Moves On! (part I)


Jaejoong have a bed rest until for the 2 next days. The doctor said if Jaejoong have a little problem with his womb.

“annyong...” Siwon come with roses bouquet.

“better if you bring lily for the next.” Jaejoong wake up.

“Don’t move, do you hates the smell? I will threw it if you don’t like it.”

Jaejoong nod, he like flower but not that smell. Siwon understand, maybe it because of baby.

Siwon bring back the flower and closed the door, before it he smiled to Jaejoong. “wait for a second.”

“Ok.” Jaejoong smiled.


Siwon searching the trash, before he threw that flowers, a hand hold him.

“wait. that’s too bad if something beautiful will end up in the trash.”

Junsu and Yoochun also come visited Jaejoong. Junsu take the flower from siwon hand.

“why you will threw it?” ask junsu when come.

“Jaejoong doesn’t like the smell.”

Yoochun smiled, like he knows everything about Jaejoong pregnancy.

“it’s the beginning... Jaejoong will make you more difficult , be patient.” Added him.

“it’s okay, i like baby.” replied Siwon and make Yoosu happy heard it.

“I’ll left the flower to the receptionist first.” Said Junsu, released yoochun hug and leave the two.

“cmon,” Yoochun ask siwon come in to Jaejoong’s room.


“wife, are you OK?”

Yunho’s wife wave her hands, avoid Yunho come closer to her, now she threw up infront of wash basin. Mrs yoo stand behind Yunho, make him calm.

“it called morning sick.”

“But i can’t let her Umma, what can i do? She hates my smell, avoid my cooked, is really bad isn’t??” Yunho worried with her wife.

“almost pregnant woman do that—it’s normal don’t too much worried, i’ll take care her.”

Yunho feels worried so much because the pregnancy bring his wife to bad condition.

“Just leave her, you must go to work right?”

Yunho nod, and prepared himself to go.

Yunho walked to the bus station, yes, he has no car, since he was rejected the car that his father in law gave to him. suddenly his phone rang, changmin called him.





“Ok, i’ll visit him after i finished my work.”


Yunho look unwell suddenly... his two lover become sick at the same time. “oh my babies please don’t be naughty.”


Yunho bought some food for his two wife, ah i mean his wife and the other lover, kim jae joong. He already know if his two lover at the same place, hospital.

Yunho met Yoochun infront of the door.

“I want to meet Jaejoongie, please let me in.”

Yoochun give the answer from his eyes, not too much reply with his words.

Yunho open the door, Jae was sleep.. with siwon beside him, grabbed Jae’s hand. Yunho hold himself, he can’t blame Siwon or anyone who get closer with Jaejoong.

Siwon raised his head, “Yoobin’s father?”

Yunho nod, but he interrupted Siwon keep calm, he don’t want make Jaejoong wake up.

“I can’t go anywhere altough you’re come in. I can’t leave him.” said Siwon clearly, probably it can make Yunho hurt but he do the right thing.

“No Problem, Im also afraid can’t controlled my self because Im too love him.” replied Yunho coldly, it also make Siwon irritating.

Slowly Jaejoong moved his body and open his eyes. Siwon grab Jae hand.

“Jaejoong? Are you awake?”

“Im... thristy,”

“Ok, wait.” Siwon leave Jaejoong and give him a glass of water.

Jaejoong drink it, and noticed if Yunho stand at the corner, he choked.


“agh... calm down,” Siwon still treat Jaejoong like his lover.

“You—??” Jaejoong pointed at yunho.

“why?” ask yunho.

“Don’t come closer with me!”

Siwon widen his eyes.

“Siwon.... please make him get out from here.” whine Jaejoong.

“ah the same act...” whispered Yunho.

“that’s Ok... I know... “ Yunho left the food on the table.

“Yunho Im sorry... but i really don’t like the smells of your soap, your perfume or your shampoo.please leave me.” Jaejoong cover his mouth like he want throw up now.


Yunho sighed, he stood infront of the door. Smelled his body, what’s wrong with my scent? Junsu suddenly apper infront of him with bring Yoobin.

“Don’t worry, he avoid me and yoobin also.”


Junsu take Yoobin to Yunho. yunho was happy and give her a kiss.

“Jaejoong hyung is weird, he avoid some pretty smell like rose scent, baby scent, or anything sweetest smell.” Junsu pout his lips.

“it mean the baby is boy??”

