
EXO Drabbles

End of the line...










He’s not really sure why he does it, but as soon as he sees the mess of brown hair flying about as a small, yet handsome, man is running to get the train, he takes his time about getting on.

He’s getting yelled at by the guard for being so slow, because the train needs to leave – pronto, but the guy is almost, almost, there, so he pays it no mind, and then finally the guy is by his side and they step on the train together, neither of them get a seat, so they have to stay standing in the part by the doors with a couple of other late-comers, but neither of them care, because they’re on the train and that’s really all that matters. Especially because it’s the last train of the day to their particular destination.

“Thanks” the handsome guy smiles, making him smile in return.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies, playing it cool. He’s never played it cool before, never found the opportunity, so he hopes he’s getting it right.

He guesses not, when handsome guy laughs, “Sure, sure. I’m Junmyeon, by the way. Kim Junmyeon” he says, offering out a hand.

“Zhang Yixing,” Yixing replied, giving up with the cool guy thing, because honestly, he knows it doesn’t suit him anyways, “You cut it kind of close out there”

Junmyeon laughs airily, “Pretty name,” he says before nodding, “And I know, my brother called me as I got to the train station, and it just… there was some big confusion and I almost didn’t make it on time, and I just… you kind of saved me, because if I’d have missed this, I wouldn’t have made it back for my friend’s birthday… so yeah, thank you”

“Don’t sweat it” Yixing waves him off, “What’s the point in not helping people out when they’re obviously struggling?”

Junmyeon beams at him when he says that, and it kind of makes Yixing’s heart flip.

“Are you even real?!” Junmyeon chuckles, “you’re like… beyond nice”

Yixing rolls his eyes in return, “Are you saying it’s wrong to help people out?”

“No, not at all. But most people just… turn a blind eye to things, you know?” Junmyeon sighs softly, “So, where are you headed?”

Yixing shrugs, “Just home. I’ve been working non-stop to meet some deadlines, so… I’ve got a couple days off. End of the line for me”

“Oh, me too! Only I’ve been visiting my brother, not working. I’ve had the week off, which would have been nice, but he can be a handful sometimes” Junmyeon smiles, shaking his head fondly at his brother’s antics.

“Sounds fun, though” Yixing offers.

Junmyeon nods, “Oh yeah, tons of fun” he agrees easily, “We haven’t had a proper catch up in a while, so it was nice”

“It must be cool to have siblings” Yixing muses, “Kind of like you have a friend for life, no matter what”

Junmyeon tilts his head to one side at that, “You’re an only child?” he asks cutely.

Yixing laughs softly, “Yeah. Just me, mum and dad” he confirms, “It’s alright though, can’t really complain. It was one less person to make fun of me for having a big head”

“I think your head it a nice size” Junmyeon says, poking at Yixing’s forehead, and laughing as Yixing swats his hand away.

“The kids at school didn’t. though, I suppose my haircut didn’t do me any favours. It was like… all shaved, but I still had this weird little fringe thing,” Yixing chuckles before sighing softly, “I don’t know, mum must have thought I looked stylish, but let me tell you, kids can be mean. It was all ‘hey, look, big head is here!’ or ‘Big head, why aren’t you playing? Scared someone will think your head is the ball?’ and like that”

Junmyeon frowns, “Well, what a bunch of wankers”

“They were kids, can’t really blame them” Yixing laughs, patting Junmyeon’s cheek reassuringly. He figures it’s probably not socially acceptable to be so touchy with someone you’ve only just met, but Junmyeon doesn’t seem to mind it, so he goes with it. Besides, he thinks that if Junmyeon says anything, he’ll just point out that Junmyeon poked him first.

“You can blame the parents or whatever though. Hostility is taught, not born in you” Junmyeon says wisely, nodding at Yixing like a teacher, “It’s sad when you think about it”

Yixing nods back, “It is” he agrees, “But you can’t stop idiots from being idiots”

“We can try. One idiot at a time” Junmyeon says, only half-jokingly.

“Shall we start with you then?” Yixing shoots back with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Junmyeon glares good-humouredly, “Why you little… I ought’a…” he says, waving a fist at Yixing.

