corrupting a disorganized mind

my love, it hurts me
Myungsoo's POV:

I stood behind an oak tree as I watched Tiffany walking away and Hoya, kneeling on the ground like an idiot. I guess following them since this morning was a great idea indeed. Watching Hoya confessing to Tiffany was quite amusing and....... Intruiging to say the least. This game of getting Tiffany back just got a little more interesting. As I observed Hoya weeping on the ground in despair, I flicked out a small knife a played with it. Deep within me, my heart screamed ' KILL HIM! ATTACK HIM! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! HE JUST SITTING THERE, SO VULNERABLE TO ATTACKS! DON'T LET THIS CHANCE TO ELIMINATE A COMPETITOR TO SLIP AWAY! IT WON'T BE YOUR FIRST MURDER ANYWAY. REMEMBER SUZY, HOW YOU TORTURED HER? REMEMBER THE PLEASURE, THE DELIGHT YOU HAD WATCHING HER SQUIRM IN PAIN, SCREAMING OUT FOR HELP?'

At the mention of Suzy, images of her on the ground, tied to a post, bruises and cuts all over her body. A sense of delight and euphoria build within me as I remembered her screams. I twirled the knife as I approached Hoya slowly. I might just be able to feel that euphoria again today. I suddenly froze in my steps. My brain began working in overdrive and soon, a plan formed in my head. Why trouble myself and kill him, when I can have him do all the dirty work. Oh how I love my brain.

" That was quite the failure, don't you think so?"

I took slowly walked up to his side, looking at Tiffany's direction. My voice must have shaken him up because he quickly stood up and faced me. Without reason, he suddenly grabbed my collar and practically choked me.

" What the are you doing here!? You have the nerve to show your face to me. "

I merely smiled, even though the air was quickly escaping my lungs. I didn't fight back, or push him away. Partly because I wasn't strong enough. Luckily for me, he didn't choke me for long. He gave a final glare before pushing me away. The sudden rush of air into my lungs made me cough, as I staggered backwards.

" That was quite the choke hold. You really have gotten stronger. How many times did you go to the gym? Did you start a new diet?"

I coughed a little before regaining my posture and composure. I glanced at Hoya and knew my questions had irked him.

" I'm not in the mood to deal with you or your stupid jokes. Now scram before I give you a beating."

" Woooah there tough guy. I know what happened. Kinda followed you around the whole day. You know, the guy with the fedora you saw at the restaurant? That was yours truly."

I gave him a small bow, a showman's bow. Once again, he grabbed. This time, he shoved me towards the benches.

" God Damn it Hoya! Calm down and let me explain!"

I shoved him back a dusted my shirt.
*Calm down Myungsoo. Can't let your anger get the better of you. Got to succeed here. Can't let this opportunity to slip by*

" Look I know you're heartbroken and sad right now and I can help!"


I was stunned. I couldn't understand what he was talking about.

" What....? What are you talking about?"

" Oh don't act stupid, Myungsoo! You know she is clearly still in love with you! Because of her undying love for you, she isn't giving a chance for me!"

I stood there, mouth agape. And then it hit me. He hasn't realise it. He doesn't see it. For some odd reason, this greatly amused me. I started laughing uncontrollably and stared at Hoya. The look on his face was priceless and I couldn't stop laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing about"

" Hahaha, Nothing its just that, do you really believe that Tiffany is still in love with me? You reeeeally think that she still has feelings for me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA!"

I couldn't stop laughing. By this point, I must have looked like a maniac. The utter confusion on Hoya's face told me He still didn't know what I was talking about.

" You don't get it do you? She isn't in love with me! Yeah she's in love, but it isn't me! Someone else has her heart and that person is preventing you from getting her!"

The realisation mist have shocked him because he started staggering back towards the steel railings. He didn't say anything, only managed small gasps and breaths.

" Who is it?"

He looked at me and this time, there wasn't any sign of anger at all. In my mind, I was smiling. Things were going according to plan.