“I don’t know.... he more like MAN-scent, he can accepted Siwon and yoochun but not me T^T”

“I also wear a MAN-scent perfume, but lately i changed it to be baby-scent because my wife doesn’t like it.” said Yunho desperately.

“what happen with your wife?” asked Junsu.

Yunho think he slipped his tongue, “ah... i mean she doesn’t like my scent because she more like me to be sweetest guy than manly guy.”

“ah~ I know it... women are difficult right?”

“but Jaejoong is man.”

“aish—he and I was supposed be a woman.”

Yunho smiled heard Junsu answer,while Yoobin playing with his hair.

“Papa, your hair grow so fast”

“Do you like it?” asked yunho.

Yoobin nodded and smiled, she was happy.


The day passed so fast~

Since the tragedy of scent, Yunho has initiative change his scent, he buy some soap and perfume.

“wich  do you prefer?” asked him to her wife after his wife choosed the soap.

Yunho’s wife alternatively smell the soaps that Yunho’s offered to her.


Yunho took the soap that his wife choosed, he smiled.

“I temporary will use it.”

“Im sorry, i always bother you.” Said his wife desperately.

“don’t said that, umma said if it’s normally to be pregnant woman, don’t worry im happy being dad.”

“really?are you happy husband??”

“im happy.” Said Yunho while he put the soap into the drawers.

“then, i give you permission to meet your daughter.”

“really? Are okay with it?” Yunho come closer to his wife and grab her hand.

“ do it,if that make you happy.”

“You can’t!”

Suddenly Mr Yoo come and give the interruption.

“yunho only belong to you not to others.” Mr Yoo give inna glared.

“but she’s Yunho’s child, i can’t forbid him to meet her.”

“She have her mom, i think he will give everything that she needed, include giving her a new daddy.”

Yunho wanted argue with his father in law, but he look at inna with pitiness, so he hold it.

“i know appa, but she’s need her real daddy.” Said inna.

“your baby also need his father.”

“I can share....a husband with him”

“how dare you!” mr yoo yelled.

“i don’t mind it... i’ll take care inna,” yunho whispered to inna, “don’t do if you’re not feels happy,ok”

“i was thinking if i need him for raising my child after i die.”

“wife, what are you saying?”

“Jaejoong...? Kim Jaejoong is his name right?”


“stop it! i don’t wanna hear it from your mouth inna! Please..!!”

“Ok... it’s just a joke, Im sorry appa.” Inna make her father to be happy and stopped yelled to her.

“I won’t let you go, his parents avoid me to marry him so don’t worry, please take care our baby.” Yunho already make his decision... he will leave Jaejoong step by step, even he take care Jaejoong is just for his child.


Siwon POV

I know Jaejoong in difficult position now, but i think it just her desire to be close with Yunho, I guess it’s not too late make Yoobin forget who is her father, she already three years old. I can hold my self, I actually don’t like stupidity of Jaejoong, I seem to have awakened him.

End of Siwon POV

Jaejoong sent a text message to yunho, he was bored in his room. Jaejoong leave hospital 2 days ago. Now he stay at his own house.


Sender : jaejoong

Receiver : yunho

‘Don’t you try to approach your baby even i don’t like your smell?’


Sender : yunho

Receiver : jaejoong

‘what do you want to eat? What do you want to smell? Just text me what our baby want, im busy now.’


Sender : jaejoong

Receiver : yunho

‘im ok with it. good bye *pout*’


Sender : yunho

Receiver : jaejoong

‘ *sigh* ok... don’t be angry, can we meet at your parents house?’

Jaejoong pout his lips,


Sender : Jaejoong

Receiver : Yunho

‘ok.don’t worry bring dimsum for me’


Yunho POV

After reply Jaejoong text, i sigh and touch my head. Finally! I can’t move on if he always bother me! is really my baby need?? Or just jaejoong desire? But i can’t blame him, because he’s pregnant now, i can’t hurt him with his condition now! im afraid if i said that to him, it will harm my baby. and also.... my knowledge about pregnancy is zero! Don’t he have Choi Siwon now?

Better if talk with him about Jaejoong?

Suddenly my phone is rang, i noticed it from my wife.

“what’s up wife?” said me to her.

“im sorry before husband,but suddenly i—i want to eat dimsum. Please buy it for me.” whine inna.

I smiled, what a coincidence, my two lover need the same food. “don’t worry, i’ll buy it for you. But wait until i come ok? Im still in work now.”

“Ok my love.”


