can't help


Yunho read the poster at the wall ‘Who can donate bone marrow’


“If you would like to become a potential bone marrow donor, you must be 18 to 49 years of age. How old are you?” ask Yunho n while reading the instruction from poster.

“two month ago im 18 years old.” Replied Changmin with hold his syringe pain, the nurse took his blood for tha sample.

“doctor, is good for him? he already 18 years old.” Ask Yunho.

“It is best to donor the bone marrow register at a young age, and he’s in good general health now, i think it’s OK.”

“doctor, surgery  will be started 15 minutes again,”


 “guardian please wait outside.” Said the nurse.

“Do your best. “ Yunho grabbed Changmin hands, he praying for him and his wife.

“I’ll do, for Jae-hyung sake”

The nurser closed the door, Yunho glanced to Changmin for the last time during operation.


The surgery will take six hours.

At the baby’s room.

Yunho saw his child from the window …luckily, his child close to the window so he can see her clearly.

The beautiful baby is sleeping peacefully inside her incubator.

“Jung Ye Eun…”, say Yunho and his voice starts shaking.

The sleeping infant in front of his eyes is really his baby. He touches the mirror as if he really touched his baby.

“Jung Ye Eun..appa is here..”, talk Yunho to his baby.

“Umma is still struggling…please pray for her..”, He told his baby.

The Single tear finally flows down his.


Now yunho waiting the operation. Inna parents and Yunho, there’s no family from changmin. his parents take care yoobin, Junsu come in home, and yoochun slept tighly at the corner and Jaejoong... sick.

Finally the door opened.

Yunho immediately get up and come close to the doctor,

“How’s she??”

The doctor smiled ,it means...

Surgery is successful!



Yunho Yunho pulls the blanket to Inna’s body.

“Thank you..”, say Yunho and he kisses Inna’s lips lightly.



“Thank you, “ said Jaejoong in early morning. Siwon already come and give him lily bouquet.

“Im sorry i can’t accompany you, tell me what happen? You almost get misscarriage is’t right?” Siwon sat beside jaejoong.

“yes, but Im Ok, i had fight with yunho...”

“fight? How can? But Is Yoobin alright?”

Jaejoong nod, he can’t hide his sad expression. The tears flowing when he told siwon what was happen yesterday.

“I rip the certificate infront of him.”

“I know what you feels, if you over too love someone, you’ll also have over pain if the someone hurt you,” said siwon with gently grabbed Jaejoong hand.

“what should i do?it hard for me to forget him.” sobbed Jaejoong.

“ssh... don’t cry, You scare your baby with crying. Better if you take a rest now, skip all your problem and concern with your baby first.” Siwon comforting jaejoong.

 “did you sleep well lastnight? You have panda’s big round arround your eyes, i’ll took some ice cubes for compress it, don’t move from your bed, and wait me.” added Siwon, he wink to Jaejoong before he leave.

Not longer, Siwon come and bring a wet towel with ice. Jaejoong take it and comforting his eyes.

“here, compress your eyes. you looks messy, is not like usual. Did you cry for along hours?” 

Yoochun wake up, he noticed Siwon who sit near Jaejoong and smiled.

“finally you arrived.” Said him while yawning.

“Yes, thanks for your call Yoochun” Siwon smiled brightly.

“me too Yoochun, thank you if you and junsu weren’t there, i don’t know what will happen to me.” Jaejoong said.

“Yeah~ im sorry , not as my prediction, i don’t know if you’re still meeting with him behind me.”

JJ : “Yochun, I don’t! it just coincidence! “

YC :“How many times you give me the same answer?”

YC :“How can you two met at the baby shop?while Yunho’s wife is dying, he must accompany her, not go to the mall, if you don’t ask him to go.”

JJ :“Yoochun! Im not! If i asked him to go, why he came with his mother in law?”

YC :”OK, that was coincidence..OK OK... i can’t forced pregnant woman now.”

JJ :”don’t you believe me?”

Yoochun smirk.