“What are you gonna do, gramps? Throw me over your knee? Maybe break out the cane?” Yixing snorts, “You sound like a ninety year old!”

“I’ll fight you” Junmyeon harrumphs.

Yixing can’t help but laugh at him, “You’re like a toddler too though, like a grandpa toddler. How does that work?”

“Because I’m wise to the world, but super cute at the same time” Junmyeon tells him confidently, a small smirk playing about his lips.

Yixing hums and opens his mouth to say something, only for the train to give a particularly violent jolt, sending Junmyeon forward and crashing into him, effectively trapping him against the wall with Junmyeon’s body pressed against his and the handsome guy’s hands either side of his head.

“Oh” Junmyeon lets out softly, not backing away, “Are you alright?” he asks, genuine concern in his voice.

Yixing nods slightly, only then realising he’s gripping onto the front of Junmyeon’s cardigan rather tightly, “I’m good” he says, loosening his grip, “I’m, yeah, good” he nods.

He’s almost disappointed when Junmyeon pulls back and stands up straight again, which he knows makes absolutely zero sense.

“That’s good” Junmyeon grins cheekily, obviously teasing Yixing’s lack of other words, but Yixing doesn’t care all that much, because Junmyeon is really cute when he’s being playful.

“Shut up” Yixing grins back, shoving Junmyeon’s chest playfully.

Junmyeon raises a brow, “Make me?” he smirks, which only widens when he sees the blush that dusts Yixing’s cheeks at the suggestion.

“How are you flirting with someone you literally just met?” Yixing groans, falling back to lean against the wall of the train again.

Junmyeon shrugs, “Well when said person is as cute as you, how can I not?”

“What makes you think I’m even into guys?” Yixing challenges, raising a brow at Junmyeon, who has moved closer and is grinning down at him, gaining some height due to Yixing’s leaning.

“That you’re flirting back” he says confidently.

Yixing tries to look affronted, “I so am not!” he says indignantly.

“Oh, you totally are!” Junmyeon grins.

“I liked you better when you were a mess of a person running for the train” Yixing pouts, which only makes Junmyeon laugh. But he likes Junmyeon’s laugh, so he figures that it’s win-win.

“I don’t know, I think you like me now, more than you’re letting on” Junmyeon’s grin widens slightly as he presses forward again, holding onto the wall by Yixing’s head.

Yixing looks up at him, trying his best not to show how much he’s actually enjoying having Junmyeon so close to him, “We’ve just met” Yixing reminds him, but he’s not pushing Junmyeon away. Instead, his hands are coming up to hold on to the other man’s cardigan again.

“Really? I hadn’t realised” Junmyeon chuckles, his free hand moving down to rest over one of Yixing’s.

Yixing rolls his eyes, but doesn’t pull it back, “What are you doing?”

“Standing, since there are no seats left. Same as you really, but I can see how that’d be confusing to some…” Junmyeon replies, obviously holding back a laugh.

“If you keep that up, you’ll be standing elsewhere” Yixing rebuts, but they both know it’s an empty threat.

Junmyeon smiles, “I’ll make sure to be extra careful then” he says softly, his hand squeezing Yixing’s gently.

we are approaching the last stop, please be sure to remove all of your luggage and take care when getting off of the train”

“End of the line, then…” Yixing sighs, “That went a lot quicker than I expected”

Junmyeon nods in return, “Me too…” he frowns, “Can I get your number?”

“No” Yixing shakes his head, “But I’ll make you a deal…”

Junmyeon tilts his head slightly, “Is this where you offer me anonymous ?” he jokes.

“Funny” Yixing deadpans, “Anyways, what I was going to say was, I won’t give you my number now, but if we happen to run into each other again, then I’ll give it to you, and I’ll even buy you a drink”

Junmyeon laughs softly, “You want to leave it to fate?”

