Chapter 23: Mismatched Couples

Our Twisted Love Story

~*Myungsoo's POV*~


Hye Ri... my Angel... she's changed.

My lips dipped downwards, forming a somber frown. I stood rooted to my spot in front of her door, frozen and unable to move even an inch. I couldn't believe what I'd just experienced; it wouldn't process through my brain.

She was so hostile. So different. What happened to her bubbly voice that would call my name? What happened to her arms that would wrap around my neck, pulling me into a warm embrace? What about her tinkling laughter? Her delicate, heartwarming smiles? What happened to my Angel?

She didn't even call me by my nickname. In fact, she didn't even call me 'Oppa.' Her lips didn't perk up the slightest bit; not a hint of a smile directed my way. No... She glared at me. She glared at me as if- as if... as if she hated me.

No way.

My Angel doesn't hate me; she's too kind. It's virtually impossible for her to even feel hate towards anyone. I should be punished for even thinking such a thing. It's because she's going through a rough time that she won't smile; she's just tired at the moment.

And have you ever thought about why she's going through a rough time? Why she's tired? Isn't it because of you? Why do you think she wouldn't be angry at you?

I shook my head with a frown, ignoring the sinking feeling that she really was angry with me.

She wouldn't... She isn't like that...

And how would you know? You haven't even stood next to her for more than 10 minutes for the past couple of weeks- for the past couple of months. What-

"...Myungsoo Oppa?" A voice sniffled in surprise. Slowly, I looked up, finding Sumi, puffy-eyed and teary, standing behind me. "Wh-what are you doing here? Wh-y a-are you j-just standing out-s-side?" She questioned between sniffles.

I averted my gaze, not knowing how to answer her. What was I supposed to say?

I came to check up on your cousin since I left her crying yesterday to go and help you, but now, for some reason that I don't even know, she's acting different and is shutting me out.

Definitely not. Even though she looks... a bit like a wreck at the moment, didn't Sumi say she'd murder me if I hurt Hye Ri? I didn't really want to die just yet.

"Is she not home?" Sumi questioned further when I didn't answer. I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again, deciding to stay quiet.

"I guess not..." She spoke quietly after a while, her eyes watching me cautiously. I think that she knows Hye Ri's home. I think she's saying Hye Ri isn't for my sake, for my pride, my dignity. I think she doesn't want to embarass me; she doesn't want to reveal that I'm still outside Hye Ri's door not because Hye Ri isn't here to let me in, but because she chooses not to let me in.

I should feel thankful towards Sumi, but honestly, I just feel tired. I couldn't help but wonder if things would have turned out differently if I had stayed behind with Hye Ri yesterday... If I had been there for her when I should have been... I quickly dismissed the thought from my head.

I had good reason to be away from Hye Ri. I was with her cousin. I was with Sumi. If I had been with Hye Ri, then I wouldn't have been able to help Sumi. It was my job to help Sumi. I drilled the thought in my mind, convincing myself that I had done the right thing. Yes. I did the right thing.

"Since she's not home... why don't we go somewhere, Myungsoo Oppa?" Sumi suggested softly, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "I-I need to talk to you, actually." I look at her with a worn expression, my gaze shifting to Hye Ri's locked door before slowly nodding and trudging after Sumi.

I saw something shift in the corner of my eye; Sumi's eyes shifted towards the direction, gazing intently at the source, -I think she nodded..?- but I was too exhausted to check what it was.

Probably wasn't important anyway.

~*Your/Hye Ri's POV*~

"Hello? I answered agitatedly once I picked up my cellphone to silence it's shrill ringing.

"Whoa there, grumpy." A voice chuckled on the other side, causing me to soften up a bit. "Are you free today?"

"Mmm." I grunted a 'yes.'

"Good. Then do you mind hanging out with me? I'm lonely and I need company. I'll even accept a grumpy, sleepless shorty." I could hear the smile- or smirk- in his voice, tempting my own lips to curve slightly upwards. I pressed my lips into a flat line to keep them from doing so.

"I'm not short." I snapped with a playful scowl. "What about S-Sumi?" I was feeling a bit sour towards her, but I willed myself not to speak her name any differently for L.Joe's sake... and for my own. "Shouldn't you be spending time with your girlfriend rather than her cousin?" I wondered aloud. If he noticed anything off, he didn't show it.

"Why? You don't want to spend time with me?" He countered. I could imagine his lips pulling up into a bigger smirk and his peaked, questioning eyebrow that seemed to mock me. "Come on. It'll be fun. Even better than sleeping in bed all day, I promise. Get ready quickly; if I'm in front of your house before you come out, we'll see what happens. Don't keep me waiting, alright?" He chuckled to himself before hanging up. I shook my head with a roll of my eyes, heading towards my closet to pick out a suitable outfit for today since I had nothing better to do anyway.

