










Yunho saw Jaejoong and Yoochun kissing, he muted like stone. With all his awareness he burried Yoobin’s into his arm.

Yoochun loose his grip on Jaejoong’s shouder, their lips still connected and slowly Yoochun break their kiss. Jaejoong touch his lips, his heart beating rapidly, hiding his complicated feeling. Yoohun grab his hand, but he refused it and stay away from Yoochun.

Jaejoong turned back, but suddenly he stop  his step and he saw pairs of broken eyes.


Yunho give apologize to Jaejoong, “We have dinner in the same place, She suddenly come to me and cried then i decide to cheer her.Im sorry.”

“That bastard,” Yoochun lifted Yoobin from Yunho and giving her to Jaejoong. Jaejoong still flying(?) like thief caught by police.

Yoochun punch Yunho in front of Jaejoong. “Stay away from him, you bastard! Why you’re not dissappear from Jaejoong’s life! You makes his life misserable!He never accept man’s feeling through you! You failed being man!”

Yunho wipe his fresh blood, he don’t wanna fight infront of his child.

“Wake up you bastard!” Yoochun grab Yunho’s collar.

“Why you’re so rude? It’s public place and yoobin look at us.”

Yoochun tightened yunho’s collar, his breathe up and down.

“You stalking Jaejoong’s life!”

“Im not...today is coincidence, i invited by my friend as celebrate their engaged.”

“ Why you’re not look for jaejoong first as permission taking her?! You make him worried to the death! Yoobin is everything to him!” Yoochun still in anger.

“Yes, I know... Im sorry Jaejoong, this incident is totally my fault.” Yunho bow his head, don’t dare to facing Jaejoong.

“Uncle Yoochun, don’t fight...” said yoobin innocently. “Mommy, don’t angry...I really miss papa. Mommy told me if Papa busy even in Sunday, i think it’s my chance to meet Papa. That’s why i asked him to go and buy an ice cream.Mommy don’t angry,I’ll brush my teeth after ate ice cream, i promise.”

Jaejoong sighed... He doesn’t know what must to do, he’s too tired with all of this. The complicated feelings mixed each other stuck in his mind.

“I think i forget something, i’ve not paid my bills.”

“I will!” Said Yoochun and yunho together.

“You’re too slow as man.” Yoochun released yunho’s collar and quickly back to restaurant.

Yunho also stuck with this is all. He feels awkward suddenly after Yoochun leaving them.

“You haven’t forgive me.” said Yunho.

“I forgive you.”

“Don’t too harsh while take care Yoobin.”

“Im her Mommy, i’ll do anything i want while it’s good for her.” Jaejoong still mad at Yunho, do remember when inna replied his message?she type and send it to Jaejoong.

“I know... but it’s also not good for your self who carried baby.”

“You said like you know everything. Do you think raising a child as single parent is easy?”

“that’s why you open your feeling to him?” Yunho wanna mentioning Yoochun’s name but he hold it.

“Feeling what?” Pretend Jaejoong.

“ah... im not, it’s up to you.”

“You said if you will fight.”

“what i Fight for? While other’s people fight their love to you.”

“Do you give up? Yoochun was right, you’re too slow being man.”

Yunho keep silent.

“My fate is being single parent, so please don’t worry.”

“I giving you approval ... it’s up to you, I’ll help you in financial, it’s my pride as father of my children.”

“You shouldn’t giving me approval, im not yours. and about your pride, i regard it.”

“He will be good father for our child...”

“Stop saying nonsense! Yoochun is special for me but he just my best friend ever. And he also has fiancee!”

“i can’t guarantee it, Who’s can ignored Kim Jaejoong. You’re too kind and dazzling among mens even they have wife.”

“You talking about yourself- You must only love your wife now, stop cheating on me.” Jaejoong warning Yunho.

Yunho moved closer to Jaejoong, “Im not cheating on you, but Im in love with you.”

He leaned his thumb to brushed jaejoong’s lips.

“it can’t be erase...not like your previous kiss with him. It can erase easily.”

“stop it! I know what the next you will do to me!” Jaejoong pushed yunho.

Yunho closed Yoobin’s eyes and back to forced kiss Jaejoong.

“yunh-Mfpth! Stop!”

BUGH! Jaejoong punch Yunho’s stomach, and it make yunho fell to the ground.

