Chapter 32

Go away, Breath in breath out

"Hey Dara, lunch is ready," Bom said as she walked inside Dara's room.

"Oh okay, I'll be--" She was interrupted when her phone started ringing.



"Hey Dara-noona, guess who?"

"I don't know. Who are you?"

"Oh, stop it. I know my name popped up on your screen when I called."

"Aw, you caught me. What's up Doojoon?"

"Well, a friend of mine gave me two tickets for a play tonight and none of my group members can come with me, so I was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

"Sounds awesome. I love plays. Should I eat dinner here first?"

"The theatre is 30 minutes from here, so I was thinking that maybe we should just grab dinner at a place near there, so we're not rushing."

"Alright, cool."

"Okay then. My parents left their car with me because they're going to Japan for a week, so I can drive us there. I'll pick you up at 5?"

"Great, I'll be ready by then. See ya, Doojoon."

"Bye noona."


"Why did Doojoon call?" Bom asked, still standing at Dara's doorway.

"He invited me to watch a play with him tonight because the other members of his group couldn't," she replied.

"What did you say?"

"I said yes, of course. You know I love plays." Bom seemed to be troubled by her answer, so she added, "Why are you making that face?"

"What face?" Bom tried to change her expression to a happier one, but Dara isn't buying it.

"I don't know. It's like you disagree with my decision to accompany Doojoon tonight." She said, slightly offended. Bom sighed and sat beside Dara.

"It's not that I disagree. It's just that I think that Doojoon...Okay, let me put it this way. Ever since..that day..didn't you notice that Doojoon started constantly calling you and asking you to go out and eat or something?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Has it ever crossed your mind that he may have some sort of feelings for you and is using the time that you are seperated from Junhyung to make a move?"

"That's ridiculous, Bom." Dara laughed. "He's just trying to be a good friend."

"Maybe, but I'm starting to think that being a good friend isn't his only intention." Bom said with a concerned expression.

"Oh, come on Bom. Doojoon is a good person and leader. He wouldn't do that to his group members." Dara assured her.

"I guess you're right." Bom nodded and smiled. "We should go and eat lunch now. CL and Minzy are probably starving out there. We've been in her for like 30 minutes."

"I bet you, they already started eating." The two laughed as they made their way out to the dining room.

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In the car, after the play...

"So, did you enjoy the play?" Doojoon asked.

"I sure did. Thank you for bringing me, Doojoon," Dara turned to him and smiled.

"You're welcome, noona. Hey, I was wondering. Do you maybe want to take a walk in the park near your building since it's still kinda early?"

"But, don't you need to go back to your dorm?" she asked.

"The guys are all out doing their own thing, so no one's at the dorm right now. I don't want to go home yet because I don't like being all by myself there." he said shyly.

"Then sure, let's go to the park. I'll stay with you until your group members get home," Doojoon's eyes lit up as she said this. I could use this time to get closer to her. I have a feeling that she's starting to fall for me, he thought. "But first, can we stop by my dorm? I want to change my clothes."

"Oh thank you, noona. Of course, we can go to your dorm first," he said.

For the rest of the ride home, they both kept silent, thinking deeply about something. While Doojoon thought about Dara and the possibility that she might like him back, Dara thought about Junhyung and how much she misses him. The two weeks that they've been apart has been hell for her. She can barely sleep because she was so used with having his arms around her, feeling his breath on her neck. She spends most of her time wondering how he's doing, if he's eating and sleeping well.

"Noona, we're here." Doojoon snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, okay. Do you want to come up with me?" she asked.

"Yeah." He knew that she was sad about something, but didn't bother to ask because he knows exactly why she's like this. He'd much rather not hear it directly from her so that he could make himself believe that she's not thinking about Junhyung.

When they exited the elevator, they heard some commotion coming from somewhere at the end of the hall where 2NE1's dorm is. As they walked closer, she recognized Bom's voice, followed by CL's.

"Are they yelling at each other?" Doojoon asked as they got to the door.

"I don't know. They were fine this--" She stopped talking and froze when she heard a man's voice. Junhyung.

"Look, you don't ing know anything, so shut the hell up because it's none of your damn ing business," he snarled. Dara couldn't believe what she was hearing. Yeah, she doesn't know the whole story, but she does know that he can't speak to someone like that, especially to someone who is older than him. All the thoughts and feelings about missing him and wanting him back were replaced with anger. She quickly got out her keys and opened the door.

"Get out. Now."

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Junhyung sat in his car outside the building where 2NE1 lives, contemplating whether he should go up and see Dara and Mirae. He's been miserable without them and he wishes that he could just fix everything, but that means his umma will lose her job. After some time, he decided that he needed to see them, hear Dara's voice and hold his baby in his arms.