“That I do, Junmyeon. That I do”

“I like it when you say my name, Yixing” Junmyeon says, “For that, I’ll give you a go. I reckon this won’t be the last we see of one another”

Yixing laughs, “Let’s hope”


Junmyeon cringes as he runs full pelt towards the train. He makes it just in time before the doors close and finds himself pressed up against someone as he tries to stop himself from falling whilst he catches his breath.

“Well what do you know” the person he’s pressed up against says with a laugh, “Fate is a funny thing indeed”

It’s been over a week since their last meeting, and Junmyeon hadn’t stopped thinking about the man he met on the train. Yixing.

So he can’t help the smile that blooms on his face as he looks up into those familiar eyes, “Well butter my buns and call me toast, would you look who it is…” he says with a cheeky wink.

“Ignoring that first part,” Yixing laughs, “I’d be lying if I said it’s not nice to see you again, Kim Junmyeon”

Junmyeon chuckles as he stands up straight again, though he doesn’t bother to leave much space between them, “Likewise, Zhang Yixing”

“I didn’t think I’d see you again…” Yixing admits, “I mean, I hoped, but…”

Junmyeon nods with a soft laugh, “Yeah. Yeah me too. But I do remember a certain deal we made…” he reminds the other man.

Yixing can only roll his eyes as he pulls out his phone, “Alright, here” he says, handing it to Junmyeon, “Put your number in and call yourself”

Junmyeon does as he’s told before handing the phone back, “All set” he says, “I also remember a drink in the mix?”

“Are you free now?” Yixing asks after checking the time, “I don’t have work tomorrow, so, if you want, I know a nice little place not far from my house”

“Oh,” Junmyeon smirks, “So you’re thinking of taking me home, huh?”

Yixing snorts, “Funny. No, I don’t put out on the first date”

“This is a date then?” Junmyeon asks, the smirk gone in favour of a genuine smile.

Yixing shrugs, “I mean… If you want it to be…”

“Yeah, I do. Of course I do. I just didn’t know that you wanted it to be” Junmyeon says softly, as the train stops at a station and more people get on, whilst a few get off.

Yixing pushes back further against the wall so that there’s a bit more room for people to get on the train, Junmyeon takes the hint and moves closer still, pressing his chest to Yixing’s as he holds onto the handrail above their heads.

Yixing does as he’d done before and grips onto the front of Junmyeon’s cardigan. It’s a nice grey one that Yixing thinks makes Junmyeon look especially handsome.

“I do” Yixing whispers after a while of comfortable silence, “Want it to be a date, I mean”

Junmyeon hums, “Well that’s a relief. Because this could have been a bit awkward otherwise”

“I think it’s a bit awkward anyway because you’re such a weirdo” Yixing jokes, his hands tightening around Junmyeon’s cardigan as the train jolts slightly, making them sway.

“Rude” Junmyeon shakes his head in amusement, “You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise I’d have to take this to the curb”

“Trying to be tough doesn’t suit you” Yixing tells him seriously, shaking his head at the other man.

Junmyeon scoffs, “It suits me, don’t lie”

“Believe me… I’m not lying” Yixing laughs as the train comes to a stop and the voice over the speakers tells them it’s the end of the line.

They get off of the train together and walk close, so that their arms brush against each other, and because of that, their hands do also.

They walk side by side until Yixing turns suddenly, so that Junmyeon has to run a few steps to catch him up, making the former laugh softly.

They turn a few more corners before they reach a small, cosy little bar, where Yixing leads them inside and up to the bar.

“Well if it isn’t my favourite customer” the guy behind the bar sing-songs, making Yixing laugh again.

Junmyeon feels himself glaring, and it’s only the sound of Yixing’s laughter that placates him enough to make him stop and slap on a smile. He doesn’t like how he feels jealous over someone that he doesn’t know. Because of someone that, well, he doesn’t really know either.

“Junmyeon, this is Yifan, but he likes to be called Kris. I never call him that though” Yixing grins with a small wink, “Yifan, this is Junmyeon. The train guy”

Kris smirks, “Ah, so that’s you…” he says, reaching over the bar to shake Junmyeon’s hand, “I’ve heard a lot about you”

“That’s… Not all that comforting, to be honest with you, mate…” Junmyeon laughs nervously, pulling his hand back and glancing at Yixing, who is obviously biting back a laugh.

