Chapter 14

Go away, Breath in breath out

Junhyung woke up to the sounds of metal clanking outside. When he looked at his phone for the time, it read: 5:00. He turned around, expecting Dara to be sleeping beside him, but was surprised when he saw that she was not there. He immediately shot out of bed and scanned the room, but unfortunately, there was no sign of his girlfriend. He then heard more sounds coming from outside, so he went to check it out. When he opened the door, he was met with the aroma of bacon and toast. Junhyung walked towards the kitchen and discovered Dara cooking something, with her back facing him. He his lips at how y she looked wearing his oversized sweater that covered her shorts and revealed her long, flawless legs.

"Mmm..delicious." Junhyung smirked as he walked towards her. Dara jumped, almost dropping the spatula that she was holding. When she saw that it was Junhyung, she relaxed and went back to cooking.

"How can you say that when you haven't even tasted the food?" She kept her eyes on the pan.

"I'm talking about you, babe. You look so y right now." Junhyung said seductively as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He was about to kiss her neck, but she covered it, so he ended up kissing her hand.

"Oh no you don't. After what you did yesterday, you are not allowed to put your mouth on my neck anymore!" Dara wiggled out of his grip and walked to the dining table.

"But..but..I didn't mean to! I'll be more careful next time!" He tried to use aegyo on her, but she wouldn't have any of it.

"No. Now eat before the food gets cold." She smiled.

"Fine, but this isn't over. Why are you up so early anyways?" Junhyung sat down and started stuffing the food in his mouth.

"I'm used to waking up this early because of our schedules. Also, your manager called me and said that he'll pick you up at 6." Dara told him. "Which reminds me, I need to go wake up the other members. President wants us to go to his office with Big Bang and discuss some stuff about our upcoming concert."

"Oh, okay. But don't forget babe, you and me, tonight." Junhyung winked and Dara was grateful that she was sitting, or else she might have fainted. She opened to say something, but Junhyung's phone started to ring. "I have to go baby, my ride is here," he put the last spoonful of eggs in his mouth and rushed to the door. She followed and waited for him to get his shoes on before reaching up to hug him.

"Happy anniversary Junnie! Love you!" She snuggled against his chest and hugged him tighter.

"Happy anniversary babe! I love you too!" Junhyung kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later okay?" He said as he went into the hallway.

"Okay! Goodbye baby goodbye~!" Dara sang Miss A's Goodbye Baby while waving. Junhyung laughed and waved back before going in the elevator.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2ne1's meeting with the president ended early, so she decided to surprise Junhyung at Inkigayo. MBLAQ is also there, so if anyone sees her, she can just tell them that she's there for her brother.

Before going there, she picked up food for Junhyung, Doojoon and MBLAQ, just incase they were hungry. Upon entering the building, she had no idea which waiting room they would be in, but luckily, she spotted Seungho.

"Seungho!" Dara called out his name. Seungho turned around and waved happily when he saw that it was her.

"Hey noona! Are you here for Junhyung?" He said as he hopped towards her.

"Yeah, my group had a meeting, but it ended early, so I decided to come here and surprise him. Oh and I also bought food for him, Doojoon and your group," she replied.

"Aww thank you noona! You're the best! Do you want to me bring you to the MCs' waiting room? I don't think anyone will notice if I'm not there when they announce the winner at the end, so I can stay with you. Then I can call our manager and tell him to bring the rest of the members there after the program. Is that okay? " Seungho asked excitedly, taking the bag of food from her hand.

"You're welcome and yeah, sounds great! Let's go!" she clapped her hands and followed Seungho to Junhyung and Doojoon's waiting room. When they entered, there was no one in there.

"So, how's his MC skills?" Dara asked while they waited for the others.

"I think he did well! Although sometimes, he would forget that it was his turn to talk, so Yoona would say his line instead." Seungho replied.

"Y-Yoona is an MC today too?!" Dara almost dropped the bag of food that she was holding.

"Yeah, she is..wait! She doesn't know about you and Junhyung, does she?" Dara shook her head. They both gasped when they heard people's voices in the hallway which meant that the program was over.

"Seungho, we need to get out of here! Yoona and I are friends, but I haven't really told her about me and him, so it'll be weird if she came in here and saw me." She said. They put the food down and ran for the door, but froze when Yoona came in, followed by Junhyung and Doojoon. Seungho and Dara were caught in an awkward position where his hands where around her shoulders and they were pressed up against each other due to their sudden stop. Also, Dara lost her balance and there was nothing infront of her that she could hold on to, so she threw her arms back and grabbed onto Seungho's waist. In the end, it looked like he was back hugging her. Everyone just stared at each other, glared in Junhyung's case, before Yoona spoke.

"Hello Sandara unnie! What brings you here today?" Yoona asked. Junhyung and Doojoon stood still while Seungho and Dara let go of each other.

"Well..I..uhh..I was just.." Dara stuttered. Her mind went blank, so she could not make up an excuse.

"She came to see her brother, but went into the wrong waiting room. Good thing I saw her. We were just on our way out. Bye!" He said quickly and grabbed her hand, but quickly released it when Junhyung shot him a death glare.

"Oh, okay, see ya!" Yoona grinned and waved.

"Bye!" Dara smiled back and hurried towards the door. When she passed by Junhyung, she gave him an apologetic look before going out. He didn't realize that his hands were balled into fists until Doojoon nudged him to relax.


