
EXO Drabbles

Alone in the woods with me...








A camping trip.

A ing camping trip.

Maybe it would have been alright if it weren’t for the fact that his friends were ing dickheads and wouldn’t wait for him whilst he tied his shoe before ing off.

And them anyway! Who the thought that camping in the stupid ing forest was a good idea?! Yeah, his friends were ing arseholes.

Sure, leave the haemophiliac with a knack for getting lost on his own. ing brilliant plan, that was!

Yixing gritted his teeth as he clumsily made his way through the trees. He’d long since lost the path and honestly, at this point, he’d given up and accepted that he was going to die here alone and miserable with nothing but a giant ing back pack for company.

It didn’t help that it was starting to get dark, and Jesus Almighty how he hoped he was only imagining the sounds that howled out at him in that moment. So this was it, at the tender age of nineteen, Yixing was going to die. Alone and a , in the middle of the woods.


“Jesus ” he sighed, giving up and shucking his back pack before settling himself down on the damp ground. He routed inside of his pack for a while before pulling out a bottle of water and chugging half of it in one go.

This was so typical. So very, very typical. He was always the one that got left behind, always the one that got overlooked, or undermined. It didn’t matter that he was older than two thirds of their ing friend group, because ‘oh hyung, you’re so cute’ or ‘hyung you’re so silly’ well excuse ing him for not understanding a few things in a language that wasn’t his mother tongue. He was pretty certain he was better at Korean than half of them anyway. So what if he messed up on a couple of words from time to time. At least he could speak more than one language!

He let out a frustrated sigh. Would it have really hurt them to wait two ing seconds for him to tie his lace? Given that he could get seriously ing hurt what with the whole blood not clotting . Not that they seemed to care.

Okay, he knew that was a little harsh. He knew they cared. But he was pissed off, and he was pretty adamant that he had every ing right to be.

The only one that had even stood up for him was Baekhyun, and he was soon shushed by Chanyeol who was too excited to even hear that Yixing was trying to tie his shoe.

His friends were ing idiots.

There was a rustling in the trees ahead of him, causing him to freeze up. Was it a bear? A wild dog?! Jesus, he knew he might die, but he didn’t think it would be so soon! He’d only been lost for a couple of hours!

“Yixing? Yixing, is that you?!”

Yixing frowned. That sounded like…

“Oh thank god! I’ve been looking for you for ages!”

Junmyeon pushed through the trees and let himself fall to the ground in front of Yixing in exhaustion!

“What are you… how did you even find me?!” Yixing asked in surprise, helping Junmyeon take off his own back pack and sit up properly. He handed over the half bottle of water to Junmyeon, who took it and gulped it down gratefully.

“I saw you come off the path” he explained, “I was hanging back a little to make sure that you caught up okay, and by the time I called out for you, you’d already gotten off the path. I told the others I’d come find you and bring you up to the camp site, but I… ah… ”

Yixing frowned, “What? Don’t say that, that doesn’t sound like something you should be saying right now” he said almost hysterically as he watched Junmyeon pat himself down before cussing again.

“So, um,” Junmyeon said sheepishly, “I may have dropped the map at some point and we might be a little bit lost”

Yixing groaned, running a hand over his face in complete and utter despair. So now, not only was he going to die, he was going to die with the ing boy he fancied like mad and couldn’t even admit it to.

Now he was going to die a sad and ing ually confused .

Just perfect.

“You do realise you said that out loud, right?” Junmyeon piped up, sounding mildly concerned for his friend.

Yixing paused before looking at Junmyeon suspiciously, “Which part?”

“You said that you were going to die a sad and ually confused ” Junmyeon clarified, “I didn’t know you were a ”

Yixing glared slightly, “Is that really what we’re talking about right now?” he deadpanned. “I don’t really get a lot of offers, you know. I’m not… I don’t know, ing Kris or whatever”

“Kris only gets hit on until he opens his mouth and makes people realise he’s an idiot” Junmyeon smiled, easing the tension slightly.

Yixing rolled his eyes, “Liar. That’s half of why people like him so much. Because he’s a hot dork”

“You think he’s hot?” Junmyeon frowned, almost as though he was jealous. But Yixing pushed that thought aside before he even had time to properly process it. There was no sense in trying to make something out of nothing.

