Chapter -8: I'm Angry. I'm Upset... She's Lost.

Our Twisted Love Story

~*Woohyun's POV*~

The two stood silently, for once, attempting to absorb the information that they had just recieved.

"I never knew..." Sungyeol's voice was barely above a whisper as he shook his head in disbelief. "I never knew... he never said- he never told any of us! Why? Why didn't he even trust us to tell us that they were together?!" Sungyeol's voice spiked in anger. From the barely audible whisper, his voice gradually raised louder and louder until he was yelling- no- spitting the words as if they were poison. 

"Sungyeol. Calm down-" I watched as he, in his rage, landed his fist on the wall. He quickly recoiled after the punch as the pain shot up his arm, and while craddling his injured hand, he let himself crumple in onto the couch, clearly drained of energy.

"Why are you really angry, Sungyeol?" I asked after he had calmed down a bit. "Why are you so worked up?"

"What do you mean, Hyung?" He asked tiredly, draping a hand over his face, covering his eyes. "I'm mad because he kept us in the dark. I'm mad because he's hurting Hye Ri. I'm mad because I didn't notice anything at all. I'm mad because of a lot of things, Hyung." He clenched his teeth.

"Sungyeol..." I frowned. He wasn't giving me the real reason why he was so upset. Before I could say anything else, a shrill voice began shouting, calling for someone.

"Hyung! Hyung!" Sungjong, who had been standing aside silently-shocked, was jumping around frantically, phone clutched tightly in his hand.

"What is it Sungjong?"

"I-it's Hye Ri!" Sungjong swallowed, looking worried. "D-dongwoo. He said th-that she..."

"That she what, Sungjong?" Sungyeol had removed his hand from covering his face and was staring down Sungjong, tensed because of the urgency in Sungjong's voice. An uneasy feeling began to stir in the pit of my stomach.


"WHAT?!" Sungyeol roared and jumped off of the couch. He was at the door faster than I would have thought possible for anyone. He jerked it open so hard that it seemed as if it would fall off of its hinges and ran out with Sungjong and I trailing behind.

"Sungyeol! Yah! You don't even know where you're going!" I yelled at his running figure. "Slow down!"

Sungyeol slowed down the tinest fraction. Sungjong and I still had to sprint to catch up.

"Where are they?" Sungyeol huffed huskily once we were in hearing range. "Lead the way, maknae."

"Over that way." Sungjong motioned with a nod of his head, accelerating just a bit to take the lead.

I fumbled for my phone and attempted to text while running.

To: Myungsoo

From: Woohyun

Meet @ park. Now. Hye Ri is missing.

Good enough... he should be able to understand... That kid is lucky that I'm even telling him. He better have a damn good reason for lying to me.

I stuffed my cell back into my pocket and, realizing that I had lagged behind, sped up to catch up to the two Sungs.

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I'M SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! the past weeks have not been kind to me :'(


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Chapter 68: i love this story! but i wished that she ended with l.joe TT TT
syerakimmy #2
Ohhh and during the christmas time when hyeri went to Sumi's place .. Why did L kiss sumi at her house if Ljoe is not even there .. Sumi's plan was to make ljoe jealous but he's not even in the vicinity..So what's the point of the kiss ? Is L really that gullible or is he just plain stupid ?
syerakimmy #3
Chapter 67: The story and the grammar usage was all good.. Everything was going on smoothly but then the ending sorta killed it for me .. I'm sorry authornim..But i just don't think L should be her final choice .. I was rooting for sungyeol since the beginning and even ljoe seems like a better option even though he technically lied too .. But L .. Aigoo.. I would'nt accept him back even if he's a stupid idiot for following Sumi's plan .. If Sumi was just tryna get ljoe jealous and L doesn't have any feelings towards her,then why did he left Hyeri while she was crying to go to Sumi ? No matter what he's suppose to make his girlfriend a top priority instead of some random girl .. Especially when he jolly well knows how much hyeri needs him ..After that chapter i honestly did not want a L-HYERI romance .. Heck i was even open to another character stealing her away ..

But all in all,it was a good read authornim .. I'm looking forward to your future fics :) :)
InspiritForever123 #4
Chapter 67: Sorry, I posted my Comment on the wrong story, I had two tabs open... Just to let you know, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY!!!!!!!
InspiritForever123 #5
I liked this story a lot, but I didn't really like the ending
Chapter 3: Hum .. I don't really get how to read your story ... it's start at chapter 20 but we have to read the chapter 1 first ? I'm so confused .. can you explain me ? Like that I'll be able to read your story \(^o^)/
Junklin #7
Chapter 32: Good!!:) do come up with more interesting stories!
Chapter 68: awesome story but i feel like it should have been sungyeol with her
Why is the chapter started at chapter-20 rather than chapter-1?? Is there a sequel??
InspiritForever123 #10
Chapter 68: Wow, just wow... I am speechless, that was the best story I have ever read, I found this story right, when you started to write, this.... Thank you for writing this amazing story, and I hope you continue to keep writing great stories like this.