
iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


“Girlfriend, are you ready?” Hyunseong asked once again.

“No! Let me practice one last time!” You said as you hit the play button of your song on Minwoo’s surround system. You were inside Minwoo’s room in boyfriend’s world. It was the day of the audition. You woke up at five in the morning to practice with Minwoo and the Audition would be held at your school at five pm. Right now it was three pm and you had been practicing for six hours straight without stopping.

“Noona!! I’m dying here!” Minwoo whined because he had been dancing along with you for the rest of the day. At first he was excited, now he had muscles sore.

“Girlfriend, you practiced enough. You’re going to be fine” Jeongmin stepped up and stopped the song. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder to comfort you.

“Neh Girlfriend. Don’t worry about it too much. You have to let Jeongmin hyung to deal with your outfit now or we’re going to be late for the audition” Kwangmin said.

You sighed as you slumped down on the floor, fidgeting with the edge of your skirt. You were not ready for this yet and you were nervous to death. It was going to be your first time performing in such crowd. You never had a chance to show your talent before and with the present of the boys, your life had turned upside down. In a good way of course.

“Arasso” You gave up.

“Assa!” The boys cheered.

“Jeongmin, take her away” Donghyun commanded. Jeongmin made a salute sign and dragged you out from the room.

He then brought you to outside of the mansion and towards the front gate. He was holding your hand all the time. Then the two of you stepped out from the gate. A few seconds later, you were in your room again. The first thing you did when you arrived, you checked your iPod to make sure your battery was full. You couldn’t afford them to go disappear while you were in the middle of performing. It’ll be a disaster.

Jeongmin seated you at the edge of your bed and eyed you from head to toe. He then opened your closet and started to search though your closet. First, he picked a top. Actually he picked a lot and laid it down across the floor for final inspection. Then he continued with the bottom. He couldn’t decide whether to let you wear a skirt or a pant so he decided to laid down every skirt and pants that caught his eyes. He then closed your closet and moved in to your shoe rack. You had a lot since you care about your shoes more than your dress. He managed to picked several and up for a negotiation with you.

“How about this one?” He held up a black tee-shirt up. You shook your head. “This?” This time, a very revealing top.

“You want me to reveal that much skin?” You mocked him.

“I don’t think so” He put it back down. “This?” He held up a pink short dress. Again, you shook your head.

“How about this one?” You pointed a red checkers blouse.

“Hurm. It’ll give a strong vibes but then again your song is an upbeat strong song with just a tinge of cuteness. I don’t think this would look cute, it’ll look charismatic” He explained.

“Wear with this t-shirt inside then” You pointed to a panda shirt.

“Okay. Cute but charismatic. Cool” He picked up the cute panda shirt with the red and black checkers blouse you picked. “I wan’t you to wear this pants” He held up a white worn off short pants.

“You sure?” You hesitated.

“Definitely” He strolled his eyes and spotted on a white high heels sneakers. “With this” He held it up. You nodded just agreeing to his decision. “It’s done then” He stood up and grabbed a towel. “Go and take a bath” He passed the towel to you and pushed you to your bathroom. “I’ll wait here” He said.

A while later, you came out from your bath room wrapped in your bath robe. You dried your hair with your towel while you made your way to your bed. You sat down on your bed and continued to dry your hair. Jeongmin who was still figuring out whether your outfit would fit your performance or not stopped and stared at you. He left the chosen pieces of clothing and stood up heading towards you and took your towel from you.

“Come here” He helped you to stand up. You did and he dragged you to your make up table. He seated you in front of the mirror. He took your hair dryer that you hung on the wall whilst his other hand switching on the switch.

He started to dry your hair with your hair dryer. Shockingly, his skill was no exception. It was as if he worked with drying people’s hair tons of times before. You thought, he was the one that cared about his outer appearance the most. Maybe he got used with hair dryer. After a while, he was done drying your hair. Now your hair was dry and ready to be styled.

“How should we style it?” He asked.

“Apple hair!” You cheered.

“B-b-” He was about to oppose when you cut him.

“But it’ll look cute” you quivered. He sighed hard.

“Arasso. Apple hair it is”

He grabbed your hair brush and started to brush your hair diligently. He styled your hair as you wanted. His face was so serious. It was the first time you saw him so focused in what he does. He’s always had been a playful one. After he was done, he moved on to your face. He put on foundation, light powder, eyeliner, blusher, eye shadow, and he even put fake eyelash on you. He put on a light color of lip gloss as a final touch. The result, a stunning you. You was so beautiful that you didn’t even recognize your face anymore. It was so different from your previous image. Honestly, you never wore this kind of make up before. Although it was a light make up like you always wore when you’re going out but you definition of light make up doesn’t include fake eyelashes and eye shadow or blusher. You never touched those stuff even though you had a lot. Your mother had done everything so that you would at least try to wear some make up, but she just couldn’t force you.

“I.. I look so different” You wore your spectacles to help you see better.

“Nu- uh! Today you’re not wearing those” He took off the glasses and put it on your dressing table with a disgusted look.

“I can’t see! I might fall off the stage” You complained.

“Why do you think people invented contact lenses?” He took out a pair of contact lens from his pocket. It was a transparent contact lens. He said you had beautiful eyes that he loved to see and colored contact lens would just cover the beauty. So he suggested transparent contact lens so your eyes would stood up with the make up that he just did.

At last, you gave up and wore the contact lens that you swore on your cat that you would never wear. Now that your cat had die, you figured it was okay to break the swear.

“Now you look as pretty as ever” He planted a soft kiss on your forehead. You blushed a bit with the kiss. Your blusher was nothing compared to your burning cheek. “Now go and change” He passed you the shirt and short pants that the two of you picked.

After some times, you came out from the bathroom wearing the shirt and the short pants. He walked towards you with the red checkers blouse. He signaled you to put out your arms as he slid your hand inside the hole in order for you to wear the blouse. He then walked to behind your back and slid his arms around your waist, buttoning the blouse from behind. You could feel your heart thumping from his touch. After he was done, he rested his hands on your tiny waist. He leaned his forehead behind your back, closing your eyes.

“What’s wrong?” You asked him as if you could feel that something was wrong with him.

“Nothing” He said and let go of you. He lied. There was something that had been bothering him for the past few days but he couldn’t figure out what. He didn’t even had enough sleep last night because he was thinking about the ‘unknown’ thing that had been making his heart uncomfortable for the past few days.

You turned around to face him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, locking it securely. He was taller than you so you had to lift your head up in order to look inside his eyes. “You know you could tell me anything? I’m your girlfriend aren’t I?” You caressed his cheek. He smiled and nodded a little.

“I know. But I’m perfectly fine” He lied again showing his smiles to cover it up. You smiled after him.

Little that you know, you felt this strong forces that pushing yourself towards him. So you pulled him down with your arms behind his neck and your toes tip toed a bit to reach his face. A few second after, your lips touched his. The thing that you thought you would never do, but you did.

I’m kissing him. So in the end, I’m the one who kissed him. You smirked in between your kisses that you shared with him.  



Additonal infomation : The outfit that you're wearing for the performance. 


Everything except the shirt. Replace the black shirt with this.


Just the shirt.



So first of all, I'm sorry if this chapter didn't satify you.. But the Audition is coming up next.. And I'm sorry if the chapter is lame.. T.T.. I'm thinking of updating the next chapter later tonight or sometime later.. it's 4.16pm at my place.. lol.. so.. hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

And ouh! My twin and I opened up a poster request shop.. It's still new.. so if you needed a poster for your awhshume fic, please request at our shop.. ^^.. 

Click HERE!!

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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