Surprisingly, I finished up in under five minutes. I walked to the living room, about to throw myself onto the couch when I had the urge to check... just out of curiousity. I was sure he wouldn't be there yet, but what was the harm in checking anyway, right?

I unlocked the front door, poking my head out, expecting to find nothing, only to be proved wrong; I was greeted by the familiar tuft of pink hair. He was leaning against the door frame, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "What took so long? Was my threat not threatening enough for you?" I rolled my eyes, nevertheless, a small smile tugged at my lips.

Seems he's the only reason for my smiles today.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I raised a suspicious eyebrow, ignoring his comment. "Were you camping outside my house or something?" I surprised myself with the way I was speaking. It was different, more harsh compared to the 'old Hye Ri.' But compared to how I was with that person this morning, I seemed to be a lot more in touch with my old side with L.Joe. My defenses were weakened around him.

"Was I being that obvious?" He joked. I bit my lip, putting my gaze elsewhere, preventing them from curving upwards. For some reason, it seemed as if I wanted to smile no matter what it was he said. "Since I beat you, your punishment is to go out with me today, you up for that?" Taking in my expression as I tried to hide my growing smile, he nudged my arm lightly. "Come on, Hye Ri-yah. Chin up. Where's that bubbly girl who liked standing still, waiting for people to run into her?" He smiled, reminding me of our inside joke. 

And just like that, my act crumbled.

Although I was intent on staying distant from others with my resolution to keep myself from trusting too much, I couldn't help but to give in to L.Joe...

Just this once...

I gave up on my less than half-hearted cold shoulder attitude towards L.Joe and allowed my lips to tug up into a bright smile, brushing off every ounce of hostility as I spoke to him.

"Fine. But you're buying me ice cream!" I beamed, reverting back to the 'old Hye Ri.' Back to the happy-go-lucky, bubbly, candy loving girl.

He let out a light laugh. "So Little Miss Grumpy isn't so grumpy anymore, is she now?" L.Joe threw me his trademark smirk. "You're not planning something evil behind my back, are you?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly.

"Psh." I rolled my eyes with a laugh as I pushed him out of the doorway.

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I'M SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! the past weeks have not been kind to me :'(


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Chapter 68: i love this story! but i wished that she ended with l.joe TT TT
syerakimmy #2
Ohhh and during the christmas time when hyeri went to Sumi's place .. Why did L kiss sumi at her house if Ljoe is not even there .. Sumi's plan was to make ljoe jealous but he's not even in the vicinity..So what's the point of the kiss ? Is L really that gullible or is he just plain stupid ?
syerakimmy #3
Chapter 67: The story and the grammar usage was all good.. Everything was going on smoothly but then the ending sorta killed it for me .. I'm sorry authornim..But i just don't think L should be her final choice .. I was rooting for sungyeol since the beginning and even ljoe seems like a better option even though he technically lied too .. But L .. Aigoo.. I would'nt accept him back even if he's a stupid idiot for following Sumi's plan .. If Sumi was just tryna get ljoe jealous and L doesn't have any feelings towards her,then why did he left Hyeri while she was crying to go to Sumi ? No matter what he's suppose to make his girlfriend a top priority instead of some random girl .. Especially when he jolly well knows how much hyeri needs him ..After that chapter i honestly did not want a L-HYERI romance .. Heck i was even open to another character stealing her away ..

But all in all,it was a good read authornim .. I'm looking forward to your future fics :) :)
InspiritForever123 #4
Chapter 67: Sorry, I posted my Comment on the wrong story, I had two tabs open... Just to let you know, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY!!!!!!!
InspiritForever123 #5
I liked this story a lot, but I didn't really like the ending
Chapter 3: Hum .. I don't really get how to read your story ... it's start at chapter 20 but we have to read the chapter 1 first ? I'm so confused .. can you explain me ? Like that I'll be able to read your story \(^o^)/
Junklin #7
Chapter 32: Good!!:) do come up with more interesting stories!
Chapter 68: awesome story but i feel like it should have been sungyeol with her
Why is the chapter started at chapter-20 rather than chapter-1?? Is there a sequel??
InspiritForever123 #10
Chapter 68: Wow, just wow... I am speechless, that was the best story I have ever read, I found this story right, when you started to write, this.... Thank you for writing this amazing story, and I hope you continue to keep writing great stories like this.