
iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


“What? It’ll be cute to have them running around the house” You giggled.

“If they break anything! I’m not cleaning it up!” Donghyun hugged his body in protest.

“Yeah! Me too!” Jeongmin stick out his tongue.

“I’m fine with it!” Hyunseong smiled.

“Yah!!!” The two of them glared at him. You didn’t say anything but just close their screen to make yourself a new boyfriend.

Little did you know, it was almost midnight, but you wanted to make your new boyfriend before you went to sleep, so you did. You went to the main page and tapped on the button. As usual, just like how you did with your previous boyfriend.

You already set on his face, eyes and nose, so now you have to choose his hair. You were stuck in between two hairs. There’s this nice dirty blonde hair and another one was almost the same style as the dirty blonde one accept its black. You decided to use the dirty blonde one. When the hair was on his head, you thought that he looked very handsome and beautiful at the same time. The last time you thought somebody was handsome and beautiful at the same time was when you first saw Kim Jaejong from JYJ. You ship him to death at that time. You set his height and it was the time to choose his clothing. You had made the three before you wearing simple casual outfit so you thought it’s time to make a change. You choose a black tank top with silver bling thing as the design and you pick the black jacket to cover his body. It looked so cool on him. You then tapped the button to proceed.

Just like the previous, the form like page showed up. This time, you thought a bit about your new boyfriend. You had been making all sorts of boyfriend and you were almost running out of idea. You really don’t know what you should write for his personality.  Then, half consciously, your fingers tapped the personality for you.


Name : Jo Youngmin

Age : 17

Birthdate : 24th April

Personality : Charismatic but could be feminine at times, easily amused by very little thing, vulnerable, very protective but doesn’t show that, headstrong, he’ll do it when he say he want it, specialize in computer, have a little problem dealing with his temper so he throws tantrums a lot.

Favorite thing : Pooh

Favorite colour : Yellow

Favorite food : Ddeokbokkie

Likes : Sleep

Dislikes : When people order him around

You clicked the save button and waited for it to load. While you waited for it to finish, you went outside to check whether your maids were still up or all of them had gone to sleep since it already passed midnight. When you heard or saw nobody, you closed your door back and went back to your bed. You checked your iPod but something weird came out. Not like before, the page didn’t direct you to the entry page but it direct you back to page where you first go when you wanted to make a new boyfriend.

“WHAT?!!!! I HAVE TO START OVER?!!!” You cursed. 


A/N : THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I do read all the comments and thank you to every single one of you for giving a lot of love on my fic.. ^^.. Ima continue to update and give you better chapters next time.. ;)

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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