Kris chuckles, “Don’t worry, Xing was all praise about the creepy dude that tried to feel him up on his way home”

“I did not!” Junmyeon squeaks, turning to look at Yixing in disbelief.

“Relax, he’s just teasing you” Yixing tells him, “Yifan, since you’re being rude to my date, you can bring us two pints of Carlin. On you” he smirks before taking Junmyeon by the hand and leading him to a table by one of the back windows.

Junmyeon tries not to look as nervous as he feels, but it seems like he’s not doing that well because it’s not a minute later that Yixing is laughing and pulling him up from the table to lead him outside into the garden, where there are twinkling little lights attached to several gazebos.

“What happened to all that bravado?” Yixing asks him as they sit down in one of the empty gazebos. There are only two other people in the garden, and they happen to be a little old couple, too caught up in their own world to worry about the young men sitting across the garden from them.

Junmyeon tries to act unaffected by how handsome Yixing looks under the glow of the fairy lights with the sun almost completely set in the background, stars starting to appear in the darkening sky. “I guess the fact I’m actually here with you finally caught up with me” he admits with a soft laugh, “Didn’t think you’d give me the time of day after you said no that first time on the train”

Yixing smiles at that, “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to say yes” he tells Junmyeon, “Thing is… I’ve just come out of a relationship, and I didn’t want this,” he gestures between the two of them, “to be some rebound thing. I actually quite like you, you know”

“That’s good,” Junmyeon smiles back, “I mean the liking me part. Because I happen to quite like you, too. I’m almost sorry to hear about that break up though”

“Almost?” Yixing asks.

Junmyeon hums, “Colour me selfish, but if you were still with them, then we wouldn’t be here right now, which would lead to a sad me” he says just as Kris walks over and places their drinks in front of them.

“Enjoy lads, considering it’s coming out of my pay check” Kris says, shooting Yixing a playful glare.

Yixing only grins in return, “Free stuff always tastes better, so you can bet your we’ll enjoy ‘em, Yifannie”

“Whatever, kid” Kris scoffs, tapping Yixing’s cheek with his fist fondly before walking off back inside.

Junmyeon bites back a sigh, “You two are close” he observes.

“Yeah. We’ve been friends since we were kids. He’s been like the big brother I never had. Always keeping me out of trouble” Yixing smiles, “Anyway, what were we talking about?”

“Your ex” Junmyeon prompts, “And my glee that you’re on the market again”

Yixing laughs, it’s soft, but there’s a bitterness to it, “Ah yeah. Bit of a messy break-up though, if I’m honest. Another reason why I was so… hesitant… with you”

“What happened?” Junmyeon asks, before inwardly slapping himself, so he adds, to make up for his lack of tact, “If you don’t mind me asking…”

Yixing, ever the kind one, simply smiles again, “No, I don’t mind. It… He and I, we didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. I worked a lot, and so did he, and it was hard, but we made it work. Or we did until he told me that it was getting in the way of things. I came home one day and he was sat there in the living room with a bottle of scotch, and he laughed and says to me ‘Xing. What would you do if I slept with someone behind your back?’ and I just look at him, right. I look at him and say ‘Yeol, what the is that supposed to mean? Do you want to end this or something?’ and he goes ‘No. no that’s not what I’m saying. But like, could you blame me? Because you’re never here, and I never see you anymore, and I have needs, you know. I mean, I love you, but this is getting ing hard, because work just gets in the way, you know’ and he’s sloshing all his booze everywhere.

 “He stands up and comes over to me, and kisses me really hard. And I push him away, yeah? Ha, he laughed and said ‘alright babe. I’m heading to bed’ was the last good night we had. Which I guess I should have realised, when I look back on it. Anyways, so I come home two weeks later, house is a bit too quiet, so I go upstairs to put my stuff away, and he’s in bed” Yixing says.

Junmyeon knows where it’s going.

