my love, it hurts me
Hoya's POV:

I dumped my jacket in the corner and slumped onto the chair. I the radio, putting it to full blast. A song I couldn't recognise echoed throughout the room and possibly the whole house. But, I couldn't care less. I was feeling tired for some reason, even though I didn't do much today. I looked at the framed photo of me and Tiffany on the table. We were both smiling, laughing, but I couldn't help but notice the sadness in my eyes. It seemed so...... Obvious. I couldn't help but feel pathetic of myself. In love with a girl for more than a decade. Quite a pathetic story really. The more I looked at the photo, the more I couldn't stand looking at my face. In the end, I flipped the photo. I needed a drink.

" Dongwoo!! Lets go for some soju or beer or something!" I went to the kitchen to find him with his head in the fridge.

" Yeah good idea. And lets get something to eat too! I'm bloody hungry and there's nothing to eat here!"
Its always about food for this guy. But I couldn't complain. I was starving too.

"Ugggh.... My life is a mess."
I chugged down my 8th mug of beer. We've been drinking for god knows how long and I lost count the number of bottles we drank. I was drunk definitely, but I still had my senses. Everything was so fuzzy and abstract. Even Dongwoo's face was starting to get distorted, and that's saying something. I grabbed for another bottle and just drank it from there.

" Dongwoo, do you think a guy who's in love with a girl he has no chance with pathetic? Huh? Does he seem pathetic to you Dongwoo??"
I wasn't aware of what I was saying. My head was too fuzzy to process what I said.

" Hoya..... Hoya, Hoya, Hoya. That sounds almost like a friend of mine. A best friend. This situation isn't new to me!! Hahaha!"
His laugh was loud. Too loud. My eardrums were booming!

" No. Its not pathetic. Not at all. Its what happens next that determines if he's pathetic."
That caught my attention, or what's was left anyway.

" Look at it this way. You're a fisher man and the girl is a fish. A beautiful fish among a school of ordinary ones. Now, what would you do? Stare at it and admire it, not wanting to catch it in fear of losing it? Now that, that's pathetic. Or, you can go after it. Try to catch it. Risk it! Now that's what makes you a man! The joy and suspense of chasing the girl! All or nothing for that dream girl!! See i'd rather take the risk, knowing I had tried rather than lose her when she was right under my nose, right within my reach!"
He gave a hearty laugh, before wiping out and knocked out on the table. But what he said got stuck in my head. His speech was stuck and engraved In my brain and I knew what I needed to do now. I finally smiled a genuine smile after awhile before it became dark.
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Akhil90 #1
Chapter 43: Hoya...tiffany hoya tiffany...hoya tiffany
Sookyung...suzy....sookyung suzy yaaaaaaaaa...btw i like to see hoya and tiffany,,it would be owesomeeee
GeeDeeAddictor #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Tae2Ny #3
Chapter 43: I'd like to see L completely out of the picture lol. Soonkyung and Tiffany should date. Hoya should date Yuri.
Author-nim... I just really want the story to progress a lot faster lol. Not end but just move forward. More of a plot, less adding of major characters. And please no more Suzy and L. This is my honest opinion to you, thank you for such a great fanfic though.
ForeverSoneLove #4
Chapter 10: who is sookyung btw ..
kpopluver626 #5
Chapter 41: Wtf did l do to suzy???/
Kyungho #6
Chapter 41: Go soo kyung
tiffanylover1997 #7
Please comment more on the story :) I would like to know your opinions on the story so I can improve and make the story better :)
Chapter 39: WHY IS MYUNGSOO SO EVIL He just wants Tiffany all to himself grrr
I really wanted Hoya and tiffany
Chapter 37: Hoya and Tiffany !!!!!!!!!!1