Junsu just arrived at the hospital after take care Yoobin and sent her to the school. He also bring  a food, for Yoochun, his beloved one.

He stopped his step when look at the baby’s room. He is really excited to look the baby.

“Hello cutie baby...” say Junsu while pointing at the one of those cute baby  who is sleeping peacefully.

“ah... this one really pretty~” Junsu widen his eyes, when he notices and reads the name card on his baby’s incubator.

“Jung Ye Eun, 20**/12/10
Parents : Jung Yunho & Jung Inna”

“Yunho and his wife has a child??” Junsu see again the cutest baby, he thought for a while.

“ah! that’s... She got yunho’s hair, eyes, and lips…so Yunho!…” shout junsu.

To make sure it again, Junsu asked one of the nurses who inside the room.

“Excuse me, is she jung Yunho’s daughter?”

The nurse smiled, “Yes she is. And what can i help you?”

“ah... nothing, but why she’s too small?” asked junsu while pointing at the baby.

“She born as premature baby, lastnight. her mother’s struggle in her labor previously.”

Junsu nodded, and mumble, ”is she really Jung Yunho’s daughter??”


Junsu must tell Yoochun about it.

“Good morning,” greet Junsu.

Jaejoong has breakfast when Junsu come.

“Morning, hey Junsu.” Replied Jaejoong while he took the chopstick.

“how are you? I bring some snack and food,” Junsu searching yoochun at the room, but he can’t find him.

“where’s Yoochun?”

“Im Okay, hm... maybe he have breakfast with Siwon.”

“Siwon?” Junsu saw the flower vase, “OH... that’s from him?” Junsu pointed to the beautiful lily at the table.

“Yes...” Jaejoong continued eat.

Junsu put that food on the table and

“Junsu, what’s your plan today?” asked Jaejoong while eat his breakfast.

“Meeting with our client, why?”

“with mrs Oh?” asking Jaejoong and Junsu nod, “can you come at our bridal salon first? I finished it yesterday, give it to Yoona.” Jaejoong take some paper from his bag.

“Wow~ You finished it all even you get in trouble, you’re great Jae-hyung.” Junsu cheked Jaejoong’s design.

Jaejoong smiled bitterly.

“ah~ hyung, btw how can you met him yesterday? Are you still met with him secretly?”

Jaejoong sigh, this is the same question to him today after Yoochun.

“hm... ok i don’t mind if you’re not answer it.” Junsu back to the seat, cleaned something on the table.

“Offcourse not. Yesterday is coincidental~ I met with his mother in law first, before him.”

“?what are they did?”

“shopping... at the baby shop.” Jaejoong sigh.

“Baby shop?? Ah~ buy baby stuff for his child?”

“yes... he has another cild than me.” Jaejoong rubbed his big belly, comforting his child.

“Oh... that’s true.”

“Junsu? Why you’re not shock?”

“for what?”

“Yunho has another baby! yesterday I get mad because of it. how can you stay calm like that? or.... you know it first than me.”

“why if he has a baby? he’s married right?. Why you’re getting mad?”

“Because he lied to me.”

“Lied or not it’s none of your bussiness, who are you?” said Junsu calmly.

“Junsu , why your act is strange today?”

“Im sorry... i think you must quickly move on, if you’re not... you will suffer more hyung, please forget him, get out from his small family, their baby is cute.”

Jaejoong looks dissapointment with Junsu, but he was right.

“Did you come back to korea just for Yoobin right? Not for make a baby. and i remember when you said if yunho happy you’ll be happy no matter what. didn’t you?. I still remember it when you leave him three years ago. Cmon... Let Yunho happy with his new family. You has everything you want, but he didn’t.”

“Junsu... honestly i hate your said.”

“huh?? You Hate it? that’s yours. You leave yunho for his happiness right? I think Yunho’s marriage isn’t false, because you leave him first.”

“and after you got what do you want like Yoobin certificate, why you’re not leaving him?wasn’t your mission complete right? but ,what are you did? until you have a new baby.” added junsu.

