How to Learn from the Mistake (part II)


“Husband... thanks for taking care of me.” Yunho’s wife feels better now, she laid on her husband chest.

“But you have a missunderstanding, he’s just my—“

“even you love him i don’t care...”




Argh! I felt unwell again, my stomach react again... I don’t know why it must happen when i drive my car.

“Hyung, what happen?” Im with Junsu now,

“Nothing, just a little headache.” I still concentrate driving.

“really? Shall we go to the drug store first for buying some medicine?”

“NO. we just have ten minutes for meeting with client.”

“I can replace your driving the car if you unwell.”

“we can’t, you drive over slow... we can late if we do that.”

Rrrr Rrr

“Hyung, your phone is rang.”

“gezz Junsu, answer it.”


“quickly! “

“yoboseyo?” Junsu answer the call.

Jaejoong stare at Junsu, make a questioning expression. who? Junsu hanged up the phone.

“President Choi!”

“who’s he???”




“wait??! he’s my client!”



Junsu and I quickly runs to the  because we almost late. Iam so little nervous , it’s a big company. The chairman is Our client.

“Agh! Junsu hurry up,” i stopped my step, my stomach feels hurt after I runs, then I ask Junsu to go first.

“Hyung, are you OK?”

“Hurry!! I have a little problem, hoegh!” I runs to the toilet, where’s i can find toilet??

My headache oh my headache come again~

Umphhh..... hoeg!

Jaejoong bump with someone who just came out from toilet.

“Im sorry, im... hoegh!”


He was trying cleaned jaejoong’s puke on his suit. Jaejoong almost crying, helped him to wipe it.

“Ahh Im so sorry! Othokae??.” Jae cleaned his suit with my handscarf.

“No, no problem.Im in meeting right now, im so hurry.”

“ah! i know, i have this!” Jaejoong opened his bag and found a white tuxedo with butterfly tie. “You can wear it. And You can’t use your dirt-suit.”

“But it’s a wedding tuxedo right?” maybe he looks confused.

“Whatever it has name, wear it now! I don’t have any time.. Hurry...let me help you.” Jae tried open and pulled his suit, Jaejoong can’t facing him, so he can’t look at him clearly. That’s too embrassing ><

“Ah fine, here it is. And I’ll wash it for you. OK?”  

Jaejoong runs out from toilet with bag and black suit in his hand, but... at half way, he remembered something.

“ahhh his phone number! How can i return his cloth if i don’t know who is he.” Jaejoong tried to back.

But, he can’t found him.

“agh... why im so pabbo~” Jaejoong slapped his cheeks.


Jaejoong hope if Junsu can handle it, he runs toward to the chairman’s room. Before he come in, Jae ask to the secretary.

“Can i meet with chairman now?”

“yes sir, please come here.”


Jaejoong POV

I saw junsu and chairman talk each other, hmm maybe after this i’ll buy Junsu his favorite food, because he helped me so much. I smiled after neither look at me. yeah i know maybe i looks messing now, then I make my hair tidy.

“He’s the owner.” Junsu placed me besides him.

After I shake hand with the chairman, she smiled and offered me a coffee too. I think she have a same age with umma, but she looks glamours.

“Thank you for coming, can we wait for a while? My son has a meeting now.”

“that’s OK mrs choi.”

She look some catalogue that junsu offered to her. sometimes i give her an explanation about wedding and the other things.

“My son didn’t like something like glamours, he prefer simple and fresh.”

“Simple and fresh? Wanna try garden party?”

“It seems great, but we can wait until he come, maybe 15 minutes again.”

I nodded, and wait his son while junsu and the chairman look at magazine and my catalogue.


“Finally he’s come.”

“Chairman.” The tall guy come and kissed his umma, is it cute right? But—wait.


“.....? Joongie?”

 Oh somebody please slapped me, ok fine... the man who bumps with me earlier is my ex lover. He wear my white tuxedo and now he will marry with someone.

“omo dear, you two know each other?” the chairman asked his son.

“yes, offcourse... Joongie is my friend since we graduated.”

Tsk- something bad happen... i hate him.

“oh really? Is’t a coincidental right?”

“yes, we never met since three or fourth years ago.” Siwon now sat beside me.

“didn’t say something joongie?” Siwon kissed my hand, treat me like a princess.

“yak! What are you doing??” i released it from him.

“I think live at america for along time can make you changed, but i don’t think so.”

He placed my hand on my laps again, and started conversation with his mom.

“Mom, yesung can’t go to here, he just called me and inform me if his fiancee got sick, so he must go to the hospital.” Siwon shows his iphone to his mom.

“How can? A month later they will marry right?”

“hmm.... nervous because pre wedding maybe.”

