am i ?


Jaejoong POV


I moved and pleased Inna meet his husband, I lowered my head.

‘Oh God... you’re not by my side.’ Said me inside his heart.

Inna hugged his husband, he come with her father.

“You said you got invitation. Do you lied to me?” ask inna to Yunho then glared at me.

“Ah, no... it’s just coincidence.” Said me shortly.

“That’s right. We ate at the same place.”

“I hope it was right.” Inna still glared at me.

‘Hey what do you mean? Why you still glared and shout at me?did you forget with those message that you sent to me lastday? Ask me, inside my heart.

Changmin come and pats my back, “hyung, im here.”

“Ah, thank you Changmin, btw how do you know Mr Yoo’s number?”

“It’s coincidental, you called me when i at the Mr Yoo’s restaurant.” Changmin explain me.

“Ah, yes... my dongsaeng is very clever and foodmonster for true.” Changmin pout his lips when i mentioning foodmonster.

“thanks for inform me, what happen with him? when i ask the nurse she doesn’t know because she shifted already.” Mr Yoo ask to me, he’s very kind now... especially with Changmin. He treat him like his son.

“he must try some theraphy because gastritis... he didn’t eat well and drink alcohol.” I explain to him.

“yunho, why you so careless with your healthy?? Don’t forced your self too much.” Said Mr yoo to Yunho, Inna still crying in Yunho’s chest.

“It’s my fault father, im failed take care him.” I heard Inna sobbing and grumble.

What is that? Yunho doesn’t want fragile people like you, Yunho doesn’t need your tears, Yunho just need support, stop being pathetic like that.

“Hyung??” Changmin wave his hand infront of me.

“Im okay Changmin, now we should go home. Yoobin must take a rest, so do I.” I moved to the Yoobin who sleep on the sofa, yunho glanced to me, but i don’t dare to look at him right now, with his wife crying in his arms.

“Yoobin baby... wake up, uncle Changmin coming...” said me, shaking his left hand slowly.

Yunho still look at me,

“Mr Yoo, Inna, Im left... take care Yunho, he need some rest and always cheer him.” i bow and said to them... what the heck inna still arround his husband, blocking my sight to Yunho so i can’t look at him for the last.

“Thank you Jaejoong and Changmin, if you were not i don’t know what happen to Yunho.”

“He will be fine... when he collapse near the street the police will find him.” I grinned and Changmin pats me from back.

“Im left now. Yunho goodnight....” I smiled to him, I can’t look at him but i know he smiled too.

“Thank you very much... Jaejoong and Changmin.” Said pain.


“where’s Your fossussed hyung?” ask Changmin when we’re in the cab for our trip to go home.

“Uh?” I wake up from my day-dreaming.

“I guess you got jealous.”

“Not... Im just curious, why people can changed 180 degree easily.” My sight still go out from the car.

“I heard she has a problem with her healthy. It makes me sad, for you especially.” Changmin makes me look at him.

“What do you mean? Who’s you’re talking about?”

“Im sorry i forced you marry him at that time,”

“I forgive you, and don’t said about it.” I back to threw my sight out from window.

“Do you still angry with me?do you regret it?” ask Changmin, oh he’s really annoy now.

I know he still look at me, what the next Changmin?

“Hyung... I think you had the right choice, congrat.” Said him, it makes me sad a bit.

“Which part?” ask me, still blocking my dongsaeng.

“You’re not marry him... “ I heard his heavy breathe.

“I always make the great choice for my life and children.” Said me shortly, I felt cold inside my heart now... oh really i never regret it. what if i marry him? it could killing me softly, living between two pathethic lovers.

“I know... you’re my best hyung, and Im sorry.” Said Changmin.

“You shouldn’t says sorry, Changmin.”

“What will the next you do? Will you leaving him?”

“I just concentrate with my children, not else.”

“It means you will marry a man who better than him?”

“Not for rightnow.”

“Ah, it’s up to you... and please be happy.”


