Your baby kicked me alot, he wanna make me explode, he’s so strong like you! Aaaaargggh!”

“Calm Jae, if you scream you will make people panicked.”

“Nooo aaaaghh why do i have to be the only in pain?”

“Doctor, why you don’t started the operation now? and why don’t give him epidural? Look! his pain like he wanna give normal labor.” Said Yunho worried.

“Im sorry sir, we waiting the doctor Seo.”

“You’re the doctor right? why you can’t help him!”

“I-its male pregnancy. It’s not our specialize.”

“Aish, Im hurt look at him in pain!!” shout Yunho, then back to grab Jaejoong’s hands. “Calm baby, Im here.”

“Ouuuuuuhh I’m dying Yunho Im dying Yunhooo what if the baby come out from my ***????”

“Jae, look at me hmm, look at me and keep calm.”

“I can’t Yunhoo I can’t!! Your baby is big!”

“You have epidurals, don’t you? Why are’nt you giving her one?!” ask Yunho.

“Dr.Seo is coming!”

The doctor quickly giving Jaejoong anesthesis and prepared all the equipment.

Yunho step backward and still worried with Jaejoong.

“ugh... “ Jaejoong slowly can endure his pain.

The doctor cuts horizontally Jaejoong’s belly and all the fluid inside.

The process of pulled the baby doesn’t take longer time.

The baby cried so loud, it means the baby healthy.

“Kim Jaejoong sshi giving birth a boy, at 01:35 am. Please note it.” The nurse take the red infant from the doctor and weighed it.

Yunho smiled, he grabbed Jaejoong’s hand. He also wipe away jaejoong’s tears.The doctor and the team wait for the placenta then cleaned it all.

“Our boy.” Yunho smiled then kissed Jaejoong pale lips. a slight of deep kissed.

“Thanks for coming...” said Jaejoong weakly.

“Junsu call me.”

“Is he come?”

“Waiting you outside, worried like a hell because he heard your screaming.”

Jaejoong chuckled, while Yunho wipe Jaejoong’s sweat on the forehead. “it hurt.” Said jaejoong so clingy.

“Excuse me, here the boy.” Said the nurse and giving the baby boy to Yunho.

Yunho excited receive it, then show to Jaejoong.

“Aaahh... He’s cute.” Jaejoong trying open the blanket so he can saw his baby clearly.

Yunho touch his baby, Jaejoong look at him intens.

“Gomawo Yunho ah...”

“Why do you look like that?” ask Yunho.

Jaejoong pats Yunho face. “My cuteness overload.”





Jaejoong Line Update.




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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.