“Junsu you blame me? Okay! Fine! That’s all my fault!” jaejoong really hurt now everybody blame him.

“Im sorry hyung... but you make me dissapointment.” Junsu threw a bottle that contains pills.

“What is this?” Jaejoong catch it.

“Can you read it with yourself?”

‘contraceptive pills’

“What’s the problem with it?”

“the problem is not from the bottle, but the contents!”


“Yeah! You change the contents with vitamins! I remember you always swallow it every morning fifth months ago. Right??”

“how do you knows?”

“lastnight i swallowed this one and got stomach ache .here!!”  Junsu threw another bottle , that’s writen ‘vitamins’ but the content is contraceptive pills.

“You never swallow contraceptive pills, ...and....did you keep seducing yunho even you have a high possibility to get pregnant? wanna tied him with your pregnancy?? It’s your fault hyung, what if yoochun know it?? he will smack you.” Junsu annoy with Jaejoong after he know the truth.

“Junsu Im sorry... yes i did, but i really sorry, please don’t say it to Yoochun.”

“I won’t... but promise me if you’ll move on and let him to be happy.”

“I don’t know...”

“Huh?? You don’t know? are still in love with him?”

Jaejoong don’t give the answer.

“huft, stubborn.“ Junsu have an idea to make Jaejoong move on, he grabbed Jaejoong hand and make him followed his step.

“Junsu yah~ you’ll bring me where?” Junsu dragged Jaejoong out from his place.




“inna? Open your eyes.” ask Yunho calmly don’t want make her wife bothered.

No reaction from inna who slept with peaefully.

“Doctor? When she will wake up? isn’t bad?” Yunho asked to the doctor who cheked inna.

“wait patiently... she will wake up arround 6:pm, 2 hours later.” Answered the doctor.

Yunho wipe inna’s sweated forehead, she was struggle lastnight, for labor.

“Yunho, when you’ll ask him to be your wife?” ask the father.

“I don’t know... Im not sure he will accept me.”

“that’s not good... i hope he will accept you as his husband. I hate reciprocation.please make him agree, force him” Said father once again.

“i hurting him yesterday, maybe he won’t forgive me.”

“his dongsaeng save my daughter life and that’s his wish! You can’t broke that promised!”

“but i won’t force him.” said yunho.

“don’t you have a child with him? if he leave , you also will lost your cild. Don’t you afraid? Then make him agree.” The father didn’t know with Yunho’s thoughts.

“have two wifes in marriage’s life isn’t easy father i must make both are Jaejoong and inna happy... Im afraid, i can’t make him or inna happy”

“Do you love him? until you afraid if make him unhappy? And how about inna? Do you love her?” asked father.

“I love inna and jaejoong,”

“then what’s the problem?”

“Jaejoong... “ said Yunho softly.

After Yunho said that, inna open her eyes, and talked,

“I want to met.... his dongsaeng...i will say thank you and beg to Jaejoong.” Said her with weakness voice.

“wife? You’re listen our conversation?”

“yes.... i wake up since a hour ago, but i keep slept while you all talking.”

“are you ok with it?” ask the father worried.

Inna smiled and nodded, “he make my child has a mother...” her tears falls down “husband... i want to meet her,”

“But the doctor avoid you going somewhere... this is isolate room don’t you know?”

“I beg you... please bring me to her, Im her mother...”

After a few minutes make a deal, finally Yunho bring her to the baby’s room. yUnho carried her as bridal style.



Junsu dragged Jaejoong to the baby’s room.


Junsu show Jaejoong a little baby infront of him.

“Junsu? Why you bring me here??”

“aish—shut up and look! she’s Jung Yunho baby.” said Junsu.

Jaejoong read the board, that written her name and her parents.

“Junsu... is she...?”

“She’s Yunho daughter.”

“already born?? I know she has same old pregnancy with me, but why...?” jaejoong confuse.

“maybe she born as premature baby, look how little is she.”