I saw Yoochun in the livingroom, he with worried face waiting for me, ahh why must now? Im tired and this situation , it ruinned my mood. He come closer to me, wanna take Yoobin from my arms.

“Ah no, i can take care her, goodnight.” I burried my face into Yoobin’s hair and moved my step quickly.

“Hyung, my money isn’t enough for paid taxi...-“ Changmin make O-shape when jaejoong leaving in hurry.

“Let me paid the bills.” Yoochun crossing changmin and go out to paid the cab.

“Hyung, i can ask my mother for paid it.” shout Changmin.

Yoochun wave his hand to Changmin, he sink in the dark.

I placed my princess on the bed, releasing her shoes and combing, while my mother come into the bedroom.

“How’s Yunho?” ask her beside me.

“He will be fine, his wife will treat him as well.” Said me shortly.

“That’s right and the point for my asking.” My mother still look at me, ah damn look... why she has same look with Changmin, interrogation’s looks.

“Did you look something wrong?”

“Not wrong... just not in my pleasure.” I release all my jewelries and keep it in to the box.

She sighed, “You looks in badmood now...”

“Im jealous.” I sat next to her.

My mother widen her eyes and touch my hand.

“She’s not good wife to him.”

“Oh my Jaejoong... I know it’s hard for you.” She hugged me tight , “Share your sadness with me,  you’ll better.”

“I don’t care how deep and large my wound in my heart, but more I pity them...Umma what if I can’t take care them? It feels like i hurting them, and the pain is more deep than me” I look at Yoobin and touching my little baby inside my tummy.

Out from my awareness,  someone heard it behind the open half –door.


Breakfast time-

I knew Yoochun stayed here for the lastnight. I ignored him, pretend busy with my daily activity cooking and bathing Yoobin.

“Mommy, i think im growing so fast. Look at my uniform, it’s not fit anymore.” She show me how it feels, she’s not comfort with it.

“Ah, Im sorry baby Im not good mother, I was very busy and doesn’t know about simple thing like this. Mommy will sew the new for you.” I cheering her, she nodded and runs to the diningroom, joined with my family and... Yoochun.

“Hyung, can you take your time for discussing about it?” Changmin show me a brochure.

“What’s this?” I read the tittle, it like university brochure.

Silence for a while...

“Ahh!! You got the invitation study abroad!!uhukkh!” I almost coughed because im in half eating, my father giving me a glass of water.“Thank you appa, “ i drink it and back to focussed, “You’re great Changmin, but It’s Science faculty, OMO!”

Changmin smiled with his joyness, “I got first rank for mathematic and Physics.”

“Woaaa!! You-you’re so damn great Changmin. You makes Our parents proud to you, and what the problem? Will you take it??”

“I prefer studying Oceanography.”

“Uhm... you must take The Departement of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, but it has many majors. I don’t really know the preference. But the university that offered you is so damn famous university in USA.”

“thanks hyung.”

I continued read the brochure, “For the entrance examination in the spring, April. Students will be asked to indicate their preferred examination date.”

“Yeah, the exam on April and the complete registration on February.”

“Hem...i think i saved my friend’s number, he graduated from there.” I searching my phone number.

“is victoria?” asked Yoochun, and i nodded.

“a girl?” asked changmin to Yoochun.

“yeah, our best friend, but she’s in Japan now.”  explain Yoochun.

“Gotcha! I hope she’s not changed her number.” I patiently waiting the connection, “Ssh, it’s connect!”

After i talking with her,I loud speaker it and give it to Changmin. “Greet her, in english. She’s Japanese.”

Changmin greet her and omo he looks fluently speaks english, not like a years ago.

“save her number, she’s really humble and you’ll like her personality.” I smiled to changmin and my parents. Oh... this news makes me relax for a while.


Yoochun take Yoobin as usual, we’re in the same car now.

“You seems happy today, I like it.” said him, broke my daydreaming.

Im not answered it, that’s fool question. Who’s not happy after know some good news from my dongsaeng.

“About last night... Im sorry...”


“Jaejoong... I’ll explain to you.”

