Chapter 23

Go away, Breath in breath out

"What the hell are you doing?" Dara yelled as she ran to Taehyun, who was on the ground with his hand on his face.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? You're cheating on me with this bastard!" Junhyung shot back.

"Are you ing insane? If I was cheating on you with him, why would I bring him with me here?" Dara walked up to Junhyung and pushed him. "I am so sick and tired of you always assuming that I'm cheating on you. Do you not trust me? Do you think that I'm some that goes around hooking up with guys when you're not at home? If you had talked to me first instead of punching people, you would've known that Taehyun was going to stay over last night because my group members couldn't. He didn't want me to be alone just incase something happens, so he offered to sleep on the couch. He took me to the hospital because my manager couldn't and I would've had to call for a taxi. I understand why you're mad and why you might think I'm cheating on you, but you have no right to harm others. You know what, I'm done. If I get more stressed, it can affect the baby's health, so think what you want, but I'm not staying here. Let's go, Taehyun."

Dara helped Taehyun up and left a speechless Junhyung.

"I told you yesterday not to assume things, but you didn't listen. So now you have a very pissed off Dara noona, who's probably never going to talk to you again until you get your head out of your and change your ways." Doojoon patted Junhyung's shoulder and told the rest of B2ST to get back in their rooms.

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Dara waited inside the room while Taehyun went to buy food. While he was gone, she cried, she screamed, she threw things and she hit things. Dara was so mad at Junhyung for being so stupid and making her hurt like this. She doesn't want to see his face, she doesn't want to talk to him, and she doesn't want to think about him. Dara hates him because she doesn't want to feel this way.

"Uggh, why is this happening to me?" she cried out in anger.

A part of her really wants to blame it all on Taehyun, but she knows that it would be unfair and untrue since all he did was help her, nothing more. 

There was a knock on the door and she figured that it was Taehyun, so she composed herself and went to answer. But when she opened it, Junhyung stood there with tears rolling down his cheeks. If she wasn't fuming, she would've actually felt sorry for him.

"If you think crying will get me to forgive you, forget it," she said and slammed the door.

"Please babe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she heard him say.

"I don't want your apology! You always say sorry and I always forgive you, but what do you do? You still hurt me!" Dara screamed.

"I know, but I promise that I won't hurt you ever again! I'm sorry for always assuming things and getting mad at you. It's just that I get really jealous when I see you interact with other guys and I don't think clearly," Junhyung explained.

"Do you see me going around throwing punches at girls who interact with you? No. Do I assume that you're cheating on me with them? No. Yes, I get jealous, very jealous, but I can still think clearly. You can too, Junhyung, it's just that you choose not to."

"I'll change! I'll talk to you first before I assume anything."

"That's what you should've been doing this whole time!"

"I know and I'm sorry for always hurting you with my stupidity. Please, just give me another chance! I promise you won't regret it!" Junhyung pleaded.

"I'm tired of giving you chances."

"Please, I'm begging you. Just one more. If I do something to screw things up, you can break up with me, beat me up, anything and I won't complain." Junhyung put his forehead against the door. He didn't hear any reply from the other side, so he sighed and was about to go back to his room when Dara opened the door.

"Fine, I forgive you. But if anything like this happens again, I'm not even going to bother letting you explain." She crossed her arms and looked up at him.

"Oh, thank you so much! I'll make it up to you, I'll take you shopping, I'll buy you as much food as you want, anything," He said as he hugged her.

"All I want is for you to trust me and talk to me when something's bothering you," Dara said.

"I will, I promise." Junhyung cupped her face and crashed his lips onto hers, like he hasn't kissed her in years.

"Are you serious? Why couldn't you two have made up before Dara got hungry? Do you know what troubles I had to go through just to get the food that she wanted? I had to pay the pizza person extra because she wanted chocolate chips and peanut butter on top of a pepperoni and pineapple pizza." Taehyun said and handed Dara the pizza box. She giggled and thanked him.

"Hey, I'm sorry about punching you earlier," Junhyung said to Taehyun.

"No worries. I would've probably done the same thing." Taehyun held out his hand and Junhyung shook it.

"Guys, do you want some?" Dara yelled from inside the room. They both made a face, then chuckled.

" thanks," the two said in unison.

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2 days later...

"So noona, how long are you planning on staying here?" Yoseob asked as they all eating dinner at a restaurant.

"Well I was going to leave tomorrow because your 3 day break will be over, but your manager said that you guys will be filming a music video the day after tomorrow and he invited me, so I guess I'll be staying for 3 more days. Oh and Taehyun's staying too, but he's going to meet his friends who live near here," Dara answered. She then noticed all the B2ST members looking at each other nervously. "What?"

"Babe, are you sure you want to go? I mean, you'll just be bored there and you'll probably have to stand for most of it. Standing for a long period of time is bad for pregnant women," Junhyung explained.

"Of course, I want to go. It'll be fun and I'm sure I can find a place to sit while you guys are filming. Now, I'm sure that being bored and standing up for a long time aren't the real reasons why you all are hesitant about me going, so just spit it out," Dara said.