“With his best friend, Baekhyun” Yixing laughs, and it sounds so sad that Junmyeon can’t help but reach over the table and hold his hand tight enough that it must hurt at least a little bit, but Yixing only squeezes back, “Needless to say there was a lot of yelling, and a lot of crying. And they get dressed and come down to the living room, and we just sit there for ages, in this awkward silence until I ask how long it’s been going on, and you know what he tells me? That he’s been cheating on me for almost a year. A ing year. Like, he couldn’t have just ended things and spared us both the trouble? It ing broke my heart, because I really did love him. But yeah. I left, and now here I am. It’s been like, two months, and I’m still sleeping on Yifan’s sofa because I have no money to get my own place, and I don’t know why I’m telling you this much” he laughs, “sorry. This is meant to be a date and it’s turning into ‘Tales of the pitiful life of Zhang Yixing’”

“Don’t be sorry” Junmyeon says, sliding around so that he’s sat beside Yixing, he pulls him into his side, wrapping an arm around him in a comforting hug, “He’s a prick, and you’re way too good for him”

Yixing laughs, “Oh yeah? How do you know that? You don’t even know me all that well”

“Because, anyone willing to let you go is an idiot” Junmyeon smiles, “I might not know you all that well, but I do know that you’re a nice enough person. And besides, nobody deserves to be cheated on. It’s ing awful”

“You sound like you have experience”

Junmyeon hums, “Yeah. It was a long while ago though” he shrugs, “doesn’t make the thought of it any less though”

“Well, cheers to us, and to never having to deal with cheating bastards again” Yixing lifts his pint up in a toast.

Junmyeon chuckles, “Cheers” he says, picking up his glass and clinking it against Yixing’s.

They both take a drink of it and fall into a comfortable silence as the sky continues to grow darker around them, making the fairy lights stand out all the more.



“I really wanna kiss you”

Yixing lets out a small noise of surprise, “I’m sorry, what?”

“You heard me” Junmyeon says, “Just thought you might like to know”

Yixing hums, “Okay” he says, “Yeah, okay. Go on then”


“I’m sure” Yixing says, and he doesn’t give Junmyeon a chance to back out before he’s leaning in and pressing his lips to the slightly older man’s.

It’s only an innocent kiss, nothing too much as Junmyeon holds Yixing’s cheeks between his hands, and Yixing clutches onto the front of Junmyeon’s cardigan, much like he had on the train. And they pull back only a moment later, though they stay close to one another, their noses touching ever so slightly.

“You’re good at that” Junmyeon says.

“Yeah?” Yixing smiles, pressing another soft kiss to Junmyeon’s lips.

Junmyeon smiles, kissing Yixing again, and then once again for good measure, “Yeah” he repeats, “Fancy a walk once we’ve finished these?” he asks, vaguely waving a hand at their drinks.

“Sounds good to me” Yixing says, and it really does.


The third time they meet isn’t at all a coincidence, and they both like it that way. Yixing waits for the tell-tale sound of the doorbell, and when he opens it to reveal a smiling Junmyeon, he automatically smiles in return.

“Yifan keeps a nice place” Junmyeon says as he waits for Yixing to grab his coat before they head out.

Yixing snorts, “It wouldn’t be if I didn’t clean the damn place. He’s a complete slob”

“I can hear you!” Kris calls from the kitchen, making the two in the hallway erupt in a fit of giggles, and then Yixing is taking Junmyeon by the hand, and they’re running out of the door so that Kris can’t tell them off again.

They don’t stop running until they’re a couple of streets away, and they feel like little kids again, which is thrilling and makes them both feel on top of the world.




The fifth time is something they both look forward to.

They’re in Junmyeon’s car – which leads Yixing to question why he bothers with the train. Junmyeon smiles softly at that, and tells him that he just likes it. He likes the rush of travelling far and fast.

Yixing smiles back, because he understands the feeling.

They’re driving in the dark with only the stars, and one another to keep them company, and they just drive and drive, and they spend the night in camping in some field, not even with a tent, but just their sleeping bags. It’s warm enough that they don’t have to worry about getting too cold, or the rain coming down on them, and it’s nice.

“If you prick us, do we not bleed?” Junmyeon mutters softly.