I sighed, it’s really make me annoy, “How’s Junsu now? i won’t forgive you if you hurting my cousin.”

“Jaejoong, I...-“

“is this the reason Junsu left me?? is this the reason he never pick my calls again after he resign??!” For sure, Im really worried to Junsu.

“jaejoong, I and Junsu broke up.”



I standing infront of Junsu’s apartement, then press the bell. It’s ringing now.


I saw Junsu appear in the monitor, he after bathing.

“It’s me... please open the door, the weather is very cold.” I rub my hands and pretend shaking because of cold.

The door opened, but there’s no Junsu but i heard he drying his hair from the bedrooom.

I placed some groceries on the kitchen table, and open it. I save yoghurt and fruits into the referigerator. Junsu crossing his hands and look at me.

“a bowl of chicken stew will warm us.” i smiled to him, i saw his anger face... but slowly he come to me and help me prepare the ingredients.

“i got a flu, thanks for coming.” Junsu rubs his nose, it’s a bit red.

“Oh, you should take a rest, I’ll finished it by my self,” Im trying cheering him.

“No, what if you added some poison into my soup then?”

I stopped my activity and there’s silence between us.

“Hahaha! What are you thinking? It’s just a joke, ordinary jokes between us right?”

I pretend laughing, “yes, and it’s funny junsu.” Im back to my activity.


An hour later, the stew looks delicious in the pot, i open the lid of pot and smelled it. “it’s almost done.”


Junsu a held knife infront of me, Im shocking at this state ous distance is really close. For fast response i held my belly.

“I think we forget adding some carrot,”

Ah, what i’ve thinking of... Junsu used that knife for cuts some carrots. “ahh... yeah, i’m forget about it haha..” im being awkward now.


Now I and junsu eating in the dining room. He sat next to me, enjoying his stew while im stuck with my spoon inside my mouth.

“I heard You back working, now.” said him, break our silence.

“Ah, yes... afer you resign I cameback to the office.”

“My mother open the new Chinese restaurant, Im manager now.“ He give me a brochure. “We also can celebrate Changmin’s graduation at grand opening there, it’s free.”

“Oh, thanks Junsu... ”

“Yeah, “ Junsu lift the bowl and eat his last stew.

Back to silence...

“Im full.” Said Junsu “Do what do you want to do here, lock the door when you leaving. I’ll go to sleep.”

“Did you drink medicine? You looks unwell...”

“You’re very kind... no wonder he falls to you.” Junsu stillblocking me.

“What are you saying? I don’t understand.”

“Act innocently is your truly tallent?” Junsu turned back and glared to me.  “is that the reason you afraid with my poison and knife? You afraid if i’ll kill you?” Junsu crossed his arm, “I saw it lastnight.”


“You did it even in front of Yunho.”

“Junsu... I...”

“Ah, I don’t care about it, it’s really annoy. Two crazy lovers act is so melowdramatic.”

“Junsu please, we can solve the problem and you must back to your relationship with him, you know if there’s something wrong.” I bite my lips then tried calming Junsu.

“It’s not wrong. Is he confess his feeling to you? So you decide come here to cheer me even you know it’s already late. I hate you Jaejoong, you stab me from behind.”

“junsu... please understand me, I-“

“I understand your lonely feels, being single parent so tired right?”

“Junsu, I can’t accept his feelings. I knew it lastnight and i don’t know if you and he-“

“Broke up since a month ago.” Again, Junsu cuts my line.

“Oh- what?? “ Im shock heard it, i remember the date of invitation it’s no longer than a month ago.

“But i want you comeback to him.”

“Please stop act innocent, you older than me it’s not suit to you anymore. You’re truly .”

“W-what?? what you said early?”

“Forget it. and i don’t care about you two anymore.” Junsu leaving me, i hold my tears... it’s really stab my heart.


I walked slowly on the street, i remember Junsu and Inna said if Im a ...

I stopped my step and look at my reflection from the etalase’s store.

Im I?

Suddenly the store open and it shows me a beautiful chistmas trees. Ah... yeah... it’s near christmas.


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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.