Chapter 25: Coincidental Cafe [Pt. 2]

Our Twisted Love Story

~*Myungsoo's POV*~

"Hye Ri." A sigh left Sumi's lips. "Okay... I won't beat around the bush then." She said, shooting a meaningful glance at L.Joe, undetected by Hye Ri, before inhaling. "Myungsoo Oppa and I... We're dating."

What? Did I hear right? Sumi told Hye Ri we were dating? 

I shot a confused glance at Sumi, but it disappeared less than a moment later.

Ah. She wasn't telling Hye Ri. She's telling L.Joe.

I decided to stay quiet, letting Sumi do what she had to do to get L.Joe's attention. Even though a part of me wants to deny her words, even though I want to assure Hye Ri that I'm her man, I can't. If I did, what would happen to Sumi? This may be the last chance I get to help her. If I don't do this, if I mess up again, she'd be humiliated and hurt; the last thing I want to do is bring pain to her. For Sumi's sake, I must stay quiet. Besides, Hye Ri should understand the situation. Didn't she want me to help Sumi in the first place?

Reaching a consensus, I stayed silent, determined not to say a word. I would have stayed that way, if it hadn't been for Hye Ri.

"Oh really?" She exclaimed, appearing excited. My eyebrows met in the middle of my forehead, illustrating my confusion. She's happy her cousin just revealed that she's dating me, her own boyfriend? What- "L.Joe and I are dating too!" My mind went blank; not comprehending what she was saying until finally... my mouth dropped, hanging agape. My head pounded, a piercing pain stabbed my chest as it constricted, making it harder for me to breath. My heart pumped at an abnormal rate and I could feel the bile rising up my throat, the bitter taste coaxing me to gag.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


This is some kind of sick joke. She's pranking me. Any minute now, she'll tell me she's just kidding. I just have to be patient and wait for it. It'll come. She'll say it. I'm sure. I have faith in my Angel. She loves me. She wouldn't leave me for another man. Didn't she tell me she'd wait for me? I know that she's just joking with me. She'll apologize. She'll tell me she's kidding. I know it.

I waited for those words to leave her lips. I waited for her reassurance; waited for the moment I would be able to breath normally again.

I waited and waited in anxiety for the words that never came.

She smiled brightly, hooking her arms through one of L.Joe's; the same way she used to hold mine. "Since you've told me what you needed to, we'll be leaving now. Bye~" She bid us farewell, taking her leave with L.Joe.

My mouth remained open as my eyes glazed over. I stayed still, a frozen statue, gazing at the empty spot where Hye Ri once was.

What just happened again?

~*Your/Hye Ri's POV*~

I anticipated their shocked expressions since I myself was surprised by my own words. Sure enough, what escaped my mouth were not what they were expecting. Myungsoo sported a blank expression as his mouth hung open in obvious disbelief while Sumi's face was simply emotionless.

Surprised, aren't you, L Oppa. Like I said, two can play at this game. Sorry, cousin. You took my boyfriend, so it's only fair you both think I have yours.

Taking advantage of the two's loss for words, I took L.Joe's arm in mine, excusing the two of us from the dumbstruck couple. Once again the words had left me without me knowing it, but I didn't regret any of it.

Hye Ri: 2 Myungsoo: 0

You really should step up your game, L Oppa~ Tch.

The moment we escaped the uncomfortable atmosphere, I removed myself from L.Joe. Finally realizing what I had just done, I shot him an apologetic glance, embarrassed with my actions.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking... I just spoke without realizing what I was saying." My eyebrows crinkled in worry. "Shoot. I'm really sorry." I bowed apologetically. I hadn't stopped to think about how any of my actions would affect L.Joe. The only thing that crossed my mind was to get even; only selfish thoughts resided in my head. I didn't think about L.Joe... I mean I just told his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, whatever she is to him now, that I was dating him. How does that put him in her eyes?

Babo. Babo. Babo.