So he nodded, “Well yeah. You’d have to be blind not to see it” he pointed out easily, “But he isn’t really my type”

“But you like guys, right?” Junmyeon asked, his voice hesitant as though it wasn’t his place to ask such questions. Yixing figured it probably wasn’t, but he didn’t really mind all that much, hell, he wasn’t even totally sure himself.

Yixing shrugged, “I dunno. I mean, I still find girls attractive, but at the minute I think I like this one guy” he admitted, trying to remain nonchalant.

Truth be told, Yixing was always pretty calm around Junmyeon. It wasn’t like in all the stories whereby he became a flustered idiot around his crush. No, one day he just woke up and realised that he kind of, maybe, sort of had a raging for his close friend and decided to just roll with it. It wasn’t like it changed anything between them, so what was the point in making things weird when they didn’t have to be.

“Who is he?” Junmyeon asked, his voice almost bitter as he watched Yixing with careful eyes, as though trying to read the slightly younger boy’s mind.

Yixing let out a small laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. They were lost in the woods with no ing clue how they would find their friends again, and Junmyeon was sat there in the dirt with him asking about his ing crush.

What even was his life at this point?

“A friend” Yixing told Junmyeon, not bothering to lie, but also not wanting to admit who it was just yet, “A really good friend actually”

“You must really like him, huh?” Junmyeon prompted, clearly trying to find out more about the mystery man.

Yixing smirked, “Oh yeah, for sure. He’s kind of incredible to be honest with you. He’s kind of like a leader, always looking after everyone, always putting others before himself. He’s kind of embarrassing sometimes, but then again, I find it endearing, it’s Sehunnie who gets embarrassed by him. Which makes me laugh even more. He’s the protective type too… Always keeping an eye on those that he loves a lot. He’s smart and funny – in an unconventional way. He’s handsome… Honestly, I feel lucky to even be friends with him. The idea of more than that… and knowing that I’ll never have it… I, you know what,” he sighed, getting to his feet and dusting himself off, “this is silly. We should be looking for a way out of here. It’s getting dark”

Junmyeon though, shook his head before gently pulling Yixing back down and making him sit again, though this time he was much closer, so much so that their thighs pressed together, “Do I know him?” he asked, tilting his head curiously to one side.

“You do” Yixing confirmed, “Pretty well I’d say”

Junmyeon hummed, “So he’s part of our friend group then?”


“Korean or Chinese?”


“And it isn’t Sehunnie, because you mentioned him a minute ago”

Yixing hummed, “Correct again, Mr Kim. You’re good at this game”

Junmyeon laughed, “Only because you’re making it easy for me” he pointed out, “You aren’t really hiding anything”

“Do I really need to with you?” Yixing shot back, raising a questioning brow at the elder, he let out a small sigh before lacing his fingers together and using them to wrap his arms around his knees almost in childish comfort.

Junmyeon smiled, “Guess not” he smiled slightly, “And then there were seven”

“Are you going to narrow them down until you get to who it is?” Yixing asked, sounding thoroughly amused. Honestly, he didn’t care all that much if Junmyeon knew, it wouldn’t change anything, it was just too fun to let him work it out for himself.

Junmyeon nodded eagerly, “Jongdae?” he asked.

“He picks his nose in public” Yixing grimaced, “And he’s just… Loud”                    

Junmyeon snickered, “So loud is a no-no. That rules out Baekhyun and Chanyeol then”

“Right you are, my friend” Yixing snorted.

“Kyungsoo?” Junmyeon asked next, “You are always trying to kiss him”

Yixing really did laugh at that, “Only because it winds him up. It makes me laugh. But no, he’s nice and all, but not really my cup of tea”


“Not even a little bit” Yixing rolled his eyes, “He’s fun to dance with, but other than that, there is only so much I can listen to him talk about dogs and Kyungsoo before I feel like throttling him” he said, letting go of his knees and dropping his hands to his lap so that he could stretch out his legs.

“So it’s Minseok then?” Junmyeon breathed out, looking curiously at Yixing, who was staring off into the space in front of him thoughtfully.

Yixing smiled slightly, “I love Minseok” he said, “Just not in that way”

“That only leaves one person, you know” Junmyeon whispered, it seemed like he couldn’t speak louder than that if he wanted to.

