karma's a

my love, it hurts me
I sat on my bed, burying my face in my hands. Too many things were happening right now. I leaned against the bedframe, trying to sort things out in my head. Well first, I'm going back to Singapore. This means I'm going to meet my parents. I haven't met them since they visited me 4 years ago. That was the day they sent me to Korea. Yet, I wasn't really excited to go. I don't hate them nor am I really fond of them. They've been absent throughout most of my life, so I harbour no love for them, even though they are my parents. I ran my fingers through my hair. * I need a shower*

I dragged myself up and shuffled to the bathroom. I quickly stripped of my clothes and let the hot water run down my body. The steam was helping me clear my mind. Slowly, any thoughts or problems were washed away by the water. Finally, it all came down to the two biggest problems of my life. The two girls. Suzy. And Tiffany. Both of them are creating scars and wounds in my heart. One offered me light, but trapped me in darkness. While the other was a light capable of saving me from this darkness, but to far away to grab. Both of them offered me hope, but gave me despair. My hands clenched up into fists as I remembered what I did with Tiffany. * Letting your desires takeover, you're one smart guy Sookyung! Now she talk to me again!* I turned off the shower, thinking I had enough 'water therapy'. I dried myself up and walked back to my room

With all that was happening, I wasn't surprised to feel exhausted. Lying on my bed felt wonderful and all I wanted now was to sleep. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, but just then, my phone rang.
*Aish..... Bloody hell.* Irritation was written all over my face. I just wanted to sleep, is that so hard! I looked at the caller id and was surprised to see Myungsoo calling me.
*Why is he calling me so late a night?* I quickly answered the call.

I strolled down to the nearerst park. Myungsoo had called me to meet up, even though it was late. I hadn't met Myungsoo since I came moved away and I missed my best friend dearly. I didn't hesitate when he asked to meet up. From the distance, I could see him sitting on the swings alone. I quickly ran over. We started chatting and catching up on each others lives. We joked around like we used to and I could feel the weight on my shoulders being lifted. And yet, I could feel something was amiss, that something wasn't right. I tried to push that thought away, convincing myself that nothing bad was going to happen.

" Hey Sookyung, you know you're like a brother to me right?" The random question surprised me. The cheery atmosphere suddenly died away and it suddenly became chilly.

" Of course!"

" Then you should also know that I trust you a lot, right? " I felt a pang of guilt hit me. I remembered my kiss wit Tiffany and my heart ached.
* Did he find out?*

" Sookyung, I trusted you. And you repay me by kissing my girlfriend?!" I wa suddenly thrown off my feet. My right cheek felt numb and my brain couldn't process what haooebed quickly enough. It took me sometime to realised that he had punched me.
*So he found out* I didn't dare to look at him. I tried to stand up, but crumpled back onto the ground after he kicked me in the stomach. I could feel something thick and warm in my mouth and I quickly spat it out. It took me awhile before I realise that was blood. Myungsoo continued to rain blows on my body, yet i didn't fight back. I deserved it, so I didn't retaliate. Even though I could hear bones cracking and muscle tearing, I endured the pain
* Karma's a , I guess* Myungsoo finally stopped hitting me. He grabbed my collar and pulled me closer, making me look him in the eye.

" Listen closely to me Sookyung. I do not want you anywhere near Tiffany. Do you understand!" I couldn't process what he said, his words slurred. He pushed me aside and walked away, leaving me bloody and battered on the floor. Watching his figure walk away, I tried to drag myself up. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn't stop myself from screaming in pain. Yet, I continued to drag My body on the ground, towards the nearest bench. I hauled myself up, and sat on the bench. I looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars, before it suddenly became dark.
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Akhil90 #1
Chapter 43: Hoya...tiffany hoya tiffany...hoya tiffany
Sookyung...suzy....sookyung suzy yaaaaaaaaa...btw i like to see hoya and tiffany,,it would be owesomeeee
GeeDeeAddictor #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Tae2Ny #3
Chapter 43: I'd like to see L completely out of the picture lol. Soonkyung and Tiffany should date. Hoya should date Yuri.
Author-nim... I just really want the story to progress a lot faster lol. Not end but just move forward. More of a plot, less adding of major characters. And please no more Suzy and L. This is my honest opinion to you, thank you for such a great fanfic though.
ForeverSoneLove #4
Chapter 10: who is sookyung btw ..
kpopluver626 #5
Chapter 41: Wtf did l do to suzy???/
Kyungho #6
Chapter 41: Go soo kyung
tiffanylover1997 #7
Please comment more on the story :) I would like to know your opinions on the story so I can improve and make the story better :)
Chapter 39: WHY IS MYUNGSOO SO EVIL He just wants Tiffany all to himself grrr
I really wanted Hoya and tiffany
Chapter 37: Hoya and Tiffany !!!!!!!!!!1