Chapter 6: Silence Is My Only Company

Our Twisted Love Story

~*Your/Hye Ri's POV*~

During the following weeks, I tried to avoid staying home as much as possible. The silence that came with being alone in that big house was terrifying. It seemed to be mocking at me, constantly reminding me that I was alone. That no one was around but me.

Everyone had left me. 

If ever there was a time that I was there for over a few minutes alone, I would make a ruckus. Shuffling my feet, knocking on the walls as I walked by, speaking to myself, laughing at my own humorless joke, sometimes even scaring myself by mistake, anything to make noise and create the illusion that I wasn't alone. That there was someone else there disturbing the silence along with me.

Sadly, there wasn't much I could do to avoid the loneliness in the nighttime. The nights... they were the worst for me. Just the thought sends shivers down my spine... as if a phantom were running his ghoulish fingers along it. When the sun went down, the shadows came out to haunt me, seeming to grab at me, pulling at my hair, at my clothes; coaxing me into the darkness where the unknown lay. I would stay awake, flashlight in hand, trembling under the covers with tears streaming down my cheeks, no promise of stopping. If I was lucky, I was spared a lonely night when Sungyeol would offer to stay by me. Even in his presence, I was unable to rest, but at least it eased my terror. He'd stay up with me, soothing me and giving me comfort, something I dearly needed at the moment.

I wanted to be selfish.

I wanted to have Sungyeol beside me every night. I wanted him to be my night in shining armor shielding me from the evils of darkness, but looking at the bags under his eyes, I'm forced to send him away to rest, sacrificing myself to the loneliness once again in exchange for his health.

Due to my lack of sleep, it was inevitable that I would get my own pair of panda bear eyes. I would have to cake my face with concealer and make up in order to hide the dark circles, only to look like a clown instead. It didn't help that the sleepless nights caused me to saunter around like the undead either.


If someone saw me, they probably would think that I'm crazy.

Who knows. Maybe I have gone a bit crazy.

From sleepless nights alone crying to acting as if everything was rainbows and butterflies the next morning, in the least, I must be bipolar. I'm wrecked on the inside, but on the outside, I'm still the girl I once was if not even bubblier.

I wonder how many people I've fooled with my act. How many people think that I'm still okay?

Infinite Oppas? L.Joe Oppa? Would it fool him if he was here?

I don't know. But I must be an amazing actress to be able to hide the emotional distress I'm in.

It hurts. I can't put into words how overwhelming the pain is. Maybe if I tried, I would say that it's as if the whole world has exploded around me.  That it's like I'm on the verge of death yet I still hold on.

It hurts so much, yet I have to keep going.  I have to keep holding on. I have to.



Because he said that he'll be back.

Because he told me to wait for him.

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I'M SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! the past weeks have not been kind to me :'(


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Chapter 68: i love this story! but i wished that she ended with l.joe TT TT
syerakimmy #2
Ohhh and during the christmas time when hyeri went to Sumi's place .. Why did L kiss sumi at her house if Ljoe is not even there .. Sumi's plan was to make ljoe jealous but he's not even in the vicinity..So what's the point of the kiss ? Is L really that gullible or is he just plain stupid ?
syerakimmy #3
Chapter 67: The story and the grammar usage was all good.. Everything was going on smoothly but then the ending sorta killed it for me .. I'm sorry authornim..But i just don't think L should be her final choice .. I was rooting for sungyeol since the beginning and even ljoe seems like a better option even though he technically lied too .. But L .. Aigoo.. I would'nt accept him back even if he's a stupid idiot for following Sumi's plan .. If Sumi was just tryna get ljoe jealous and L doesn't have any feelings towards her,then why did he left Hyeri while she was crying to go to Sumi ? No matter what he's suppose to make his girlfriend a top priority instead of some random girl .. Especially when he jolly well knows how much hyeri needs him ..After that chapter i honestly did not want a L-HYERI romance .. Heck i was even open to another character stealing her away ..

But all in all,it was a good read authornim .. I'm looking forward to your future fics :) :)
InspiritForever123 #4
Chapter 67: Sorry, I posted my Comment on the wrong story, I had two tabs open... Just to let you know, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY!!!!!!!
InspiritForever123 #5
I liked this story a lot, but I didn't really like the ending
Chapter 3: Hum .. I don't really get how to read your story ... it's start at chapter 20 but we have to read the chapter 1 first ? I'm so confused .. can you explain me ? Like that I'll be able to read your story \(^o^)/
Junklin #7
Chapter 32: Good!!:) do come up with more interesting stories!
Chapter 68: awesome story but i feel like it should have been sungyeol with her
Why is the chapter started at chapter-20 rather than chapter-1?? Is there a sequel??
InspiritForever123 #10
Chapter 68: Wow, just wow... I am speechless, that was the best story I have ever read, I found this story right, when you started to write, this.... Thank you for writing this amazing story, and I hope you continue to keep writing great stories like this.