Yixing turned his head to look at him. He waited a moment as he took in the other’s reaction. He didn’t seem horrified, so that was a bonus.

“It does” he agreed, “So?”

“So, it’s me then?” Junmyeon asked, clearly needing the clarification. He sounded like he didn’t quite believe it to be true.

Yixing hummed softly, “Ever thought of becoming a detective?” he asked jokingly, “You’re really good at getting to the bottom of things”

“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Would it have mattered?”



Junmyeon paused before reaching over and taking Yixing’s hand in his own, “Because we both know that out of the two of us, I’m less likely to take a risk for myself” he pointed out.

“Yeah, well. All it took was for you to be alone in the woods with me” Yixing laughed to himself, “Who would have thought… I’m supposing that this,” he gestured with their linked hands, “Is you saying that you’re pretty into the idea too, then? And not just you feeling sorry for me?”

Junmyeon snorted out a laugh, “I’d say I’m pretty into it” he nodded, “I mean, how could I turn you down after you said all those nice things about me?”

“I didn’t realise you were so easy” Yixing teased.

Junmyeon grinned, “I’m not. I just know what I want”

“And that would be me, presumably?”

“It would” Junmyeon confirmed, “And by the way, you’re pretty damn handsome yourself”

Yixing groaned out an embarrassed laugh, “I was hoping that in the fun of all this new information you’d forget that little rant” he said, “But thanks. I’m always a er for a compliment”

“Me too, but only if the person means it” Junmyeon grinned, “You know, suddenly I’m not that bothered that we got lost”

Yixing snorted, “You’re such a . Like seriously, we could die here and you’re just like ‘yeah, but feelings’. Myeon, dude, come on…” he rolled his eyes, shaking his head in amusement as he did, only to pause and look back at Junmyeon as a hand settled on his thigh.

“Yah, don’t act like you’re not secretly glad too” Junmyeon chastised playfully, “And if we don’t die here, how about the first thing I do with our freedom is take you on a date?”

Yixing grinned, he felt far too fuzzy and warm in the cool air of the forest. He supposed this must have been what people felt like when they were experiencing a moment of euphoria, because he felt on top of the world right then with Junmyeon by his side in a dim forest as the chill in the air started to make him shiver.

Junmyeon looked nervous, more nervous than usual – because Yixing was fairly certain that Junmyeon was just a naturally jumpy guy – which in itself was strange, because despite a lot of things, Junmyeon was usually pretty sure of himself. And for Yixing to be the one that messed up his usually certain outlook, well that was just baffling.

“You really wanna take me on a date?” Yixing asked, a smile creeping up on his lips as he fought back a shiver from the encroaching coldness.

Junmyeon frowned at the slight blue tinging Yixing’s lips before he shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around the slightly younger man’s shoulders, pulling him in to keep him warm, “Of course I want to take you on a date” he said simply. “I didn’t tell you I like you just for fun. I was kinda hoping we could build on the whole confession thing and start dating. You know, like in all the cheesy movies?”

“Only if we can skip the dramatic fall out part” Yixing reasoned, “I’m not sure I want to go through the tears and heartbreak bit just so we can live happily ever after. So like, if we could skip to the happily ever after part, I’ll go on a date with you”

Junmyeon chuckled, Yixing really was something else entirely. It was no wonder he’d fallen so hard for the guy, he was just so amazingly special that he couldn’t ever picture not wanting to be with him.

Honestly, Junmyeon had liked Yixing for as long as he could remember. Yixing had kind of just crept up on him. They’d met through Kris, and become close pretty soon, what with being the same age and finding that they shared a lot of common interests. They fought over stupid things, and they made up when one of them forked out for ice cream. They spend long late nights together curled up on the sofa, watching bad made for TV movies and laughing at the awful acting in some of them.

They went for walks in winter and threatened each other with snowballs until they were soaked to the bone and ended up back at one of their places in boxers and jumpers, wrapped in blankets and nursing steaming cups of hot chocolate – mint for Yixing and hazelnut for Junmyeon – before they’d end up falling asleep together.

And then one day Junmyeon just looked at him, really looked at him and it was that moment of ‘oh. I like you. I think I’ve liked you all along’ and that was that.