Jaejoong touch the glasses-wall like he wanna tuch yunho’s baby. “uhm... she’s pretty...”

“Hm... and now what? do you look their happiness right?she’s their happiness.”

“Junsu, Im hurt...”

“you’re not allow to be hurt or sad, because you were know if he has wife and you keep seduce him.” Junsu tried makes Jaejoong move on,

“is this God punishment for me?” Jaejoong sobbing.

Junsu placed his palms in to Jaejoong shoulder, make him struggle.

“don’t say that.... is it your dream comes true? To make Yunho happy...rite?”

Jaejoong cried into Junsu’s arm. Junsu comforting him.

Suddenly Yunho and inna come, Junsu noticed it and hugged Jaejoong tight so Jaejoong can’t look at them.

But Jaejoong released his hugged and... he saw yunho who bring inna in his arm.

“Ugh?” Jaejoong frozen “double hits...” said him inside his heart.

Yunho know if Jaejoong was there, but he keep his sight from jaejoong and entered the room.


Yunho cheer his wife and allowed her touching their baby, inna cried and Yunho hugged him.

“what a romantic scene~” Junsu make a chance to make Jaejoong jealousy.

“yeah... it’s my punishment....”

Jaejoong bow his head, with teary eyes.

“Yunho is really !” Yoochun and siwon suddenly come, it make junsu and Jaejoong shock.

“baby, don’t yell. Do you want make all babies crying now?” said junsu.

“Jae, are you OK?” Siwon come closer to Jaejoong and give him embraced.

“Hm... you can read my face...” said Jaejoong weakly.

“Your face written You must leave Jung yunho.” replied Yoochun.

“baby! please don’t said something bad, it scare those babies.” Junsu calming Yoochun.

“Now what Jae?? Will you stay with your stubborness-love? can you? “ dare Yoochun.

“yes It hard for me... im sorry,” said Jaejoong while burried his face into Siwon’s chest.

“Jae ah... be strong,..” whisper siwon.


“how about your child? Will you separate them from their appa?”

 “can we talk Mr Kim Jaejoong?” ask Mr yoo.

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faithot5 #1
Chapter 58: are u coming back to finish it?really wan to see yunjae together
nadiaalisa #2
Chapter 27: Its such annoying story, ughhh, I really hate polygamy... I hate yunho very much, I'm soryy
XI7H94 #3
Chapter 55: Hmm,i kinda don't like this story cuz i liked yunjae..but well,its still a great story..i think the girl kind of annoyin' but whatever..
Chapter 58: Oh my gosh. You really should continue this if you still have the time. One of my favorite kdrama's is A Thousand Kisses. Life is complicated and I like how you allowed life to be complicated in this fic. It's a great read. And honestly your grammar errors don't phase me one bit. I'm still in pre-K level hangul so I'm impressed that you can do this at all. Saranghae author-nim or Yoowon. Until next time, I'll take my leave first. But please treat me well in the future and I promise to give you lots of support and love. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 55: Re: A/N to reader Jiyoolie - Lol. Well, I'm a reader and I'm reading this and free to enjoy all it's twists and turns even if the author does have weak grammar skills. Plot is still daebak.
HieuBee #6
Chapter 48: This is screw up really what a pathetic Jaejoong is! He just can't wait for Yun and quickly opens his ty legs for the bastard Yoochun!
Chapter 58: I read it in one-go and damn you surely have great plot twist and now I wonder what will happen next, can't wait for another update! <3
Chapter 58: authornim pLEEEEEASEEEE pleeeeeeeaseeeeeee update soooon
i really LOVE this fanfic
RanYJjeje #9
Chapter 58: please please pleeeeeeeeeasee~~
i love this fanfic so much..
can u update it again??
Chapter 58: As I see, besides their feelings for baby Jaejin, they are half-happy. I would say they are at peace. And more friendly to each other. At least, they don't fight anymore.

I can't wait the update. And I see that JaeChun is only a phase. That gives me hope...
I'm waiting.