Going to L.Joe's Place

Sweet Melody

The sun was setting as you and L.Joe made your way home.

The awkward silence between you and him was unbearable. You didn't know why it was so awkward. It shouldn't be this awkward when someone gives you something...right? You were nervous. You felt like there were a hundred butterflies in your belly. You felt as if your heart had been replaced by a drum.

L.Joe finally asked, "Do you want to come to my place to eat today? There wouldn't be anyone home at your place to make you anything."

How did he know? Well never mind that. You nodded. "Okay oppa. Thanks." You were curious to how L.Joe's house looked like.

He took out his phone to call his driver. The both of you waited in silence for ten minutes before the driver came with the car. Luckily, the ride to L.Joe's house was short.

When you stepped out of the car, you were standing in front of a mansion, and like yours, had a fountain in front and gates surrounding it. When you and L.Joe walked to the door, the doorman bowed and opened the door for both of you. When you stepped inside, a chandelier hung above the both of you. It was the modern type of chandelier, with white crystal hanging from it. His house was similar to yours. The maids bowed and took your jacket away for you. You gratefully thanked them. It had been a while since you've had people do that for you since all your maids had gone on vacation. It wasn't that you needed them to do the chores, you could manage yourself, but it was lonely being by yourself in a ten acres mansion. Especially a mansion you still weren't familiar with. Your old house was big too but you had lived there all your life so you wouldn't be bothered if there was no one with you.

L.Joe gestured for you to follow him. "Come on. I'll give you a tour of our house."

L.Joe took your hand and your face heated up. He guided you through the house. Unsuprisingly, the whole place was furnished with the latest furniture and artwork, like yours. You walked past a few pictures of when L.Joe was a kid.

You smiled and said, "You look so cute!"

He blushed madly and said, "Come on, let's go!"

You giggled and obediently followed him.

After walking around the house for half an hour, dinner was ready. You followed L.Joe into the dining room. On the long table, all types of food was laid out. It had been a while since you've had such a delicious looking dinner. You had been eating two minute noodles and take away food ever since the maids and cooks and gone.

You and L.Joe ate in silence. Then you blurted out, "Why did you donate so much money to the orphanage?"

He looked up, surprised, and shrugged. "I don't know." He said honestly. "I think I was doing it for someone precious to me."

"Someone precious to you?"

He nodded and looked away, drinking slowly from his cup.

"I know who."

He almost choked. "W-what? Who?"


He looked relieved. 

You both continued eating dinner, not so awkward anymore.


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Chapter 40: Love this story so much....ljoe is soo sweet....thanj tou for the happy ending ^^

Hope you can write another teentop stories ^^
Chapter 40: This is such a sweet fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv your fanfics DarkFallenAngel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyinpiniteu #3
Ljoe is so loving ~
saguilar #4
Whaa I have to go read Neil stories now! YOU OFFICIALY ALMOST MADE LJOE MY BIAS! whaaa! *zpf* (zelo pouty face)

AMAZING STORY! I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA END UP WITH CHANGJO! (sorry if spelt name wrong. Still new to them lol)
ailisu #5
i will love you forever.
shineebling #6
whoo!! she can walk again!!!! oh, this story's so touching~~
-jeiraz #7
WAH! I CRIED! UWAAAAH! you do know there's a therapy for paralyzed legs, right? but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS. SOOOOOO MUCH! uwaaaah~ <br />
I cried at most chapters.<br />
Chubs_chubs #8
your story is just jjang!!!<br />
L.Joe is just so sweet~
aieru #9
new reader here ^^<br />
ngawww it's so cute