Go away, Breath in Breath out [Chapter 2]

Go away, Breath in breath out

No One's POV

It's been 3 days since Junhyung and Dara's encounter. Junhyung has been a bit depressed because Dara didn't text him that night as she promised. He couldn't help but feel like she completely forgot about him and that to her, he is just any other idol. He was hoping that she would see him as something more. On the other hand, Dara has been a bit depressed because she kept on thinking that Junhyung saw her as nothing more than an idol noona. She was hoping that he would see her as something more. Dara feels bad that she didn't text him when she said she would, but she keeps on telling herself that he probably didn't care. But she still can't help but feel like she should've at least sent one text. So, after 3 days she decides to text him...

At B2st's Dorm

It's 2 am and the boys had just returned home from their schedules. They quickly changed and got ready for bed, immediately falling asleep when their heads hit their pillows. Junhyung was peacfully sleeping when suddenly, his cell phone started vibrating.

"Seriously? Who the hell would text me at 2 in the morning? Uggh," Junhyung growled as he quickly opened his phone.

Hey Junhyung, it's Dara-noona! Sorry for not texting you when I said I would..I had to do stuff..so yeah. Sorry, I know it's like 2am. If you're sleeping and didn't get this until the morning, that's good cz I didn't wake you, but if  I did wake you, sorry again! Hehehe :)

After reading the text, he froze and stared at his phone in shock. He couldn't believe that she actually texted him. He thought she forgot about him.

After snapping out of it, he decided to text her back. After that, they texted each other for about an hour.

Aha it's ok noona. Better late than never right? lol :P

Yeah, true. How are you by the way? I heard you guys on the radio..your rapping was really cool!

I'm great, kinda tired though..we just came back from schedule, so yeah. Oh really? Thank you :D

You're welcome! Oh, i'm sorry, i should let you get some sleep..i'll text you tomorrow k? i mean if you want..

Yeah, for sure :) Umm..i actually wanted to ask you something..

Ooh, i like questions! hehe..what is it?

Well, i've been wanting to ask this since that day after Music Bank and well you know i didn't get to ask. But anyways, I was just wondering if..umm..you would like to go out with me?

BLAM! Junhyung was lying down, so he was holding his phone above his face. When he realized that he just asked Dara out via text, he immediately dropped his phone right on his face. He was too stunned to feel the pain. OH ! he thought WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO?

Junhyung bit his nails as he waited for a reply. A part of him wanted to text her and say that it was a joke, but a part of him wanted to know so badly if she felt the same way. When she didn't reply after 10 minutes, he couldn't take it anymore, so he shoved his phone under his pillow and tried to sleep. Right when he was about to close his eyes, he felt the vibration. His whole body tensed up and his heart started beating fast. Slowly he reached for his phone and opened it.

I would love to Junhyung! But umm..there's something you need to know first. Do you have any schedules tomorrow..well technically today? Can I call you before noon?

Really?! Oh, okay, well umm..I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so yeah, you can call me whenever you want!

Great! so umm..i guess i'll talk to you tomorrow? I'm gunna sleep now. Good Night Junhyung :D

Alright, Good Night!! :)

Junhyung didn't know if he should be excited because she said yes or nervous because there's something that she needs to tell him. He didn't want to sleep in and miss Dara's call so he decided to just go to sleep.



Hope you guys liked it! This chapter was mostly Junhyung's side of the story, so the next one will be mostly Dara's! :D

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 42: This is like the ultimate crackship. Never thought of this pairing. I’m still unsure of the pairing, to be honest but I think it’s interesting. I think this story is something that Dara’s fans should read if they want to see her get paired up with someone other than her popular OTPs.
Mayenne #2
Chapter 42: Congratulations, author-nim. The story was more than entertaining and full of humor. There were tears at certain intervals but these make the relationship even more interesting. Never thought that Dara and Junhyung as partners would be so right. Can you write more stories about them, pls. I am your newest fan.
anasilvia #3
Chapter 42: Very good...
rudelysweetk21 #4
hehe i always thought this couple actually will look good together..and here you are making their fic..kekek it was really nice and i simply enjoyed reading..thanks for this wonderful fic. keep goin :))
ellisd #5
It's finished :( but it was so addicting! Junhyung and Dara are so cute! Dara always teasing Junhyung is the best! And I'm happy that the others found their happiness as well. What a nice story! Hope you could do more JunhyungxDara fics :D
RoOoNy #6
awww it ended already :D i loved it aloooooooooooot :D thanks for posting it :D thanks to you i now love junghyun :D:D:D
sujukat #7
awwwww...it's over....awwwww..............thank you for this fic...it's really refreshing seeing dara paired with other guys^^

will you make a new fic soon???
shendron #8
it's over??
but i love the ending...

i'm gonna miss this story..
koo_gtopholic #9
new reader :)
thanks a lot for the wonderful fiction :)
so sad :( i found this fic when it has already ended :(
JunDara is daebak \m/
this is really amazing :)
I'm looking foward to your next fiction :)
hwaiting \m/