Yixing rolls his eyes but continues on, “If you tickle us, do we not laugh?”

“If you poison us, do we not die?” Junmyeon prompts.

Yixing turns his head to look at him, they’re both laying on top of their sleeping bags, not quite ready to sleep, “And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?” he says in somewhat of a whisper, and they both know it’s completely ridiculous, and random, but it’s brilliant too, because it’s something that’s just between them.

Something completely and utterly stupid, but just between them nonetheless.

Junmyeon rolls over so that he’s atop of Yixing shortly after they stop laughing at the sheer idiocy of the situation.

“Hi” Yixing whispers, looking up into Junmyeon’s eyes.

“Hi” Junmyeon whispers back, and then they kiss.

Yixing feels like he’s on cloud nine, and little does he know that Junmyeon is right there with him. All from something as simple, yet so complex as a kiss.


The eighth time is a little more strained.

“… But that isn’t even the worst part” Yixing is laughing, laughing so hard that he feels like his lungs are going to give in, “he turns to me after and goes, ‘AND THEN THE CLOTHES HORSE THAT I’M TRAPPED IN GETS JAMMED IN THE DOORWAY, AND YOU JUST ING LEFT ME THERE, YOU PRICK!’ and I just couldn’t handle it!”

Junmyeon is laughing too, so much so that he doesn’t notice a pair of guys walking towards them, and they collide head first.

“Oh sorry” Junmyeon says, then he looks up to see the complete look of horror on Yixing’s face, and it’s mirrored by the pair they’ve bumped into, “Um…”

“Yixing” the tall one says, and Junmyeon just knows this isn’t going to be fun.

Yixing looks like he wants to cry, or scream, or laugh. Maybe all three at once. But he doesn’t. he just clears his throat and says, “Chanyeol,” then turns to the short one and says, “Baekhyun” and it’s all so damn polite that Junmyeon feels like tearing his hair out.

“How have you been?” Chanyeol asks, and Junmyeon doesn’t bother to hide how he rolls his eyes.

Yixing nods, “I’ve been great, how’ve you been?”

“Yeah, yeah not too bad. Just, uh, just got engaged” He says, glancing at Baekhyun, who is smiling shyly towards the floor.

“O-Oh. That’s… That’s great. G-Good for you guys” Yixing says, and the way his voice cracks as he says it breaks Junmyeon’s heart.

Chanyeol smiles as though it’s not obvious that he’s killing Yixing by just being there, as though it’s not too soon to be telling the guy who’s heart he’d broken that he was about to get married to the person he cheated on him with. He opens his mouth to say more, but Junmyeon cuts him off.

“Well as lovely as this isn’t, we better be off”

Chanyeol frowns, “And you are?” he says, as if he’s only just noticed Junmyeon standing there.

“The person picking up after you, it would seem” Junmyeon says viciously, “Would love to stay and chat, but I don’t like to associate with complete pricks”

“Now wait just a minute” Baekhyun pipes up.

“Bye” Junmyeon cuts him off before taking Yixing’s hand and pulling him away.

Yixing pulls him to a stop when they’re around the corner and he looks pissed, “What the hell was that?!” he demands.

“Me pulling you out of an uncomfortable situation” Junmyeon shoots back, frowning at the way Yixing pulls his hand away as if it’s been burnt.

“Picking up after him?!” Yixing snaps, “What the is that supposed to mean?! What am I, someone’s ing rubbish for you to be picking up?!” he asks heatedly.

Junmyeon sighs, running a weary hand over his face, “You know I didn’t mean it like that. Stop taking this out on me because he’s an insensitive prick!”

“I’m not taking anything out on anyone!” Yixing shouts, “There’s nothing to make me be taking anything out on you anyway”


“I’m fine” Yixing snaps.

Junmyeon sighs again, “Yixing” he says a little more forcefully.

“I said, I’m fine, Junmyeon! , I just…” Yixing lets out something between a growl and a scream. He’s crying and he hates it, but he doesn’t pull away when Junmyeon wraps him in a hug and whispers soft words into his ear, “I’m fine” he insists again, even though he knows they both know it’s a lie.