"Ha, what are you talking about? We w-want you there," Junhyung stammered. Dara narrowed her eyes.

"Woonie! Can you please tell noona why you guys might not want me there? I promise I won't get mad," she said cutely. Dongwoon gulped, contemplating whether he should say it.

"Uh..uh..uh..Junhyunghyungisgoingtoplaythemaincharacterinthemvandhehastodoakissingscenewithanactress." Dongwoon looked down to avoid Junhyung's glare.

"Thanks Woonie." She smiled and ruffled his hair. She then turned to Junhyung and he was expecting her to start yelling, but all she did was smile. "Congrats on getting the role of the main character, Junnie! I can't wait to meet the actress that you'll be filming with."

Everyone was dumbfounded by her reaction. They did not expect this at all, especially Junhyung.

"So you don't have a problem with me kissing another girl?" Junhyung asked.

"Why would I? It's just acting right?" She answered.

"Yeah, but I'll be kissing another girl!"

"Yeah, so? Did you want to kiss a guy instead?"

"No, I mean-- Aish, nevermind," Junhyung sighed and went back to eating. Dara just shrugged and went back to her food as well.

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For the rest of the evening, Dara noticed that Junhyung wasn't talking much. When they got ready for bed, he just lay down and faced the wall. He didn't even say goodnight to her or anything. Dara lay down beside him and hugged him from behind.

"Babe, are you still awake?" No answer.

"Junnie, come on. I know you're not sleeping." Still no answer.

"Aish, fine." Dara removed her hands from him and sat up. "AHH! MY STOMACH HURTS!" Junhyung quickly shot up and turned to her.

"What happened? Where does it hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?" He quickly lifted up her shirt, so that he could check if anything was wrong with her tummy.

"Ha, I knew you were awake!" Junhyung looked at her and she giggled. "My stomach doesn't hurt, so you can pull down my t-shirt."

"That wasn't funny, Dara," he said with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry, but it was the only way that I could get you to talk to me. You've been awfully quiet since dinner. What's wrong?" Junhyung just stared at the wall across the bed and didn't say anything.

"You know what? I'll just go sleep in Taehyun's room." Dara huffed and got up, but Junhyung grabbed her wrist.

"Don't," Junhyung whispered. She sighed and sat back down.

"Then tell me what's wrong." She laced their fingers together and looked at him.

"You'll think it's stupid."

"No I won't, so tell me what's bothering you." Junhyung paused for a moment.

"Well, when Dongwoon told you that I had a kissing scene with an actress, you didn't seem affected by it. I was kind of hoping that you would be at least a little bit jealous." Dara chuckled. "See, I knew you'd think it was stupid."

Junhyung took a pillow and covered his face, but Dara pulled it away a few seconds later.

"You think I'm not jealous? Trust me, Junhyung, I'm more jealous than you think. But I'm holding it in because I know that it's just acting. Now if it turns into something more, then we have a problem." Junhyung laughed and put his hand on her stomach.

"We won't have any problems at all." Dara grinned and pecked him on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

"There's something else on your mind," she said as she watched him stare up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Well, there's something that I've been wanting to do something for a while. My group members keep telling me that I should do it, but there's a lot of things going on right now, so I don't know if I should."

"I guess if it's something that you truly want to do, then you shouldn't let anything get in the way."

Junhyung looked at her and took her hand in both of his.

"Marry me."


Hope you like this chapter :D

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 42: This is like the ultimate crackship. Never thought of this pairing. I’m still unsure of the pairing, to be honest but I think it’s interesting. I think this story is something that Dara’s fans should read if they want to see her get paired up with someone other than her popular OTPs.
Mayenne #2
Chapter 42: Congratulations, author-nim. The story was more than entertaining and full of humor. There were tears at certain intervals but these make the relationship even more interesting. Never thought that Dara and Junhyung as partners would be so right. Can you write more stories about them, pls. I am your newest fan.
anasilvia #3
Chapter 42: Very good...
rudelysweetk21 #4
hehe i always thought this couple actually will look good together..and here you are making their fic..kekek it was really nice and i simply enjoyed reading..thanks for this wonderful fic. keep goin :))
ellisd #5
It's finished :( but it was so addicting! Junhyung and Dara are so cute! Dara always teasing Junhyung is the best! And I'm happy that the others found their happiness as well. What a nice story! Hope you could do more JunhyungxDara fics :D
RoOoNy #6
awww it ended already :D i loved it aloooooooooooot :D thanks for posting it :D thanks to you i now love junghyun :D:D:D
sujukat #7's over....awwwww..............thank you for this's really refreshing seeing dara paired with other guys^^

will you make a new fic soon???
shendron #8
it's over??
but i love the ending...

i'm gonna miss this story..
koo_gtopholic #9
new reader :)
thanks a lot for the wonderful fiction :)
so sad :( i found this fic when it has already ended :(
JunDara is daebak \m/
this is really amazing :)
I'm looking foward to your next fiction :)
hwaiting \m/