First Day

Sweet Melody

You quickly rushed out of your room and to the stairs. You were going to be late if you didn't hurry. You decided against running down the stairs and slid down the banister. It was more faster.

You look out the window and see Joon-Ho smirking at you from his silver Porsche 911 Carrera. He seemed to snort then drove off.

Quickly, you grabbed your bag and jumped into the limo. You'd have prefered to walk and enjoy the view but you were late.


You sighed in relief as you walked into your new school. If you had lingered another minute at home, you'd have been late.

You straightened your uniform and then walked into the class. It wan't what you had expected. There were teenagers sat on tables gossiping and yelling across the room. There were girls making out with boys and boys hitting on girls. You did not expect your new school to be like this. You thought that it'd be like your old school since they were both schools were prestige schools.

Quietly, you walked to an unoccupied desk and sat down. No one looked your way or even noticed you had arrived. It was just the way you wanted it.

A male teacher walked in and cleared his voice. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stood up behind their desks.

"Good morning class." He said.

They all bowed and replied in unison, "Good morning, Mr Koon."

They can switch from wild teenagers to polite children so quickly! You thought as you sat down.

"Okay. Read through page 456 in your text book and answer the questions on the board." Mr Koon commanded. He turned around and started writing.

Everyone shuffled to get their books out and obediently did as they were told. You did the same.

There was a small tap on the window. You looked at it and saw a boy tapping on it. You looked around the class and saw that no one had heard. He gestured for you to open the window. Surprised you pointed to yourself and gave him a questioning look. He rolled his eyes and nodded. You stood up slowly and quietly and walked to the window and opened it. You step back as he jumped in.

The boy winked at you and sat down in the seat next to yours. You followed him and sat down. No one noticed you let alone the new arrival. They were too busy working.

He whispered, "Hey, you new here?"

You nod.

He smiled and said, "Thanks for helping me. If the old man," he nodded at the teacher, "caught me one more time, I'd be dead meat. He'd report it to the principal who'd tell my parents who'd... Aish. Anyways, let me introduce myself. I'm Changjo. Nice to meet you."

You nod and whisper back, "My name is Lee~~~~~, Nice to meet you too...uhm...Changjo."

He nodded and smiled. "I like you already! Let's be best friends!"


In the cafeteria, you wait in line for the food. You see Joon-Ho. He was surrounded by a bunch of teenagers. You nodded and looked away. Suddenly the whole cafeteria bursted wth excitement. "It's Teen Top!" Girls shrieked in excitement and boys cowered away in fear. Curious, you peeked to where the crowd was. They seem to be surrounding a group of people. You looked away and continued to wait in line.

There was a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Changjo. He smiled and said, "Yo! We meet again."

You nod nervously and look at your feet. This was embarrassing. Everyone was looking at you now.

Changjo didn't seem to notice your uneasiness and asked, "Wanna join me? Lemme introduce you to some of my friends."

Without waiting for your consent, he dragged you out of line and pulled you to a table where five other boys were sitting. They all looked up, curious. Changjo grinned and said, "This is ~~~~~. She's new. She's my new best friend!" Your jaw dropped and the boys all stared at you. He was serious about the friends thing? The boys looked at each other then shrugged. Changjo smiled and looked at you, "~~~~~! They've accepted you into our group! Congratulations! You're in Teen Top!"



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Chapter 40: Love this story so much....ljoe is soo sweet....thanj tou for the happy ending ^^

Hope you can write another teentop stories ^^
Chapter 40: This is such a sweet fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv your fanfics DarkFallenAngel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyinpiniteu #3
Ljoe is so loving ~
saguilar #4
Whaa I have to go read Neil stories now! YOU OFFICIALY ALMOST MADE LJOE MY BIAS! whaaa! *zpf* (zelo pouty face)

AMAZING STORY! I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA END UP WITH CHANGJO! (sorry if spelt name wrong. Still new to them lol)
ailisu #5
i will love you forever.
shineebling #6
whoo!! she can walk again!!!! oh, this story's so touching~~
-jeiraz #7
WAH! I CRIED! UWAAAAH! you do know there's a therapy for paralyzed legs, right? but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS. SOOOOOO MUCH! uwaaaah~ <br />
I cried at most chapters.<br />
Chubs_chubs #8
your story is just jjang!!!<br />
L.Joe is just so sweet~
aieru #9
new reader here ^^<br />
ngawww it's so cute