“I know” Junmyeon lies just as obviously, but he doesn’t let go of Yixing once for the rest of the night.


The twelfth time is something Yixing will never forget.

“Are you for real, right now?” he asks, looking at Junmyeon as though he’s lost his mind, but he’s grinning and he can’t stop the happiness running through him.

Junmyeon laughs, “Of course I am, so how about it? Will you be my boyfriend or will you break this old heart of mine?”

“You’re so stupid” Yixing laughs, wrapping his arms around Junmyeon’s neck in delight, “Of course the answer’s yes!”

Junmyeon beams, “I was hoping you’d say that”

“Well, isn’t it your lucky day?” Yixing rolls his eyes, though he presses his forehead to Junmyeon’s.

Junmyeon smiles, “You’re damn right it is” he says before kissing Yixing, wholly and happily.

It’s later on that day, when they’re say watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, on Junmyeon’s little sofa, all wrapped up in one another that Junmyeon says, “I think twelve is my favourite number now”

“Why’s that?” Yixing asks, snuggling up closer to his boyfriend.

Junmyeon holds him tighter. “Well,” he says, “Today is the twelfth of December, so it’s the twelfth day of the twelfth month. But, it’s also our twelfth date. And you’ve just officially become my boyfriend, so, yeah. Twelve. Good number”

“Twelve is a pretty good number, isn’t it?” Yixing hums, his lips turning up at the corners in utter fondness at Junmyeon.

Junmyeon looks at him for a moment before bringing a hand up to caress Yixing’s cheek, smiling at the way Yixing leans into the touch, “I know you’re just humouring me” he says, “But I appreciate it nonetheless”



Junmyeon just makes it onto the train before the doors close. He collapses into the carriage and ends up falling against someone.

It feels so familiar, and when he looks up to those familiar dimples and that devilish smile, he can’t help but laugh.

“Well, what do you know” the person he’s pressed up against says with a mirroring laugh, “Fate is a funny thing indeed”

Junmyeon thinks back to all those months ago and says, “Well butter my buns and call me toast, would you look who it is…” he makes sure to add a cheeky wink.

“Ignoring that first part,” Yixing laughs as he did back when, “I’d be lying if I said it’s not nice to see you again, Kim Junmyeon”

Junmyeon chuckles as he stands up straight again, though he doesn’t bother to leave much space between them, following the way things went, “Likewise, Zhang Yixing”

“I’m going out with an idiot” Yixing rolls his eyes as he grips into the front of Junmyeon’s cardigan, a habit that he’d never dropped.

“An idiot you love” Junmyeon says, his voice teasing before he laughs and whispers, “Happy Twelve Months”

Yixing grins back at him, “Happy Twelve months, stupid” he replies, before kissing Junmyeon softly on the lips.

They chat easily until that voice comes over the speakers again, and lets them know they’re approaching the end of the line, and not to forget their things.







A/N: Funnily enough, this ended up being 12 pages long...
It's a sign! Ahaa... Anyways, some fluffy SuLay for ya!
Also, that part with the clothes horse may or may not stem from a true experience...


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Anindita_ #1
Chapter 45: I just read this story and this one xiuchen story is the most beautiful one. How Jongdae and Minseok hold each other's hand through their mess up life. They see each other's beauty even though they are bad people :)
Chapter 23: Thank you for this authornim!
Gracegesang #3
Chapter 5: Awwwww... I almost cried because of Soo...
Nojinyamanaka #4
Chapter 56: Its been a while since I read some SuLay and ugh Gloriousss <3 I love how cheeky they are. Thankyou so much for thissss <333
keripik_kentang #5
Chapter 56: Omg thankyou you always do great with sulay :""
Chapter 8: This one is so good ajjsjdj xiuchen is life
Chapter 51: *sobs* best way to start the day is with Kaisoo bless you
Chapter 51: Loved it <3
Chapter 51: Omg yaaas <3
Authornim! I love you and your stories! I freakin' bleed Sulay and you always write them so well. Thank you so much!