“OH no... how i can give an explain to Kim Jaejoong sshi... Im sorry Jaejoong sshi, the bride can’t arrived here,”

“Don’t too much worried, joongie will not angry, i know how is he.” Siwon give me a wink.

Yacks~ since when he become sooow flirting like this.= =a

“erhh Siwon true, no problem Mrs. Choi. Maybe nextime siwon can go to my bridal salon, maybe he will try some prewedding-treatment there”

“Me? pre wedding? I think you’re missunderstanding Jae... a man who will marry is my brother, yesung. Im free single now”


Junsu squeeze my shirt.

“Once again, im so sorry Kim Jaejoong sshi...for apologize, I and yesung will come there.”

“No problem Mrs. Choi..”

“ok fine~ it’s a time for lunch, hey you two... shall we go to lunch together?” siwon glanced at me.

He’s not too changed, still like a such damn player.

“How? Refused? Because of your fatty?” Siwon sat beside me, oh he really have a bad attitude! How can he sat near the guest like that.

“Fatty..” fatty what? used the right language.”

“Because you looks fat now... like a piglet. Are you married?”

“It’s better if we talked later... “ Junsu give a death glare to siwon, because he too much teasing me.


Junsu and i go to the toilet, sure.. for checking our make up and appereance.

“Hyung, we can’t have a luch with him, Im annoying with his attitude.”

“yeah... he’s choi siwon.”

“But why i never knows him? even he’s your friend?”

“Hmm.. we talk later Ok, now siwon waiting us.”


Siwon with his pink-shirt waiting for us, he waving his hand. Now we at the italian restaurant, i think he choosed this place because of me, yeah i really likes italian food so much.

“Can we ordered now?”

I nodded, not long the waiter came and bring the menu for us.

“Fettucini with Spinach and Cranberries don’t add onion too much, and not too much milk.... because he will throw up.”

Oh really he make me frozen infront of him. does he can read my mind? Im really want eat it ><

“I ordered for you. :P now i order mine.”


But... why lazily i eat my food... yeah... why lately i become like this, im really want eat after read or look it from picture, but after that... i lose my appetite while the food served infront of me.

“Why Joongie? You don’t eat? Just stirring it.” Siwon asked me.

“ah.. no,... im eating...” I require my self to eat.

“Eat it first.” Siwon gave me a red tomato, placed it on my plate. “Wait for sec.”

Siwon runs over to me, he leave his meal, but for what?


“Hyung... what he will do? He’s really a strange person. How can you two met at past?”

“ssshh... he’s coming.” I interrupted Junsu and back to our meal.

“Here,” siwon take some lemons on the table, he also bring a knife.

“what’s is for?” i still confused.

“eat it first, to make your stomach feels well.” Siwon cuts it into two pieces and give it to me and junsu. He also eat it.

Yeah maybe he’s true after smelled something fresh like a lemon, like a magic... my appetite come and makes me hungry. Then i tried eat it.

“ughh soured! But i like it.”

Siwon laugh and ruffled my hair.

“ah don’t... “ I make my hair tidy.

I look at Junsu, not like usual, he become quiet... he give me a glare ‘what hyung?’

I laugh too, why some lemons infront of me tasted soo delicious. “thank you Siwon”

“eat it when you feels wanna throw up, “

Siwon give me a wink.


“Thanks for the meal...”

“OK, oh im sorry i left your tuxedo at the chairman room. How?”

“No problem... back it to me when you visit at my place.”

“OK, then you visit my place too, for give my suit.”

“Why you can’t bring it when visit my place?” I pouted my lips.

“Because i want to meet you later. Im single now, and feels bored with some girls lately. I want to play with you again.”

“Play??Im not a toys!”

“aish—i mean playing arround, like a child.go to amusement park. How??”

I confused... why he asked me like that... he’s freak or strange?? We just met after three years ago but he act like yesterday we met.

“Joongie... you will refuse me?” he pouted his lips like a child.

Hey?! Where’s his manliness?? He act like a child now.

“but... i can’t leave my daughter alone.”

“wait. daughter?”

“yes... i have a daughter....”






“No problem! I like kids.”

Mwooooooo? I think he will cancel it, and asking who’s my daughter, how can i have a daughter...but... he perfectly don’t asking it to me = =a

“Hyung,,, he asking you dating right?” Junsu chuckled,

“Joongie please, i really bored. Luckily i found you... ahh maybe i’ll buy yesung a food. Because of him we can meet haha.”

“accepted it hyung.... he looks nice.”

I sigh... “OK, tomorrow we meet at international Kindergarden school. I pick my daughter first.”

“thank you Joongie.”

“Please stop call me Joongie...”

“OK Jaejoong ah.”



Siwon is mr simple :D

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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.