Yixing was a lot of things to Junmyeon. He was sleepy morning smiles, he was the small of late night chocolate. He was sharing secrets and being completely open. Yixing was the soft light that peaked through the curtains in the morning. He was the moon in a dark sky. He was… Yixing. And that was all he ever needed. All he wanted.

He sometimes wondered what he was to Yixing, but he had always been too afraid to ask. Too afraid to put himself out there, because Yixing was the skipping pebble that brought life to his calm waters. Only now he didn’t want to be afraid. He wanted to embrace that pebble and ripple as much as he could.

“What am I to you?” he asked softly, his eyes a warm as he looked back at Yixing. He wanted to skip to the happily ever after too, he was more than willing to do that with Yixing. But his curiosity was burning and by god did he need an answer.

Yixing smiled, there was a shyness to it that on any other day would have floored Junmyeon, but when it was just the two of them, it was like there was a clear understanding that it would stay between just them. And so it was no surprise that Yixing chose to be honest, “You’re…. You” he said fondly, “You’re this person that came in and made my life so much better and so much more chaotic all at once. And I’ve always liked order in my life. I’ve always liked smoothness. But then you came along and it was like wild fire. And I just wanted to watch everything burn. I wanted to see your pretty flames and I wanted to get so caught up in the chaos of you. You’re… You’re crazy, and silly, and absolutely mesmerising and I have never been so taken with anyone in my life.

 “It wasn’t like I realised at first. It wasn’t like in the movies or the books where my eyes met yours and I was suddenly in love or anything. It was more like… we were friends and I loved you so much as my friend, but then one day it hit me that it wasn’t only friendship that I wanted from you. I realised that what I felt for you… what you meant to me… it was different from the others. It’s like… I look at Minseok or Kris and I want to give them a hug and play. And when I look at you… I want so much more. I want to hug you, and kiss you, and just be able to stay by your side for as long as I can.

 “So to me… you’re Junmyeon. You’re everything. I… I don’t know what more there is to say about it, because you’re a person to me that I can’t just put into words. You’re more like… a feeling. A really, really good feeling” his face was flushed as he finished, though he looked at Junmyeon shyly, he wanted to at least hold his composure.

Junmyeon smiled a toothless smile, though there was a tell-tale pinkness to his cheeks that showed just how much Yixing really did affect him. “I… Can I maybe… Would it be okay if I kissed you now?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah” Yixing whispered back. “Yeah, I think that would be okay”

Junmyeon nodded as though to work himself up to it as he shifted slightly and leant forward. His hands came up to cup Yixing’s cheeks, his thumb gently moving to one cheek softly. He gave Yixing a sweet smile before he moved in and softly pressed their lips together.

Yixing shuddered slightly as their lips met, it was shy at first, a little hesitant almost, but then one of Junmyeon’s hands moved around to slip into the back of his hair and it was like electricity sparked in the way Junmyeon nudged Yixing’s lips apart with his own and turned the kiss into something slightly less innocent.

Yixing hummed contently as Junmyeon’s tongue pushed into his mouth and teased at his own. Yixing was quick to catch Junmyeon tongue and give it a playful before letting it go again and letting Junmyeon take the lead once more.

Yixing’s hands ended up finding their way to Junmyeon’s shoulders, though it was more to keep himself steady that anything else.

He’d wanted this for so long and now that it was finally happening, he was feeling dizzy with joy.

“Just so you know,” Junmyeon whispered against his lips between soft kisses, “This means that nobody else can have you now”

Yixing chuckled, “Oh?” he breathed, letting himself be kissed and teased at Junmyeon’s will.

Mine” Junmyeon said lowly, and then they were kissing again.

In all his nineteen years, Yixing had never felt so utterly wanted and he was certain that it was a feeling that he could get used to so long as it was Junmyeon wanting him.

They were so caught up in one another that they didn’t register the sound of the trees rustling, nor the parade of footsteps that moved towards them, and it wasn’t until a voice piped up that they broke apart, flushed with embarrassment.

“I’m telling you I heard someth- holy …” Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “I… Well um, it’s about time I guess…”

Chanyeol and Kris broke into loud laughter as they looked at Junmyeon and Yixing, both of them sporting looks akin to a deer caught in the headlights.

