Chapter 40

Go away, Breath in breath out


A few months later...

Dara sat down beside Mirae's playpen after she finished talking on the phone with her manager and group members. When Mirae noticed her, she let out a giggle and quickly crawled towards her mother.

"Rae baby, Appa's coming home in a few hours. Are you as excited as Umma? I know he's been gone for 2 weeks, but he probably has lots of presents for you and Umma," Dara said, picking up Mirae and sitting her on her lap. Mirae giggled and Dara believed that her daughter understood everything she just said.

While waiting for Junhyung, Dara put on a Baby Einsteins DVD that Bom gave as a present for her 1st birthday. Dara couldn't help but smile at how cute her baby was every time she clapped her hands at the different animals on TV. When the episode ended, Dara turned off the TV and noticed that Mirae had her hand in .

"Angel, what did I tell you about put your hand or other things in your mouth when you're hungry?" Dara pulled her hand out and carried her to the kitchen. "Umma will make you a snack, okay? I know you love yogurt with little apple pieces."

Dara put Mirae in her highchair, and then proceeded to take out yogurt and an apple from the fridge. While cutting the apple, a slice accidentally slipped out of her hand and landed on the floor, causing Mirae to laugh.

"Baby, are you laughing at Umma?" Dara chuckled and continued what she was doing, keeping in mind that she needs to pick up that apple slice later. When it was time to mix the yogurt and apple together, she took out a spoon and was about to stir, when she heard something, almost making her drop the bowl she was holding. 


Dara stared at Mirae with wide eyes. "What did you say?"

Her daughter responded with a giggle, then started to speak gibberish. But Dara was so sure of what she heard. She set the bowl on the counter and rushed over to Mirae's highchair. "Can you repeat what you said? Can you say 'Umma' again?"

Dara waited, but all Mirae did was stare at her. Then...


"Oh my God! Your first word! Oh, this is so exciting!" Dara squealed, then bent down to kiss Mirae's forehead. "Say it again, Angel. Umma..."


Dara jumped for joy, and then started to feed Mirae her snack. She happily opened and ate it. "I can't believe you just said your first word. It’s too bad Appa's not here. He would've been just as happy as I am right now." Then, Dara thought of something. "Mirae, can you say 'Appa', ah-pa?"


"You can do it! Ap...Pa..."


"No, no, the other way, baby. Appa..."


Dara was about to say something, but the sound of a heavy object hitting the floor cut her off. She turned around and found Junhyung standing there in shock, his bag and luggage on the floor.

"D-Did she just say what I think she said?" Junhyung asked as he walked towards them. Dara nodded, then ran up to Junhyung and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back, kissing the top of her head. 

"Junnie, our daughter said her first words! She said 'Umma' first, then I helped her say 'Appa". I can't believe she's starting to talk. Babe, this is so exciting!" Junhyung chuckled as Dara went on about what happened and how she couldn't wait for Mirae to start walking and for their second child to come out soon and start talking as well. Junhyung went over to Mirae's highchair and kissed his daughter on the forehead, which she reciprocated by placing her tiny hand on his cheek. Junhyung couldn't help but grin at the gesture. "...Oh yeah and we missed you so much!"

"You don't know how I much I missed you two. You should ask the rest of B2ST. I'm pretty sure I annoyed them because during our free times, all I talked about was you and Mirae. At one point, Yoseob finished my sentences because he heard the story like a hundred times already." Junhyung leaned on the kitchen counter, pulling Dara closer to him. She buried her face in his chest and inhaled his addicting scent. He was only gone for two weeks, but for Dara, it felt like months. On top of that, she's also been busy with her group and their new album that's set to be released in a month, so the two take turns looking after Mirae. But Dara wished that they could spend more time together as a family. 

As if he read her mind, Junhyung hugged her tighter. "Don't worry, Dara. We'll have a break soon, so we can both spend time with Mirae."

Dara smiled, then leaned up to place a soft kiss on Junhyung's lips. Before she could pull away, he cupped her face and deepened the kiss.

"God, I missed your lips," he mumbled against . They pulled apart when Mirae let out a high-pitched squeal, and then started cackling. "Aigoo, my baby's so adorable."

"Come, I want you to hear her say 'Umma'," Dara said, pulling Junhyung to her highchair. 

"Rae baby, can you say 'Umma'?"


"You know, I almost dropped the bowl I was holding when I first heard her say it."

"Knowing you, I'm surprised you didn't actually drop it-- Ow, okay, I was just kidding."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Angel, can you say 'Appa' for me?"


"Babe, we should record this!"

"I wonder what else she can say."




Just a little cute chapter for you! Sadly, this story is coming to an end. Maybe one or two more cute and fluffy chapters, then the final one. 

Hope you guys like it! :D


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 42: This is like the ultimate crackship. Never thought of this pairing. I’m still unsure of the pairing, to be honest but I think it’s interesting. I think this story is something that Dara’s fans should read if they want to see her get paired up with someone other than her popular OTPs.
Mayenne #2
Chapter 42: Congratulations, author-nim. The story was more than entertaining and full of humor. There were tears at certain intervals but these make the relationship even more interesting. Never thought that Dara and Junhyung as partners would be so right. Can you write more stories about them, pls. I am your newest fan.
anasilvia #3
Chapter 42: Very good...
rudelysweetk21 #4
hehe i always thought this couple actually will look good together..and here you are making their fic..kekek it was really nice and i simply enjoyed reading..thanks for this wonderful fic. keep goin :))
ellisd #5
It's finished :( but it was so addicting! Junhyung and Dara are so cute! Dara always teasing Junhyung is the best! And I'm happy that the others found their happiness as well. What a nice story! Hope you could do more JunhyungxDara fics :D
RoOoNy #6
awww it ended already :D i loved it aloooooooooooot :D thanks for posting it :D thanks to you i now love junghyun :D:D:D
sujukat #7's over....awwwww..............thank you for this's really refreshing seeing dara paired with other guys^^

will you make a new fic soon???
shendron #8
it's over??
but i love the ending...

i'm gonna miss this story..
koo_gtopholic #9
new reader :)
thanks a lot for the wonderful fiction :)
so sad :( i found this fic when it has already ended :(
JunDara is daebak \m/
this is really amazing :)
I'm looking foward to your next fiction :)
hwaiting \m/