“urrgh...” Yunho hold his stomach, curved his back and groan in pain.

“it’s not funny Yunho. wake up.” Jaejoong worried.

Yunho still in pain, and his groan become louder now.

“Y-Yunho??” Jaejoong bow and checking yunho.

“Urrghh...” Yunho hold jaejoong’s shoulder and burried himself there.

“Yunho what happen? Did i hurting you?”

“Mommy, Papa bleeding.” Yoobin noticed red blood floated from Yunho’s mouth.


Yoobin wipe away his father’s blood and show it to jaejoong.

“Omo! Yunho! Im sorry. Omo, what should i do now?? Yoobin ah, what must i do??”


Jaejoong grab yunho’s hand while they in hurry go to the hospital. Yoobin sit at the front seat with her seat-belt. They goes by taxi.

“Yunho, where’s your phone? Your family must know about it.”

Yunho shook his head, “inna saved my phone and forbid me to use it.”

“Huh??so you don’t have a phone?” jaejoong remember now... the person who replied him is not Yunho, but his wife. Jaejoong shook his head. “ehm, I’ll call your phone. I hope inna pick my call.”

“You can’t... Inna destroy it.”

Jaejoong pout his lips, “Ok, then give me Mr Yoo’s number.”

“I don’t remember...”

“Ok, I’ll call them later. Are you okay now?”

“Hmmh.” Yunho nodded.


Yoochun scanned the place where Jaejoong stood with Yunho. but he doesn’t find them, he in confused now.


Jaejoong wait patiently when the doctor examine Yunho. The door is open now, the doctor come and greet him.

“Jung’s family?”

“Im here doctor!”

“We need asigment for stay and some treatment. The nurse will give you the letter.”

“It’s not my eligible... Im not his family actually. I’ll call his family as soon as possible. Btw how’s him?? why he stay? What happen to him?”

“Gastritis. His gastric in bad condition, does he drinks alcohol too much or skip his meals.”

“he does... he does when he got stressed.” Jaejoong remember if Yunho liked to drink alcohol when they had fight at past.

“He looks fragile, please support him when he’s down.”

“I know...btw what he said? Ask him for stay. im sure his family will agree.”

“I guess so. I’ll ask the nurse to bring him at room.”

Not longer, The nurse push the rolled bed and Jaejoong follows them, he wake up Yoobin first. Yunho looks very pale with two bottles of IV connected to his right hand.

Jaejoong turn on the air conditioner, the nurse come and giving Yunho’s dinner.

“Thank you,” said Jaejoong to the nurse. “She must be tired...” The nurse also giving a blanket to Yoobin who slept on the sofa.

“Ah, Yes... Im in waiting my brother to pick her.”

“Mr. Jung’s medicine will arrive later. Make sure he eat his food, maam.”

“Yes, I’ll force him.” Jaejoong smiled to the nurse.

“Thank you, excuse me and good night.”


Jaejoong look at Yunho and make him wake up.

“Yunho, wake up...” Jaejoong grab yunho left hand and whisper to him.

Yunho slowly open his eyes, but he shut it again.

“Yunho ya... you must eat...”

“Hmmh... where’s my medicine i drink it now. Im already full.”

“You hadn’t eaten. The doctor said you only drink alcohol today, so pathetic...” Jaejoong moved the tray of food near Yunho.

“i wanna throw up.”

“Huhh?? Wait!! Hold it! Omo, where i can find wash-basin? “ jaejoong get rushed to the bathroom, he got it.

Jaejoong help Yunho wake up.


Jaejoong pats Yunho back.

“Not come?” jaejoong pats Yunho’s back harder.

Yunho doesn’t throw up anything, just got nausea and headche.

“Hold on!Don’t lay on the bed, you must eat!” said Jaejoong from bathroom.


Jaejoong dried his hand and back to Yunho’s side.

“what is that?” ask yunho to Jaejoong.

“Porridge with seaweed-soup, meat,and... some vegetable.”

“Give it tome,”

Jaejoong glad to hear that, he give it to Yunho.

“You can eat by your self?”

“Im using my left hand.”


Yunho munch his food superslow because he lost his apettite and his stomach feels hurt after swallow the food.

“I asked changmin and my parents to call your family.”

Yunho put his spoon and push the tray. “Im full.”

