Dying by a Hug

Sweet Melody

"Changjo!" you said in a panicked voice, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere very fun!"

You squeezed your eyes shut. "CHANGJO!!!!"

"Don't worry Best Friend~ I'm the safest biker in Teen Top!"

YOU'RE THE SAFEST?! "Changjo, please difine 'safe' for me!"

He laughed and said, "Safe: adjective. Secure from danger or risk. See, I study too!"

"And you say you're the safest?"

"Yep, so no need to be afraid."

"Oh crap." You muttered under your breath. You hear laughter from both sides of you but was too frozen in fear to check who it was.


You sank to the ground as soon as Changjo parked his motorbike. You were so tempted to start kissing and praising the ground but decided against it. Too many people staring.

The ride had been scary... but you had to admit you liked it a teensy bit. It was fun.

"You ok?"

You looked up to see one of Teen Top's members holding his hand out to you. He smiled. You took his hand and he pulled you up. Your legs were shaking slightly. "Thanks..."


"Thanks Chunji."

"You're welcome."

Behind you, a set of arms grabbed your waist. "SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!!!" Changjo yelled possessively.

Chunji laughed. Changjo stuck his tongue out at him. 

"Uhm... Changjo?" You looked at him.

He grinned and said, "Best Friend!" He had you locked in a bear hug.

Oh crap. Can't breathe. You could feel the air escaping from you. "Changjo... C-can't b-breathe..."

He didn't seem to hear you. "BEST FRIEND~" He continued to hug you.

"Pff-pff... She's gonna die soon Changjo!" Someone laughed and said.

Changjo let out a shriek. "BEST FRIEND!!!!! SORRY! CAN YOU HEAR ME? DON'T DIE!"

"Let," laugh, "go of her," laugh, "first!"

You felt Changjo's arms release you. He turned you around so you were facing him. He started shaking you while hysterically screaming, "BEST FRIEND! CAN YOU HEAR ME? IT'S ME!!! SOMEONE PERFORM CPR! CPR!"

"Changjo! She's not a doll! Don't shake her like that... and stop screaming! She's gonna go deaf!"

Changjo released you and said, "Mianhae Best Friend~"

You coughed and choked out, "That's ok." You looked at your savior and said, "Thanks."

He grinned and said, "That's ok. Oh yeah, lemme introduce myself. I'm CAP."

You nod.

He pointed to another boy, who was practicaally rolling on the ground bursting with laughter, and said, "That's Niel." He kicked Niel and said, "Get up dude! You're embarrassing yourself! People are staring!"

Niel got up, still laughing, and managed to choke out, "Yo," laugh, "~~~~~!"

Ricky came up behind Niel, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take deep breaths..."

Niel did as told and finally calmed down. He grinned and nodded at the last boy sitting alone on his motor-bike, "That's L.Joe."

As if he heard his name, L.Joe turned at you and nodded. You nod back.

Changjo put an arm around your shoulders and announced, "ANYWAYS...Let's go have some fun!"

If speeding like that on motorbikes and ignoring traffic lights is considered safe, what's fun? You thought to yourself.



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Chapter 40: Love this story so much....ljoe is soo sweet....thanj tou for the happy ending ^^

Hope you can write another teentop stories ^^
Chapter 40: This is such a sweet fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv your fanfics DarkFallenAngel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyinpiniteu #3
Ljoe is so loving ~
saguilar #4
Whaa I have to go read Neil stories now! YOU OFFICIALY ALMOST MADE LJOE MY BIAS! whaaa! *zpf* (zelo pouty face)

AMAZING STORY! I SWEAR I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA END UP WITH CHANGJO! (sorry if spelt name wrong. Still new to them lol)
ailisu #5
i will love you forever.
shineebling #6
whoo!! she can walk again!!!! oh, this story's so touching~~
-jeiraz #7
WAH! I CRIED! UWAAAAH! you do know there's a therapy for paralyzed legs, right? but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS. SOOOOOO MUCH! uwaaaah~ <br />
I cried at most chapters.<br />
Chubs_chubs #8
your story is just jjang!!!<br />
L.Joe is just so sweet~
aieru #9
new reader here ^^<br />
ngawww it's so cute