" You still don't know? Well let me give you some hints, so think about it. Who is the person she has been seeing a lot nowadays. Who's the person she always talks to now. Who has she been buying gifts and cooking for, Hoya! She's even wearing that persons bracelet he had given her!"

" Soo..... Sookyung?!"

That must have really shaken him up, because his right knee suddenly gave way, and he had to lean on the railings. The shock on his face was priceless. Oh how I wish I had a camera to take a photo of it. Well no time to dwell on his face. Time to start on the next phase of the plan.

" Look, I understand the shocks pretty big, but you've got to snap out of it. I'm trying to help you here! I already gave up on any hope of Tiffany still being in love with me. I've known you longer than Sookyung and I believe you deserve her more than he does. I think you should be her boyfriend, you should be the one to replace me!"

" How'd you know about my feelings for-"

" Oh C'mon! Its pretty obvious!"

" Well that doesn't matter anymore. You're too late. She already rejected me. Plus, I wouldn't mind if Sookyung is her boyfriend. I think he'd be a better on than you'd ever will be!"

That last comment somehow left a prickling sensation in my chest. Yet it didn't really affect me that much. I was more focused on finishing the plan. I was almost done. I allowed myself a small smirk before talking again. This was where the fun part starts.

" See now that's where you are wrong. I found out a dirty secret about Sookyung. Who knew he had such a dark past. Do you want to know?"

I was asking so casually, just to see his reaction. Sure enough, it didn't disappoint. His eyes burned with curiosity, and his head cocked to the side.

" Tell me."

" Well...... I met this girl, Suzy, who actually knew Sookyung in the past. And she told me some dark stuff about Sookyung. Apparently,Sookyung was quite the serial heartbreaker. He'd ask a girl out, and when he got what he wanted, which was, you know , he'd dump her and move on th next girl. And the next. He'd transfer to new schools when he was done with all the girls. And one of these girls was Suzy."

This was the last straw, and Hoya just slumped to the floor. He was massaging his temple, sighing.

" Now that you know about his uuhh dark past, you still think he is better than me?"

He could only shake his head.

" Look Hoya, I'm trying to help you here. I honestly want you to replace me and be Tiffany's boyfriend. I've seen and reflected on my errors but I can't fix it. I can't make her happy now, but you can! I need you to be her boyfriend. I need you to beat Sookyung and succeed me as the important person in her life."

Hoya staggered up, and looked at me in the eyes. His eyes was tearing, and I could see the dilemma in her head.

" Give me some time to think"

" Sure thing buddy"

As I watched him walk away, a wide smile formed on my face. Oh how easy that was. Corrupting a disorganized mind really was easy. Now, I just need Hoya to do my dirty work and both of them will just take each other out. And then, Tiffany will be all mine
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Akhil90 #1
Chapter 43: hoya tiffany...hoya tiffany
Sookyung...suzy....sookyung suzy yaaaaaaaaa...btw i like to see hoya and tiffany,,it would be owesomeeee
GeeDeeAddictor #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Tae2Ny #3
Chapter 43: I'd like to see L completely out of the picture lol. Soonkyung and Tiffany should date. Hoya should date Yuri.
Author-nim... I just really want the story to progress a lot faster lol. Not end but just move forward. More of a plot, less adding of major characters. And please no more Suzy and L. This is my honest opinion to you, thank you for such a great fanfic though.
ForeverSoneLove #4
Chapter 10: who is sookyung btw ..
kpopluver626 #5
Chapter 41: Wtf did l do to suzy???/
Kyungho #6
Chapter 41: Go soo kyung
tiffanylover1997 #7
Please comment more on the story :) I would like to know your opinions on the story so I can improve and make the story better :)
Chapter 39: WHY IS MYUNGSOO SO EVIL He just wants Tiffany all to himself grrr
I really wanted Hoya and tiffany
Chapter 37: Hoya and Tiffany !!!!!!!!!!1