5 Years Ago

What's Your Real Story?


{Hye MI}

"This is the story about something that happened 5 years ago. And also why we can't go against Heechul. He knows too much." Hoya explained.


"Heechul was worried. Really worried. He wouldn't admit it but he was close to being caught.


So he decided to take matters into his own hands.


He came to us and made Sunggyu hyung hand over one of his knives. He didn't say for what or why. Just that he lost his own.


It was strange because Heechul had never trusted us with anything ever.


So Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and I went to follow him. He went to this apartment that we didn't recognize at first.


But when we got inside the building and wandered around, we realized that it was the apartment of a police officer.


He wasn't there though, because the rest of Super Junior was creating a distraction for Heechul.


We found that out later.


Later, after the police came, we went to check out the scene from behind the tape.


Heechul left behind Sunggyu hyung's knife too and our mark in blood on the wall.


We recognized the police officer who was now a widow. His name was Yunho.


And we had been running from him ever since. He thinks it's us, because of what Heechul did.


But we can't prove that we didn't do it. Heechul definitely made it so that we would be forced to stay forever.


And there's no way out of it." Hoya finished.


Yunho. It couldn't be Yunho oppa, could it? But I know he lost his wife 5 years ago. So Heechul had done it?


Was he blaming Infinite? Was that the main reason why I was here?


Could it really be that?


"I think Heechul is cunning, but the truth will always come out in the end." I said.


I would have to admit the truth in my own words. My own truth would come out eventually as well.


"But how long will it take? Once we're free from this accusation. Then, we're done. We haven't done anything else bad or whatever. We haven't killed anyone, hurt anyone that wasn't in self-defense. Nothing. The violence is all caused by Heechul and Rainbow." Hoya said desperately.


"Waiting is hard, but in the end, it's worth it." I said.


"I don't want to wait anymore." Hoya took my hand and led me away from the group. I looked at the others in confusion but they didn't reveal anything.


Hoya had taken me inside the house and up onto the roof. We were sitting side by side.


"I can't wait anymore. The truth takes too long." Hoya muttered.


But I was still confused. Very confused.


Hoya turned to me with a very serious look in his eyes.


"Hye Mi-ah..."


Author's Note:

Omg, I was busy studying so I didn't update yesterday :( sadface~

Anyway here's an update. And I'll do another one after this :D hehe :3



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Real Story: If you guys could help me out with my homework, I'll love you forever. It's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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Chapter 2: Waaahh why are the chapters sorry short?
Kinda expected hyemi to be a badass sassy character.....to bad
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 51: I LOVED THIS!!!
Chapter 51: Thank you author for the fantastic story :)
omo!!your the best!!you got tvxq and infinite in here!!2 of my favorite groups!!!^_^
yooamie #5
Chapter 51: awh, this fanfic is so adorable :3. the cute things that happen between Hoya and Hye Mi xD. and the pic spam oooommgg <33 haha xD
BLAQcat_Kissu #6
Rianne2580 #7
you don't like hoya? :O
Omg, such a cute story I really liked it. And it is hard to like Hoya keke
Rianne2580 #9
lol~ @Alyson yup~ action fluff<3 I think that's the only kind of fluff I did for Hoya x Hye Mi so yeahh. :D hehe :3 had to continue that..
LOL~! <3 hehe :3 They are so cute!! And sometimes I wonder who's really the hyung.. XD

And I'm done with a ;D hehe :3 YaDong in the shower ;D hehe :3
Well.. in all the fics I have read with bom in it.. everyone says she loves corn. so that's what I went with.
LOL~ <3 sorry for making you want to cry. XD hhe :3
lol~ <3 wooooO~~~~ <3 HoGod<3

@xoxoDesixoxo since both of them were in this and got a girl I chose YaDong for the spam hehe :3