Junhyung took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He heard some shuffling inside, followed by footsteps and the door unlocking.

"Dara, why are you home so-- Junhyung?" Bom was surprised to see him. "Why are you here?"

"Seeing as you thought I was Dara, I'm guessing she's not home?" Junhyung asked softly. Bom looked hesitant.

"Uh, yeah, she..she went somewhere. You still haven't answered my question. Why are you here?"

"Can I..can I see my daughter?" He asked as he stepped inside. Under the light, Bom could see the bags under his eyes, his hair a mess, and his whole face has the word 'fatigue' written all over it. He is a mess.

"Go on. She is your daughter, so you have every right to see her." Bom patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, noona." He nodded before walking towards Mirae's bassinet. Mirae was wide awake and she looked right at him as he hovered over her. "My little angel. Appa missed you so much." Just as he said that, Mirae slowly smiled up at him and he felt like crying, but jumping for joy at the same time. This is the first time he's seen his daughter smile and somehow, it lifted some of the stress that he's been feeling.

"Why are making yourself suffer like this?" Junhyung turned around and saw CL standing beside Bom.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he carried Mirae.

"All you have to do is explain to her and everything will go back to the way they were," CL replied.

"I wish I could, but it's not that easy," he said.

"What's so hard about talking to her and saying, 'This is why I kissed her...'?" Bom interjected, raising her voice. Junhyung sighed and put Mirae back in her bassinet.

"You don't know how badly I want to do that, but I-I can't, noona. I don't know how I'm going to explain it but.." He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. "..I just can't."

"What are you hiding, Junhyung? You're not the only one who's hurting, you know? Do you know how hard it is for us to hear Dara sobbing through the walls of her bedroom? She barely eats, barely sleeps and when she's around us, she tries to keep a smile on her face for us and for Mirae, but we know better." Bom couldn't supress her anger anymore.


"God, Junhyung. Do you even love her? Did you actually want to kiss that girl? Is that why you don't want to tell her what happened? You don't know how to explain that you're actually cheating on her? Is that it? I'm starting to think that's the reason. I've been trying to be on your side this whole time, but it's hard when I absolutely have no ing idea what's going on in that head of yours." she hollered. Junhyung took a step towards her and balled his fists, infuriated by her accusation.

"Look, you don't ing know anything, so shut the hell up because it's none of your damn ing business," he snarled.

Before anyone else could say something, Dara walked in with Doojoon behind her.

"Get out. Now." she hissed.

"Dara, I..." he walked towards her, but she backed away, holding out her arm in front of her.

"Please, just leave." Doojoon kept his eyes on the ground to avoid the glare that Junhyung was giving him. Without a word, he went back to Mirae's bassinet and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Appa loves you very much," he whispered as he caressed her cheek. Dara had to look away or else she would break down in front of everyone.

Junhyung was on his way to the door when he stopped in front of Doojoon.

"Are you happy now? You got what you wanted. You sacrificed our friendship and my only chance to be happy again with the one I love. I hope this is worth it," he said calmly before walking out, leaving a speechless Doojoon.

"What is he talking about?" Dara asked.

"He..I..." Doojoon stammered.

"Tell me, Doojoon!"


WOOO another chapter! Hope you like it! :D

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 42: This is like the ultimate crackship. Never thought of this pairing. I’m still unsure of the pairing, to be honest but I think it’s interesting. I think this story is something that Dara’s fans should read if they want to see her get paired up with someone other than her popular OTPs.
Mayenne #2
Chapter 42: Congratulations, author-nim. The story was more than entertaining and full of humor. There were tears at certain intervals but these make the relationship even more interesting. Never thought that Dara and Junhyung as partners would be so right. Can you write more stories about them, pls. I am your newest fan.
anasilvia #3
Chapter 42: Very good...
rudelysweetk21 #4
hehe i always thought this couple actually will look good together..and here you are making their fic..kekek it was really nice and i simply enjoyed reading..thanks for this wonderful fic. keep goin :))
ellisd #5
It's finished :( but it was so addicting! Junhyung and Dara are so cute! Dara always teasing Junhyung is the best! And I'm happy that the others found their happiness as well. What a nice story! Hope you could do more JunhyungxDara fics :D
RoOoNy #6
awww it ended already :D i loved it aloooooooooooot :D thanks for posting it :D thanks to you i now love junghyun :D:D:D
sujukat #7's over....awwwww..............thank you for this's really refreshing seeing dara paired with other guys^^

will you make a new fic soon???
shendron #8
it's over??
but i love the ending...

i'm gonna miss this story..
koo_gtopholic #9
new reader :)
thanks a lot for the wonderful fiction :)
so sad :( i found this fic when it has already ended :(
JunDara is daebak \m/
this is really amazing :)
I'm looking foward to your next fiction :)
hwaiting \m/