I felt a weight land on my bowed head; it took me a moment to realize that L.Joe had placed his hand on me. I glanced up, waiting for him to speak. "It's okay, Hye Ri-yah. Don't apologize when it's not your fault." He replied softly without a hint of anger in his voice. "I probably would have done the same thing in your position." He added with a short chuckle.

"...Really?" I pondered, not convinced. He was probably just trying to make me feel better and not as guilty, but, honestly, that only made me feel worse. I lied about him and me without a second thought in front of Sumi, yet he's acting as if it didn't affect him at all, though I'm sure it did. The guilt has never weighed down on my chest any heavier before.

Nevertheless, he shrugged lightly in response. I stared at the ground, not knowing what to do or say. Knowing that I wouldn't be the one to start up the conversation, he chose to be the one to initiate it. "Where to now, girlfriend?" L.Joe interrogated teasingly with a small smirk, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. He didn't have to go out of his way to play along with my careless blabbering. Catching my downcast expression, L.Joe's face softened. He held my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes when he spoke. "Don't worry about me, really. I'm fine, okay? Let's go." He held out his hand and took mine, lacing his fingers with my own.

Hesitantly, I allowed him to clasp my hand in his. I studied his face as he pulled me along; there were no signs to signify that he felt any distress over what was going on. He was being completely honest when he admitted the situation didn't bother him. In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but question his carefree attitude. His girlfriend just admitted that she was dating another man to his face, and here he is, perfectly fine.

It's as if they never really were dating...

I shook my head, mentally scolding myself for the insulting thought.

Of course they were. Didn't he tell me they were? L.Joe wouldn't lie to me about such a thing. He promised me he'd never lie.

Nodding blankly to myself, I fell into step with L.Joe, not planning on letting go of his hand any time soon.

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I'M SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! the past weeks have not been kind to me :'(


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Chapter 68: i love this story! but i wished that she ended with l.joe TT TT
syerakimmy #2
Ohhh and during the christmas time when hyeri went to Sumi's place .. Why did L kiss sumi at her house if Ljoe is not even there .. Sumi's plan was to make ljoe jealous but he's not even in the vicinity..So what's the point of the kiss ? Is L really that gullible or is he just plain stupid ?
syerakimmy #3
Chapter 67: The story and the grammar usage was all good.. Everything was going on smoothly but then the ending sorta killed it for me .. I'm sorry authornim..But i just don't think L should be her final choice .. I was rooting for sungyeol since the beginning and even ljoe seems like a better option even though he technically lied too .. But L .. Aigoo.. I would'nt accept him back even if he's a stupid idiot for following Sumi's plan .. If Sumi was just tryna get ljoe jealous and L doesn't have any feelings towards her,then why did he left Hyeri while she was crying to go to Sumi ? No matter what he's suppose to make his girlfriend a top priority instead of some random girl .. Especially when he jolly well knows how much hyeri needs him ..After that chapter i honestly did not want a L-HYERI romance .. Heck i was even open to another character stealing her away ..

But all in all,it was a good read authornim .. I'm looking forward to your future fics :) :)
InspiritForever123 #4
Chapter 67: Sorry, I posted my Comment on the wrong story, I had two tabs open... Just to let you know, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY!!!!!!!
InspiritForever123 #5
I liked this story a lot, but I didn't really like the ending
Chapter 3: Hum .. I don't really get how to read your story ... it's start at chapter 20 but we have to read the chapter 1 first ? I'm so confused .. can you explain me ? Like that I'll be able to read your story \(^o^)/
Junklin #7
Chapter 32: Good!!:) do come up with more interesting stories!
Chapter 68: awesome story but i feel like it should have been sungyeol with her
Why is the chapter started at chapter-20 rather than chapter-1?? Is there a sequel??
InspiritForever123 #10
Chapter 68: Wow, just wow... I am speechless, that was the best story I have ever read, I found this story right, when you started to write, this.... Thank you for writing this amazing story, and I hope you continue to keep writing great stories like this.