"Crap, we forgot the food!" Seungho said as they walked down the hallway.

"Leave it." Dara put up a hand, obviously pissed that things didn't go as she planned. Sensing the aura around them, Seungho shut his mouth.

When they got to MBLAQ's waiting room, Dara plopped herself down on the couch and stared at nothing in particular. She doesn't know why she's so angry because she wasn't even supposed to be there, but she is and she can't help it. But one thing is for sure, she's tired. She's so tired of having to make up excuses everytime someone sees them together and having to go out late at night just because there's no one on the streets. But she can't do anything about it because she "understands". She doesn't know how Junhyung can stand it, but she sure as hell can't. She won't say anything though because she doesn't want to argue with him, knowing that he's set on his decision of not letting the public know. So she'll do what she does best and be his loving girlfriend behind closed doors.

Dara pushed all her thoughts aside when the rest of MBLAQ came in the room. She stood up and grinned at them, "Hey guys, long time no see!"

"NOONA!" they all screamed and ran to her. Joon hugged her waist, while Mir and G.O. put their arms around her shoulders. Thunder stood there, laughing at how stupid they looked clutching onto his sister.

"We're so glad to see you noona! After you started dating Junhyung..uh..hyung, you barely visit our dorm!" Mir pouted as he lay his head on Dara's shoulder.

"Yeah and it's not fair that Thunder is the only one in our group who gets to see you often! We've known you longer than Junhyung has!" G.O. whined.

"Awww don't worry! You guys are like my little brothers, I love all of you no matter what!" Dara grinned and ruffled Joon's hair, who was still hugging her waist.

"Yay! We love you too!" they cheered in unison. But their celebration came to a halt when someone burst through the door. For the second time that day, Dara was again caught in an awkward position.

"If you all don't get your hands off my girlfriend in 5 seconds, I promise that you won't live to see another day!" Junhyung said through his gritted teeth. They quickly let go of her and retreated behind their leader. All the while, Thunder was on the couch laughing his head off. Junhyung relaxed a bit, but was still glaring at them. "I'll forget that I saw anything if you all leave so that me and Dara could talk," he said. They nodded and dashed out the door.

Before Dara could say anything, Junhyung had already pinned her against the wall and was kissing her hungrily. She didn't know why he was like this, but kissed him back anyway, wrapping her arms around his neck. After a couple of minutes, she reluctantly pulled away from him.

"We have to stop. Someone might walk in on us Jun." Dara explained. Junhyung understood and stepped backwards.

"What are you doing here anyways?" He asked as they walked over to the couch.

"Our meeting with the president ended early, so I decided to come and surprise you. I didn't know that Yoona was also an MC and by the time I found out, it was already too late," she told him and he chuckled, "What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing's funny babe. I'm just touched that you would choose to come and visit me me here instead of going home to rest," he lifted her chin so that they were looking directly at each other's eyes, "oh by the way, I have something for you." He reached in his pocket and pulled out the necklace box, "here."

Dara smiled and took the box. When she opened it, she gasped and brought up her hand to cover , "It's beautiful, Junhyung."

"I'm glad you like it. You should wear it," he smiled and took the necklace out of the box. He leaned forward to put it on her and before he could pull away, she grabbed his face and pecked his lips.

"Thank you," she whispered against his mouth. He kissed her nose in response.

"For the rest of of the after, do you want to catch a movie or two, eat dinner, then go to our cafe?" Dara nodded and collected her belongings. Before leaving the room, Junhyung poked his head out first into the hallway to see if there was anyone there. When the coast was clear, he proceeded to walk outside with Dara trailing behind him. She sighed at the fact that this is what they have to do all the time.


Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is boring! I promise to make the next one more interesting! :D

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 42: This is like the ultimate crackship. Never thought of this pairing. I’m still unsure of the pairing, to be honest but I think it’s interesting. I think this story is something that Dara’s fans should read if they want to see her get paired up with someone other than her popular OTPs.
Mayenne #2
Chapter 42: Congratulations, author-nim. The story was more than entertaining and full of humor. There were tears at certain intervals but these make the relationship even more interesting. Never thought that Dara and Junhyung as partners would be so right. Can you write more stories about them, pls. I am your newest fan.
anasilvia #3
Chapter 42: Very good...
rudelysweetk21 #4
hehe i always thought this couple actually will look good together..and here you are making their fic..kekek it was really nice and i simply enjoyed reading..thanks for this wonderful fic. keep goin :))
ellisd #5
It's finished :( but it was so addicting! Junhyung and Dara are so cute! Dara always teasing Junhyung is the best! And I'm happy that the others found their happiness as well. What a nice story! Hope you could do more JunhyungxDara fics :D
RoOoNy #6
awww it ended already :D i loved it aloooooooooooot :D thanks for posting it :D thanks to you i now love junghyun :D:D:D
sujukat #7's over....awwwww..............thank you for this's really refreshing seeing dara paired with other guys^^

will you make a new fic soon???
shendron #8
it's over??
but i love the ending...

i'm gonna miss this story..
koo_gtopholic #9
new reader :)
thanks a lot for the wonderful fiction :)
so sad :( i found this fic when it has already ended :(
JunDara is daebak \m/
this is really amazing :)
I'm looking foward to your next fiction :)
hwaiting \m/