End of Yunho POV

The night come, Yunho walked bring a food for Jaejoong and inna. But he will meet jaejoong first. He wait the bus,

Jaejoong really bored he waiting yunho like waiting him for a long years,

“jaejoong i need to talk with you.”

Siwon was there,

“hmm? What?”

“why you always bother Yunho?”

“bother for what?”

“i can buy it for you, if your baby need it.”

“but it’s yunho’s obligation as father.”

“i think your baby will not be concerned about who’s bringing his food,even his brain has not formed. And i think it’s only your desire to meet’s not baby desire.” Said Siwon.

“what do you mean? I just don’t want separate him with our child.”

“But i think you’re always make yunho get closer with you.”

“what’s wrong with you? Are you jealous?” ask Jaejoong loudly.

“Im not, i patiently waiting your heart open to me, but i also can’t let you feels sorrow. If you wanna leave him, just leave him. “

“don’t use your child as your reason. I think you’ll make them confused. They will ask, why their dad can’t live with them, why their dad come only at weekend etc. You can lie to them if their daddy go to work, but they will grow as adult, they will know the truth and it can hurt them.” Added Siwon.

“stop said that, i dislike it.” Jaejoong replied it with sarcasm.

“i pity with you, please let yunho find his happiness with his wife.”

“if you’re jealous don’t said that to me because i never heard it.”

“if you act selfish like that.... it must be the real of Kim Jaejoong who need Yunho as his lover, not as his child’s father.”

“i guess is not too late make your child forget his real father.” Siwon said it with seriously.

“it just in your dream, because i never make them forget their real father.” Jaejoong blocked Siwon.

“have you ever think about Yunho?” ask siwon again, but it make Jaejoong muted.

“he has his own family, i know it hard to be him... but look the reality is, he was forget about you and choosed married with someone. Why you don’t try it? why you can’t forget him?”

“Siwon don’t ask me more about it. it really hard to me as child need their father.”

“I think you can’t use your child as your reason... think twice before you bother yunho... he has wife who dying. If you only need a food or something easy that i can do it for you just ask me, i just want to help Yunho and you offcourse.”

“enough—don’t you forget what the doctor’s said? I can’t be stress. Your said lately make me stress.”

“i must said sharply to you. YUNHO HAS WIFE WHO ALMOST DYING, HE MUST TAKE CARE HER, “ said siwon clear but softly.

After siwon said that, the bell is ringing. Jaejoong know who is the guest. He immedetely stand up and walked to the door, open it.

He saw yunho soaked.

The first snow already fall,

Yunho clean it from his head, after he noticed jaejoong open the door he smiled.

“here, i bring what do you want.”

Jaejoong reach the food, he felt cold. “How long you bring it until it felt cold?”

“i waiting bus, but it’s not come so i decided walk. “

“pabbo. What if you sick? Your jacket also thiny.” Jaejoong can’t hold his tears he realized yunho’s pabboness.

“i tought if i need do sport, but lately i realized if it was very far away.”

Jaejoong give Yunho his bitter smile,

Yunho’s phone is ringing, then he pick it.

“i’ll pick it first. You can wait me inside. Because it cold.ok.” said yunho to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong noticed yunho’s body language when talked with someone in his phone. Yunho’s face really looks worried, it must be his wife.

After he turn off his phone, he rub his hand, look at Jaejoong who muted infront of the door. Yunho come closer to him, cleaned the snow from Jaejoong’s head.

“you can get cold... why you can’t wait me inside?”

Jaejoong keep quiet, he avoid yunho’s sight. His tears can’t hold anymore, until yunho pulled him into his arm.

“what’s the problem? Do you hates me because i bring the cold-food for you?im sorry.”

“Pabbo. You’re fool!!!”

Yunho doesn’t understand, why suddenly Jaejoong act like this....   

Siwon come between Yunjae, and Yunho know he must released his embraced.

“Im sorry,” said Yunho softly.

“I—just make him feels better, i can’t let him be angry because i bring the cold food that he want. Im sorry—i can’t—“ Yunho try give explanation to siwon.

“i know, i don’t mind about it because im not anyone to him.” Siwon smiled to Yunho.

“thank you.” Said yunho.

“Yunho... how’s your wife?” asked Jaejoong sudden, siwon smiled after Jaejoong ask yunho about his wife.

“she... offcourse she’s well.”

Yunho can’t hide his sadness from his face, only siwon can saw it, because jaejoong too naive.maybe he can’t saw the realized if Yunho really sad now, because Yunho already receive a call from hospital.... his wife faint again because she won’t eat after yunho come.




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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.