Niel's Birthday

Sweet Melody

Yo! So, as you guys might know, today's Niel's birthday! WOOHOO! So this chapter will be about Niel's birthday party!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIEL!

Anyways... just wanna thank you all for the support you've given me! I love getting new subscribers and I especially love it when you guys comment... so thanks a lot~ Your comments and support is what keeps me up in the middle of the night, writing! Hope you like the rest of this story! 

Let's get started~~~


You walked back to the bed, not wanting to eavesdrop on your friends any longer. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

As you slept, you dreamt. Nightmares. Joon-Ho was pulling your hair. He was drowning you. You couldn't breathe. Joon-Ho and his friends laughed at you. He grabbed a pair of scissors and slowly snipped your long hair. Snip. Snip. Snip. It was all gone. You were bald. You screamed and cried.

L.Joe heard a scream inside your room and rushed in to see if you were ok. You were tossing and turning in your bed. He quickly ran to your side and patted your head. CAP rushed in after him. L.Joe looked at CAP and shook his head. CAP nodded and exited the room, closing the door, quietly, behind him. L.Joe looked at you  and kneeled next to you.  'Shh... it's ok..." You were still crying and screaming. L.Joe sighed and began to hum... He wiped your tears away and soothed you with his sweet melody.

In your dreams, Joon-Ho was drowning you. You tried to stop him, but it was like he had ten pairs of hands holding you down. Out of the blue, you could hear someone telling you that it was ok. You continued to cry and scream and tried to tell them to help you. Suddenly, a sweet tune calmed your dream. The water you were in disappeared. Joon-Ho and his friends faded away. You were not drowning in water. You were drowning in a sweet melody. It was calming. Someone wiped away your tears. You were calm again.


You woke up, the next morning, to the smell of coffee and croissants. You sat up and walked out the room, running into Changjo. He beamed and said, "Goooood morning, Best Friend!"

You smiled and said, "Good morning, Changjo!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Great. I guess... but my hair..." You swallowed down your tears.

He nodded. "Don't worry! We'll fix that up after breakfast! We had plans to go to the hairdresser's with you anyways." He dragged you to the bathroom.

"You were going to take me to the hair-salon today?"

"Yep." He nodded. "Niel's birthday party is tonight."

"Oh yeah...Wait... who's house is this?" You looked around.

Changjo shrugged. "Dunno. I think it's CAP-hyung's house. Nevermind that. Brush your teeth then come down! We'll be waiting!"

He left and closed the door.

You looked at your own reflection. Your hair was a mess. Instead of being long and flowing, it was uneven and cut short at random places. You hated it. Your eyes blurred. You quickly looked into the light. It was ok. It'll grow back in a few months. Looking on the good side... Hey, at least you didn't have any bruises.


Around the breakfast table was Teen Top, already dressed and munching on food.

"Good morning oppas." You bowed.

"GOOD MORNING ~~~~~!" They all chorused.

"Thanks for helping me last night..."

Niel nodded and said, "Don't worry about it! We're your friends! Friends need to help each other!"

You looked at him and said, "Happy Birthday, oppa!"

He grinned cheekily and said, "Thank you!!!!!" He jumped up, hugged you and gave you a big kiss on the cheek before dragging you to join them at the table.


In the hair salon, Teen Top all gathered around you and argued with each other how your hair should be. They all told the hairdresser to cut different styles. You smiled and rolled your eyes. Finally, they decided on a 'nice' hairstyle for you. They wouldn't let you see which though.

They sat back in their on chairs to also got their hair done. You shifted uncomfortably. Your hair was tickling your neck and poking your eyes. It was annoying. You sighed.


When the hair dresser announced she was done with your hair, Teen Top surrounded you before you had the chance to see your own hairstyle. They all looked wowed and amazed. L.Joe finally said, "Let her see her own hair."

They shuffled away and you finally got a view of yourself. Your new hair was... great. It was cut short in a boyish style but it suited you. You made it look... cute. Anyone would still be able to tell that you were a girl. You loved it. More than your old hair. Your old hair was sweet and simple, but your new hair was daring and interesting.

It was like clicking the refresh button.

You were going to start a new page in your life with your new friends.


Teen Top spent the rest of the afternoon finding a new dress for you. They finally decided on a strapless red dress that was up to your knees. It was cute and elegant. It suited Niel's party which was more like a formal.

When you arrived at the Ahn's main residence, you were astonished to see so many people. All eyes were on you when you walked in. Everyone greeted and complimented you and Teen Top looked proud. You greeted Niel's parents and the rest of Teen Top's parents. They all smiled warmly at you.

Unsurprisingly, Niel was the first one you danced with. You two tried hard to act serious. Though you succeeded you bursted into laughter when the dance ended.

You danced with CAP next. Finally Changjo got his turn because he was pouting so much. You danced with Chunji after and then Ricky. You accepted other people's invitation to dance. You were surprised when L.Joe asked you. You gladly nodded and began to dance with him. It was awkward but fun.

Your fun ended when you saw Joon-Ho, who was also invited. He was representing your parents since they were still on their honeymoon. He smirked at you and took something out of his jacket. It was your hair. You decided to ignore him but he was everywhere you went. Finally, you excused yourself and left the party. You didn't know where to go. You couldn't go home. You ddn't want to see Joon-Ho when he went back. Suddenly, you heard a loud vroom. You looked up. L.Joe. You smiled.


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Chapter 40: Love this story so much....ljoe is soo sweet....thanj tou for the happy ending ^^

Hope you can write another teentop stories ^^
Chapter 40: This is such a sweet fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv your fanfics DarkFallenAngel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyinpiniteu #3
Ljoe is so loving ~
saguilar #4
Whaa I have to go read Neil stories now! YOU OFFICIALY ALMOST MADE LJOE MY BIAS! whaaa! *zpf* (zelo pouty face)

AMAZING STORY! I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA END UP WITH CHANGJO! (sorry if spelt name wrong. Still new to them lol)
ailisu #5
i will love you forever.
shineebling #6
whoo!! she can walk again!!!! oh, this story's so touching~~
-jeiraz #7
WAH! I CRIED! UWAAAAH! you do know there's a therapy for paralyzed legs, right? but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS. SOOOOOO MUCH! uwaaaah~ <br />
I cried at most chapters.<br />
Chubs_chubs #8
your story is just jjang!!!<br />
L.Joe is just so sweet~
aieru #9
new reader here ^^<br />
ngawww it's so cute