The past

my love, it hurts me
Tiffany and I walked down the street. She was taking me to the Han river to help me, though I'm not so sure how looking at a river helps. We stopped by a food stall and bought ourselves some ddukbokki.
" Okay, so tell me who was this first love and what happened?" I looked at her, unsure whether to tell her or not. I took bite of my ddukbokki and thought for a second. Finally, I started talking.

"Well, my first love was a girl named Suzy, Bae Suzy. She was smart, playful, and very funny. Plus, she was my first girlfriend. But, we weren't exactly the most good looking couple in school. In fact, she was a little chubby while I was considered plain fat. So, one summer, we both agreed to work out and get ourselves into shape. She knew I hated execrising or anything to do with working, but for her, I just couldn't say no, so I agreed. I ate healthily, went on a diet and exercised for three months. I lost quite a lot of weight and I guess I looked fine. So I couldn't wait to show the result of my hard work to Suzy. We didn't contact each other during the summer, to surprise each other when school started. When I got back to school, the first person I looked for was her. I went straight to her locker, just to surprise her. While I was waiting, a lot of the students kept on looking at me. I must have looked different from before. Finally, she came. I couldn't believe my eyes. If she hadn't been wearing the necklace I bought for her, I wouldn't have recognize her. She had lost A LOT of weight and she had a slender body. She had become even more beautiful than before. At first, she couldn't recognize me, but when I showed her the scarf she made me, she was finally convinced. I decided to spent the whole day with her, wanting to show her off to the other guys in school. That was a bad idea. I knew she was going to change herself,but I didn't know it would include her attitude. The while time I was with her, she was quiet and disinterested. I thought she was unhappy about something so I brought her to her favourite cafe to cheer her up. That was when it all went downhill

"Hey Suzy! C'mon! I already reserved a sit at your favourite cafe!" I dashed down the street, holding her wrist and dragging Suzy behind me. At that time, I didn't see her face of disgust. We entered the cafe and sat by the window. I ordered a slice of chocolate cake and two caramel latte's
"Hey Suzy, lighten up a bit! C'mon! We're at your favourite cafe! Hey, do you have a problem. If you do, you know you can talk to me about it right?" I was starting to get worried about her. She ignored me and looked out the window.
" Hey, are you Suzy from Bio class?" Both of us turned around to see one of the kingkas of the school. I looked at him suspiciously and then looked at Suzy. She was blushing like mad! Her face was starting to resemble a tomato. *A cute tomato* Suzy just nodded her head before looking away, acting all shy.
" Hey, do you mind going out with me this Sunday?" WHAT THE HELL?! DID HE JUST ASKED SUZY OUT ON A DATE?! IN FRONT OF ME?! The nerve of this jerk. I stood up and glared at him. I stood at my full height, making mr look down on him. * lucky I'm 1.78m*.
"Hey is this guy your boyfriend or something? Cause if he is, then I'm sorry I bothered you two" *Yeah you better be, jerk*
" No don't be. Yeah, he is my boyfriend, but I was about to break up with him. I mean seriously, I regret ever going out with this piece of trash." I couldn't believe my ears. I looked at Suzy, my mouth hanging open. She just looked at me with pure disgust and walked away with the kingka, hand in hand. That hand that always fit into mine. My heart felt like it was bleeding, like something sharp just drove itself into my heart. My chest felt like caving in and a wave of sadness hit me. I wanted to call out for her, reach out my hand and pull her away from him. Yet, all I could do was stand there, rooted in the spot, unable to do anything. I tried to approach her the next day, but apparently, those two already started dating. I couldn't do anything. Slowly, I lost my emotions. I couldn't feel happiness or anger or sadness. I felt nothing. There was a gaping hole in my heart and there was nothing to cover it. I began to fall into a depression. But after a month, I finally overcome that depression. I decided to change myself. I became more sociable and slowly. Any memory of her began to fade. It also helped that she moved away to Australia a week after our hrash break up. I kept myself in shape and got my teeth and eyes fixed. I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love again. There were some girls who asked me out but I didn't want to disapoint them, so I rejected them. And three months later, here I am, in Woolim high, joining a band and talking with a girl who might just make me break my vow

Somehow, we reached the Han river. As I looked at the river and told Tiffany my story, I felt as though a huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders.
" You'll get over her soon enough. She was so horrible to you. Even though you gave her all she wanted, she just dumped you like that? I feel sorry for you." I just laughed at her sentence. I looked into her eyes and felt my heart race again. * Stop it Sookyung. You can't fall in love with her. She has a boyfriend, and that guy is your bandmate, your friend.* I looked away and stared at the star
*Oh Tiffany, why can't you be single? It would be so much more easier for me.* " Hey we should get back to my house now. The other might get worried." She turned to me and nodded her head. I couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness
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Akhil90 #1
Chapter 43: hoya tiffany...hoya tiffany
Sookyung...suzy....sookyung suzy yaaaaaaaaa...btw i like to see hoya and tiffany,,it would be owesomeeee
GeeDeeAddictor #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Tae2Ny #3
Chapter 43: I'd like to see L completely out of the picture lol. Soonkyung and Tiffany should date. Hoya should date Yuri.
Author-nim... I just really want the story to progress a lot faster lol. Not end but just move forward. More of a plot, less adding of major characters. And please no more Suzy and L. This is my honest opinion to you, thank you for such a great fanfic though.
ForeverSoneLove #4
Chapter 10: who is sookyung btw ..
kpopluver626 #5
Chapter 41: Wtf did l do to suzy???/
Kyungho #6
Chapter 41: Go soo kyung
tiffanylover1997 #7
Please comment more on the story :) I would like to know your opinions on the story so I can improve and make the story better :)
Chapter 39: WHY IS MYUNGSOO SO EVIL He just wants Tiffany all to himself grrr
I really wanted Hoya and tiffany
Chapter 37: Hoya and Tiffany !!!!!!!!!!1