Even Minseok and Kyungsoo were snickering in the background.

“I told you they’d be off shagging in the woods” Jongdae put in helpfully.

“We were not!” Junmyeon shot back, seeming to regain himself a little.

Yixing rolled his eyes at the pair of them, “How did you even find us?” he asked.

“Camp site is like five minutes that-a-way” Baekhyun pointed briefly over his shoulder, “I thought I heard talking… But uh, well…” he gestured between the pair.

Yixing’s eyes narrowed, “Well it wouldn’t have been a problem if you guys weren’t ing asshats and left me behind” he said pointedly.

“Oh relax, would you” Luhan snorted, “You bagged yourself a boyfriend out of it”

A strange glint came to Yixing’s eyes as he looked back at Luhan, “Hmm” he nodded thoughtfully, “Would you like me to give you some pointers so that Sehun will realise that you’ve been flirting with him for the past month?”

“You what?” Sehun’s eyes widened.

Luhan looked positively murderous, “Zhang Yixing” he growled.

“Aaaaaanyway!” Tao cut in, stepping in front of Luhan, “Let’s just head to the camp site shall we?”

Jongin nodded along, “Can we? Please? I’m ing starving! And they wouldn’t let me eat until you two arrived”

“Come on then” Junmyeon sighed, getting up and pulling Yixing to his feet also. They donned their packs again before following the rest to the camp site. He turned to Yixing with a smirk as they straggled behind slightly, “So… Boyfriend, huh?”

“I… uh… I didn’t, it was just that… with Luhan and he…” Yixing groaned, “Shut up”

Junmyeon chuckled, “No, don’t be embarrassed. I liked the sound of it” he said, “I mean, so long as you don’t mind me being your boyfriend, that is?”

“I think I’ve made it abundantly obvious that I would like that very much, Junmyeon” Yixing rolled his eyes, though he smiled as Junmyeon slipped his hand into his and laced their fingers together.

Junmyeon grinned, “Well that settled that then, boyfriend. I have to admit, I did quite like being along in the woods with you. We might have to rent a cabin or something one day”

“If you say something about proving them right about shagging in the woods, I will literally throw you down a flight of stairs” Yixing deadpanned.

Junmyeon snorted, loud and unattractive, “Jesus Christ” he laughed, “That isn’t even where I was going with that. I think we can keep to one of our beds for the time being, don’t you?”

“Oh my god, we are not having this conversation when we got together literally two seconds ago” Yixing tilted his head back in sheer disbelief. Ignoring the way that Junmyeon’s tinkling laugh seemed to make it all worth it.

“Okay, some other time” Junmyeon shot back playfully.

Yixing couldn’t help but chuckle, “You’re impossible” he said, though if he was honest, he was hoping that conversation would end up having little talking and a lot of showing.

“I don’t know if you’ve realised this, but you think out loud a lot” Junmyeon said slyly. “The showing can definitely be arranged though” he added easily.

“Right. Well, that’s good” Yixing flushed, “Thank god this isn’t a long camping trip then”

Junmyeon laughed again, “Thank god” he teased.

And suddenly, Yixing wasn’t so bothered that he’d been left to get lost in the woods anymore. After all, it was turned out pretty ing well.

Pretty well indeed.







A/N: a lil bit of sulay for you

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Anindita_ #1
Chapter 45: I just read this story and this one xiuchen story is the most beautiful one. How Jongdae and Minseok hold each other's hand through their mess up life. They see each other's beauty even though they are bad people :)
Chapter 23: Thank you for this authornim!
Gracegesang #3
Chapter 5: Awwwww... I almost cried because of Soo...
Nojinyamanaka #4
Chapter 56: Its been a while since I read some SuLay and ugh Gloriousss <3 I love how cheeky they are. Thankyou so much for thissss <333
keripik_kentang #5
Chapter 56: Omg thankyou you always do great with sulay :""
Chapter 8: This one is so good ajjsjdj xiuchen is life
Chapter 51: *sobs* best way to start the day is with Kaisoo bless you
Chapter 51: Loved it <3
Chapter 51: Omg yaaas <3
Authornim! I love you and your stories! I freakin' bleed Sulay and you always write them so well. Thank you so much!