Niel's REAL party

Sweet Melody

L.Joe drove both of you to the park where you walked. You had taken off your high heels and was holding onto them. L.Joe walked silently beside you, looking straight ahead. You sneaked a glance at him and quickly looked away before he could notice you. You cleared your throat. "Uhm... shouldn't you be at the party?"

L.Joe and you continued walking. "You're not there, why should I be?"

You blushed. "Why did you come?"

After a minute's pause, both of you stopped walking. He turned you around so that you were facing him. "I don't know." His hands were on your shoulders.

You stared at him.

He dropped his arms. "I guess... I wanted to check if you were okay... to see if you needed protecting."


You looked down on the ground and stared at your bare feet. They looked so small compared to L.Joe's. The cool breeze sent shivers down your spine. When you had long hair, it kept you warm, but now that your short hair barely covered your neck, you were cold.

Suddenly, L.Joe plopped his jacket over you.

Both of you continued to walk in silence. You stopped by a fountain and sat down. L.Joe did the same. Even with the jacket on, you were still cold. L.Joe pulled you in closer to him. You smiled slightly. You hid your head in his shoulder. You didn't see him smile.


"You're welcome."

You started asking him questions and he answered. You smiled and laughed at his answers. Slowly, L.Joe began to smile too. The both of you laughed at his and Teen Top's experiences throughout school. Suddenly, L.Joe got up.

"Let's go."

You raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

You grinned and said, "To Niel's real party. You didn't think that was Niel's party, did you?"

You looked at him in confusion.

He laughed. "That was Ahn Daniel's party. Now, we're going to Niel's party."


L.Joe parked his motorbike. He helped you get off before leading you to an alley. The both of you weaved in and out and finally reached a deserted building that had loud music thumping out from it. L.Joe dragged you in with him.

Inside, there were colourful lights flashing everywhere. Loud music was blasted out from the speakers which were even taller than you. The DJ stood on the stage. Changjo ran over to greet you and L.Joe. You could see people from your school dancing on the dance floor and laughing and drinking soft drinks near the bar. That was, you hoped it was soft drink. You weren't used to seeing people drinking alcohol. You had never been to a party like this. The teenagers who had been at Niel's earlier party were all there. They were different. Before, with the adults, they were formal and polite teenagers. Now, they were wild animals. Niel saw you and dragged you over to dance with him. CAP laughed. Chunji was smiling. Ricky joined you too. L.Joe disappeared amongst the dancing crowd.

How could you be so stupid? How could you think that Niel was the type of person who was content with just being in a suit, politely greeting guests? Of course he'd have a party like this. You laughed at your stupidity.

You stood awkwardly in the dancing crowd. Niel, Ricky and Changjo danced around you trying to get you to dance.

"Do I have to?"

Niel grinned and said, "Of course you do! Just copy what I'm doing."

You obediently copied him.

"Now you're getting the hang of it!" He beamed.

Changjo smiled. "That's my Best Friend for you!"

You all laughed.

The rest of Teen Top came and joined you. You all danced happily with each other, then you remembered something. "Niel! I forgot your present! It's at home!"

He looked at you then said, "Don't worry about it! Give it to me next time!"

"I'll go home right away!"

"NO!" Teen Top all said quickly.

"Why? I have to go home sooner or later. Might as well."

Niel pouted. "No, it's MY birthday! You HAVE to stay over at my house tonight! You MUST!"

CAP nodded. "Yep. We all decided to sleep over at Niel's place. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"But my things..."

Chunji smiled. "Don't worry. We've already told someone to get you stuff."

Ricky nodded. "Come on! Say you'll come with us! Niel's private mansion is big! It'll have enough space for all of us! Plus, we have MORE cake..."

It was tempting. You sighed then smiled. "How could I say no? Especially when there's cake!"


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Chapter 40: Love this story so much....ljoe is soo sweet....thanj tou for the happy ending ^^

Hope you can write another teentop stories ^^
Chapter 40: This is such a sweet fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv your fanfics DarkFallenAngel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyinpiniteu #3
Ljoe is so loving ~
saguilar #4
Whaa I have to go read Neil stories now! YOU OFFICIALY ALMOST MADE LJOE MY BIAS! whaaa! *zpf* (zelo pouty face)

AMAZING STORY! I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA END UP WITH CHANGJO! (sorry if spelt name wrong. Still new to them lol)
ailisu #5
i will love you forever.
shineebling #6
whoo!! she can walk again!!!! oh, this story's so touching~~
-jeiraz #7
WAH! I CRIED! UWAAAAH! you do know there's a therapy for paralyzed legs, right? but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS. SOOOOOO MUCH! uwaaaah~ <br />
I cried at most chapters.<br />
Chubs_chubs #8
your story is just jjang!!!<br />
L.Joe is just so sweet~
aieru #9
new reader here ^^<br />
ngawww it's so cute