chap 25

my love, it hurts me
I looked at her in disbelief. Her words rang In my ears but didn't want to hear them. Such a ridiculous thing could never happen.

"You're kidding, right Tiffany? You must be joking! There's no way Myungsoo could be cheating on you!" I forced out a laugh. I couldn't believe what she was saying. * No. I didn't want to believe it.* I shook my head. Slowly, my smile faded away. Tiffany face didn't change. Her eyes showed it all. The pain, the sorrow. It finally dawned upon me that she wasn't lying. Something snapped in my mind. I lost my senses. I was blinded by fury. A wave of anger washed over me. I felt betrayed, cheated. Myungsoo had beaten me up, made me think that I had broken his trust. He was talking to me about trust and how its important. I feel like a fool, letting him beat me up like that. I want revenge. I stood up, already moving towards the door. But something stopped me in my tracks. Tiffany was holding on to my arm, trying to drag me back.

" Please, Sookyung, don't so anything rash. I don't want him to get hurt."

" Don't want him to get hurt?! DON'T WANT HIM TO GET HURT?! DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF TIFF? ARGH!". I couldn't help but shout at her. She wasn't making any sense. Why was she protecting him? It was bothering me, and I was a little hurt. Even though Myungsoo was causing he grief, she's still caring for him. * He doesn't deserve her!* I snapped back to reality when I looked at Tiffany. * maybe I'm being to harsh on her.* I kneeled down beside her, cupping her face in my hands. She was starting to cry again. Her tears were already streaming down.

"Tiffany. Listen to me. We don't know if he is really cheating on you, so we need to clear this up. C'mon. We're going to infinite's dorm to meet him." she pulled back from me, shaking her head violently. I had to persuade her for an hour before she agreed to go with me. Dragging her along with me, we walked to the bus stop. She was hesitant, but eventually, she gave up and followed behind me. As we sat in the bus on the way to infinites dorm, I couldn't help but keep on looking at Tiffany. She was just staring out the window, lost in her own world. She kept on sayIng that she was fine, get I could see the sadness in her eyes. I wanted to comfort her, to just hug her and tell her it would all be okay. But I could only give her a small smile. I held her hand, and this took her by surprised.

" Hey Tiffany, I'm sure everything would be alright. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. I want to tell you something but maybe it can wait till later. " I didn't know why but I suddenly had the urge to confess to her. I was still holding on to her hand But she didn't seem to mind. I gave it a small squeeze and smiled at her. My heart melted as she smiled back at me.

We finally reached the dorms and I went straight to the door. I couldn't wait and I started banging in the door calling out to the members. My patience was quickly running out and I was about to break Down the door when It swung open. I wanted to rush in and look for Myungsoo but what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks. It couldn't be. Why is she here, why is she back! Why is Suzy in infinites dorm?! I was too shocked. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bae Suzy was standing in front of me. The girl that caused me a lot of pain, is back in my life. Apparently, she was shocked to see me too. But something made me wake up from my trance. Myungsoo's voice. I ouldhear his voice loud and clear.

" Suzy, who's at the front door." Instead of looking at the front door. He went straight behind her and nuzzled his face behind her neck. *So its true, he's cheating on Tiffany. With my ex-girlfriend* I couldn't help myself from. I lashed out and swung my just at him while pulling Suzy away. I felt contented after I punched him. I smiled, looking this bloody nose. I turned around to look for Tiffany, only to find her dashing out of the house.

"Tiffany wait- I'll be back for you." I glared at Myungsoo. I glanced uo and looked at Suzy. I couldn't hold back the feeling of disgust, and it showed on my face. I went outside and chased Tiffany. I had to find her, to talk to her. I was starting to panic. I couldn't find her anywhere. I was ready to give up when I finally saw her, ready to cross the road. I sighed a Sigh of relief. I thought something bad had happened to her. I called out to her yet she didn't respond. I called for her again, But she still didn't respond. I quickly jogged there, calling out to her at the same time. That's when I saw it. The car. It seemed harmless at first, but I knew something was wrong. When the traffic light had turned red, all the other vary had slowed down yet that ca was still going fast. I could feel something bad was going to happen. I broke out into a run, crying out to Tiffany. * why! WHY ISN'T SHE RESPONDING!* She was already crossing the road. The car wasn't stopping. I didn't think. There was only one thing on my mind, get to Tiffany. I got to her before the car did, pushing her away. * I Saved her. I got to her before th car did* I saw her face looking back at me in horror, before I felt it. The impact. I didn't feel anything. It all became black
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Akhil90 #1
Chapter 43: hoya tiffany...hoya tiffany
Sookyung...suzy....sookyung suzy yaaaaaaaaa...btw i like to see hoya and tiffany,,it would be owesomeeee
GeeDeeAddictor #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Tae2Ny #3
Chapter 43: I'd like to see L completely out of the picture lol. Soonkyung and Tiffany should date. Hoya should date Yuri.
Author-nim... I just really want the story to progress a lot faster lol. Not end but just move forward. More of a plot, less adding of major characters. And please no more Suzy and L. This is my honest opinion to you, thank you for such a great fanfic though.
ForeverSoneLove #4
Chapter 10: who is sookyung btw ..
kpopluver626 #5
Chapter 41: Wtf did l do to suzy???/
Kyungho #6
Chapter 41: Go soo kyung
tiffanylover1997 #7
Please comment more on the story :) I would like to know your opinions on the story so I can improve and make the story better :)
Chapter 39: WHY IS MYUNGSOO SO EVIL He just wants Tiffany all to himself grrr
I really wanted Hoya and tiffany
Chapter 37: Hoya and Tiffany !!!!!!!!!!1