“Huh? You’re not!Don’t left the food! You going to work everyday for get money then buy a food, you have to appreciate food.”

“You’re so fussy, no wonder Yoobin come and complain to me.” Yunho chukled.

“No wonder if yoobin don’t eat her vegetables, so it’s because of you.” jaejoong replied yunho.

“Im really full and my head spinning now...”

“You want me feeding you?”

“Im headache...”

“Hmm... oke. I’ll help you.” Jaejoong help yunho laid on the bed.


“when Changmin will arrive? He’s late.” Jaejoong saw his watch,


“Yes? Do you need something? wanna go to the bathroom?”

“Do you angry with me?”

“Im not.”

“Im sorry.”

“For what?”

“Please sit here...” Yunho pats the bed beside him.

Jaejoong sit on the bed, “it’s a bit difficult...”

“You gained so much,”

“yak! im pregnant!”

“IS he Okay?” Yunho touch Jaejoong’s big bump.

“He’s very active, you can feel it. press right here, and Feel it” jaejoong pressed Yunho’s hand on his stomach.

“I can’t feel it.” Yunho closed his eyes. “He’s not moving...wait,” Jaejoong give Yunho an explain.

“Yunho...” ask jaejoong.

“what?” answered Yunho. “what the reason I can get pregnant?” jaejoong’s question makes yunho blushing.

“what do you mean?offcourse we did it.”

“Ahh... no, it’s not about scenes, it’s about where’s the place you penetrate me.”

“Uhukh!~Jaejoong, you—“

“Ahh noo! Not like that, i mean... hemm, no. err”

“you make me confused, tell me to the point.”

“Im asking because we rarely had private time like this...”

“Okay, So? Tell me now.”

“There’s two or one?” ask Jaejoong.

“What is it?” Yunho still confused, jaejoong take a deep breath... “A place you penetrate me...”

“what?? Hole??”

“Shut up!!!” Jaejoong closed yunho’s mouth, the bed sound a little craking.

“You’re so strange jaejoong.” Yunho make his position better, “Ah, I know! My kiss effect! And you become now.”

“What the hell??! Im not! I just wanna asking, there’s two or one holes inside me, and how do you feels when you penetrate meeee.”

“Ah, that’s... hem...” Jaejoong listen to Yunho seriously, he really want to know if he has two reproduction.

“why you’re not cheking by yourself?i think the medical centre in our country has such a tools for checking it.”

“Yunho, please... i just wanna hear that from you.”

“You want me dirt-talk huh?”

“Yunhooo! Ok fine, if you teasing me. i won’t talk to you.”

Yunho grinned like hell... Jaejoong blushed like strawberry.

“when we did married couple activity, yeah i feel strange a bit.”

“What is that?” ask jaejoong curiousity.

“I feel like hit something inside your hole, but when i forced pushed... I feels my p*nis hit and entered to  another holes, like double heaven’s door that i entered.”

“Hm... Then my father was right, i have two reproduction in my body.”

“what’s the problem? Are you okay?”

“Im okay, just want to know, i feels if Im rather special.”

“you must have save labor...” Yunho touch Jaejoong’s belly and it moved. “Jae, he’s move!!”

“Welcome to Daddy Son, annyong...” jaejoong cheering Yunho. Yunho changed his position, “i want to hear him.”  He leaned his head on Jae’s bumps.



Jaejoong POV

‘God... please forgive me... maybe i hurting other people again... today is very complex, another problem will come to my life...please let me breathe,  i don’t wanna make it difficult, what’s the reason yoochun kiss me...how about Junsu?

How about Yunho’s wife if she knows his husband confess his feeling to me...

How about my child’s future...?

We can’t be like this.... Yunho married and has child.

Im too selfish.... Oh God I can’t breathe... please stop all of this.

Please...wake me up... slap me with reality if our love isn’t true love.

Yunho still loves me, and me too... but it might hurting other people,

we can’t continue it... we must end our love.

Ok, fine...

And my last hope..

Just be like this for a while...let me hug him for the last....

*End of this chap*


Should i moved into two part??? how??

NB: i don't want to force my readers to give me comments, I just want to tell you... Im very excited until flying to the moon when received new comments story. and it's the reason why i keep updating my story, ^^ thanks n happy reading.

Ah! finally i have twitter!!~

follow @honeyoowon

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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.